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An analysis has been made of the factors controlling the uptakeof 2:4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid (2:4-D) and related compoundsby Lemna minor, grown under controlled conditions. All compoundswere labelled with 14C in the carboxyl group and the 14C inthe plants, after liquid combustion, assayed as barium carbonate. With 2:4-D the rate of entry from concentrations of 8 to 32mg./l. is maximal in the first 20 minutes, then falls progressivelyuntil the rate is zero between 1 and 2 hours and in the thirdphase (up to 24 hours) there is a net loss from the plants dueto an outward movement of the compound back into the externalsolution. When the chlorine substitutions are in the 2:6-positionthe course of uptake is similar, save that loss to the solutiontakes place later. For the 2-chloro-substitution, after theinitial phase of uptake there is some loss but this is followedby a period of recovery and uptake again proceeds, but slowly.In contrast, the course of uptake over 24 hours of phenoxyaceticacid is normal, i.e. there is a steady accumulation. When plants are pretreated with labelled 2:4-D for 30–60minutes and transferred to water or culture solution then over90 per cent. of the 14C is found in the external medium after4:5 hours and this release cannot be accounted for in termsof exchange processes since the addition of unlabelled compoundto the medium retards the rate of loss. This loss is slowedbut not stopped at 1.25°C. and up to 22.5°C. the rangeof the Q10 is 1.6–1.9. Uptake in the first 30 minutes is temperature sensitive between7.5 and 30°C. (Q10 2.3–2.6) and in general is positivelyand curvilinearly related to the external concentration. Pretreatmentwith unlabelled compound up to 2 hours progressively depressesthe subsequent initial uptake of labeled growth regulator. Itis concluded that initially the rate of entry greatly exceedsthe rate of loss but that with time the ratio steadily diminishesto less than unity. Initial uptake of 2:4-D is markedly dependent on the pH of thesolution and closely but not completely correlated with theexternal concentration of undissociated molecules. On the otherhand, the outward movement is relatively unaffected by the externalpH. Combinations of concentration and time of exposure which bringabout loss to the solution need not cause any permanent retardationof growth. In fact, exposure for 1 hour to 8 mg./l. significantlyaccelerated growth in the next 8 days. These results are discussed in relation to previous findingsand it is concluded that the pattern of uptake is determinedon the one hand by the chemical structure of the growth substanceand on the other by specific physiological differences at celllevel.  相似文献   

Segments of Avena mesocotyl were placed in buffered solutionsof phenoxyacetic acid (POA) or 2,4-dichlorophebnoxyacetic acid(2,4-D), containing carbon-14 in the carboxyl group, and thequantities of radioactivity taken up by the tissues measured.With freshly cut segments in solutions of 2,4-D there is accumulationof carbon-14, but the course of uptake is interrupted by a temporaryphase when some of the accumulated 2,4-D is released to theexternal solution. If after cutting the segments are first pretreatedby placing them for about 15 h in buffer, and then transferredto 2,4-D, there is progressive accumulation with no phase ofnet loss. Pretreated segments absorb greater quantities of either 2,4-Dor POA than freshly excised tissues. Following pretreatmentin buffer the course of uptake of POA is linear but for 2,4-Dthe course is curvilinear. However, after pretreatment withnon-radioactive 2,4-D the subsequent rate of uptake of radioactive2,4-D is constant over long periods. The uptake of radioactive2,4-D is largely independent of the concentration of non-radioactive2,4-D given during pretreatment. When segments which have absorbed 2,4-D-1-14C are transferredto buffer, a relatively small proportion of the carbon-14, the‘mobile fraction’, is released. The amount releasedfollowing different periods of uptake is constant whereas thelevel of non-mobile carbon-14, the ‘residual fraction’,rises progressively in step with accumulation. The uptake of POA and 2,4-D is accompained by the formationwithin the tissues of other radioactive substances. It is concludedthat the residual fraction is composed, at least in part, ofthese metabolic products and that accumulation and metabolicconversion are inter-connected. Dinitrophenol (DNP) slowly and progressively depresses the uptakeof POA whereas the uptake of 2,4-D is very rapidly arrested.However, after about 2 h, in the continued presence of DNP,uptake of 2,4-D restarts but the rate never attains that ofthe control. These divergent effects of DNP indicate that POAand 2,4-D are accumulated by different pathways.  相似文献   

The interrelationships between chemical structure and patternsof uptake by Lemna minor have been examined for (a) phenoxyaceticacid and its 2-, 4-, 2,4-, 2,6-, 3,5-, 2,5-, 2, 4, 5- and 2,4,6-chloroderivatives and (b) benzoic acid and its 2-, 2,4-, 2,5-, 2,3,6-chloro-and 3,6-dichloro-2-methoxy derivatives. All compounds contained14C in the carboxyl group. The plants from a clonal populationwere grown at a constant temperature and continuously illuminated. With progressive chlorination of phenoxyacetic acid, uptakeis enhanced, so that by 6 h there is a fourfold difference betweenthe monochloro- and trichloro-derivatives. In complete contrast,chlorination of benzoic acid greatly suppresses uptake and thedifferences associated with the degree of chlorination are smaller. Arising out of previous studies, the effects of adding streptomycin,synthalin, and cetyltri-methylammoniumbromide on the courseof uptake of individual members of the two series have beenexamined. Each of the additions can induce positive, negative,or null changes in the pattern of uptake, but the nature ofthe response is also dependent on the properties of the compound. These findings are discussed in relation to prior studies concerning(a) penetration into the leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris, (b) uptakeby excised segments of etiolated stems, and (c) changes in physico-chemicalproperties resulting from progressive chlorination. Many of the complexities still remain to be resolved but itseems clear that adsorption by Borne membrane system involvingthe carboxyl group of the entering acid and the positively chargedquaternary ammonium group of alpha-lecithin cannot be restrictedto compounds which are physiologically active as auxins or herbicides.  相似文献   

The courses of uptake of benzoic acid (BA) and its 2-chloro-(2-CBA), 2,4-dichloro- (2,4-DCBA), 2,5-dichloro- (2,5-DCBA),and 2,3,6-trichloro- (2,3,6-TCBA) derivatives, all containing14C in the carboxyl group, have been investigated, employingstem segments of Pisum sativum, Gossypium hirsutum, and Avenasativa. From comparisons of the rates of accumulation by segmetns ofdifferent length it is conclueded that for each compound uptakeproceeds largely or wholly via the cut surfaces. The initial uptake of BA and 2-CBA by segments of Pisum is depressedas the pH of the solution is raised from 4 to 6.5, but the fallis less rapid than the decrease in the proportion of undissociatedmolecules. For all three species, BA and 2-CBA, which induced no extensiongrowth, were accumulated at a more or less constant rate. Bycontrast, the course of uptake of 2,3,6-TCBA, a powerful auxin,exhibited marked deviations from a linear pattern, especiallyin Avena where uptake became negative between four and six hours.This loss of radioactivity from the tissues was due to the netegress of 2,3,6-TCBA itself into the external solution. In Avenathe two dichloro-benzoic acids (2,4-DCBA and 2,5-DCBA) haveintermediate trens: net accumulation declined almost to zerobut subsequently recovered and proceeded at a rapid rate. These findings are discussed in relation to prior studies ofthe uptake of substituted phenoxyacetic acids and the conceptsof Type 1 and Type 2 accumulation. It is proposed that accumulationof BA and 2-CBA is largely governed by a stable Type 2 processwhile the initial uptake of the powerful auxins, 2,3,6-TCBAand 2,5-DCBA proceeds via an unstable system, similar or identicalto Type 1 accumulation.  相似文献   

When 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, labelled with 14C, is accumulatedby Chlorella pyrenoidosa, an appreciable fraction, which increaseswith time, is held within the cell in a form which is not removedwhen the cells are placed in a solution containing the unlabelledcompound. The accumulation of this fraction is dependent uponthe supply of metabolic energy since it is affected by temperature,light, and the addition of inhibitors or citrate to the externalmedium. The uptake of this metabolically accumulated 2,4-D follows apattern which indicates that a single enzymic reaction is apredominant component of the uptake process. In the presenceof the other auxins, including indoleacetic acid, 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyaceticacid and 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, the uptake of 2,4-D isdepressed and the changes suggest that there is competitionat the site of this reaction. The nature of the competitionis seemingly of the type where each compound serves as a substratefor the enzyme. It may be significant that the extent to which the individualauxins compete with 2,4-D is in the same order as their generaleffectiveness as growth regulators for other species.  相似文献   

Plants of Lemna minor L. were grown in axenic culture in order to investigate the direct effect of abscisic acid (ABA) on individual fronds and roots. Both frond and root growth rates were inhibited by 60%, and total growth of both organs was reduced by 30% with ABA concentrations of 2 mg/l. Abscisic acid inhibited frond reproduction, and treated fronds tended to remain attached to parents. Reduction of root elongation and frond expansion occurred within 1–4 hr. Prolonged exposure to ABA inhibited both cell enlargement and cell division in the roots. The results are discussed in the light of current views on the control of growth with endogenous levels of promoter and inhibitor hormones.  相似文献   

If segments from the mesocotyls of Avena sativa are first keptin buffer then the initial rates of uptake of radioactive 2,3,6-trichlorobenzoicacid (2,3,6-TCBA) and 2,4- and 2,5-dichlorobenzoic acids (2,4-DCBAand 2,5-DCBA) are less than those of freshly excised segments.No such effect of pretreatment is found for benzoic acid orfor 2-chlorobenzoic acid (2-CBA). Uptake of 2,3,6-TCBA normallybecomes negative between two and six hours after excision, andthis phase of net loss is prevented by the addition of streptomycin,which also offsets the decline in the rates of uptake of 2,5-DCBAand 2,4-DCBA. In contrast, streptomycin inhibits accumulationof 2-CBA. From a comparison of these results with similar andprior findings for substituted phenoxyacetic acids, it is concludedthat the initial uptake of 2,3,6-TCBA, 2,5-DCBA, and 2,4-DCBAis governed by an unstable accumulatory system (Type 1), whosebreakdown can result either in a phase of net loss during thecourse of uptake, or in a decline in uptake following pretreatment. Net loss of 2,3,6-TCBA is also prevented by synthalin (decamethylenediguanidine dihydrochloride), cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide(CTAB) and by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA). During pretreatment,the presence of streptomycin, synthalin or TIBA prevents a fallin the subsequent uptake of 2,3,6-TCBA, while the addition ofCTAB causes a dramatic increase in uptake. We have proposed for Type 1 accumulation a biochemical mechanismcapable of accounting for the unstable nature of the accumulationand for the protective action of the compounds with cationicnitrogen groups, such as streptomycin, synthalin, and CTAB.  相似文献   

In a previous paper it was established that during the courseof uptake of radioactive 2,3,6-trichlorobenzoic acid (2,3,6-TCBA)by mesocotyl segments of Avena, the rate, initially positive,became negative within six hours. This phase of net loss isprevented by streptomycin and by synthalin, while an enhancementof accumulation is brought about by cetyl trimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB). It was postulated that the initial accumulationis governed by an unstable accumulatory process (Type 1) whichinvolves adsorption by some cell membrane system through aninteraction between the carboxyl anion of the growth-regulatormolecule and the quaternary ammonium group of the choline moietyof -lecithin. Hydrolysis of lecithin by phospholipase-D destroysthis Type 1 binding, while cationic nitrogen compounds maintainpositive uptake by competing with the choline quaternary ammoniumgroup of -lecithin for the anionic site of phospholipase-D. The effects of pretreatment at a low temperature on the subsequentuptake of 2,3,6-TCBA and the influence of pH on the course ofuptake, as well as studies of the egress of choline, providesome support for the role of phospholipase-D in determiningthe instability of the accumulatory system. Synthalin and CTAB inhibit the activity of phospholipase-D invitro. However, other investigations with this enzyme alsoemphasize that such inhibition can only partially account forthe great enhancement of the uptake of TCBA produced by CTAB.Related experiments on the uptake of alkyl pyridinium compoundsby Avena segments and on their adsorption to lecithin in vitrofavour a suggestion that quaternary ammonium compounds, suchas CTAB, act largely by providing aftificial Type 1 sites. The mechanism and significance of Type 1 accumulation are discussedand compared with similar postulates for the binding of auxinsand salts.  相似文献   

Using segments of etiolated hypocotyls of Gossypium, a comparativestudy has been made of the processes which determine the patternsof uptake of a very weak auxin, phenoxyacetic acid (POA), anda very powerful one, 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T). When segments are placed in solutions of POA-1-14C, a continuousincrease in the radioactivity of the tissues is accompaniedby the formation of radioactive metabolities which can be separatedfrom POA by techniques of paper chromatography. At the sametime there is a progressive increase in the amount of radio-activitywhich cannot be removed by transferring the tissues to buffer.Uptake is inhibited by low temperature, anaerobiosis, 2,4-dinitrophenol,and iodoacetate. It is concluded that the accumulation of POAinvolves its metabolic conversion to products which do not readilydiffuse out into the external medium. With 2,4,5-T-1-14C the radioactivity of the segments at firstincreases rapidly but this is followed after two hours by aphase of rapid decrease. No radioactive metoabolites can bedetected by paper chromatography and all of the 14C taken upcan be rapidly removed by transfer to buffer. The magnitudeof the decrease in radioctivity during the second phase of uptakeis balanced by a release to the medium of a matched amount ofradioactive 2,4,5-T. Uptake of 2,4,5-T is somewhat less sensitiveto temperature and anaerobiosis than uptake of POA and is bycontrast only slightly inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol and iodoacetate. Pretreatment of segments in buffer markedly alters the patternof uptake of 2,4,5-T but not that of POA. It reduces both theamount of 2,4,5-T initially taken up and the amount subsequentlyreleased to the medium. In addition, both net loss of radioactivityduring the course of uptake of 2,4,5-T and the reduction inthe extent of uptake following pretreatment are both arrestedby adding streptomycin, but not by the addition of pencillinor chloramphenicol. It is concluded that the uptake of 2,4,5-T involves reversibleaccumulation by a process whose efficiency decreases with time:the most likely systems are a metabolically linked mechanismfor the active transport across a membrane or reversible adsorptionon specific binding sites.  相似文献   

An examination has been made of the phase of continuous accumulationof phenoxyacetic acid (POA) and the 2-, 4-, 2,4-, 2,6-, and2,4,5-chloro-derivatives, containing carbon-14 in the carboxylgroup, by segments of the Avena mesocotyl. On the basis of previousfindings to eliminate the initial transient components of uptake(Type I processes) the segments were pretreated for 13 to 18h in buffer or buffer containing the respective non-radioactivecompound. For five of the compounds the relationship between the rateof uptake and the external concentration takes the form of arectangular hyperbola, but for the sixth, 2,4,5-T, this relationshipdoes not hold. The data, except those for 2,4,5-T, have beenevaluated as linear regressions of rate of uptake against thequotient of rate over concentration. From each regression equationtwo constants have been derived: the point ‘B’ wherethe line intersects the rate axis (the theoretically maximumrate) and the slope of the regression ‘K’, whichcan alternatively be expressed as the concentration at whichthe observed rate equals half the value of ‘B’. The calculated values of B and K for POA are approximately twiceas great as the corresponding values for 2-CPA, and about 25times greater than for 4-CPA. The values for 2,4-D are closeto those for 4-CPA, and 2,6-D is intermediate between 2-CPAand 4-CPA. Although the constants for 2,4,5-T could not be calculatedprecisely, the rates of accumulation are about one-fourth ofthose measured for 2,4-D at equivalent concentrations. The uptake of radioactive 2,4-D is slightly depressed in thepresence of nonradioactive POA. Greater reductions are causedby 2-CPA or 2,6-D, and 2,4-D or 2,4,5-T are even more inhibitory.The pattern of inhibition caused by 2,4,5-T indicates competitionfor common sites of uptake, while POA appears not to be competitive.In corresponding experiments with POA, the presence of the otherregulators only caused small inhibitions and the order was different. Earlier work showed that in Avena accumulation is accompaniedby the conversion to a varying degree of the individual substitutedphenoxyacetic acids to conjugated derivatives. It is suggestedthat the variation between compounds in their rates of accumulationis in part due to differences in the stability of the conjugatedderivatives, and that the facility of conversion is a factorin determining physiological activity.  相似文献   

The patterns of uptake of indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA-2-14C)by etiolated stem segments of varying lengths have been examined,employing tissues excised from (a) the first and third internodesof Pisum sativum, (b) the top and base of the hypocotyl of Gossypiumhirsutum, and (c) the mesocotyl of Avena sativa. For all species,concentrations (10–5–10–3 M) and times upto 24 h, there is a steady accumulation of radioactivity inthe segments. For equal volumes of tissue uptake is inverselycorrelated with segment length but for extending tissues theinitial enhanced extension growth is independent of length;that is there is no direct linkage between the rate of extensionand auxin content. Comparisons between segments with free andsealed ends established that over 24 h some 57–73 percent of the IAA enters via the cut surfaces. Initially, thepercentage is greater; expressed as a rate per unit of surfacethe differences between cut and epidermal surfaces can reach28-fold. The rate of entry through the epidermal surface islinearly proportional to the external concentration but thisdoes not hold for cut surfaces. The addition of streptomycin,synthalin, cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB), and chitosanto the external medium does not promote uptake of IAA by Pisumsegments; indeed synthalin is markedly inhibitory. With Gossypiumsynthalin causes little inhibition. Larger depressive effectswere induced for entry via the cut surfaces. On entry the IAAis rapidly metabolized and the rate of conversion is higherfor segments with sealed ends. These findings are discussedin relation to (a) differences in the mechanisms determiningthe uptake of IAA and other auxins, (b) cell extension and thedistribution of auxin in the tissues.  相似文献   

1. Frog muscles perfused with Ringer solution in which potassium chloride has been replaced by an equivalent amount of rubidium or cesium chloride take up rubidium or cesium and incorporate them into the tissue substance in such form as to be retained during a subsequent perfusion with potassium-free Ringer solution, provided the muscles contract during the first perfusion. Retention of rubidium or cesium by a resting muscle does not occur. 2. Rats on synthetic diets, adequate in all respects except that potassium was replaced by an equivalent amount of rubidium or cesium, died after a period varying from 10 to 17 days with characteristic symptoms including tetanic spasms. Muscle, heart, liver, kidney, spleen, and lung tissues were then found to contain significant amounts of rubidium or cesium. The concentration of these metals in the muscle amounted, in some cases, as shown by a spectroscopic estimation, to about half the concentration of potassium normally found in mammallian muscle. 3. The results are regarded as tending to confirm the theory that the peculiarities in the physiological effects of potassium, including the facility with which it is "selected" by living cells in preference to sodium, are related to the electronic structure of the potassium ion as compared with that of similar ions. The possible relationship of the comparative migration velocity, a function of the electronic structure, to physiological effects is suggested.  相似文献   

1. Twenty usual amino acids examined were shown to be dividedinto two groups with respect to their actions on the flowerformation (A) and frond multiplication (B) in a long-day duckweed,L. gibba G3. Amino acids of the first group (e.g., arginine)inhibited A without preventing B, and those of the second group(e.g., lysine) inhibited both A and B. The inhibition of flowerformation was always the greatest when amino acid was appliedat the induction period. 2. The floral inhibition by arginine applied at the inductionperiod was partially or wholly reversed by the simultaneousaddition of other amino acid (especially lysine) or by one additionallong day. The inhibitions by lysine, however, were not reversedby arginine. 3. It was discussed that the terminal step(s) of photoperiodicinduction process might depend largely on the relative in vivoconcentrations of amino acids. (Received January 28, 1964; )  相似文献   

The comparative patterns of entry into segments with sealedand open ends, excised from etiolated internodes of Pisum sativum,have been examined for phenoxyacetic acid (POA) and its 2-,4-, 2,4-, 2,6-, 3,5-, 2,4,5- and 2,4, 6-chloro derivatives,each containing 14C in the carboxyl group. Sealing the ends greatly depresses the level of entry, on averagean eight-fold reduction at 9 h. Likewise, the interrelationsbetween the degree of chlorination and uptake potential aredisparate. For segments with exposed cut surfaces the finalcontent is maximal for POA and the 2-chloro compound and minimalfor the 3,5-dichloro derivative (3,5-D) with an eight-fold difference.With sealed ends this difference is reduced to two-fold butwhile 3,5-D accumulates least uptake is now highest for POAand 2,4-D. There are also changes in the order with time. Initially,2,4,5-T penetrates fastest into sealed segments but for segmentswith open ends entry is most rapid for the 4- and 2,4,6-chloroderivatives. Additions of streptomycin and cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide(CTAB) induce differential changes in the patterns of uptake.Where uptake is promoted the enhancement is not restricted toactive auxins. Sealing the ends may alter the nature of theresponse. The likely physico-chemical and metabolic processes concernedin the two routes of entry are discussed and the results comparedwith previous divergent findings on the relationship betweenchemical structure and uptake by Lemna minor and penetrationinto leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris.  相似文献   

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