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Homalomena lambirensis S. Y. Wong & P. C. Boyce is described and illustrated as a new species of the Homalomena Hanneae complex [Cyrtocladon clade] from Lambir Hills National Park, northeast Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo to where it is endemic. Comparison with the described Bornean species of the Hanneae complex is made and an identification key to species is provided. Homalomena lambirensis has previously been the subject of detailed pollination biology studies under the erroneous identity Homalomena propinqua Schott (= H. rostrata Griff.). Recognition of H. lambirensis takes to 10 the total of described species for the Hanneae complex.  相似文献   

Four new species of Schismatoglottis are described and illustrated from Mulu National Park in Malaysian Borneo: Schismatoglottis fossae (Patentinervia Clade), S. roseopedes and S. serratodentata (Calyptrata Clade) and S. pellucida (currently unplaced but likely in the Multinervia clade). A brief summary is provided of botanical exploration at Mulu, notably where pertinent to aroid botany.  相似文献   

A new species, Gonystylus othmanii Tawan (Thymelaeaceae) from Sarawak (Borneo) is described and illustrated. It is considered to be endemic to Sarawak. The morphological differences between the new species and related taxa are included.  相似文献   

A new species ofMonstera (Araceae),M. praetermissa, is described, illustrated, and compared to its most similar relatives,M. xanthospatha andM. obliqua. The new species is so far only known from Brazil, but has a broad distribution there, ranging from the south to the northeast of the country.  相似文献   

 A rheophytic aroid, Furtadoa sumatrensis M. Hotta, showed protogynous flowering behaviour, which reduced autogamous pollination within the spadix and promoted outcrossing among spadices by Colocasiomyia sp. (Diptera, Drosophilidae). Self-compatibility of this species allowed geitonogamous crossing between genetically homogeneous spadices from the same individual. Chemical dyes as pollen analogues were carried by Colocasiomyia flies bidirectionally along the forest stream habitat, and their movements were significantly affected by the density of mature spadices in a population. This correlation was consistent among populations. In a population with higher density, the dye's movements were restricted to a smaller distance logarithmically. Estimated neighborhood size (N e ) and area (A) showed positive and negative correlation with density, respectively. The range of pollen flow was estimated at most within a river system. Received March 7, 2000 Accepted January 23, 2001  相似文献   

Bailey et al. (1989) and Headland (1987) have recently proposed hypotheses stating that human foragers are unable to live in undisturbed tropical rain forests without some reliance on cultivated foods. The present discussion considers these hypotheses, as well as some of the evidence by which they have been tested. Four conceptual problems in the way these hypotheses have been formulated are identified: (1) assumptions about the relationship between key features of tropical forest ecosystems and human subsistence potential, (2) in-consistencies in the definition of pure foraging, (3) adherence to a dichotomy between foraging and agriculture, the result being that conscious and unconscious effects of exploitation on the demographic parameters of key resources is ignored, and (4) problems in defining the significance of ecotones. I consider the case of Penan hunter-gatherers of Borneo, a population which, by virtue of their reliance on the sago palm Eugeissona utilis, contradicts the conclusions of Bailey et al. and Headland. I consider salient aspects of Penan reliance on Eugeissona, and describe how Penan exploitation of this resource may positively effect its availability. This case is seen to provide a challenge to the hypotheses of Bailey et al. and Headland, not only in the extent to which it contradicts their conclusions but, more significantly, in what it reveals about the assumptions upon which their hypotheses are based. This points to the need for greater precision in the definition of future hypotheses about foraging in tropical forests.  相似文献   

The flavonoids and xanthones in the leaves of Amorphophallus titanum, which has the largest inflorescence among all Araceous species, were surveyed. Eight C-glycosylflavones, five flavonols, one flavone O-glycoside and two xanthones were isolated and characterized as vitexin, isovitexin, orientin, isoorientin, schaftoside, isoschaftoside, vicenin-2 and lucenin-2 (C-glycosylflavones), kaempferol 3-O-robinobioside, 3-O-rutinoside and 3-O-rhamnosylarabinoside, and quercetin 3-O-robinobioside and 3-O-rutinoside (flavonols), luteolin 7-O-glucoside (flavone), and mangiferin and isomangiferin (xanthones). Although the inflorescence of this species has been surveyed for flavonoids, those of the leaves were reported for the first time.  相似文献   

A new species of wild banana, Musa bauensis Häkkinen & Meekiong, is described and illustrated. It is from the Bau limestone area, Sarawak, East Malaysia.  相似文献   


Two new species of the genus Esakia Lundblad, 1933 Lundblad, O.M . (1933), ‘Zur Kenntnis der aquatilen und semi-aquatilen Hemipteren von Sumatra, Java und Bali’, Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplementum , 12, 1195, 263–489. [Google Scholar] are described, both from Borneo: Esakia borneensis sp. n. and E. mazzoldii sp. n. For the first time, E. johorensis Cheng, 1966 Cheng, L . (1966), ‘Three New Species of Esakia Lundblad (Heteroptera: Gerridae) from Malaya’, The Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London , 35(1–2), 1622. [Google Scholar] is reported from Sumatra; E. hungerfordi Miyamoto, 1967 Miyamoto, S . (1967), ‘Gerridae of Thailand and North Borneo Taken by the Joint Thai-Japanese Biological Expedition 1961–62’, Nature Life Southeast Asia , 5, 217257. [Google Scholar] from Sarawak and Sabah; and E. lundbladi Cheng, 1966 Cheng, L . (1966), ‘Three New Species of Esakia Lundblad (Heteroptera: Gerridae) from Malaya’, The Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London , 35(1–2), 1622. [Google Scholar] from Thailand (Narathiwat Province). The taxonomy of E. kuiterti Hungerford and Matsuda, 1958 Hungerford, H.B. , and Matsuda, R . (1958), ‘The Genus Esakia Lundblad with Two New Species (Heteroptera, Gerridae)’, Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society , 31(3), 193197. [Google Scholar] and E. hungerfordi is discussed. Esakia hungerfordi, previously considered by Polhemus (1992 Polhemus, J.T . (1992), ‘Nomenclatural Notes on Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera’ [Short communications], Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society , 64(4), 438443.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) as a synonym of E. fernandoi, is treated here as a separate species from the latter. Easkia kuiterti, which was also synonymised with E. ventidioides Lundlblad, 1933 by Polhemus (1992 Polhemus, J.T . (1992), ‘Nomenclatural Notes on Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera’ [Short communications], Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society , 64(4), 438443.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), is considered valid species. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F6E94274-2305-4096-9186-2D799124E2FA  相似文献   

Etlingera kenyalang is described from southern Sarawak. Ecological notes are given including a possible pollinator and seed dispersers. The Iban ethnobotany of the species is discussed; the shoots and fruits are edible and the leaves are used ritually during the Gawai Kenyalang (Hornbill Festival).  相似文献   

Capparis coimbrana, a tree of the Bolivian and adjoining Brazilian subtropical to warm-temperate seasonal dry forests and savannas, is segregated fromC. petiolaris of the Pacific slope of Ecuador and northern Peru by its subcylindrical fruits (vs. spherical), white pulp (vs. yellow), sepals 3–5 mm (vs.1–3 mm), leaves with 13–24 (vs. 8–15) lateral veins per side, and by 1000 km of geographic isolation. The new species has edible fruits, but is not domesticated. The specific epithet celebrates Germán Coimbra S., eminent Bolivian ethnobotanist.
Resumen   Capparis coimbrana es un árbol del bosque seco y sabanas subtropicales y cálidas de Bolivia y la parte adyacente de Brasil, segregada deCapparis petiolaris, que se encuentra distribuida en la región del Pacífico de Ecuador y norte de Perú, por sus frutos subcilíndricos (vs. esféricos), pulpa blanca (vs. amarilla), sépalos 3–5 mm (vs. 1–3 mm), hojas con 13–24 (vs. 8–15) pares de venas laterales, y aislada geográficamente 1000 km. Esta nueva especie posee frutos comestibles, pero no está domesticada. Su cpíteto específico honra a Germán Coimbra S., eminente etnobotánico boliviano.

国产芋属花粉形态   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过光镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了芋属(Colocasia Schott)6种、1变种、1品种的花粉形态,其中贡山芋C.gaoligongensis,龚氏芋C.gongii,李氏香芋C.lihengiae,花叶芋C.bic-olor4个种为首次报道。本属花粉为圆球形,无萌发孔。外壁纹饰分为两类:大野芋C.giga-ntea外壁光滑无刺,其余各种均具刺。花粉大小为20.07—32.76μm。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):179-188

Two new species of Schistidium Bruch & Schimp., S. riparium H.H.Blom, Shevock, D.G.Long & Ochyra, and S. mucronatum H.H.Blom, Shevock, D.G.Long & Ochyra, are described and illustrated. They occur in rheophytic habitats in China, S. riparium in the southern Hengduan Mountains in Yunnan Province (Lancang Jiang and Nu Jiang catchments) and S. mucronatum from further north, on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau of Sichuan and Qinghai Provinces (Jinsha Jiang and Huang He catchments). The affinities of the new species are discussed and on the basis of their concave and broadly canaliculate leaves with plane and erect margins, S. riparium is tentatively placed in Schistidium Bruch & Schimp. subgen. Canalicularia Ochyra, whereas S. mucronatum on account of its keeled, ovate-lanceolate leaves and the strongly curved and twisted peristome teeth resembles very much species of sect. Apocarpiformia (Kindb.) Ochyra within subgen. Apocarpa Vilh.  相似文献   

Parakysis notialis sp. nov. is described from the Barito River drainage in southern Borneo. It can be distinguished from congeners in having a unique combination of the following characters: head length 26.5–27.0% SL, conical head, presence of median concavity on margin of lower lip, presence of laterosensory canal pore between inner and outer mandibular barbels, branched outer mandibular barbels, branches of inner mandibular barbels separated, deeply forked caudal fin with pointed lobes, 5 pectoral fin rays, 10 branched principal caudal fin rays, sparsely pigmented caudal fin, and absence of light brown saddle from base of posteriormost dorsal fin ray to caudal peduncle. Received: February 11, 2002 / Revised: September 4, 2002 / Accepted: October 11, 2002 Acknowledgments We thank Takashige Idei for the gift of the specimens of the new species, and Darrell Siebert (BMNH), David Catania (CAS), Karsten Hartel (MCZ), Douglas Nelson (UMMZ), and Kelvin Lim (ZRC) for permission to examine material under their care. Funding from a Block Grant from the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan and the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, University of Michigan provided financial support for this project. Correspondence to:Heok Hee Ng  相似文献   

Ariopsis macrosperma sp. nov. from Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India, is described and illustrated. It differs from the other two species in the genus, A. peltata and A. protanthera, in having a typical terrestrial habit, growing on the soil as undergrowth below the forest canopy, thick, leathery leaves and lower number of larger, ovoid and ribbed seeds.  相似文献   

A new species, Pavetta puffii, is described and illustrated from Assam, northeast India. The taxonomic relationships of the new species with the hitherto known species of genus Pavetta are examined and discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, the flowering mechanisms and pollination strategies of seven species of the highly diverse genus Homalomena (Araceae) were investigated in native populations of West Sarawak, Borneo. The floral scent compositions were also recorded for six of these species. The selected taxa belong to three out of four complexes of the section Cyrtocladon (Hanneae, Giamensis and Borneensis). The species belonging to the Hanneae complex exhibited longer anthesis (53–62 h) than those of the Giamensis and Borneensis complexes (ca. 30 h). Species belonging to the Hanneae complex underwent two floral scent emission events in consecutive days, during the pistillate and staminate phases of anthesis. In species belonging to the Giamensis and Borneensis complexes, floral scent emission was only evident to the human nose during the pistillate phase. A total of 33 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in floral scent analyses of species belonging to the Hanneae complex, whereas 26 VOCs were found in samples of those belonging to the Giamensis complex. The floral scent blends contained uncommon compounds in high concentration, which could ensure pollinator discrimination. Our observations indicate that scarab beetles (Parastasia gestroi and P. nigripennis; Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) are the pollinators of the investigated species of Homalomena, with Chaloenus schawalleri (Chrysomelidae, Galeuricinae) acting as a secondary pollinator. The pollinators utilise the inflorescence for food, mating opportunities and safe mating arena as rewards. Flower‐breeding flies (Colocasiomyia nigricauda and C. aff. heterodonta; Diptera, Drosophilidae) and terrestrial hydrophilid beetles (Cycreon sp.; Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) were also frequently recovered from inflorescences belonging to all studied species (except H. velutipedunculata), but they probably do not act as efficient pollinators. Future studies should investigate the post‐mating isolating barriers among syntopically co‐flowering Homalomena sharing the same visiting insects.  相似文献   

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