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Aims: It is difficult to determine the effects of bactericidal compounds against bacteria in a biofilm because classical procedures for determining cell viability require several working days, multiple complicated steps and are frequently only applicable to cells in suspension. We attempt to develop a compact, inexpensive and versatile system to measure directly the extent of biofilm formation from water systems and to determine the viability of respiring bacteria in high surface biofilms. Methods and Results: It has been reported that the reduction of tetrazolium sodium salts, such as XTT (sodium 3,3′‐[1‐[(phenylamino)carbonyl]‐3,4‐tetrazolium]Bis(4‐methoxy)‐6‐nitro)benzene sulfonic acid hydrate), during active bacterial metabolism can be incorporated into a colorimetric method for quantifying cell viability. XTT is reduced to a soluble formazan compound during bacterial aerobic metabolism such that the amount of formazan generated is proportional to the bacterial biomass. Conclusions: We show here, for the first time, that this colorimetric approach can be used to determine the metabolic activity of adherent aerobic bacteria in a biofilm as a measure of cell viability. This technique has been used to estimate viability and proliferation of bacteria in suspension, but this is the first application to microbial communities in a real undisturbed biofilm. Significance and Impact of the Study: This simple new system can be used to evaluate the complex biofilm community without separating the bacteria from their support. Thus, the results obtained by this practice may be more representative of the circumstances in a natural system, opening the possibility to multiple potential applications.  相似文献   

The present study aims to monitor the surface water quality of different regions in Delhi (India). With many physical and chemical properties, all samples had a high load of pollution in which Najafgarh drain (Nd) exhibited maximum and laboratory tap water (Ltw) minimum contamination. Water samples contained notable amounts of heavy metals including Cr, Cd, As, Cu, Pb and Hg. A total of 88 Hg-resistant bacteria were isolated from all the regions except Ltw. Among all the samples, the density of Hg-resistant bacteria was highest in sample of Nd and their morphotype heterogeneity was highest in sample collected from river Yamuna nearby Kashmiri gate (Kg). Different strains showed different patterns of resistance to different heavy metals and antibiotics. Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) indices were high in two samples, the highest reported in a sample taken from river Yamuna nearby Majnu ka tila (Mkt) (0.34). The 12.5% and 24.45% isolates showed β- and α-hemolytic natures, respectively that might be of pathogenic concern. In this account, high concentrations of heavy metals and their resistant bacteria in surface water have severely damaged the quality of water and their resources and produced high risk to the associated life forms.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using photosynthetic sulfide-oxidizing bacteria to remove sulfide from wastewater in circumstances where axenic cultures are unrealistic has been completely reconsidered on the basis of known ecophysiological data, and the principles of photobioreactor and chemical reactor engineering. This has given rise to the development of two similar treatment concepts relying on biofilms dominated by green sulfur bacteria (GSB) that develop on the exterior of transparent surfaces suspended in the wastewater. The GSB are sustained and selected for by radiant energy in the band 720-780 nm, supplied from within the transparent surface. A model of one of these concepts was constructed and with it the reactor concept was proven. The dependence of sulfide-removal rate on bulk sulfide concentration has been ascertained. The maximum net areal sulfide removal rate was 2.23 g m-(2) day-(1) at a bulk sulfide concentration of 16.5 mg L(-1) and an incident irradiance of 1.51 W m(-2). The system has a demonstrated capacity to mitigate surges in sulfide load, and appears to use much less radiant power than comparable systems. The efficacy with which this energy was used for sulfide removal was 1.47 g day(-1) W(-1). The biofilm was dominated by GSB, and evidence gathered indicated that other types of phototrophs were not present.  相似文献   

Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which cause microbiologically influenced material corrosion under anoxic conditions, form one of the major groups of microorganisms responsible for the generation of hydrogen sulfide. In this study, which is aimed at reducing the presence of SRB, a novel alternative approach involving the addition of magnesium peroxide (MgO2) compounds involving the use of reagent-grade MgO2 and a commercial product (ORC™) was evaluated as a means of inhibiting SRB in laboratory batch columns. Different concentrations of MgO2 were added in the columns when black sulfide sediment had appeared in the columns. The experimental results showed that MgO2 is able to inhibit biogenic sulfide. The number of SRB, the sulfide concentration and the sulfate reducing rate (SRR) were decreased. ORC™ as an additive was able to decrease more effectively the concentration of sulfide in water and the SRB-control effect was maintained over a longer time period when ORC™ was used. The level of oxidation–reduction potential (ORP), which has a linear relationship to the sulfide/sulfate ratio, is a good indicator of SRB activity. As determined by fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), most SRB growth was inhibited under increasing amounts of added MgO2. The concentration of sulfide reflected the abundance of the SRB. Utilization of organic matter greater than the theoretical SRB utilization rate indicated that facultative heterotrophs became dominant after MgO2 was added. The results of this study could supply the useful information for further study on evaluating the solution to biocorrosion problems in practical situations.  相似文献   

Anaerobic bacteria that reduce hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] to trivalent [Cr(III)] are common in soils and were used to develop a bioprocess employing a selection strategy. Indigenous Cr(VI)-reducers were enriched from Cr(VI)-contaminated soil under anaerobic conditions. The mixed culture was then tested for Cr(VI)-reducing activity in a chemostat, followed by transfer to a 1-L packed-bed bioreactor operated at 30°C for additional study. The support material used in the reactor consisted of 6-mm porcelain saddles. Cr(VI) concentrations in the liquid ranged from 140–750 mg L−1. Cr(VI)-reducing bacteria were the dominant population with Cr(VI)-reduction rates of approximately 0.71 mg g−1 dry cells h−1 achieved at Cr(VI) concentrations of 750 mg L−1. These results indicate a potential for selecting and maintaining indigenous Cr(VI)-reducers in a bioreactor for Cr(VI)-remediation of groundwater or soil wash effluents. Received 09 January 1996/ Accepted in revised form 15 November 1996  相似文献   

We investigated the changes in the community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in activated sludge during incubation of the sludge in a medium selective for AOB. The number of AOB present in the activated sludge sample was enumerated by the most-probable-number (MPN) method. Both the activated sludge sample and the incubated samples for MPN determination were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Universal PCR-DGGE indicated that even after 40-d incubation in a medium selected for AOB, the MPN samples were predominantly composed of heterotrophic bacteria and not AOB. Denitrification by heterotrophic bacteria might lead to the underestimation of the MPN count of AOB. Not dominated in whole bacteria, one species of AOB was detected in both original activated sludge and samples after MPN incubation by PCR-DGGE targeting AOB. Furthermore, two new species of AOB were detected only after incubation. Therefore, the community structure of AOB in the MPN samples partially resembled that in the original activated sludge.  相似文献   

The oxazine dye Nile blue A and its fluorescent oxazone form, Nile red, were used to develop a simple and highly sensitive staining method to detect poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) and other polyhydroxyalkanoic acids (PHAs) directly in growing bacterial colonies. In contrast to previously described methods, these dyes were directly included in the medium at concentrations of only 0.5 μg/ml, and growth of the cells occurred in the presence of the dyes. This allowed an estimation of the presence of PHAs in viable colonies at any time during the growth experiment and a powerful discrimination between PHA-negative and PHA-positive strains. The presence of Nile red or Nile blue A did not affect growth of the bacteria. This viable-colony staining method was in particular applicable to gram-negative bacteria such as Azotobacter vinelandii, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, and Ralstonia eutropha. It was less suitable for discriminating between PHA-negative and PHA-positive strains of gram-positive bacteria such as Bacillus megaterium or Rhodococcus ruber, but it could also be used to discriminate between wax-ester- and triacylglycerol-negative and -positive strains of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus or Rhodococcus opacus. The potential of this new method and its application to further investigations of PHA synthases and PHA biosynthesis pathways are discussed. Received: 12 August 1998 / Accepted: 11 November 1998  相似文献   

Summary Murphy, Coll, Rich and Williamson (J. Biol. Chem. 255:6600–6608, 1980) described a null-point method for estimating intracellular free Ca in liver cells. They used digitonin to lyse the cells in solutions of varying Ca concentration. This method has been adapted for use with human red cells. The values found are about 0.4 m Ca in fresh cells, and from 0.4 to 0.7 m Ca in blood-bank cells, at pH 7.2 and 37°C. These are likely to be overestimates, and the errors and limitations of the method are discussed. Red cells may be loaded with Ca by metabolic depletion in Ca-containing solutions. Such cells have an elevated K permeability, and the relationships between free Ca, total Ca and K permeability were investigated, using86Rb as a tracer for K.86Rb flux studies show that the affinity of the K channel for Ca is the same in cells as in resealed ghosts where intracellular Ca can be controlled with Ca buffers, but the rate of tracer equilibration is 3–6 times faster in ghosts than in cells.  相似文献   

In vegetation stands, plants receive red to far‐red ratio (R:FR) signals of varying strength from all directions. However, plant responses to variations in R:FR reflected from below have been largely ignored despite their potential consequences for plant performance. Using a heterogeneous rose canopy, which consists of bent shoots down in the canopy and vertically growing upright shoots, we quantified upward far‐red reflection by bent shoots and its consequences for upright shoot architecture. With a three‐dimensional plant model, we assessed consequences of responses to R:FR from below for plant photosynthesis. Bent shoots reflected substantially more far‐red than red light, causing reduced R:FR in light reflected upwards. Leaf inclination angles increased in upright shoots which received low R:FR reflected from below. The increased leaf angle led to an increase in simulated plant photosynthesis only when this low R:FR was reflected off their own bent shoots and not when it reflected off neighbour bent shoots. We conclude that plant response to R:FR from below is an under‐explored phenomenon which may have contrasting consequences for plant performance depending on the type of vegetation or crop system. The responses are beneficial for performance only when R:FR is reflected by lower foliage of the same plants.  相似文献   

A 33,000 g supernatant from human platelets showed a biphasic heat inactivation curve at 45, 50 and 55 degrees C of the cAMP and cGMP phosphodiesterase. This could suggest the presence of two differently heat sensitive phosphodiesterases. However, a preparation heated for 30 min at 55 degrees C, where only the apparently thermostable form of the enzyme remained, still displayed the same characteristics as the starting material, i.e. two apparent Km values for cAMP, a cAMP specific activity lower at low protein concentration (less than 50 micrograms/ml) than at high protein concentration(greater than 100 micrograms/ml), and three peaks of activity upon linear sucrose density gradient. Moreover, a biphasic inactivation curve was again observed after a second heat treatment. These results demonstrated that the heat effect is not a simple protein denaturation of one of two independent species. A study at different temperatures of the profile of the cAMP phosphodiesterase upon sucrose gradient demonstrated that the dissociated form was predominant at high temperature whereas lower temperature favored the associated form. During heat treatment, the dissociated form is at first denatured and this leads to a shift in the equilibrium between the associated and dissociated forms of the phosphodiesterase in favor of the dissociated form. From the overall results, one can draw a model for phosphodiesterase regulation by dissociation-reassociation.  相似文献   

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