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Deep evolutionary histories can play an important role in assembling species into communities, but few studies have explored the effects of deep evolutionary histories on species assembly of angiosperms (flowering plants). Here we explore patterns of family divergence and diversification times (stem and crown ages, respectively) and phylogenetic fuses for angiosperm assemblages in 100 × 100 km grid cells across geographic and ecological gradients in China. We found that both family stem and crown ages of angiosperm assemblages are older in southeastern China with warm and humid climates than in northwestern China with cold and dry climates; these patterns are stronger for family stem ages than for family crown ages; families in colder and drier climates are more closely related across the family-level angiosperm phylogeny; and family phylogenetic fuses are, on average, longer for angiosperm assemblages in warm and humid climates than in cold and dry climate. We conclude that the fact that deep evolutionary histories, which were measured as family stem and crown ages and family phylogenetic fuses in this study, have shown strong geographic and ecological patterns suggests that deep evolutionary histories of angiosperms have profound effects on assembling angiosperm species into ecological communities.  相似文献   

The evolution of plant sexual diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Charles Darwin recognized that flowering plants have an unrivalled diversity of sexual systems. Determining the ecological and genetic factors that govern sexual diversification in plants is today a central problem in evolutionary biology. The integration of phylogenetic, ecological and population-genetic studies have provided new insights into the selective mechanisms that are responsible for major evolutionary transitions between reproductive modes.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic evidence suggests that the extraordinary diversity of the Cape Floristic Kingdom in South Africa may be the result of widespread evolutionary radiation. Our understanding of the role of adaptive versus neutral processes in these radiations remains largely speculative. In this study we investigated factors involved in the diversification of Argyroderma, a genus within the most spectacular of the Cape radiations, that of the Ruschioid subfamily of the Aizoaceae. We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms and a suite of morphological traits to elucidate patterns of differentiation within and between species of Argyroderma across the range of the genus. We then used a matrix correlation approach to assess the influence of landscape structure, edaphic gradients, and flowering phenology on phenotypic and neutral genetic divergence in the system. We found evidence for strong spatial genetic isolation at all taxonomic levels. In addition, genetic differentiation occurs along a temporal axis, between sympatric species with divergent flowering times. Morphological differentiation, which previous studies suggest is adaptive, occurs along a habitat axis, between populations occupying different edaphic microenvironments. Morphological differentiation is in turn significantly associated with flowering time shifts. Thus we propose that diversification within Argyroderma has occurred through a process of adaptive speciation in allopatry. Spatially isolated populations diverge phenotypically in response to divergent habitat selection, which in turn leads to the evolution of reproductive isolation through divergence of flowering phenologies, perhaps as a correlated response to morphological divergence. Evidence suggests that diversification of the group has proceeded in two phases: the first involving divergence of allopatric taxa on varied microhabitats within a novel habitat type (the quartz gravel plains), and the second involving range expansion of an early flowering phenotype on the most extreme edaphic habitat and subsequent incomplete differentiation of allopatric populations of the early flowering group. These results point to adaptive speciation in allopatry as a likely model for the spectacular diversification of the ice-plant family in the dissected landscapes of the southern African winter rainfall deserts.  相似文献   

Abstract The extraordinary contemporary species richness and ecological predominance of flowering plants (angiosperms) are even more remarkable when considering the relatively recent onset of their evolutionary diversification. We examine the evolutionary diversification of angiosperms and the observed differential distribution of species in angiosperm clades by estimating the rate of diversification for angiosperms as a whole and for a large set of angiosperm clades. We also identify angiosperm clades with a standing diversity that is either much higher or lower than expected, given the estimated background diversification rate. Recognition of angiosperm clades, the phylogenetic relationships among them, and their taxonomic composition are based on an empirical compilation of primary phylogenetic studies. By making an integrative and critical use of the paleobotanical record, we obtain reasonably secure approximations for the age of a large set of angiosperm clades. Diversification was modeled as a stochastic, time‐homogeneous birth‐and‐death process that depends on the diversification rate (r) and the relative extinction rate (∈). A statistical analysis of the birth and death process was then used to obtain 95% confidence intervals for the expected number of species through time in a clade that diversifies at a rate equal to that of angiosperms as a whole. Confidence intervals were obtained for stem group and for crown group ages in the absence of extinction (∈= 0.0) and under a high relative extinction rate (∈= 0.9). The standing diversity of angiosperm clades was then compared to expected species diversity according to the background rate of diversification, and, depending on their placement with respect to the calculated confidence intervals, exceedingly species‐rich or exceedingly species‐poor clades were identified. The rate of diversification for angiosperms as a whole ranges from 0.077 (∈= 0.9) to 0.089 (∈= 0.0) net speciation events per million years. Ten clades fall above the confidence intervals of expected species diversity, and 13 clades were found to be unexpectedly species poor. The phylogenetic distribution of clades with an exceedingly high number of species suggests that traits that confer high rates of diversification evolved independently in different instances and do not characterize the angiosperms as a whole.  相似文献   

Considerable debate has accompanied efforts to integrate the selective impacts of environmental stresses into models of life-history evolution. This study was designed to determine if different environmental stresses have consistent phenotypic effects on life-history characters and whether selection under different stresses leads to consistent evolutionary responses. We created lineages of a wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) that were selected for three generations under five stress regimes (high boron, high salt, low light, low water, or low nutrients) or under near-optimal conditions (control). Full-sibling families from the six selection histories were divided among the same six experimental treatments. In that test generation, lifetime plant fecundity and six phenotypic traits were measured for each plant. Throughout this greenhouse study, plants were grown individually and stresses were applied from the early seedling stage through senescence. Although all stresses consistently reduced lifetime fecundity and most size- and growth-related traits, different stresses had contrasting effects on flowering time. On average, stress delayed flowering compared to favorable conditions, although plants experiencing low nutrient stress flowered earliest and those experiencing low light flowered latest. Contrary to expectations of Grime's triangle model of life-history evolution, this ruderal species does not respond phenotypically to poor environments by flowering earlier. Most stresses enhanced the evolutionary potential of the study population. Compared with near-optimal conditions, stresses tended to increase the opportunity for selection as well as phenotypic variance, although both of these quantities were reduced in some stresses. Rather than favoring traits characteristic of stress tolerance, such as slow growth and delayed reproduction, phenotypic selection favored stress-avoidance traits: earlier flowering in all five stress regimes and faster seedling height growth in three stresses. Phenotypic correlations reinforced direct selection on these traits under stress, leading to predicted phenotypic change under stress, but no significant selection in the control environment. As a result of these factors, selection under stress resulted in an evolutionary shift toward earlier flowering. Environmental stresses may drive populations of ruderal plant species like S. arvensis toward a stress-avoidance strategy, rather than toward stress tolerance. Further studies will be needed to determine when selection in stressful environments leads to these alternative life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses provide a means to explore evolutionary explanations for regional variation in species richness. The environment might also explain much of the previously unexplained imbalance of phylogenetic trees. We use data on geographic distribution and phylogenetic affinity to examine correlates of species richness among genera of irises (family: Iridaceae). Irises display strong phylogenetic imbalance, with a few clades containing a disproportionate number of species, most notably those found in the dry Mediterranean climate of the Cape of South Africa. The abiotic environment and area are strong predictors of iris species richness, but environment alone is insufficient to explain the high diversity of Cape clades. One possible explanation is that the interaction between biological traits and environment resulted in the unusually high diversification rates in the region.  相似文献   

A significant proportion of the global diversity of flowering plants has evolved in recent geological time, probably through adaptive radiation into new niches. However, rapid evolution is at odds with recent research which has suggested that plant ecological traits, including the beta- (or habitat) niche, evolve only slowly. We have quantified traits that determine within-habitat alpha diversity (alpha niches) in two communities in which species segregate on hydrological gradients. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of these data shows practically no evidence of a correlation between the ecological and evolutionary distances separating species, indicating that hydrological alpha niches are evolutionarily labile. We propose that contrasting patterns of evolutionary conservatism for alpha- and beta-niches is a general phenomenon necessitated by the hierarchical filtering of species during community assembly. This determines that species must have similar beta niches in order to occupy the same habitat, but different alpha niches in order to coexist.  相似文献   

The thecostracans include the Facetotecta, Ascothoracida, and Cirripedia and show great diversity in both morphology and biology. This makes them ideal models for studying evolutionary adaptations of the larval and adult body-plan, lifestyle, and reproduction. Surprisingly, despite all the work published since Darwin's seminal monographs, few studies have tested evolutionary hypotheses about Thecostraca within a phylogenetic context. In this review, we combine a Bayesian phylogenetic method and multilocus sequence data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of 12 key thecostracan phenotypic traits associated with their lifecycle, larval biology, reproduction, and adult morphology. Our analyses show that thecostracan biological diversity resulted both from unique innovations and from events of convergence. This provides an opportunity to reevaluate previous classifications of the Thecostraca and the theories relating to the origin and diversification of this taxon.  相似文献   

With more than 200 species, the genus Agave is one of the most interesting and complex groups of plants in the world, considering for instance its great diversity and adaptations. The adaptations include the production of a single, massive inflorescence (the largest among plants) where after growing for many years, sometimes more than 30, the rosette dies shortly afterward, and the remarkable coevolution with their main pollinators, nectarivorous bats, in particular of the genus Leptonycteris. The physiological adaptations of Agave species include a photosynthetic metabolism that allows efficient use of water and a large degree of succulence, helping to store water and resources for their massive flowering event. Ecologically, the agaves are keystone species on which numerous animal species depend for their subsistence due to the large amounts of pollen and nectar they produce, that support many pollinators, including bats, perching birds, hummingbirds, moths, and bees. Moreover, in many regions of Mexico and in the southwestern United States, agaves are dominant species. We describe the contributions of H. S. Gentry to the understanding of agaves and review recent advances on the study of the ecology and evolution of the genus. We analyze the present and inferred past distribution patterns of different species in the genus, describing differences in their climatic niche and adaptations to dry conditions. We interpret these patterns using molecular clock data and phylogenetic analyses and information of their coevolving pollinators and from phylogeographic, morphological, and ecological studies and discuss the prospects for their future conservation and management.  相似文献   

Flowering plants display spectacular floral diversity and a bewildering array of reproductive adaptations that promote mating, particularly outbreeding. A striking feature of this diversity is that related species often differ in pollination and mating systems, and intraspecific variation in sexual traits is not unusual, especially among herbaceous plants. This variation provides opportunities for evolutionary biologists to link micro-evolutionary processes to the macro-evolutionary patterns that are evident within lineages. Here, I provide some personal reflections on recent progress in our understanding of the ecology and evolution of plant reproductive diversity. I begin with a brief historical sketch of the major developments in this field and then focus on three of the most significant evolutionary transitions in the reproductive biology of flowering plants: the pathway from outcrossing to predominant self-fertilization, the origin of separate sexes (females and males) from hermaphroditism and the shift from animal pollination to wind pollination. For each evolutionary transition, I consider what we have discovered and some of the problems that still remain unsolved. I conclude by discussing how new approaches might influence future research in plant reproductive biology.  相似文献   

The species rich butterfly family Nymphalidae has been used to study evolutionary interactions between plants and insects. Theories of insect-hostplant dynamics predict accelerated diversification due to key innovations. In evolutionary biology, analysis of maximum credibility trees in the software MEDUSA (modelling evolutionary diversity using stepwise AIC) is a popular method for estimation of shifts in diversification rates. We investigated whether phylogenetic uncertainty can produce different results by extending the method across a random sample of trees from the posterior distribution of a Bayesian run. Using the MultiMEDUSA approach, we found that phylogenetic uncertainty greatly affects diversification rate estimates. Different trees produced diversification rates ranging from high values to almost zero for the same clade, and both significant rate increase and decrease in some clades. Only four out of 18 significant shifts found on the maximum clade credibility tree were consistent across most of the sampled trees. Among these, we found accelerated diversification for Ithomiini butterflies. We used the binary speciation and extinction model (BiSSE) and found that a hostplant shift to Solanaceae is correlated with increased net diversification rates in Ithomiini, congruent with the diffuse cospeciation hypothesis. Our results show that taking phylogenetic uncertainty into account when estimating net diversification rate shifts is of great importance, as very different results can be obtained when using the maximum clade credibility tree and other trees from the posterior distribution.  相似文献   

郭文钰  黄建勋 《广西植物》2021,41(10):1707-1718
开花植物(被子植物)是目前最为繁荣兴盛的陆地植物,是地球上种类最多、分布最广、适应性最强的优势植物类群。然而,物种多样性在开花植物的谱系中极端不均匀,同时其物种并非匀速增加,而是集中在某些时期快速扩张。这种现象暗示了开花植物的多样性受到某些因素的调控,而揭示影响开花植物多样化速率的机制便是这数十年来植物学家孜孜不倦努力的目标。该文介绍了当前的研究进展。研究显示,那些与类群分类相关的关键性状大多与多样化无关,而早期被视为决定因素的花性状,目前被认为影响较低或是需要多性状联合才产生实际影响。多倍化是一个受到高度关注的候选因素,被认为能提供物种扩张所需的遗传物质,在适当的情况或其他因素的参与下促成物种多样化。然而,许多研究也呈现各类的争议,这些悖论或许代表了多倍化不是决定因素,而是扮演着间接的角色。另外,环境的变异(温度、湿度、空间)也能提高多样性的发生。整体而言,影响开花植物多样化速率的原因,很可能是一种综合因素共同促成的结果,而每个植物类群多样化速率提升的原因亦可能不尽相同。因此,先分别对植物类群进行探讨,再进行整合,或许更能提供一个确实且普遍的模型。  相似文献   

Wildfires underpin the dynamics and diversity of many ecosystems worldwide, and plants show a plethora of adaptive traits for persisting recurrent fires. Many fire-prone ecosystems also harbor a rich fauna; however, knowledge about adaptive traits to fire in animals remains poorly explored. We review existing literature and suggest that fire is an important evolutionary driver for animal diversity because (1) many animals are present in fire-prone landscapes and may have structural and phenotypic characters that contribute to adaptation to these open landscapes; and (2) in some cases, animals from fire-prone ecosystems may show specific fire adaptations. While there is limited evidence on morphological fire adaptations in animals, there is evidence suggesting that different behaviors might provide a rich source of putative fire adaptations; this is because, in contrast to plants, most animals are mobile, unitary organisms, have reduced survival when directly burnt by fire and can move away from the fire. We call for research on fire adaptations (morphological, behavioral, and physiological) in animals, and emphasize that in the animal kingdom many fire adaptations are likely to be behavioral. While it may be difficult to discern these adaptations from other animal behaviors, making this distinction is fundamental if we want to understand the role of fire in shaping biodiversity. Developing this understanding is critical to how we view and manage our ecosystems in the face of current global and fire regime changes.  相似文献   

Establishing how lineages with similar traits are phylogenetically related remains critical for understanding the origin of biodiversity on Earth. Floral traits in plants are widely used to explore phylogenetic relationships and to delineate taxonomic groups. The subtribe Swertiinae (Gentianaceae) comprises more than 350 species with high floral diversity ranging from rotate to tubular corollas and possessing diverse nectaries. Here we performed phylogenetic analysis of 60 species from all 15 genera of the subtribe Swertiinae sensu Ho and Liu, representing the range of floral diversity, using data from the nuclear and plastid genomes. Extensive topological conflicts were present between the nuclear and plastome trees. Three of the 15 genera represented by multiple species are polyphyletic in both trees. Key floral traits including corolla type, absence or presence of lobe scales, nectary type, nectary position, and stigma type are randomly distributed in the nuclear and plastome trees without phylogenetic correlation. We also revealed the likely ancient hybrid origin of one large clade comprising 10 genera with diverse floral traits. These results highlight the complex evolutionary history of this subtribe. The phylogenies constructed here provide a basic framework for further exploring the ecological and genetic mechanisms underlying both species diversification and floral diversity.  相似文献   

Physiological and molecular changes in plants grown at low temperatures   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Theocharis A  Clément C  Barka EA 《Planta》2012,235(6):1091-1105

Ecologists and evolutionary biologists have been interested in the functional biology of pollen since the discovery in the 1800s that pollen grains encompass tiny plants (male gametophytes) that develop and produce sperm cells. After the discovery of double fertilization in flowering plants, botanists in the early 1900s were quick to explore the effects of temperature and maternal nutrients on pollen performance, while evolutionary biologists began studying the nature of haploid selection and pollen competition. A series of technical and theoretic developments have subsequently, but usually separately, expanded our knowledge of the nature of pollen performance and how it evolves. Today, there is a tremendous diversity of interests that touch on pollen performance, ranging from the ecological setting on the stigma, structural and physiological aspects of pollen germination and tube growth, the form of pollen competition and its role in sexual selection in plants, virus transmission, mating system evolution, and inbreeding depression. Given the explosion of technical knowledge of pollen cell biology, computer modeling, and new methods to deal with diversity in a phylogenetic context, we are now more than ever poised for a new era of research that includes complex functional traits that limit or enhance the evolution of these deceptively simple organisms.  相似文献   

Whatever criteria are used to measure evolutionary success – species numbers, geographic range, ecological abundance, ecological and life history diversity, background diversification rates, or the presence of rapidly evolving clades – the legume family is one of the most successful lineages of flowering plants. Despite this, we still know rather little about the dynamics of lineage and species diversification across the family through the Cenozoic, or about the underlying drivers of diversification. There have been few attempts to estimate net species diversification rates or underlying speciation and extinction rates for legume clades, to test whether among-lineage variation in diversification rates deviates from null expectations, or to locate species diversification rate shifts on specific branches of the legume phylogenetic tree. In this study, time-calibrated phylogenetic trees for a set of species-rich legume clades – Calliandra, Indigofereae, Lupinus, Mimosa and Robinieae – and for the legume family as a whole, are used to explore how we might approach these questions. These clades are analysed using recently developed maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods to detect species diversification rate shifts and test for among-lineage variation in speciation, extinction and net diversification rates. Possible explanations for rate shifts in terms of extrinsic factors and/or intrinsic trait evolution are discussed. In addition, several methodological issues and limitations associated with these analyses are highlighted emphasizing the potential to improve our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of legume diversification by using much more densely sampled phylogenetic trees that integrate information across broad taxonomic, geographical and temporal levels.  相似文献   

1. Non-trophic interactions between plants and animals can affect community structure and species trait composition. However, it is unclear how changes in intra- and interspecific morphological traits of plant species affect non-trophic interactions at a metacommunity scale. Additionally, whether plant evolutionary history determines taxonomic and functional diversity of plant-dwelling predators is an open question. 2. To address these gaps, this study used a published dataset with spiders dwelling exclusively on bromeliads to investigate if: (i) intra- and interspecific variability in host plant morphological traits affects spider taxonomic and functional diversity; and (ii) bromeliad trait evolution determines present-day patterns of spider trait diversity. 3. Spider and bromeliad traits were measured, and a new statistical framework was used to quantify the response of spider beta diversity to intra- and interspecific variation in bromeliad traits. In addition, bromeliad traits were decomposed across its phylogenetic tree to check whether the current variation in morphological traits of bromeliads is a result of either ancestral or recent diversification. 4. Bromeliad intraspecific variation did not affect spiders, but leaf length variation between bromeliad species had a positive effect on spider functional beta diversity. Interestingly, the most ancestral split between two subfamilies explained most of the variation in bromeliad species, which suggests that spider functional diversity could represent an outcome of bromeliad evolutionary history. 5. Overall, the results of this study suggest that interactions between plants and organisms that do not feed directly on their tissues could be shaped by plant evolutionary history, which in turn suggests that non-trophic interactions can be maintained over time.  相似文献   

Kembel SW  Cahill JF 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e19992
In this study, we used data from temperate grassland plant communities in Alberta, Canada to test two longstanding hypotheses in ecology: 1) that there has been correlated evolution of the leaves and roots of plants due to selection for an integrated whole-plant resource uptake strategy, and 2) that trait diversity in ecological communities is generated by adaptations to the conditions in different habitats. We tested the first hypothesis using phylogenetic comparative methods to test for evidence of correlated evolution of suites of leaf and root functional traits in these grasslands. There were consistent evolutionary correlations among traits related to plant resource uptake strategies within leaf tissues, and within root tissues. In contrast, there were inconsistent correlations between the traits of leaves and the traits of roots, suggesting different evolutionary pressures on the above and belowground components of plant morphology. To test the second hypothesis, we evaluated the relative importance of two components of trait diversity: within-community variation (species trait values relative to co-occurring species; α traits) and among-community variation (the average trait value in communities where species occur; β traits). Trait diversity was mostly explained by variation among co-occurring species, not among-communities. Additionally, there was a phylogenetic signal in the within-community trait values of species relative to co-occurring taxa, but not in their habitat associations or among-community trait variation. These results suggest that sorting of pre-existing trait variation into local communities can explain the leaf and root trait diversity in these grasslands.  相似文献   

Evolutionary radiations are responsible for much of Earth's diversity, yet the causes of these radiations are often elusive. Determining the relative roles of adaptation and geographic isolation in diversification is vital to understanding the causes of any radiation, and whether a radiation may be labeled as “adaptive” or not. Across many groups of plants, trait–climate relationships suggest that traits are an important indicator of how plants adapt to different climates. In particular, analyses of plant functional traits in global databases suggest that there is an “economics spectrum” along which combinations of functional traits covary along a fast–slow continuum. We examine evolutionary associations among traits and between trait and climate variables on a strongly supported phylogeny in the iconic plant genus Protea to identify correlated evolution of functional traits and the climatic‐niches that species occupy. Results indicate that trait diversification in Protea has climate associations along two axes of variation: correlated evolution of plant size with temperature and leaf investment with rainfall. Evidence suggests that traits and climatic‐niches evolve in similar ways, although some of these associations are inconsistent with global patterns on a broader phylogenetic scale. When combined with previous experimental work suggesting that trait–climate associations are adaptive in Protea, the results presented here suggest that trait diversification in this radiation is adaptive.  相似文献   

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