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Grasses (Poaceae) are the largest family of vascular plants in Burkina Faso with 254 species. In the savannahs they are the most important family in terms of abundance and species richness, in other habitats, such as gallery forests, there are only few species. On the country scale there is a change in growth form: while in the Sahelian north most grasses are small therophytes, the Sudanian south is characterized by tall, often perennial grasses. To analyse these patterns in detail, we compiled a database on grass occurrences and used it in an ecological niche modelling approach with the programme Maxent to obtain country‐wide distribution models. Secondly we used data on photosynthetic type, height, leaf width and growth form to aggregate the species distributions and quantified the relative importance of functional groups per grid cell. Pronounced latitudinal differences could be shown for life forms, photosynthesis and size: the drier north is characterized by smaller, mainly therophytic grasses with a high share of C4 NAD‐ME photosynthesis, while the more humid south is characterized by tall, often hemicryptophytic grasses with C4 NADP‐ME photosynthesis. For leaf width, no clear country‐wide patterns could be observed, but local differences with more broad‐leaved grasses in humid areas.  相似文献   

4种北方植物元素性状的时间变化及其驱动因素 植物种内性状的变异对个体适合度和草食动物的觅食有重要影响。对于植物来说,在空间维度上的性状变异已经得到了很好的证明。然而,对性状变异的时间维度仍知之甚少,但其可能受生长度日、温度和降水季节差异的影响。本研究的目的是量化4种常见的北方植物物种性状的种内时间变异及其变异的驱动因素。我们对4种常见树种的叶片进行了为期两年的元素和化学计量性状采样(%C, %N, %P, C:N, C:P, N:P)。本研究分两个步骤进行,首先将广义线性模型(GzLM, n = 24)与我们研究的物种的元素和化学计量性状拟合,以测试它们是否随年份而变化。当我们获得时间变异性的证据时,我们拟合第二组GzLMs (n = 8),将温度、生产力和湿度作为解释变量。研究结果显示,除了两个例外,4种北方植物的大部分元素和化学计量性状都没有时间变异性。年份是所有4种植物的碳百分比(R2 = 0.47–0.67)以及香脂冷杉(Abies balsamea)中多种元素和化学计量性状(5/8, R2 = 0.29–0.67)的重要预测因子。因此,碳百分比的变化与年际差异有关,而与限制北方森林养分的氮和磷关系更大。这些研究结果还表明,由于生活史的差异,针叶树的化学计量比落叶植物的化学计量的年际差异更大。生长度日是第二轮模型中最频繁出现的变量(8/8 次,R2 = 0.21–0.41),表明温度是这些性状时间变异的重要驱动因素。  相似文献   

研究群落演替过程中植物功能性状与土壤含水量的关系, 揭示植物对水分供给变化的响应策略, 具有重要的生态学意义。该研究以浙江东部天童山、南山和双峰山的3个常绿阔叶林演替系列为对象, 旨在探索不同演替阶段常见植物的功能性状与森林群落土壤含水量的相互关系。研究结果显示: 森林演替中后期的树木高度、树冠面积、叶片干物质含量显著大于演替前期植物; 相反, 叶片净光合速率和蒸腾速率随演替进程而降低。随森林演替, 表层土壤(0-20 cm)的含水量显著增加, 深层土壤(20-40 cm)含水量随演替进程增加但不显著。表层土壤含水量与树木高度、树冠面积和叶片干物质含量显著正相关, 与叶片净光合速率和蒸腾速率显著负相关; 深层土壤含水量与树冠面积显著正相关, 与叶片净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率显著负相关。树木高度、树冠面积、叶片干物质含量、叶片净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率均可解释土壤含水量随演替进程的变化趋势, 而冠长比对土壤水分变化的响应最为敏感。  相似文献   

探讨森林植物群落物种多样性、功能性状与化学计量特征及其内在关联,有助于构建结构-性状-功能的研究脉络,深入理解生态系统的过程与功能,为群落结构优化配置和调控提供科学依据。以贵州喀斯特高原峡谷区森林草灌、灌木、灌乔和乔木4个演替阶段的植物群落为对象,通过群落学调查和植物功能性状、生态化学计量测度,研究其物种多样性、功能性状和化学计量特征及其互作关系。结果表明:(1)乔木阶段的Shannon-Wiener指数与Pielou均匀度指数均为最高,依次达8.62、2.41,表明伴随着群落演替,物种分布的均匀程度增加。(2)植物群落物种多样性指数之间仅Margalef丰富度指数与Simpson优势度指数未呈显著相关(-0.644),其余均为显著或极显著相关关系,表明物种多样性指数之间存在较强的促进或抑制作用。(3)叶片厚度与其余指标,以及群落物种多样性指数与功能性状、化学计量之间均未呈显著相关,比叶面积(SLA)仅与土壤N∶P呈显著正相关(0.742),表明群落物种多样性、功能性状和生态化学计量特征之间的相关性较弱。(4)SLA为灌木阶段的272.13 cm2/g为最大,δ13C值在演替后期略高,草灌、灌木阶段倾向于受N、P共同限制,说明随演替进展,植物的适应策略和资源利用对策等均发生了一定的调整,表明植物和环境之间存在较强的协变关系。(5)该区森林培育时,应构建完整的乔木、灌木和草本层片,提高生态系统对养分矿化、转化和循环等的自调控能力。  相似文献   

干旱半干旱区植物的木质部输水系统对维持植物生长发育有重要作用。以中国干旱半干旱区的草本植物为研究对象,旨在探究草本物种根系导管解剖结构与植物生长之间的关系。用石蜡切片法,将在锡林浩特草原采集的草本物种的主根样品制作成切片,得到固定面积内导管解剖结构参量(导管数量、导管分数、平均导管面积、平均水力传导率和水力直径),然后用逐步回归法和Pearson相关分析各导管解剖性状与植物生长特征(年龄、生长速率和平均高度)之间的关系。结果发现(1)生长速率与导管数量(R=-0.494,P<0.01)和导管分数(R=-0.255,P<0.05)显著负相关,与平均导管面积(R=0.274,P<0.05)、平均水力传导率(R=0.263,P<0.05)和水力直径(R=0.245,P<0.05)显著正相关,表明生长快的草本具有大而少的导管,需要较高的水分传输能力,而生长慢的草本具有小而多的导管,水力安全性较高;(2)植株的高度与导管数量(R=-0.354,P<0.01)显著负相关,与平均导管面积(R=0.293,P<0.05)、平均水力传导率(R=0.289,P&l...  相似文献   

亚热带次生常绿阔叶林普遍存在生长滞缓、固碳功能和经济价值低下等问题,迫切需要通过人工抚育提高其生态系统功能。对植物功能性状及其多样性的深入研究,能够找寻植物共存与群落稳定发展的内在机制,为提升森林生态系统功能的实践提供基础。为了探究人工抚育对亚热带次生常绿阔叶林质量提升的影响,以杭州午潮山国家森林公园内的次生常绿阔叶林为研究对象,实施了不同强度的抚育措施,通过群落植被复查,分析群落植物功能性状以及功能多样性对不同强度人工抚育的响应。结果发现:抚育2年后,群落最大潜在树高与叶片氮、磷、钾含量显著上升,而叶片干物质含量和叶片叶绿素含量均有显著下降,比叶面积有下降趋势,两种强度的抚育之间差异不显著;叶片干物质含量、叶绿素含量与叶片氮含量间的相关性由不显著变为了显著负相关,而叶片干物质含量与叶片叶绿素含量,叶片磷、钾含量与叶片氮含量,叶片磷含量与叶片钾含量间的相关性由不显著变为显著正相关;在20%强度抚育下,功能丰富度指数均值从对照的0.52显著下降为0.16,功能均匀度指数与功能分离度指数的均值则分别上升到0.61和0.67,显著高于对照组的0.51和0.56;在10%强度抚育下,功能丰富度有所下降,功能均匀度与功能分离度均有所上升,但差异不显著。研究表明,人工抚育在一定程度上改变了群落水平的植物功能性状与功能多样性,提高了群落植物利用资源的能力和效率;而适度的抚育强度更能解放资源空间,对群落产生的影响更加明显。该结果为亚热带次生常绿阔叶林的经营与管理提供依据与参考。  相似文献   

We hypothesized that associations among plant functional traits may differ within different ecological assemblages and plant communities. Association among plant traits including plant maximum height, seed weight, fruit type, pollination mode, mean leaf area, and leaf type were explored within life forms, plant strategy groups along with lowland and montane forest vegetation. In total, 83 sampling plots of 400 m2 were placed along a 2400 m altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian forest. Importance‐values of species within vegetation types were used for weighting data and trait associations were explored using categorical principal component analysis. A G‐test and Fisher's exact test of independence were used to retest significance of the correlations. Different paired trait associations (association lines) including height–leaf, height–seed, height–pollination, leaf–seed, seed–fruit and fruit–pollination were observed and their ecological or physiological basis was discussed. Life forms, strategy types and vegetation types differed based on association lines. Some of the well‐known trade‐offs appear by increasing scale from ecological groups to vegetation types in Hyrcanian forest. The observed patterns of trait associations in Hyrcanian forest and several other ecosystems of the world call the generality of previously accepted trait correlations into question.  相似文献   

准确预测异质性景观碳水通量的时空变化,对于综合理解气候变化和植被动态对景观和区域碳水循环的影响至关重要。本研究通过野外观测试验来探究草地斑块碳水通量的季节变化及其与非生物和生物因子之间的关系。在生长季通过密闭同化箱法测定了三个类型草地斑块的日间碳水通量(包括生态系统净交换、总生态系统生产力、生态系统呼吸和蒸散发),同时测定了关键植物性状指标,并计算性状加权平均值和功能分异度。研究结果表明,碳水通量的时间变化受气象因子、土壤因子和群落功能性状的影响。考虑植物功能性状加权平均值和功能分异度可以极大地提高景观尺度碳水通量变异的解释度。比叶面积和叶片δ13C含量是影响气体通量变化的重要性状指标。群落加权平均值对碳通量的预测能力优于功能分异度,而功能分异度对蒸散发的解释度更高。我们的研究结果表明,生物量比假说和互补效应假说互不排 斥,但两者对不同的生态系统过程的相对重要性不同,群落功能性状对半干旱草地碳水通量时空变化的机理解释和模型预测具有重要作用。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Abiotic properties of soil are known to be major drivers of the microbial community within it. Our understanding of how soil microbial properties are related to the functional structure and diversity of plant communities, however, is limited and largely restricted to above-ground plant traits, with the role of below-ground traits being poorly understood. This study investigated the relative contributions of soil abiotic properties and plant traits, both above-ground and below-ground, to variations in microbial processes involved in grassland nitrogen turnover.


In mountain grasslands distributed across three European sites, a correlative approach was used to examine the role of a large range of plant functional traits and soil abiotic factors on microbial variables, including gene abundance of nitrifiers and denitrifiers and their potential activities.

Key Results

Direct effects of soil abiotic parameters were found to have the most significant influence on the microbial groups investigated. Indirect pathways via plant functional traits contributed substantially to explaining the relative abundance of fungi and bacteria and gene abundances of the investigated microbial communities, while they explained little of the variance in microbial activities. Gene abundances of nitrifiers and denitrifiers were most strongly related to below-ground plant traits, suggesting that they were the most relevant traits for explaining variation in community structure and abundances of soil microbes involved in nitrification and denitrification.


The results suggest that consideration of plant traits, and especially below-ground traits, increases our ability to describe variation in the abundances and the functional characteristics of microbial communities in grassland soils.  相似文献   

植物功能性状是表征植物对环境差异的适应性及植物内功能的进化与平衡关系的重要属性,功能性状-环境条件相互关系对于探讨植被对多变生境的适应策略具有重要意义。对黄土丘陵区延河流域3个生物地理气候区(草原区、森林草原区和森林区)进行分层采样,通过野外试验测定植物群落功能性状和土壤理化性质,结合气象数据分析了植物功能性状沿植被带的变化及其对环境变化的响应。研究结果如下:(1)比叶面积(SLA)、叶氮含量(LNC)、叶氮磷比(LN/LP)、根碳含量(RCC)、根碳氮比(RC/RN)和根氮磷比(RN/RP)从草原区到森林区显著上升,而叶组织密度(LTD)、叶碳氮比(LC/LN)和比根长(SRL)显著下降。森林草原区的植物磷含量显著高于森林区和草原区。(2)水分条件是调节植物群落功能性状变异的最主要因素,其能够直接影响叶和根性状,还会通过影响土壤养分和土壤水分间接作用于叶片功能性状。(3)从草原区至森林区,随着养分和水分可获取性的升高,植物群落会通过增大SLA,降低LTD和SRL以提高对干旱贫瘠立地条件的适应能力。氮(N)是草原区植物生长主要限制元素,而森林草原区则同时受到N、磷(P)的限制。  相似文献   

长白山林线树种岳桦幼树叶功能型性状随海拔梯度的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡启鹏  郭志华  孙玲玲  王彬 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3594-3601
通过研究沿不同海拔岳桦幼树叶功能型性状,揭示其对环境的响应机制.结果表明:①随海拔升高,岳桦叶面积(LA)逐渐降低,比叶重(LMA)增加,但LMA较高的可塑性指数表明其适应更依赖叶片的薄厚变化;②岳桦叶绿素含量随海拔升高而显著下降,但类胡萝卜素Car和Car/Chl显著升高,Chlb和Car/Chl表现出较高的可塑性指数,更倾向于吸收蓝紫光和保护光合器官;③岳桦叶氮含量(Narea和Nmass)在海拔1800-1900m间最低,在低海拔和高海拔均表现较高,但Chl/Nmass却随海拔升高而显著增加,Nmasss比Narea具有较高的可塑性指数,对光能的吸收更依赖Nmass对Chl的贡献,高海拔主要将更多的氮投资于光合器官的保护(1900m以上),低海拔则更倾向于光合生产(1800m以下);④随海拔升高,MDA增加,但随之抗氧化物质DS、Pro和APX活性增加,负责对活性氧的抵御和清除,但APX活性最大的可塑性指数表明活性氧的清除更依赖于酶促系统,但在海拔1900m以上,APX活性差异不显著,生理抗性逐渐下降,限制岳桦继续向高海拔生长;⑤抗氧化物质可塑性指数最高,叶绿素和叶形态次之,叶氮最低,表明随海拔升高,岳桦林以保护自身的生存为最主要的适应策略机制,然后以增加吸收光能的Chlb及LMA指标为主要生长策略.  相似文献   

Background and AimsGypsum drylands are widespread worldwide. In these arid ecosystems, the ability of different species to access different water sources during drought is a key determining factor of the composition of plant communities. Gypsum crystallization water could be a relevant source of water for shallow-rooted plants, but the segregation in the use of this source of water among plants remains unexplored. We analysed the principal water sources used by 20 species living in a gypsum hilltop, the effect of rooting depth and gypsum affinity, and the interaction of the plants with the soil beneath them.MethodsWe characterized the water stable isotope composition, δ 2H and δ 18O, of plant xylem water and related it to the free and gypsum crystallization water extracted from different depths throughout the soil profile and the groundwater, in both spring and summer. Bayesian isotope mixing models were used to estimate the contribution of water sources to plant xylem sap.Key ResultsIn spring, all species used free water from the top soil as the main source. In summer, there was segregation in water sources used by different species depending on their rooting depth, but not on their gypsum affinity. Gypsum crystallization water was the main source for most shallow-rooted species, whereas free water from 50 to 100 cm depth was the main source for deep-rooted species. We detected plant–soil interactions in spring, and indirect evidence of possible hydraulic lift by deep-rooted species in summer.ConclusionsPlants coexisting in gypsum communities segregate their hydrological niches according to their rooting depth. Crystallization water of gypsum represents an unaccounted for, vital source for most of the shallow-rooted species growing on gypsum drylands. Thus, crystallization water helps shallow-rooted species to endure arid conditions, which eventually accounts for the maintenance of high biodiversity in these specialized ecosystems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A standardized methodology to assess the impacts of land-use changes on vegetation and ecosystem functioning is presented. It assumes that species traits are central to these impacts, and is designed to be applicable in different historical, climatic contexts and local settings. Preliminary results are presented to show its applicability. METHODS: Eleven sites, representative of various types of land-use changes occurring in marginal agro-ecosystems across Europe and Israel, were selected. Climatic data were obtained at the site level; soil data, disturbance and nutrition indices were described at the plot level within sites. Sixteen traits describing plant stature, leaf characteristics and reproductive phase were recorded on the most abundant species of each treatment. These data were combined with species abundance to calculate trait values weighed by the abundance of species in the communities. The ecosystem properties selected were components of above-ground net primary productivity and decomposition of litter. KEY RESULTS: The wide variety of land-use systems that characterize marginal landscapes across Europe was reflected by the different disturbance indices, and were also reflected in soil and/or nutrient availability gradients. The trait toolkit allowed us to describe adequately the functional response of vegetation to land-use changes, but we suggest that some traits (vegetative plant height, stem dry matter content) should be omitted in studies involving mainly herbaceous species. Using the example of the relationship between leaf dry matter content and above-ground dead material, we demonstrate how the data collected may be used to analyse direct effects of climate and land use on ecosystem properties vs. indirect effects via changes in plant traits. CONCLUSIONS: This work shows the applicability of a set of protocols that can be widely applied to assess the impacts of global change drivers on species, communities and ecosystems.  相似文献   

【目的】外来植物的入侵能力与其性状之间的关系是入侵生态学中的基本问题之一。外来植物成功入侵具备哪些植物功能性状,一直是研究的热点问题,研究和把握这些性状对外来植物的入侵机理研究具有重要的现实意义。【方法】利用同质园实验,以入侵植物黄顶菊为研究对象,设置不同的植物(或组合)与黄顶菊竞争处理,研究不同植物(组合)对黄顶菊植物功能性状的影响,从而探究不同植物对黄顶菊的抵御能力。【结果】地肤、苘麻、苏丹草和苏丹草与地肤、黄花草木樨组合对黄顶菊有一定抑制作用,混种处理中黄顶菊的生物量、分枝数、株高显著低于黄顶菊单种处理,且对叶片功能性状、根功能性状、植株的全C和全N量等都有一定程度的影响。而反枝苋、反枝苋和紫花苜蓿组合对黄顶菊的生长有一定的促进作用,混种处理中黄顶菊的生物量与全C、全N含量较单种黄顶菊显著增加。【结论】不同植物与黄顶菊竞争生长对黄顶菊的影响不同,地肤和苘麻可以显著地抑制黄顶菊的主要功能性状生长发育,而反枝苋和紫花苜蓿促进黄顶菊生长发育。  相似文献   

程莅登  袁兴中  孙阔  唐婷  袁嘉 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4795-4807
植物功能性状能表征其对资源的利用能力和对外界环境的响应,而水淹强度的不同使得三峡库区消落带不同高程的生境存在较大差异,因此开展不同水淹梯度下消落带植物群落生态策略及功能性状差异的研究,对全面理解植物对消落带不同生境的适应机理具有重要意义。研究选取受三峡水库水位变化影响的澎溪河流域,沿高程梯度对不同水淹强度下的植物群落及其功能性状指标进行分析。结果表明:(1)消落带植物群落处于演替的初级阶段,不同水淹梯度下的植物群落存在显著分化;(2)环境胁迫是决定消落带植物生态策略的主要因素,总体呈现较为集中的耐压策略,随着高程升高有逐渐向杂草策略转移的趋势;(3)随着高程升高,植物的高度、主茎干物质量、比根长及叶组织密度都有增大的趋势,比叶面积则相反。(4)各功能性状之间存在显著相关性,并通过形成不同的性状组合以适应不同强度水淹干扰的生境。消落带下部更倾向于投资于叶片使植物在出露期能快速获取资源和完成生活史,而消落带上部则更倾向于投资防御组织及根系以抵御干旱,研究结果可为消落带生物多样性保护及其生态系统修复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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