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In the shallow-water area (0–70 m) of the Northern Bay of Safaga, 73 surface samples were studied with respect to total foraminiferal fauna. The samples cover a great variety of shallow-water environments and yielded 239 foraminiferal taxa. Based on q-mode cluster analysis, and tested by canonical discriminant analysis, the samples are grouped into 13 foraminiferal associations, each characterized by several species:
(1) Quinqueloculina mosharrafai-Borelis schlumbergeri-Brizalina simpsoni Ass.,
(2) Heterostegina depressa-Amphlstegina lessonii/bicirculata Ass.,
(3) Cibicidids-Rosalina-Amphistegina lobifera-Pseudoschlumbergerina ovata Ass.,
(4) Peneroplis planatus Ass.,
(5) Peneroplis planatus-Varidentella neostriatula Ass.,
(6) Peneroplis planatus-Coscinospira hemprichii-Varidentella neostriatula Ass.,
(7) Quinqueloculina spp. Ass.,
(8) Hauerina diversa-Sorites orbiculus Ass.,
(9) Verneuilina sp.-n Articulina pacifica-Reussella simplex Ass.,
(10) Textularia agglutinans/rugulosa-Bolivina variabilis Ass.,
(11) Textularia agglutinans-Challengerella bradyi-Elphidium jenseni/simplex Ass.,
(12) Operculina ammonoides-Adelosina laevigata-Brizalina striatula/subspathulata Ass.,
(13) Bolivina variabilis—Miliolinella-Nonion fabum-Elphidium simplex Ass.
The characteristic forms of each association are linked to specific environmental parameters and modes of life. As long as taxonomic uniformitarianism can be applied, similar associations with comparable ecological demands may also be detected in the fossil record. For comparisons with taxonomically different material the 13 associations are summarized into 4 categories each reflecting a specific type of substrate. In the fossil record these categories may be recognized by general morphological characteristics of the foraminiferal tests and by sedimentological data. The 4 substrate types are: hardground, sand (with or without seagrass and/or corals), firmground, and soft bottom.  相似文献   

Larger foraminifera of the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene lower slope to toe-of-slope deposits of the southern Galala, Egypt, are described. Sulcocassidina nakkadyi n. gen. et sp. (base) and Vacuolicassidella dakhlensis n. gen. et sp. (top) represent a phylogenetic line related to the family Cassidinidae (new family), superfamily Miscellanacea (new superfamily) in the latest Paleocene (shallow benthic zone 4) of the southern Galala, Egypt. In addition, Oscucassidella cassis n. gen. et sp., Pellatispiroides youssefi n. gen. et sp. and Chordcassidella ainshamsiana n. gen. et sp. are described and illustrated. Genus: Pomerolina n. gen. (Type species: Alveolina meandrina Carter, 1861, is newly erected and it belongs to Cassidinidae. In this family, the chambers are initially arranged streptospirally, whereas in later stages they are planispirally enrolled. Lateral chamberlets (retral process) are separated from the laminae by a passage and a marginal crest is added during growth.  相似文献   

Summary The Areif El Naqa domal anticline in northeastern Sinai is part of the ‘Syrian Arc’ which represents an intraplate orogen that has been formed since the late Cretaceous by inversion of an older half-gaben system as a consequence of the collision of the African and Eurasian plates. The here studied pre- and syn-deformational Upper Albian to Lower Eocene sedimentary succession in the anticline was formed under shallow marine to hemipelagic conditions resulting in predominantly carbonate lithologies with only subordinate siliciclastic intercalations. The depositional history at Areif El Naqa has been reconstructed in terms of sequence stratigraphy on the basis of detailed sedimentological, biostratigraphical, and paleoecological investigations of ten sections including comparisons with age-equivalent successions further north and south as well as published data. Following a late Triassic-early Cretaceous extensional period, tectonically rather quiet conditions prevailed during deposition of the Albian-Turonian successions. Inversion started around the Coniacian. Three main phases of uplift have been determined for the Areif El Naqa anticline on the basis of evidence from lateral facies and thickness changes, local development of pronounced hiatuses, and in comparison to the sequence stratigraphic development in the tectonically quiet region of central east Sinai. The first major compressional phase is interpreted to have taken place in Coniacian-early Santonian times. It is characterized by pronounced facies and thickness changes which were documented in an earlier study byBartov et al. (1980). Nevertheless, inter-regional sea level changes still controlled deposition at Areif El Naqa during this period. The second pulse of tectonic uplift is indicated for the late Campanian-early Maastrichtian. This is based on siliciclastic deposits which are interpreted as having been reworked from older siliciclastic rocks uplifted in the anticlinal core. The third compressional pulse is inferred to be of middle Paleocene to early Eocene age as evidenced by a major hiatus in sections on the northern anticlinal flank. The uplift history at Areif El Naqa has been compared with the tectonic development in other parts of the Syrian Arc and in general seems to reflect major movements which occurred throughout the anticlines of the fold belt.  相似文献   

The Paleocene–Eocene Taleh Zang Formation of the Zagros Basin is a sequence of shallow-water carbonates. We have studied carbonate platform, sedimentary environments and its changes based on the facies analysis with particular emphasis on the biogenic assemblages of the Late Paleocene Sarkan and Early Eocene Maleh kuh sections. In the Late Paleocene, nine microfacies types were distinguished, dominated by algal taxa and corals at the lower part and larger foraminifera at the upper part. The Lower Eocene section is characterised by 10 microfacies types, which are dominated by diverse larger foraminifera such as alveolinids, orbitolitids and nummulitids. The Taleh Zang Formation at the Sarkan and Maleh kuh sections represents sedimentation on a carbonate ramp.

The deepening trends show a gradual increase in perforate foraminifera, the deepest environment is marked by the maximum occurrence of perforate foraminifers (Nummulites), while the shallowing trends are composed mainly of imperforate foraminifera and also characterised by lack of fossils in tidal flat facies.

Based on the facies changes and platform evolution, three stages are assumed in platform development: I; algal and coralgal colonies (coralgal platform), II; coralgal reefs giving way to larger foraminifera, III; dominance of diverse and newly developing larger foraminifera lineages in oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifera are widely used to detect the health of their habitat, where they are very sensitive to even slight variations in the ecosystem. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to examine the benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the sediments of Burullus Lagoon, evaluate the pollution levels and deduce the impact of trace metals on foraminifera. The continuous discharge of trace metals from agricultural, industrial and domestic sources into the lagoon may lead to a severe environmental problem. The concentrations of Mn, Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb within the sediments were measured. Recently, the assessment of contamination is principally based on the contamination indices which provide fast and simple quantitative values on the degree of pollution in a given aquatic environment. Thus, some indices, including the contamination factor, the degree of contamination, pollution load index, geoaccumulation index, ecological risk factor and potential ecological risk index are applied in this investigation. Based on the contamination factors, the sediments are very highly contaminated with Cd, considerably to very highly contaminated with Cu and Zn, moderately contaminated with Mn, low to moderately contaminated with Pb. All sites display very high values for the degree of contamination. Moreover, the values of the pollution load index are higher than 1, indicating that the lagoon is polluted. Depending on the geoaccumulation index, the contaminants are arranged as follows Cd > Zn > Cu > Mn > Pb. It is clear that Cd is the main contributor to the ecological risk factor in Burullus Lagoon. Concerning the richness of the foraminiferal assemblages, it fluctuates between 1–5 species per sample. Because of its higher tolerance to extreme conditions (changes in salinity and pollution), Ammonia tepida is the most abundant species. The occurrence of rare living individuals (25) is restricted only to sites close to El-Boughaz Inlet where higher salinity and lower levels of pollution are recorded. The same trend of distribution is shown by Cribroelphidium excavatum and miliolids, where they occur at sites with higher salinities. The occurrence of test deformities in all the studied sites may be related to the response of benthic foraminifera to trace metal. The forms of deformation include spiroconvex, reduced chambers, twisted tests, twinning, additional chamber and complex forms. The deformation depends on the nature of pollutants. Twinning and reduced chambers are the most dominant forms in areas close to the agricultural drainage (southern drains), while complex forms are abundant in areas close to industrial drainage (El-Gharbia drain). Thus, salinity and pollution may be the most regulatory factors controlling the distribution of foraminifera. This investigation confirmed the role of benthic foraminifera as a good ecological indicator in Burullus Lagoon.  相似文献   

We have collected live and dead foraminiferal times-series data at 2-weekly intervals for a 12-month period from the intertidal zone of Cowpen Marsh, Tees Estuary, UK. The data from the 689 samples show profound differences between live and dead assemblages, although assemblages are dominated by just three species, Haynesina germanica, Jadammina macrescens and Trochammina inflata, which represent over 70% of the assemblage. The cumulative increase in species of most environments approximates to a lognormal or log series. None of the datasets show a broken stick pattern. The cumulative maximum number of species, which represents the species carrying capacity of the environment, is recorded earlier in the life assemblages than the dead counterparts. The dead assemblage of Cowpen Marsh is found to have a higher abundance (435 compared to 163 individuals/10 cm3) and number of species (52 compared to 28) than its live counterpart because the dead assemblage represents many generations added over a long period of time. In contrast, some species are recorded in the live dataset that were not found in the dead assemblage, indicating the dead record is either incomplete (e.g. taphonomic change) or inadequately sampled.We investigated the influence of patterns in cumulative increase on dead assemblages for sea-level reconstructions through the development of foraminiferal-based transfer functions. The cumulative transfer functions suggest that the performance improves during the first six sample intervals of the time-series dataset with reconstruction differing by 1.2 m and remains constant thereafter.  相似文献   

Summary An Upper Cretaceous bioclastic oyster limestone bed, exposed at the Red Sea coastal strip, has been investigated for its depositional environment and the early diagenetic modifications affecting its components. The deposition of this stratum body marks the end of prevailed euxinic conditions and the setting up of an oxic milieu. This dramatic change in depositional conditions is related primarily to the change in the position of oxygen minimum zone during sedimentation. The noticeable negative shift in the δ18O-values of the studied skeletal parts (−2.7 to −6.4‰ PDB) are attributed to some habitat-related controls and the dilution of marine water with a great fresh water influx. In addition, mild diagenetic alterations that have affected some of these skeletals, as indicated by their enriched manganese values and orange-colored luminescence, are also- in part-responsible for the δ18O negative shift. Meanwhile, the negative δ13C signatures (−2.2 to −5.6‰ PDB) are probably related to an upward flux of isotopically-light and reduced pore waters to the bottom water where the oysters are thought to have lived and/or to the reducing conditions during which the alteration of these skeletals occurred. Moldic porosity is quite common although partly or completely occluded by clear equant low-Mg calcite of marine origin. These submarine mosaics are probably formed under oxidizing conditions in the phreatic zone as indicated from their non-luminescence character and stable isotopic values. The wide overlap range between the oxygen and carbon stable isotopic signatures of these mosaics and the skeletal particles may indicate they both are formed under the same conditions provided little effect exerted by the latters. A promising possibility of hydrocarbon accumulations in the area east of Qusier (off shore) is expected.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in subrecent deposits are commonly used to reconstruct past sea level. Interpretations are generally made by comparison with either modern dead or total (live plus dead) assemblages. In both cases there will have been post-mortem changes that have differentially affected preservation. It is therefore important to establish the primary ecological controls by analysis of the living assemblages. We have determined the spatial and temporal variability of intertidal benthic foraminifera in the surface (0–1 cm) sediments from a time series survey of 31 sampling stations at Cowpen Marsh, for a period of 12 months. We counted 112,067 live foraminifera assigned to 28 species. The fauna was dominated by two agglutinated species (Jadammina macrescens and Trochammina inflata) on the high and middle marshes, and three calcareous species (Elphidium williamsoni, Haynesina germanica and Quinqueloculina spp.) on the low marsh and tidal flat.The standing crop of the whole intertidal zone, including the high, middle, low marsh and tidal flat habitats, and the individual species varied both temporally and spatially. The standing crop of the intertidal zone as a whole was greatest in the summer months and showed a positive correlation with elevation. The standing crops of the high and middle marshes showed similar temporal variation with peaks in summer and autumn and a trough in winter. The low marsh showed numerous peaks and troughs of standing crop during the year, whereas the tidal flat showed a single peak in summer. The standing crops of Jadammina macrescens and Trochammina inflata on the high and middle marshes peaked from April to May and August to October with troughs in winter. These agglutinated species showed a strong correlation with elevation. Haynesina germanica peaked in May to August and November to January on the low marsh, whereas on the tidal flat there was a single peak in July. The standing crops of E. williamsoni on the low marsh and tidal flat were relatively high in June and May, and July, respectively. Quinqueloculina spp. peaked in May to July on the low marsh and July on the tidal flat. The species was also found in the middle marsh from July to May and high marsh from September to November. Haynesina germanica showed a strong negative correlation with elevation, whereas the other two dominant calcareous species demonstrated weak negative correlations with both elevation and salinity.Reconstructing former sea level depends primarily on the recognition of high and middle marsh assemblages and in this study these are shown to be strongly controlled by elevation rather than salinity. Caution may be needed in interpreting low marsh and tidal flat data as salinity plays a more important role here.  相似文献   

An early Oligocene (Rupelian) diagnostic larger foraminiferal assemblage is described and illustrated from marls and limestones of the Asmari Formation, at Jabals Hafit and Malaqet in the UAE. An equivalent assemblage is identified in the mudstones of the Tahwah Formation, Wadi Suq, Oman. Although Nummulites intermedius (D'Archiac 1846) and N. fichteli are fully synonymous (e.g. Roveda 1970; Schaub 1981; Sirel 2003), in this study both species are biometrically differentiated, distinct and both names are valid. N. fichteli Michelotti 1841, N. intermedius (D'Archiac 1846) and N. emiratus n. sp., which are index for the early Oligocene (Rupelian), and they are replacing each others competitively and environmentally.

The presence of Blondeauina bouillei n.gen., N. emiratus n.sp., N. intermedius, N. fichteli, Planoperculina complanata (Defrance 1822) and Austrotrillina asmariensis Adams 1968 ascribed the section of the Asmari Formation to the early Oligocene (Rupelian). The studied marls and limestones were deposited in outer and inner shelf environments, respectively. The Asmari Formation in the area studied consists mainly of marl in its lower portion and reefal limestone in its upper part, indicating a major marine regression. The Tahwah Formation in Oman is composed of bioturbated silty and muddy marls and is a facies equivalent to the Asmari Formation marls. The Asmari Formation facies change probably relates to a mid-Oligocene fall in global sea level.

In this study, the Dabaa Formation, a subsurface unit of late Eocene–Oligocene marine shales in the north Western Desert of Egypt, was chosen to correlate with the Oligocene of Emirates and Oman. The Dabaa Formation comprises Spiroclypeus ornatus (Henson 1937) and Eulepidina dilatata (Michelotti 1861). The environment of deposition was inner shelf to littoral, which become estuarine towards the top in many areas. This Oligocene Dabaa sequence is correlatable with Wadi El Arish sequence recently discovered by Kuss and Boukhary (2008) from Risan Aneiza, Northern Sinai, Egypt.  相似文献   

The Jahrum Formation was deposited in the foreland basin in southwest Iran (Zagros Basin). The Zagros mountain belt of Iran, a part of the Alpine–Himalayan system, extends from the NW Iranian border through to SW Iran, up to the strait of Hormuz. The various facies of the Jahrum Formation were deposited in four main genetically related depositional environments, including: tidal flat, lagoon, shoal and open marine. These are represented by 14 microfacies. The Jahrum Formation represents sedimentation on a carbonate ramp. Tidal flat facies are represented by fenestral fabric, stromatolitic boundstone and thin-bedded planes. Carbonate deposition in a shallow marine lagoon was characterised by wacke–packstone, dominated by various taxa of imperforate foraminifer. The shoals are made up of medium- to coarse-grained skeletal and peloidal grainstone. This facies was deposited predominantly in an active high energy wave and current regime, and grades basinward into middle ramps facies are represented by wackestones–packstones with a diverse assemblage of echinoderm and large benthic foraminifers with perforate wall. Outer ramp facies consist of alternating marl and limestones rich in pelagic foraminifera. There is no evidence for resedimentation processes in this facies belt. The sequence stratigraphy study has led to recognition of three third-order depositional sequences.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that the human body generally conforms to the ecogeographical expectations of Bergmann's and Allen's rules; however, recent evidence suggests that these expectations may not hold completely for some populations. Egypt is located at the crossroads of Sub‐Saharan Africa, Southern Europe, and the Near East, and gene flow among groups in these regions may confound ecogeographical patterning. In this study, we test the fit of the adult physique of a large sample (N = 163) of females and males from the Kellis 2 cemetery (Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt) against ecogeographical predictions. Body shape (i.e., body mass relative to stature) was assessed by the femur head diameter to bicondylar femur length index (FHD/BFL), and brachial and crural indices were calculated to examine intralimb proportions. Body shape in the Kellis 2 sample is not significantly different from high‐latitude groups and a Lower Nubian sample, and intralimb proportions are not significantly different from mid‐latitude and other low‐latitude groups. This study demonstrates the potential uniqueness of body shape and intralimb proportions in an ancient Egyptian sample, and further highlights the complex relationship between ecogeographic patterning and adaptation. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:496–505, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils of three wells in the Gulf of Suez penetrating the Early to Middle Miocene Upper Rudeis and Kareem Formations are attributed (from top to base) to the Middle Miocene Globorotalia peripheroronda Partial Range Zone (M6), the earliest Middle Miocene Praeorbulina sicana–Orbulina suturalis Interval Zone (M5), subdivided into the Praeorbulina glomerosa s. strict.–O. suturalis Interval Subzone (M5b) and the P. sicana–P. glomerosa s. str. Interval Subzone (M5a) and the Early Miocene Globigerinoides bisphericus Partial Range Subzone (M4b). The appearance of O. suturalis at the base of Subzone M5b represents the final stage of evolution of the Globigerinoides trilobus–Praeorbulina–Orbulina Lineage. In addition, the calcareous nannoplankton assemblages indicate the Sphenolithus heteromorphus Zone (NN5) and the Helicosphaera ampliaperta Zone (NN4). These biozones are well correlatable with those established by El-Heiny and Martini (1981, Geol Mediterr. Tome, VIII(2): 101–108) from the southwestern flank of the Gulf of Suez.  相似文献   

Three North African coastal lagoons were selected as primary sites for integrated ecological and hydrological monitoring and modelling as part of the MELMARINA Project (see Flower & Thompson, 2009). The three sites, Merja Zerga (13.2 km2, Morocco), Ghar El Melh (35.6 km2, Tunisia) and Lake Manzala (c. 700 km2, Egypt), are permanent water bodies with at least one well-defined connection with the sea. This article provides an account of each lagoon’s physical characteristics and recent development including the impacts of human activities. The two sites on the Mediterranean (Ghar El Melh and Lake Manzala) are characterised by small tidally driven variations in water level whilst Merga Zerga, on the Atlantic coast, experiences large tidally induced water level variations and so contains large inter-tidal environments. All the three lagoons receive freshwater inflows from their landward margins, varying in magnitude, seasonality and ecological significance. Freshwater inflows from drains strongly influence ecological conditions within Lake Manzala. All the three lagoons have significant biodiversity interest, especially for resident and migratory birds as well as fish, and support local human populations. Each lagoon experienced significant changes during the twentieth century possibly affecting declines in biodiversity value. These largely resulted from agricultural expansion and intensification and include reclamation and hydrological modifications which have both decreased freshwater inflows due to upstream diversions (Merja Zerga and Ghar El Melh) and increased the influx of freshwater through the return of irrigation drainage (Merja Zerga and Lake Manzala). All three sites experienced nutrient enrichment due to agricultural runoff and discharge of domestic wastewater. Industrial waste discharge is a particular, but not exclusive, problem for Lake Manzala. Problems of water quantity and quality will increase through the twenty-first century with increasing demands for water while effects of climate change will enhance freshwater scarcity. Conflicts between human and environmental uses of water will increase and unless improvements in water use efficiency and wastewater treatment can be brought about wetlands including coastal lagoons are likely to suffer further loss and degradation. These problems will be compounded by sea level rise. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

Summary A sequence of late Pliocene sediments (Qaret El-Muluk Formation) covers large areas within Wadi El-Natrun depression; at the western periphery of the Nile Delta. The exposed sequence is composed of friable sands. mudstones, shales and minor limestones with combined total thickness of approximately 50 m. The fossil content consists of fresh and brackish water elements; charophytes, ostracods, gastropods, oysters and benthonic foraminifera. Planktonic forams which suggest marine influence have been also recorded. Terrestrial and aquatic continental vertebrate fauna includes mammals, reptiles, fish and aves. Several subtypes of ichthyoliths have been discovered in this study. Both lithological and paleontological data testify to a depositional environment which belongs to a marginal region where fluvial and marine deposition meet in shallow brackish lagoons. The sediments display changes from channelled fluvial sands to deltaic interbedded sands and mudstones to lagoonal shales and limestones to lacustrine chara limestones. Vertical stacking of facies is indicative of a series of transgressive-regressive events. The transgression brought shallow lagoonal conditions to the area. The transgressions were incomplete due to high rate of fluvial input. The lagoon dried up intermittently and calcretes and red brown soils were formed. Each regression is indicated by river generated clastic influx. During periods of active fluvial input, fluvial sediments prograded lagoonward. The clastic material was probably a mixture of reworked detritus from older sediments. An admixture of first cycle material from the basement rocks of the Red Sea hills cannot be ruled out. The diversity of provenance argues for several channels of a large river which existed during the late Pliocene.  相似文献   

Summary The reefs near Safaga, Egypt, are built mainly by coral species ofPorites andAcropora. These genera are in general important for the formation of coral communities and reef structures. WhileMontipora orPavona are also species rich, their mean colony size is too small for a substantial role in the build-up of carbonate mass. Yet as a host coral,Montipora is more important thanPorites; both may accommodate the pectinidPedum and certain species of mytilidLithophaga. Such associations appear to be typical for specific reef areas and to be correlated to the food supply of the bivalves. These findings can be used for an actuopaleontological interpretation of the fossil situation. In addition to the frequency of occurrence, factors such as the growth form, growth rate, skeletal density and lifespan of corals are essential in determining their share in reef construction.  相似文献   

Summary Coral assemblages in northern Safaga Bay, Red Sea, Egypt, are qualitatively described. Nine distinct assemblages were found, which correspond to quantitatively defined community types previously described from the area off Hurghada, northern Red Sea. Their distribution within northern Safaga Bay was mapped. Strong gradient and/or steep relief assemblages were:Acropora assemblage on windward (exposed) reefs,Porites assemblage on leeward (sheltered) reefs,Millepora assemblage on current exposed reefs,Stylophora assemblage on reef flats. Low gradient and/or low relief assemblages were:Acropora dominated coral patches in areas of good circulation to a depth of 15 m,Stylophora/Acropora coral patch assemblages in shallow sheltered environments, faviid carpet in low relief areas between 10 and 25 m which with increasing turbidity turns into a depauperate faviid carpet,Porites carpet in low relief areas between 5 and 15 m with clearest water,Sarcophyton carpet in low relief areas with high suspension load, platy scleractinian assemblage in deeper water (>25 m) with low light intensity. The distribution of coral assemblages depends basically on 1) topography 2) hydrodynamics 3) light and 4) suspension load.  相似文献   

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