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土地利用变化和栖息地丧失是生物多样性的最大威胁之一,热带森林是研究生物多样性的热点地区,但其破碎化程度日趋严峻。为揭示热带森林片段化对节肢动物多样性的影响,本研究以云南西双版纳纳板河流域9个不同面积的热带片段森林为对象,运用马氏网的方法,结合宏条形码技术调查了林下节肢动物的多样性和群落组成。结果表明:在9个片段森林中共得到347个OTUs,隶属18个分类群,其中大片段森林(面积≥50 hm2)中共有225个OTUs,中片段森林(10 hm2面积50 hm2)中有113个OTUs,小片段森林(面积≤10 hm2)中有139个OTUs。回归分析发现:片段森林面积大小对节肢动物物种丰富度有显著影响,但不同的节肢动物群落对片段面积的响应不同;大片段森林中的节肢动物beta多样性显著低于中、小片段森林的,而中、小片段森林之间的节肢动物beta多样性无显著差异。研究认为,该地区森林片段化面积对节肢动物多样性影响较大,大片段森林可以容纳更多的物种丰富度,但小面积片段森林仍然有其保护的价值。  相似文献   

万霞  张丽兵 《生物多样性》2021,29(8):1003-6511
为了解世界维管植物新物种的基本信息, 明确生物多样性面临的威胁, 总结未来研究方向, 本文对2020年世界维管植物新物种的数据进行了统计分析。根据国际植物名称索引(IPNI)的记录, 截至2021年2月1日, 2020年全球发现1,747种维管植物新种, 由1,544名植物学家(264位中国植物学家, 1,280位国外植物学家)发表在103种期刊和5本书中。1,747种维管植物新种包括被子植物1,689种、蕨类植物52种、裸子植物6种。其中大部分来源于维管植物最大的几个科, 例如菊科、兰科和胡椒科。植物学家描述的美洲南部和热带亚洲维管植物新种超过828种, 是2020年维管植物新种发现最重要的两个地区。中国、巴西和马达加斯加是2020年贡献维管植物新种最多的前三位, 分别有247、223、99个新种。值得关注的是, PhytotaxaPhytoKeys是2020年发表维管植物新种的主要期刊, 分别发表644种和168种。在各物种新名称中, 有5个无效名称和2个不合法名称。尽管近年来对生物多样性的关注日益增加, 但世界上仍有许多物种尚未被发现, 需要对各个地区植物进一步调查和研究, 尤其是生物多样性热点地区和岛屿地区。  相似文献   

近40年东北地区陆栖脊椎动物种群数量及其生境变化评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性是生态平衡维持和生态过程与功能实现的基础,东北地区是我国乃至全球生物多样性最为丰富的地区之一。为研究和探讨东北地区陆栖脊椎动物种群数量与生境变化之间的关系,利用物种调查数据和生境遥感观测数据,以地球生命力指数、生态系统面积和破碎度等指示性指标,综合评估了近40年东北地区陆栖脊椎动物种群数量及其生境变化。结果表明:1970—2010年,东北地区陆栖脊椎动物种群数量下降了近70.1%,森林脊椎动物种群数量减少了近80.9%,草原和荒漠生态系统脊椎动物种群数量增加了近180.9%。1980—2010年,湿地物种种群数量减少了近75.7%。1980—2015年期间,农业和城镇建设用地增幅分别达到25.2%和32.3%,不断挤占和蚕食着自然生态空间,致使自然生境面积不断减少,减幅约为8.0%。自然生境景观破碎化程度总体呈现加重趋势,尤其是森林生境,破碎化指数增加约42.7%。但是,2005年之后,自然生境景观破碎化程度加重趋势趋缓,与2005年之后脊椎动物种群数量减少幅度减缓趋势一致。森林砍伐、人口增长、城镇化、交通建设等造成的自然生态系统破碎度增加和栖息地质量下降对大型兽类影响比较显著。  相似文献   

中国森林冠层生物多样性监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林冠作为森林与外界环境相互作用最直接和最活跃的关键生态界面,承载了森林生物多样性的主体,在生物多样性的形成与维持以及生态系统功能过程中发挥着重要的作用,被称为地球的"第八大洲"。同时,林冠对气候变化和人为干扰高度敏感,在人类活动和全球气候变化加剧的背景下,森林生态系统正面临着严重的威胁,首当其冲的就是森林冠层。气候变化下的林冠生物多样性保护与可持续利用已成为现代生态学研究的热点问题,受到森林生态学、气候学、环境科学等研究领域的学者越来越多的关注。据此,中国生物多样性监测与研究网络以网络内拥有森林冠层塔吊的生物多样性监测样地为平台,建立了林冠生物多样性监测专项网。该专项网将参照国际标准,统一监测指标,规范监测标准,通过大尺度地带性森林冠层内植物(包括附生种子植物和附生孢子植物)多样性、动物多样性、微生物多样性及其动态变化的长期监测,结合林冠小气候环境特征监测,建立林冠小环境特征、植物多样性、节肢动物多样性和微生物多样性等4个动态更新的数据库,以阐明我国典型森林林冠生物多样性变化的规律,揭示其对森林生态系统功能过程的影响和对全球变化的响应。  相似文献   

2019年底爆发的新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球,对全球政治、经济、贸易和社会各层次造成了巨大冲击,到目前为止,全球新冠病毒感染人数累计达81715247人,死亡人数达1778294人。因此,本年度封面形象的以新冠病毒肆虐地球,人类重拳出击抵抗新冠疫情为主题设计了封面,旨在倡导生物医学工作者思考和研究更有效的预防和治疗措施以应对新冠病毒。当前,隔离仍然是遏制新冠病毒快速传播的有效手段,新冠疫苗研发与接种是克制新冠疫情的内生动力,而环境消杀是彻底消灭新冠病毒的有力保障。相信通过人类共同努力,各国携手合作,众志成城,一定能够消灭新冠疫情,开创人类命运共同体的美好明天。  相似文献   

科学评估森林生态系统服务功能价值有利于实现森林资源资产化、优化森林资源保护和管理模式。通过对2010—2021年相关文献进行梳理,总结了中国森林生态系统服务功能价值评估研究进展。中国森林生态系统不同服务功能的价值量存在显著差异,从大到小依次为涵养水源、保育土壤、固碳释氧、生物多样性保护、净化空气、森林游憩、林木产品供给、森林防护和林木养分固持。山地森林生态系统和城市森林生态系统的服务功能具有异质性,山地森林的主要贡献为涵养水源(36.94%)、保育土壤(18.68%)、生物多样性保护(17.67%)和固碳释氧(12.44%),而城市森林的主要贡献为固碳释氧(29.37%)、涵养水源(22.49%)、净化空气(16.93%)和保育土壤(11.68%)。不同类型森林的生态系统服务功能价值从大到小依次为常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和针叶林。2010—2021年,中国森林生态系统服务价值评估的方法体系和评估指标在不断充实和完善,但仍然存在很多不足,尤其是在指标体系一致性构建方面。未来,需进一步优化计量方法和技术手段,提高数据获取能力,提升生态系统服务功能评估的完整性和科学性,从而为森林生...  相似文献   

《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(COP15)计划于2021年在云南昆明召开, 大会将评估《2011-2020年生物多样性战略计划》执行情况及实施进展。如能达成协议, 将出台“2020年后全球生物多样性框架”, 作为指导2020年之后全球生物多样性保护的最新纲领性文件。这是生物多样性保护国际进程的一个里程碑, 也是展现中国以及云南多年来生物多样性保护成效的重要契机。作为中国生物多样性最为丰富的省份和具有全球意义的生物多样性关键地区之一, 云南在生物多样性保护方面投入巨大努力, 在全国较早发布省级《生物多样性保护战略与行动计划(2012-2030年)》、开创地方立法先河、率先试点建设国家公园、较早开展县域生物多样性本底调查与评估研究工作、建立了首个国家级野生生物种质资源库等, 在就地保护、迁地保护、重大生态工程等众多领域都取得显著成效。本文在梳理云南生物多样性保护进展与成就的基础上, 对保护成效进行了评估, 并有针对性地探讨了云南生物多样性保护未来发展方向及重大意义, 加强全省农业生物多样性的保护与可持续利用、发挥跨境生物多样性保护及减贫示范作用、协调发展生物多样性保护与少数民族传统知识保护等方面是云南省生物多样性保护今后发展的重要方向, 同时本文也为进一步促进云南生物多样性保护与管理提供了基础资料, 并为COP15提供地方履约实例。  相似文献   

常云蕾  廖静娟  张丽 《生态学报》2024,44(9):3830-3843
红树林是全球重要的生态系统,了解红树林的时空变化特征及演变趋势对开展红树林的保护、恢复及可持续管理具有重要意义。基于谷歌地球工程(Google Earth Engine,GEE)云平台,利用全球红树林分布数据和陆地卫星(Landsat)系列光学影像特征指数数据,结合Theil-Sen中值趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验、Hurst指数等方法,分析了全球红树林的时空分布特征、时空演变趋势及其可持续特征。结果表明:1990-2020年全球红树林面积呈先下降后上升趋势,总面积减少52174.18km2,年平均流失率达1.2%,红树林面积减少最多的地区为东南亚,其次为澳大利亚和新西兰、南美洲和东南非洲;红树林呈退化趋势变化的面积(81.44%)明显多于改善区域的面积(17.43%),其中澳大利亚和新西兰的退化趋势最为明显;2015-2020年全球红树林变化趋势有所改善,有73.85%的区域在未来是可持续的,持续改善区域面积(38.58%)大于持续退化区域面积(33.06%),且改善区域的可持续性明显高于不可持续性,表明2020年之后全球红树林整体上呈改善趋势变化。全球红树林时空变化特征和演变模式,可为生物多样性保护、沿海经济发展、生态环境的可持续改善提供重要支撑,对评估联合国2030可持续发展目标实现的状况具有重要影响。  相似文献   

杨建波  马友鑫  白杨  曹慧 《广西植物》2019,39(9):1243-1251
为了评估云南省西双版纳森林植被乔木多样性的时间变化,该研究通过样方调查收集了该地区4种主要森林植被(热带雨林、热带季节性湿润林、热带山地常绿阔叶林和暖热性针叶林)乔木多样性数据,结合遥感影像提取了该地区4种森林植被在1992年、2000年、2009年和2016年4个时期的分布,用Simpson、Shannon-Wiener和Scaling物种多样性指数对比4种森林植被乔木均匀度差异,并利用Scaling生态多样性指数和灰色关联评价模型,评估该地区在4个时期的森林乔木多样性的时间变化。结果表明:(1)森林面积比例变化有先减少后增加的趋势,表现为由1992年的65.5%减少至2000年的53.42%,减少到2009年的52.49%,再增至2016年的54.73%,但热带雨林呈现持续减少的趋势。(2) 4种森林植被对乔木多样性的贡献有明显差异,均匀度排序是热带雨林>热带山地(低山)常绿阔叶林>暖热性针叶林>热带季节性湿润林,丰富度排序是热带雨林>热带山地(低山)常绿阔叶林>热带季节性湿润林>暖热性针叶林,对乔木多样性贡献的排序是热带雨林>热带山地(低山)常绿阔叶林>热带季节性湿润林>暖热性针叶林。(3)热带雨林和热带季节性湿润林乔木多样性呈现持续减少趋势,4个时期西双版纳森林植被乔木多样性排序为1992年>2009年> 2016年> 2000年。以上结果表明经济活动是影响西双版纳生物多样性的重要原因,保护热带雨林对维持该地区生物多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

冠层树种多样性是自然森林生态系统功能和服务的重要基础。及时掌握冠层多样性的现状及变化趋势, 是探讨诸多重要生态学问题的前提, 更是制定合理生物多样性保护策略的基础。但受制于传统的多样性信息采集方法, 区域尺度的高精度冠层多样性监测发展较为缓慢; 许多在气候变化和人类干扰下的生物多样性分布信息得不到及时更新。近年来基于无人机的冠层高光谱影像收集与分析技术的发展, 使得冠层多样性监测迎来了新的发展契机。本文从森林冠层高光谱影像出发, 介绍了与多样性监测相关的无人机航拍和基于深度学习的图像处理技术, 并结合已有文献, 探讨了无人机高光谱应用于森林冠层树种多样性监测的研究现状、可行性、优势及缺陷等。我们认为冠层高光谱影像为多样性监测提供了不可或缺且丰富的原始信息; 而无人机与高光谱相机的结合, 使得区域化高频率(如每周)、高精度(如分米乃至厘米级)的冠层多样性信息自动化收集成为可能。然而高光谱影像数据量大、数据维度高与数据结构非线性的特点为影像处理带来了挑战, 而深度学习技术的飞跃, 使得从冠层高光谱影像中提取个体及物种信息达到了极高精度。恰当地使用这些技术将大大提升冠层树种多样性的自动化监测水平, 由此也将帮助我们在当前剧变环境下及时掌握森林冠层多样性的现状与变化, 为生物多样性研究与保护提供可靠的数据支撑。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has increased barriers to accessing preventive healthcare. This study identifies populations disproportionately underrepresented in screening and surveillance colonoscopies during the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsIn this single-center cohort study, colonoscopy procedures were reviewed during 6-month intervals before the pandemic (July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019) and during the pandemic (July 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020 and January 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021). 7095 patients were categorized based on procedure indication, demographics, Charlson Comorbidity Index and Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). Statistics performed using VassarStats.Results2387 (2019) colonoscopies pre-pandemic and 2585 (2020) and 2123 (2021) during the pandemic were identified. There was a decrease in colonoscopies performed during months when COVID-19 cases peaked. The total number of average CRC risk patients presenting for first colonoscopy declined during the pandemic: 232 (10 %) pre-pandemic to 190 (7 %) in 2020, 145 (7 %) in 2021 (p < 0.001). Fewer of these patients presented from highly vulnerable communities, SVI > 0.8, during the pandemic, 39 in 2019 vs 16 in 2020 and 22 in 2021. Of all screening and surveillance patients, fewer presented from communities with SVI > 0.8 during the pandemic, 106 in 2019 versus 67 in 2020 and 77 in 2021.ConclusionIt is important to address the decline in CRC preventive care during this pandemic among average CRC risk first-time screeners and vulnerable community patients. An emphasis on addressing social determinants of health and establishing patients in gastroenterology clinics is imperative to promote future health in these populations.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, The rapid emergence and persistence of the pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) has had enormous impacts on global health and the economy.Effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 are urgently needed to control the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic,and multiple vaccines have been found to be efficacious in preventing symptomatic COVID-19(Polack et al.,2020;Wu et al.,2020;Jones and Roy,2021).We have developed a traditional beta-propiolactone-inacti-vated aluminum hydroxide-adjuvanted whole-virion SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (BBIBP-CorV),which elicited protective immune responses in clinical trials (Wang et al.,2020;Xia et al.,2021).The vaccine has been granted conditional approvals or emergency use authorizations (EUAs) in China and other countries.  相似文献   

The COVID19 pandemic has affected the spectrum of cancer care worldwide. Early onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC) is defined as diagnosis below the age of 50. Patients with EOCRC faced multiple challenges during the COVID19 pandemic and in some institutions it jeopardized cancer diagnosis and care delivery. Our study aims to identify the clinicopathological features and outcomes of patients with EOCRC in our Centre during the first wave of the pandemic in comparison with the same period in 2019 and 2021.Patients with EOCRC visited for the first time at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Spain from the 1st March to 31st August of 2019, 2020 and 2021 were included in the analysis. 177 patients with EOCRC were visited for the first time between 2019 and 2021, of which 90 patients met the inclusion criteria (2019: 30 patients, 2020: 29 patients, 2021: 31 patients). Neither differences in frequency nor in stage at diagnosis or at first visit during the given periods were observed. Of note, indication of systemic therapy in the adjuvant or metastatic setting was not altered. Days to treatment initiation and enrollment in clinical trials in this subpopulation was not affected due to the COVID-19 outbreak.  相似文献   

The rapid rise of COVID-19 and the governmental response to slow the spread of the pandemic occurred prior to, or during, the opening of the spring wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) hunting seasons (Mar to May 2020) in the United States. The response of fish and wildlife agencies to the pandemic varied throughout the United States during the spring turkey season. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) suspended the sale of non-resident, spring turkey hunting permits on 30 March 2020 in a proactive effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19. In this study, we evaluated the extent that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the spring turkey permit sales and harvest in Nebraska, USA. We combined information from NGPC's electronic licensing system, responses from 2017–2019 spring turkey hunter surveys (pre-pandemic), and responses from the 2020 (during the pandemic) spring turkey hunter survey, which included additional questions about the influence of COVID-19 on respondents' hunting experiences. There was an increase in the number of resident hunters (23%) and resident permits sold (26%) and a decrease in the number of non-resident hunters (−88%) and non-resident permits sold (−89%) in 2020 as compared to the 3 years prior. Further, non-residents, more so than Nebraska residents, claimed that the COVID-19 pandemic affected their spring turkey hunting in their precautions taken, overall satisfaction, pre-season planning for the spring turkey season, and plans made prior to the outbreak. Wildlife agencies should prepare for the potential effects that significant disruptions (like that observed with the COVID-19 pandemic) might have on hunting participation, especially if a significant portion of revenue is derived from non-resident permit sales, and develop plans and policies so that they can react appropriately.  相似文献   

Background and objectiveCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected millions of individuals all over the world. In addition to the patients' compelling indications, various sociodemographic characteristics were identified to influence infection complications. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of the aforementioned parameters on the dissemination of COVID-19 among residents of Saudi Arabia's Riyadh region.Materials and methodsIn the Saudi Arabian province of Riyadh, a cross-sectional retrospective analysis of COVID-19 incidences, recoveries, and case-fatality ratio (CFR) was undertaken. The study was carried out by gathering daily COVID-19 records from the ministry of health's official websites between October 2020 and September 2021. The influencing factors were obtained from the statistical authority. Using the SPSS IBM 25 software, the data was examined. The association between demographic factors as well as the presence of comorbidity on the COVID-19 outcome was determined using Spearman's correlation and regression tests. P < 0.05 was considered to indicate the significance of the results.ResultsThe data from the study indicated that the highest number of COVID-19 cases were recorded in June 2021, and peak recovery was observed in July 2021. The CFR declined progressively from October 2020 to just over 1, even when the cases peaked. A significant (p < 0.05) correlation between diabetes and COVID-19 incidences was observed. The recovery rate had a significant (p < 0.05) association with the literacy rate and those aged 14–49 years old. Presences of co-morbidities such as Dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, stroke and heart failure have negatively affected the recovery from COVID-19 in the population. The CFR is significantly (p < 0.05) associated with people over 60, hypertensive patients, and asthma patients. Regression analysis suggested that the risk of complications due to COVID-19 infection is more in males, people above 60 years age and those suffering from co-morbidities.ConclusionsThe findings of the study indicate an association between several of the characteristics studied, such as gender, age, and comorbidity, and the spread of infection, recovery, and mortality. To restrict the spread of COVID-19 and prevent its complications, effective measures are required to control the modifiable risk factors.  相似文献   

This article presents the COVID-19 situation and control measures taken by the Government of Pakistan. Two waves of pandemic are faced globally and similar in the study area. We have investigated the risk management decision in two phases. Primarily, strict lockdown was observed from March 2020 to July 2020 and smart lockdown was enforced from August 2020 to December 2020. It has been studied that during strict lockdown, COVID cases reduced gradually but reopening of institutes and smart lockdown strategy resulted gradual increase in confirmed cases and death rates. During first wave of COVID-19 in Pakistan, a total confirmed number of patients of COVID-19 were 263,496 till 18th of July 2020 with total deaths of 5,568 people and 204,276 recoveries, while total number of COVID-19 patients reached 555,511 till 9th of February 2021 with total deaths of 12,026 people. Province of Sindh was affected badly with total number of 251,434 COVID-19 cases followed by Punjab Province with total number of 161,347 COVID-19 till 9th of February 2020.  相似文献   

Colombia announced the first case of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 on March 6, 2020. Since then, the country has reported a total of 5,002,387 cases and 127,258 deaths as of October 31, 2021. The aggressive transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 motivate an investigation of COVID-19 at the national and regional levels in Colombia. We utilize the case incidence and mortality data to estimate the transmission potential and generate short-term forecasts of the COVID-19 pandemic to inform the public health policies using previously validated mathematical models. The analysis is augmented by the examination of geographic heterogeneity of COVID-19 at the departmental level along with the investigation of mobility and social media trends. Overall, the national and regional reproduction numbers show sustained disease transmission during the early phase of the pandemic, exhibiting sub-exponential growth dynamics. Whereas the most recent estimates of reproduction number indicate disease containment, with Rt<1.0 as of October 31, 2021. On the forecasting front, the sub-epidemic model performs best at capturing the 30-day ahead COVID-19 trajectory compared to the Richards and generalized logistic growth model. Nevertheless, the spatial variability in the incidence rate patterns across different departments can be grouped into four distinct clusters. As the case incidence surged in July 2020, an increase in mobility patterns was also observed. On the contrary, a spike in the number of tweets indicating the stay-at-home orders was observed in November 2020 when the case incidence had already plateaued, indicating the pandemic fatigue in the country.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent lockdown on the number of diagnoses of gynaecological malignancies in the Netherlands.MethodsWe performed a retrospective cohort study using data from the Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR) on women of 18 years and older diagnosed with invasive endometrial, ovarian, cervical or vulvar cancer in the period 2017–2021. Analyses were stratified for age, socioeconomical status (SES) and region.ResultsThe incidence rate of gynaecological cancer was 67/100.000 (n = 4832) before (2017–2019) and 68/100.000 (n = 4833) during (2020) the COVID-19 pandemic. Comparing the number of diagnoses of the two periods for the four types of cancer separately showed no significant difference. During the first wave of COVID-19 (March-June 2020), a clear decrease in number of gynaecological cancer diagnoses was visible (20–34 %). Subsequently, large increases in number of diagnoses were visible (11–29 %). No significant differences in incidence were found between different age groups, SES and regions. In 2021 an increase of 5.9 % in number of diagnoses was seen.ConclusionIn the Netherlands, a clear drop in number of diagnoses was visible for all four types of gynaecological cancers during the first wave, with a subsequent increase in number of diagnoses in the second part of 2020 and in 2021. No differences between SES groups were found. This illustrates good organisation of and access to health care in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic led to the reorganization of health care in several countries, including Brazil. Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM) are a group of rare and difficult to diagnose genetic diseases caused by pathogenic variants in genes that code for enzymes, cofactors, or structural proteins affecting different metabolic pathways. The aim of this study was to evaluate how COVID-19 affected the diagnosis of patients with IEM during the first year of the pandemic in Brazil comparing two distinct periods: from March 1st, 2019 to February 29th, 2020 (TIME A) and from March 1st, 2020 to February 28th, 2021 (TIME B), by the analysis of the number of tests and diagnoses performed in a Reference Center in South of Brazil. In the comparison TIME A with TIME B, we observe a reduction in the total number of tests performed (46%) and in the number of diagnoses (34%). In both periods analyzed, mucopolysaccharidoses (all subtypes combined) was the most frequent LD suspected and/or confirmed. Our data indicates a large reduction in the number of tests requested for the investigation of IEM and consequently a large reduction in the number of diagnoses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic leading to a significant underdiagnosis of IEM.  相似文献   

Transmission and increase in cases and fatalities of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) are significantly influenced by the parameters of weather, human activities and population factors. However, study gap on the seasonality of COVID-19 and impact of environmental factors on the pandemic in Saudi Arabia is present. The main aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of environment on the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were analyzed from January 2020 to July 2021. The generalized estimating equation (GEE) was used to determine the effect of environmental variables on longitudinal outcomes. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rs) was used to analyze the impact of different parameters on the outcome of the pandemic. Multiple sequence alignment was performed by using ClustalW. Vaccination and fatalities (rs = ?0.85) had the highest association followed by vaccination with cases (rs = ?0.81) and population density with the fatalities (rs = 0.71). The growth rate had the highest correlation with sun hours (rs = ?0.63). Isolates from variant of concern alpha and beta were detected. Most of the reference sequences in Saudi Arabia were closely related with B.1.427/429 variant. Clade GH (54%) was the most prevalent followed by O (27%), GR (9%), G (6%), and S (4%), respectively. Male to female patient ratio was 1.4:1. About 95% fatality and hospitalization were reported in patients aged >60 years. This study will create a comprehensive insight of the interaction of environmental factors and the pandemic and add knowledge on seasonality of COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

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