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In 2024, cargo vessels must meet the International Maritime Organization's global ballast water discharge standards (IMO D-2) that limit the concentration of living organisms. D-2 focuses on reducing invasion risk by reducing ‘community propagule pressure (CPP)’, though it does not consider colonization pressure (CP).




We modelled risk differences in IMO D-2-compliant discharges (10 ind. m−3) for communities that had inverse patterns of CP and species' individual propagule pressures (IPP). Secondly, we determined the effect on risk of varying CPP and CP. As part of this, we tested whether the IMO D-2 standard for zooplankton-sized organisms of <10 individuals m−3 was an optimal choice. Risk was defined as probability of at least one species invading using four risk–release models.


Risk differed strongly at the D-2 limit based on community composition. At low CPP (<25 ind. m−3), risk was strongly affected by CP for hyperbolic and linear risk–release models and weakly for exponential and logistic models, while CPP affected only the former two model types. Across a much wider range of CPP values, risk was affected by CP, CPP and by their interaction for all models.

Main Conclusion

The IMO D-2 standard for zooplankton-sized organisms requires very low CPP and even lower IPPs in mixed-species releases, which will impede successful colonization. Species-abundance theory predicts that discharges meeting the D-2 standard (low CPP) will also have low CP. Much more empirical data are required to determine whether vessels can consistently reduce CP as it lowers CPP in order to meet these requirements.  相似文献   

Aim  We argue that 'propagule pressure', a key term in invasion biology, has been attributed at least three distinct definitions (with usage of a related term causing additional confusion). All of the definitions refer to fundamental concepts within the invasion process, with the result that the distinct importance of these different concepts has been at best diluted, and at worst lost.
Location  Global.
Methods  We reviewed pertinent literature on propagule pressure to resolve confusion about different uses of the term 'propagule pressure' and we introduced a new term for one variant, colonization pressure. We conducted a computer simulation whereby the introduction of species is represented as a simple sampling process to elucidate the relationship between propagule and colonization pressure.
Results  We defined colonization pressure as the number of species introduced or released to a single location, some of which will go on to establish a self-sustaining population and some of which will not. We subsequently argued that colonization pressure should serve as a null hypothesis for understanding temporal or spatial differences in exotic species richness, as the more species that are introduced, the more we should expect to establish. Finally, using a simple simulation, we showed that propagule pressure is related to colonization pressure, but in a non-linear manner.
Main conclusion  We suggest that the nature of the relationship between propagule pressure and colonization pressure, as well as the efficacy of various proxy measures of each, require more detailed exploration if invasion ecology is to continue to develop into a more predictive science.  相似文献   

Predicting whether individuals will colonize a novel habitat is of fundamental ecological interest and is crucial to conservation efforts. A consistently supported predictor of colonization success is the number of individuals introduced, also called propagule pressure. Propagule pressure increases with the number of introductions and the number of individuals per introduction (the size of the introduction), but it is unresolved which process is a stronger driver of colonization success. Furthermore, their relative importance may depend upon the environment, with multiple introductions potentially enhancing colonization of fluctuating environments. To evaluate the relative importance of the number and size of introductions and its dependence upon environmental variability, we paired demographic simulations with a microcosm experiment. Using Tribolium flour beetles as a model system, we introduced a fixed number of individuals into replicated novel habitats of stable or fluctuating quality, varying the number of introductions through time and size of each introduction. We evaluated establishment probability and the size of extant populations through seven generations. We found that establishment probability generally increased with more, smaller introductions, but was not affected by biologically realistic fluctuations in environmental quality. Population size was not significantly affected by environmental variability in the simulations, but populations in the microcosms grew larger in a stable environment, especially with more introduction events. In general, the microcosm experiment yielded higher establishment probability and larger populations than the demographic simulations. We suggest that genetic mechanisms likely underlie these differences and thus deserve more attention in efforts to parse propagule pressure. Our results highlight the importance of preventing further introductions of undesirable species to invaded sites and suggest conservation efforts should focus on increasing the number of introductions or reintroductions of desirable species rather than increasing the size of those introduction events into harsh environments.  相似文献   

The bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, is a widespread exotic species in Japan that is considered to have originated from 15 fish introduced from Guttenberg, Iowa, in 1960. Here, the genetic and phenotypic traits of Japanese populations were examined, together with 11 native populations of the USA using 10 microsatellite markers and six meristic traits. Phylogenetic analysis reconfirmed a single origin of Japanese populations, among which populations established in the 1960s were genetically close to Guttenberg population, keeping high genetic diversity comparable to the ancestral population. In contrast, genetic diversity of later-established populations significantly declined with genetic divergence from the ancestral population. Among the 1960s established populations, that from Lake Biwa showed a significant isolation-by-distance pattern with surrounding populations in which genetic bottlenecks increased with geographical distance from Lake Biwa. Although phenotypic divergence among populations was recognized in both neutral and adaptive traits, P(ST)-F(ST) comparisons showed that it is independent of neutral genetic divergence. Divergent selection was suggested in some populations from reservoirs with unstable habitats, while stabilizing selection was dominant. Accordingly, many Japanese populations of L. macrochirus appear to have derived from Lake Biwa population, expanding their distribution with population bottlenecks. Despite low propagule pressure, the invasion success of L. macrochirus is probably because of its drastic population growth in Lake Biwa shortly after its introduction, together with artificial transplantations. It not only enabled the avoidance of a loss in genetic diversity but also formed a major gene pool that supported local adaptation with high phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Invasive species are increasingly becoming a policy priority. This has spurred researchers and managers to try to estimate the risk of invasion. Conceptually, invasions are dependent both on the receiving environment (invasibility) and on the ability to reach these new areas (propagule pressure). However, analyses of risk typically examine only one or the other. Here, we develop and apply a joint model of invasion risk that simultaneously incorporates invasibility and propagule pressure. We present arguments that the behaviour of these two elements of risk differs substantially--propagule pressure is a function of time, whereas invasibility is not--and therefore have different management implications. Further, we use the well-studied zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) to contrast predictions made using the joint model to those made by separate invasibility and propagule pressure models. We show that predictions of invasion progress as well as of the long-term invasion pattern are strongly affected by using a joint model.  相似文献   

A major goal in postsynthesis evolutionary biology has been to better understand how complex interactions between traits drive movement along and facilitate the formation of distinct evolutionary pathways. I present analyses of a character matrix sampled across the haplorrhine skeleton that revealed several modules of characters displaying distinct patterns in macroevolutionary disparity. Comparison of these patterns to those in neurological development showed that early ape evolution was characterized by an intense regime of evolutionary and developmental flexibility. Shifting and reduced constraint in apes was met with episodic bursts in phenotypic innovation that built a wide array of functional diversity over a foundation of shared developmental and anatomical structure. Shifts in modularity drove dramatic evolutionary changes across the ape body plan in two distinct ways: (1) an episode of relaxed integration early in hominoid evolution coincided with bursts in evolutionary rate across multiple character suites; (2) the formation of two new trait modules along the branch leading to chimps and humans preceded rapid and dramatic evolutionary shifts in the carpus and pelvis. Changes to the structure of evolutionary mosaicism may correspond to enhanced evolvability that has a “preadaptive” effect by catalyzing later episodes of dramatic morphological remodeling.  相似文献   

The monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) is a successful invasive species that does not exhibit life history traits typically associated with colonizing species (e.g., high reproductive rate or long‐distance dispersal capacity). To investigate this apparent paradox, we examined individual and population genetic patterns of microsatellite loci at one native and two invasive sites. More specifically, we aimed at evaluating the role of propagule pressure, sexual monogamy and long‐distance dispersal in monk parakeet invasion success. Our results indicate little loss of genetic variation at invasive sites relative to the native site. We also found strong evidence for sexual monogamy from patterns of relatedness within sites, and no definite cases of extra‐pair paternity in either the native site sample or the examined invasive site. Taken together, these patterns directly and indirectly suggest that high propagule pressure has contributed to monk parakeet invasion success. In addition, we found evidence for frequent long‐distance dispersal at an invasive site (~100 km) that sharply contrasted with previous estimates of smaller dispersal distance made in the native range (~2 km), suggesting long‐range dispersal also contributes to the species’ spread within the United States. Overall, these results add to a growing body of literature pointing to the important role of propagule pressure in determining, and thus predicting, invasion success, especially for species whose life history traits are not typically associated with invasiveness.  相似文献   

An important goal in ecology is to discern under what habitat conditions community structure is primarily regulated by local ecological interactions and under what conditions community structure is more regulated by the pool of available colonists. I conducted a seed addition experiment in successional grassland to evaluate the relative significance of neighbourhood biotic interactions and propagule availability in regulating plant colonization and species richness along a natural gradient of grassland productivity. In undisturbed field plots, seed additions of 34 species led to an increase in species richness in locations of low productivity, an effect that declined in magnitude as productivity increased. In disturbed plots, seed additions led to a relatively constant increase in species richness at all levels of productivity. The results support the hypothesis that the role of propagule availability in regulating colonization dynamics and species richness declines in significance relative to local-scale competitive interactions as habitat productivity increases.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhereas the incidence or rate of polyploid speciation in flowering plants is modest, the production of polyploid individuals within local populations is widespread. Explanations for this disparity primarily have focused on properties or interactions of polyploids that limit their persistence.HypothesisThe emergence of local polyploid populations within diploid populations is similar to the arrival of invasive species at new, suitable sites, with the exception that polyploids suffer interference from their progenitor(s). The most consistent predictor of successful colonization by invasive plants is propagule pressure, i.e. the number of seeds introduced. Therefore, insufficient propagule pressure, i.e. the formation of polyploid seeds within diploid populations, ostensibly is a prime factor limiting the establishment of newly emergent polyploids within local populations. Increasing propagule number reduces the effects of genetic, environmental and demographic stochasticity, which thwart population survival. As with invasive species, insufficient seed production within polyploid populations limits seed export, and thus reduces the chance of polyploid expansion.ConclusionThe extent to which propagule pressure limits the establishment of local polyploid populations remains to be determined, because we know so little. The numbers of auto- or allopolyploid seed in diploid populations rarely have been ascertained, as have the numbers of newly emergent polyploid plants within diploid populations. Moreover, seed production by these polyploids has yet to be assessed.  相似文献   

Size-asymmetric competition among plants is usually defined as resource pre-emption by larger individuals, but it is usually observed and measured as a disproportionate size advantage in the growth of larger individuals in crowded populations (“size-asymmetric growth”). We investigated the relationship between size-asymmetric competition and size-asymmetric growth in a spatially explicit, individual-based plant competition model based on overlapping zones of influence (ZOI). The ZOI of each plant is modeled as a circle, growing in two dimensions. The size asymmetry of competition is reflected in the rules for dividing up the overlapping areas. We grew simulated populations with different degrees of size-asymmetric competition and at different densities and analyzed the size dependency of individual growth by fitting coupled growth functions to individuals. The relationship between size and growth within the populations was summarized with a parameter that measures the size asymmetry of growth. Complete competitive symmetry (equal division of contested resources) at the local level results in a very slight size asymmetry in growth. This slight size asymmetry of growth did not increase with increasing density. Increased density resulted in increased growth asymmetry when resource competition at the local level was size asymmetric to any degree. Size-asymmetric growth can be strong evidence that competitive mechanisms are at least partially size asymmetric, but the degree of size-asymmetric growth is influenced by the intensity as well as the mode of competition. Intuitive concepts of size-asymmetric competition among individuals in spatial and nonspatial contexts are very different.  相似文献   

Aim To quantify the vulnerability of habitats to invasion by alien plants having accounted for the effects of propagule pressure, time and sampling effort. Location New Zealand. Methods We used spatial, temporal and habitat information taken from 9297 herbarium records of 301 alien plant species to examine the vulnerability of 11 terrestrial habitats to plant invasions. A null model that randomized species records across habitats was used to account for variation in sampling effort and to derive a relative measure of invasion based either on all records for a species or only its first record. The relative level of invasion was related to the average distance of each habitat from the nearest conurbation, which was used as a proxy for propagule pressure. The habitat in which a species was first recorded was compared to the habitats encountered for all records of that species to determine whether the initial habitat could predict subsequent habitat occupancy. Results Variation in sampling effort in space and time significantly masked the underlying vulnerability of habitats to plant invasions. Distance from the nearest conurbation had little effect on the relative level of invasion in each habitat, but the number of first records of each species significantly declined with increasing distance. While Urban, Streamside and Coastal habitats were over‐represented as sites of initial invasion, there was no evidence of major invasion hotspots from which alien plants might subsequently spread. Rather, the data suggest that certain habitats (especially Roadsides) readily accumulate alien plants from other habitats. Main conclusions Herbarium records combined with a suitable null model provide a powerful tool for assessing the relative vulnerability of habitats to plant invasion. The first records of alien plants tend to be found near conurbations, but this pattern disappears with subsequent spread. Regardless of the habitat where a species was first recorded, ultimately most alien plants spread to Roadside and Sparse habitats. This information suggests that such habitats may be useful targets for weed surveillance and monitoring.  相似文献   

The growth rate of 1980 eel Anguilla anguilla from 15 sites in the Severn system varied between 16·4 and 27·9 mm year-1, density from 0·12 to 1·14 m-2 and biomass from 2·56 to 25·24 g m-2. There was no significant relationship between growth rate and density or biomass ( P > 0·05).  相似文献   

1. Dreissena polymorpha is an extraordinarily successful invasive species that shows high recruitment of small juvenile mussels on established mussel banks. Such juvenile settlement on, and overgrowth of, large adult mussels; however, leads to competition with adults, and often at high densities and low‐food concentrations. 2. The concept of food thresholds for zero growth has been a powerful approach to explaining size‐related exploitative competition in different zooplankton species. We applied it to investigate whether food threshold concentrations for zero growth (C0) differ between juvenile and adult zebra mussels. 3. By determining body mass growth at various concentrations of a diet mixture (Nannochloropsis limnetica and Isochrysis aff. galbana) we demonstrate that the threshold food concentration for growth of juvenile mussels (C0 = 0.08 mg C L−1) is substantially lower than that for adults (C0 = 0.36 mg C L−1). 4. This indicates that, at low food availability, juvenile zebra mussels are competitively superior to their larger conspecifics. Within zebra mussel banks plankton food is substantially depleted and so the observed mechanism might ensure juvenile success and therefore the regeneration of mussel banks in nature.  相似文献   

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