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Although rarely assessed, the population genetics of hibernating colonies can help to understand some aspects of population structure, even when samples from nursery or mating colonies are not available, or in studies of migration when both types of samples are available and can be compared. Here we illustrate both points in a survey of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences used to study the population genetics of hibernating colonies of a migrating species, the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula). Lacking samples from Scandinavian nursery colonies, we use a North European hibernacula to suggest that Scandinavian populations are isolated from Central and East European colonies. Then, we compare genetic diversities of nursery and hibernating colonies. We find a significantly higher haplotype diversity in hibernacula, confirming that they consist of individuals from different nursery colonies. Finally, we show that pairwise comparisons of the haplotype frequencies of nursery and hibernating colonies contain some information on the migration direction of the noctule bat.  相似文献   

The effect of the reliability of available social information was assessed by examining whether the age of social information changes its effects on a foraging decision in a group‐living fish Gambusia affinis. Individuals switched their patch preference when faced with social information that conflicted with personal information in general; the age of the social information, however, did not significantly influence preference for feeding patch. The mass of decision makers was positively correlated with their use of available social information, with heavier individuals exhibiting a greater difference in patch preference than lighter individuals, suggesting that large and small G. affinis trade‐off the benefits of information acquisition and the costs of competition from conspecifics differently.  相似文献   

Research on social learning has focused traditionally on whether animals possess the cognitive ability to learn novel motor patterns from tutors. More recently, social learning has included the use of others as sources of inadvertent social information. This type of social learning seems more taxonomically widespread and its use can more readily be approached as an economic decision. Social sampling information, however, can be tricky to use and calls for a more lucid appraisal of its costs. In this four-part review, we address these costs. Firstly, we address the possibility that only a fraction of group members are actually providing social information at any one time. Secondly, we review experimental research which shows that animals are circumspect about social information use. Thirdly, we consider the cases where social information can lead to incorrect decisions and finally, we review studies investigating the effect of social information quality. We address the possibility that using social information or not is not a binary decision and present results of a study showing that nutmeg mannikins combine both sources of information, a condition that can lead to the establishment of informational cascades. We discuss the importance of empirically investigating the economics of social information use.  相似文献   

Vertebrates obtain social information about predation risk by eavesdropping on the alarm calls of sympatric species. In the Holarctic, birds in the family Paridae function as sentinel species; however, factors shaping eavesdroppers' reliance on their alarm calls are unknown. We compared three hypothesized drivers of eavesdropper reliance: (a) foraging ecology, (b) degree of sociality, and (c) call relevance (caller‐to‐eavesdropper body‐size difference). In a rigorous causal‐comparative design, we presented Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) alarm calls to 242 individuals of 31 ecologically diverse bird species in Florida forests and recorded presence/absence and type (diving for cover or freezing in place) of response. Playback response was near universal, as individuals responded to 87% of presentations (N = 211). As an exception to this trend, the sit‐and‐wait flycatcher Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) represented 48% of the nonresponses. We tested 12 predictor variables representing measures relevant to the three hypothesized drivers, distance to playback speaker, and vulnerability at time of playback (eavesdropper's microhabitat when alarm call is detected). Using model‐averaged generalized linear models, we determined that foraging ecology best predicted playback response, with aerial foragers responding less often. Foraging ecology (distance from trunk) and microhabitat occupied during playback (distance to escape cover) best predicted escape behavior type. We encountered a sparsity of sit‐and‐wait flycatchers (3 spp.), yet their contrasting responses relative to other foraging behaviors clearly identified foraging ecology as a driver of species‐specific antipredator escape behavior. Our findings align well with known links between the exceptional visual acuity and other phenotypic traits of flycatchers that allow them to rely more heavily on personal rather than social information while foraging. Our results suggest that foraging ecology drives species‐specific antipredator behavior based on the availability and type of escape cover.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that animals frequently use social information from individuals of their own species as well as from other species; however, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of this social information use remain poorly understood. Additionally, information users may be selective in their social information use, deciding from whom and how to use information, but this has been overlooked in an interspecific context. In particular, the intentional decision to reject a behaviour observed via social information has received less attention, although recent work has indicated its presence in various taxa. Based on existing literature, we explore in which circumstances selective interspecific information use may lead to different ecological and coevolutionary outcomes between two species, such as explaining observed co-occurrences of putative competitors. The initial ecological differences and the balance between the costs of competition and the benefits of social information use potentially determine whether selection may lead to trait divergence, convergence or coevolutionary arms race between two species. We propose that selective social information use, including adoption and rejection of behaviours, may have far-reaching fitness consequences, potentially leading to community-level eco-evolutionary outcomes. We argue that these consequences of selective interspecific information use may be much more widespread than has thus far been considered.  相似文献   

The acquisition and use of information are essential for decision-making in an uncertain world. The use of social information, or information from the behaviour of others, may be a common and efficient mechanism to improve estimates of resource quality by animals. According to theory, social information cues with higher information content should have a greater influence on decision-making, and current information should be weighed more than prior information. However, experimental tests of these hypotheses remain scarce. We exposed female cactus bugs (Chelinidea vittiger) to different types of social information (the presence of conspecific eggs or nymphs) presented at different times (current or prior to egg laying) to determine the influence of social information on offspring production. We found that social information substantially altered the number of eggs produced. The presence of conspecific eggs, regardless of timing, consistently increased egg production, whereas nymphs only increased egg production when present during egg laying. We conclude that the type and timing of social information may have an important, yet unappreciated, influence on reproductive allocation.  相似文献   

Summary Microspectrophotometric measurements on the retina ofDeilephila elpenor were performed using fresh (cut by razor blade) as well as frozen (cryostate microtome) sections. Difference spectra from various parts of the rhabdom clearly showed that in the distal part of the rhabdom the UV pigment is predominant, while in the medial part only green pigment was found. From the difference spectra, wave-length and relative height of the absorption maxima of rhodopsins and metarhodopsins were computed and were found to be in close agreement with other results reported in the literature. These findings confirm the work of Welsch (1977) who concluded from his electron microscopic analysis that the two distal receptor cells are UV sensitive, while the six median receptor cells are green sensitive. There is also good evidence to assume that the ninth, proximal receptor is violet sensitive.We would like to thank Mrs. E. Brüning for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft SFB 114 Bionach.  相似文献   

Understanding the functional links between social structure and population processes is a central aim of evolutionary ecology. Multiple types of interactions can be represented by networks drawn for the same population, such as kinship, dominance or affiliative networks, but the relative importance of alternative networks in modulating population processes may not be clear. We illustrate this problem, and a solution, by developing a framework for testing the importance of different types of association in facilitating the transmission of information. We apply this framework to experimental data from wild songbirds that form mixed-species flocks, recording the arrival (patch discovery) of individuals to novel foraging sites. We tested whether intraspecific and interspecific social networks predicted the spread of information about novel food sites, and found that both contributed to transmission. The likelihood of acquiring information per unit of connection to knowledgeable individuals increased 22-fold for conspecifics, and 12-fold for heterospecifics. We also found that species varied in how much information they produced, suggesting that some species play a keystone role in winter foraging flocks. More generally, these analyses demonstrate that this method provides a powerful approach, using social networks to quantify the relative transmission rates across different social relationships.  相似文献   

Correct decision making is crucial for animals to maximize foraging success and minimize predation risk. Group-living animals can make such decisions by using their own personal information or by pooling information with other group members (i.e. social information). Here, we investigate how individuals might best balance their use of personal and social information. We use a simple modelling approach in which individual decisions based upon social information are more likely to be correct when more individuals are involved and their personal information is more accurate. Our model predicts that when the personal information of group members is poor (accurate less than half the time), individuals should avoid pooling information. In contrast, when personal information is reliable (accurate at least half the time), individuals should use personal information less often and social information more often, and this effect should grow stronger in larger groups. One implication of this pattern is that social information allows less well-informed members of large groups to reach a correct decision with the same probability as more well-informed members of small groups. Thus, animals in larger groups may be able to minimize the costs of collecting personal information without impairing their ability to make correct decisions.  相似文献   

In all social species, information relevant to survival and reproduction can be obtained in two main ways: through personal interaction with the environment (i.e. ‘personal’ information) and from the performance of others (i.e. ‘public’ information). While public information is less costly to obtain than personal information, it may be inappropriate or inaccurate. When deciding how much to rely on public information, individuals should therefore assess its potential quality, but this possibility requires empirical testing in animals. Here, we use the sentinel system of cooperatively breeding pied babblers (Turdoides bicolor) to investigate how behavioural decisions of foragers are influenced by potential variation in the quality of anti-predator information from a vigilant groupmate. When sentinels moved to a higher position, from where their probability of detecting predators is likely to be greater, foragers reduced their vigilance, spread out more widely and were more likely to venture into the open. Consequently, they spent more time foraging and increased their foraging efficiency, resulting in a profound increase in biomass intake rate. The opposite behavioural changes, and consequent foraging outcomes, were found when sentinels moved lower. A playback experiment demonstrated that foragers can use vocal cues alone to assess sentinel height. This is the first study to link explicitly a measure of the potential quality of public information with a fitness measure from those relying on the information, and our results emphasize that a full understanding of the evolution of communication in complex societies requires consideration of the reliability of information.  相似文献   

Avoiding predation is one of the most important challenges that an animal faces. Several anti-predation behaviours can be employed, yet simply using the presence of conspecifics can be a good signal of safety in an environment with potential predation hazards. Here, we show, for the first time, that past experience of predation causes bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) to aggregate with conspecifics, facilitating the identification of safe foraging patches. Bees were trained to differentiate between flowers that harboured predators and flowers that were predator free. When test subjects were subsequently presented solely with the previously predator-infested flower species, there was a significant preference to only land on flowers occupied by other feeding conspecifics. Yet, when safe flowers were made available to subjects previously entrained to discriminate safe from predator-occupied flowers, subjects ignored other bees and the social information potentially provided by them, demonstrating that attraction towards conspecifics is confined to dangerous situations. Our findings demonstrate a previously unknown social interaction in pollinators which may have important implications for plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Summary The rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, was trained to discriminate differences in target distance. During the discrimination trials, the bats emitted complex FM/CF/FM pulses containing first harmonic and dominant second harmonic components.Loud free running artificial pulses, simulating the CF/FM part of the natural echolocation components, interfered with the ability of the bat to discriminate target distance. Changes in the frequency or frequency pattern of the artificial pulses resulted in systematic changes in the degree of interference. Interference occurred when artificial CF/FM pulses were presented at frequencies near those of the bat's own first or second harmonic components.These findings suggest that Rhinolophus rouxi uses both the first and second harmonic components of its complex multiharmonic echolocation sound for distance discrimination. For interference to occur, the sound pattern of each harmonic component must contain a CF signal followed by an FM sweep beginning near the frequency of the CF.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulated  相似文献   

Animals engage in costly agonistic contests during which winners procure resources. During these interactions, the combatants obtain and use information to make decisions on whether to persist or to withdraw from the fight, which is termed assessment. Recent theory and work have suggested that the types of assessment employed may be more variable than previously thought, with the use of different strategies possibly being influenced by social and ecological conditions during priming. This study addresses the contextual components (social and ecological) that affect the utilization of one assessment strategy over another. Male tilapia were primed with different combinations of social (large and small animals) and ecological (resource rich or poor) contexts 24 hr prior to fighting in staged, dyadic contests. When opponents were primed with the same context, a clear assessment strategy emerged and differed as a function of priming treatment. Conversely, when fish were primed with different treatment contexts, there was no discernible assessment. In addition, priming conditions had differing effects for large and small fish. Thus, assessment strategies in cichlids are dependent upon a combination of social, ecological contexts and size of the animal. Since assessment strategies change as a function of both of these contexts, as well as others, future framework investigating assessment strategies should include both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may shape fighting dynamics.  相似文献   

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