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观音座莲目的角质层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用扫描电镜和光学显微镜对观音座莲目4种(属)植物的叶角质层进行了研究。结果表明,其间存在明显共性:表皮构造均为单面气孔式,上下表皮细胞垂周壁皆呈不同程度的波状起伏,气孔器类型皆为环列型。需要指出的是观音座莲目的全部6属植物均具环列型的气孔器,这表明该特征在目一级水平上具有重要的分类学及系统学意义。同时天星蕨属的角质层特征进一步支持了将天星蕨属上升为天星蕨科的观点。  相似文献   

华南植物园中的蕨园   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
华南植物园蕨园始建于60年代初。此后 ,陆续从国内外引种栽培成功了近200种食用、药用和观赏蕨类植物。其中包括我国重点保护植物桫椤、鹿角蕨 ,原始观音座莲、扇蕨、苏铁蕨、七指蕨 ;此外还有荷叶铁线蕨、华南条蕨等。这些蕨类植物大多具有较高的观赏价值和药用价值。近年来 ,本园又以观赏蕨类为重点 ,并在观赏蕨类的引种、繁殖和推广方面做了大量的工作 ,现仅从国内外引进的鹿角蕨就有76种 ,而华南地区常见的观赏蕨类如黑桫椤、江南星蕨、苏铁蕨、鸟巢蕨、崖姜、华南紫箕、金毛狗、阴石蕨、翠云草、卷柏等在本园生长良好 ,犹如一幅…  相似文献   

蕨类植物配子体发育的研究   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:25  
曾汉元  丁炳扬 《植物研究》2003,23(2):154-158
研究了福建观音座莲、华南紫萁、粗齿紫萁、粗齿桫椤、溪边凤尾蕨、娱蚣草、狭翅铁角蕨、乌毛蕨等21种庆类植物的配子体发育过程。结果如下:(1)对孢子和配子体性状的UPG—MA法聚类分析结果表明,秦仁昌分类系统中亲缘关系近的种类在孢子和配子体性状方面相似性也高,但也有少数例外的情况;(2)蕨类植物的配子体发育有许多共性,但也存在许多不同点;(3)配子体发育中出现的某些性状是稳定的,可以作为分类的依据。  相似文献   

观赏蕨类引种栽培及其物候期的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对中华水韭、福建观音座莲、华南紫萁、西南凤尾蕨、剑叶铁角蕨、翅轴蹄盖蕨、东方荚果蕨、同形鳞毛蕨、圆顶耳蕨等30种蕨类进行了引种栽培和物候期观察.结果表明:(1)引种成活率高;(2)管理粗放;(3)多数种类四季常青,形态优美,具有较高的观赏价值,能够在怀化市安全越冬,值得在亚热带地区开发利用;(4)华南紫萁、小黑桫椤、光蹄盖蕨、长江蹄盖蕨、翅轴蹄盖蕨、三相蕨、同形鳞毛蕨、圆顶耳蕨、镰羽贯众等9种蕨类在展叶时,同时长出孢子囊;(5)多数蕨类的孢子囊在长出后1个月左右发育成熟;(6)在叶开始萌动时引种栽培的蕨类,当年的营养叶萌发期和展叶期都推迟半个月左右,但孢子囊群的出现期和成熟期不受影响;(7)不同蕨类的孢子囊群形成期具有差异性,同种蕨类的孢子囊群形成期具有相对稳定性,因此,可以作为鉴别物种的依据之一。建议在编写、修订《中国植物志》和地方植物志时增加蕨类孢子囊群形成期的描述。  相似文献   

莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)为莲科莲属多年生水生双子叶被子植物,在世界上具有广泛的分布。莲的用途广泛,其各个组织器官都可以食用或药用。莲的种子即莲子是一种广受欢迎的食物,既可鲜食也可加工成各种莲子产品后食用。莲子中含有丰富的淀粉、蛋白质、多糖、氨基酸、矿质元素、酚类、生物碱等成分,既能食用,也具有保健价值。前人对莲子的生长发育及营养价值已经开展了较多的研究,在此基础上,该文主要针对莲子的营养成分、保健功效和加工工艺进行综述,并对莲子的开发应用前景和限制因素进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

采用民族植物学和人类生态学的方法,初步研究了云南高黎贡山北部独龙江流域内独龙族的农业生态系统和采集利用植物的传统知识。处于近乎封闭的自然与社会环境中,独龙族与植物及植物环境的关系十分密切。独龙族的农业生态系统是典型的山地轮歇农业生态系统,系统中存在不少有价值的传统品种和地方品种,并以种植桤木(Alnus nepalensis)来促进轮歇地的休闲管理为特色,对保护当地的森林、生态系统和生物多样性起到了积极的作用。独龙族人人参与野生食用植物的采集活动,它是独龙族社会中仅次于农业生产而位居第二的重要经济活动,共采集100余种野生食用植物,其中有很大一部分是能代替粮食的产淀粉类植物。独龙族采集利用100多种药用植物,云黄连(Coptis teeta)和贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa)等草药储量丰富,是独龙族用于同外界进行物资交换的主要物品。在其它植物资源的利用方面,独龙族也积累了丰富的传统知识,包括对纤维植物、染料植物等的认识和利用。桤木和董棕(Caryota urens)两个树种是体现独龙族传统植物学和生态学知识的代表种类。独龙族对植物的传统知识,有必要进行深入研究。  相似文献   

莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)为莲科莲属多年生水生双子叶被子植物,在世界上具有广泛的分布。莲的用途广泛,其各个组织器官都可以食用或药用。莲的种子即莲子是一种广受欢迎的食物,既可鲜食也可加工成各种莲子产品后食用。莲子中含有丰富的淀粉、蛋白质、多糖、氨基酸、矿质元素、酚类、生物碱等成分,既能食用,也具有保健价值。前人对莲子的生长发育及营养价值已经开展了较多的研究,在此基础上,该文主要针对莲子的营养成分、保健功效和加工工艺进行综述,并对莲子的开发应用前景和限制因素进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

利用一个由籼粳(Oryza sativa L.)杂交发展成的重组自交系(RIL)群体研究影响淀粉特性的遗传因子,测定了一系列淀粉特性有关性状,包括直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、淀粉糊粘度、胶的质地、糊化温度、热学特性、回生特性等22个参数.共定位了44个QTL,分布在第2~6、8、9、11染色体上,每个性状所定位的QTL在1到4个不等.其中有2个是主基因,一个是第6染色体上的Wx基因,它控制直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、淀粉糊粘度、胶的质地、回生特性等性状,另一个是第6染色体上的alk基因,它控制糊化温度与热学特性等性状,其他QTL都是微效基因,在第9染色体上RZ404和G295区间系首次检测到,它控制淀粉胶的硬度(hardness)、胶粘性(gumminess)、咀嚼性(chewiness)、回生淀粉的最高糊化温度、回生率等性状,这些性状都未曾研究过.  相似文献   

利用一个水稻RIL群体定位控制淀粉特性的QTL   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用个山籼粳(Oryza sativa L.)杂交发展成的重组自交系(RIL)群体研究影响淀粉特性的遗传因子,测定了一系列淀粉特性有关性状,包括直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、淀粉糊粘度、胶的质地、糊化温度、热学特性、回生特性等22个参数。共定位了44个QTL,分布在第2~6、8、9、11染色体上,每个性状所定位的QTL在1到4个不等。其中有2个是主基因,一个是第6染色体上的Wx基因,它控制直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、淀粉糊粘度、胶的质地、回生特性等性状,另一个足第6染色体上的alk基因,它控制糊化温度与热学特性等性状,其他QTL都是微效基因,在第9染色体上RZ404和G295区间系首次检测到,它控制淀粉胶的硬度(hardness)、胶粘性(gumminess)、咀嚼性(chewiness)、回生淀粉的最高糊化温度、回生率等性状,这些性状都未曾研究过。  相似文献   

广州市蕨类植物物种多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据文献、标本与野外调查,简要回顾了历史上记录的广州蕨类植物,阐明了广州目前分布的蕨类植物的种类、区系特点、生态与地理分布、以及珍稀蕨类植物的种类与保护现状.广州地区有蕨类植物37科82属176种,其中乔芒萁(Dicranopteris gigantea)、刺边膜蕨(Hymenophyllm spinosum)和裸果鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris gymnosora)为广东分布新记录.广州蕨类植物区系以金星蕨科(Thelypteridaceae)、鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)、水龙骨科(Polypo-diaceae)、蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)和风尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)的植物最为丰富,没有本地特有种,亚洲热带亚热带分布成分和东亚分布成分占绝对优势.这176种蕨类植物中,约80%的种类生活在密林阴湿生境,约20%生活在疏林或灌草丛干旱生境,只有2种水生蕨类植物.在水平分布上,广州蕨类植物呈北多南少的分布格局,约90%的种类汇集在广州东北部的从化山区,74种在广州仅见于该山区.从物种多度上看,个体数量多(Cop2)的有33种,尚多(Cop1)的有48种,稀少(Sp)的有53种,很少(So1)的有41种.华南马尾杉(Phlegmariurus austrosbzicus)、福建观音座莲(Angiopteris fokiensis)、刺边膜蕨(Hymenophy llum spmosum)、粗齿桫椤(Alsophila denticulata)、小黑桫椤(A.m etteniana)、黑桫椤(A.podophylla)、桫椤(A.spinulosa)、水蕨(Ceratopteris thdictroides)、羽裂叶双盖蕨(Diplazium tomitaroanum)、闽浙圣蕨(Dictyocline mingchegensts)、微毛凸轴蕨(Metathelypteris adscendens)、峨眉茯蕨(Leptogramma scdlanll)、苏铁蕨(Brainea insignis)、珠芽狗脊(Woodwardia prolifera)和黑鳞复叶耳蕨(Arachniodes nigrospinosa)等15种被评估为广州的珍稀植物,它们亟待有效的保护.  相似文献   

Cassava biology and physiology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cassava or manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a perennial shrub of the New World, currently is the sixth world food crop for more than 500 million people in tropical and sub-tropical Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is cultivated mainly by resource-limited small farmers for its starchy roots, which are used as human food either fresh when low in cyanogens or in many processed forms and products, mostly starch, flour, and for animal feed. Because of its inherent tolerance to stressful environments, where other food crops would fail, it is often considered a food-security source against famine, requiring minimal care. Under optimal environmental conditions, it compares favorably in production of energy with most other major staple food crops due to its high yield potential. Recent research at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) in Colombia has demonstrated the ability of cassava to assimilate carbon at very high rates under high levels of humidity, temperature and solar radiation, which correlates with productivity across all environments whether dry or humid. When grown on very poor soils under prolonged drought for more than 6 months, the crop reduce both its leaf canopy and transpiration water loss, but its attached leaves remain photosynthetically active, though at greatly reduced rates. The main physiological mechanism underlying such a remarkable tolerance to drought was rapid stomatal closure under both atmospheric and edaphic water stress, protecting the leaf against dehydration while the plant depletes available soil water slowly during long dry periods. This drought tolerance mechanism leads to high crop water use efficiency values. Although the cassava fine root system is sparse, compared to other crops, it can penetrate below 2 m soil, thus enabling the crop to exploit deep water if available. Leaves of cassava and wildManihotpossess elevated activities of the C4 enzyme PEP carboxylase but lack the leaf Kranz anatomy typical of C4 species, pointing to the need for further research on cultivated and wild Manihot to further improve its photosynthetic potential and yield, particularly under stressful environments. Moreover, a wide range in values of K m (CO2) for the C3 photosynthetic enzyme Rubisco was found among cassava cultivars indicating the possibility of selection for higher affinity to CO2, and consequently higher leaf photosynthesis. Several plant traits that may be of value in crop breeding and improvement have been identified, such as an extensive fine root system, long leaf life, strong root sink and high leaf photosynthesis. Selection of parental materials for tolerance to drought and infertile soils under representative field conditions have resulted in developing improved cultivars that have high yields in favorable environments while producing reasonable and stable yields under stress.  相似文献   

Cassava biology and physiology   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Cassava or manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a perennial shrub of the New World, currently is the sixth world food crop for more than 500 million people in tropical and sub-tropical Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is cultivated mainly by resource-limited small farmers for its starchy roots, which are used as human food either fresh when low in cyanogens or in many processed forms and products, mostly starch, flour, and for animal feed. Because of its inherent tolerance to stressful environments, where other food crops would fail, it is often considered a food-security source against famine, requiring minimal care. Under optimal environmental conditions, it compares favorably in production of energy with most other major staple food crops due to its high yield potential. Recent research at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) in Colombia has demonstrated the ability of cassava to assimilate carbon at very high rates under high levels of humidity, temperature and solar radiation, which correlates with productivity across all environments whether dry or humid. When grown on very poor soils under prolonged drought for more than 6 months, the crop reduce both its leaf canopy and transpiration water loss, but its attached leaves remain photosynthetically active, though at greatly reduced rates. The main physiological mechanism underlying such a remarkable tolerance to drought was rapid stomatal closure under both atmospheric and edaphic water stress, protecting the leaf against dehydration while the plant depletes available soil water slowly during long dry periods. This drought tolerance mechanism leads to high crop water use efficiency values. Although the cassava fine root system is sparse, compared to other crops, it can penetrate below 2 m soil, thus enabling the crop to exploit deep water if available. Leaves of cassava and wild Manihot possess elevated activities of the C4 enzyme PEP carboxylase but lack the leaf Kranz anatomy typical of C4 species, pointing to the need for further research on cultivated and wild Manihot to further improve its photosynthetic potential and yield, particularly under stressful environments. Moreover, a wide range in values of K m (CO2) for the C3 photosynthetic enzyme Rubisco was found among cassava cultivars indicating the possibility of selection for higher affinity to CO2, and consequently higher leaf photosynthesis. Several plant traits that may be of value in crop breeding and improvement have been identified, such as an extensive fine root system, long leaf life, strong root sink and high leaf photosynthesis. Selection of parental materials for tolerance to drought and infertile soils under representative field conditions have resulted in developing improved cultivars that have high yields in favorable environments while producing reasonable and stable yields under stress.  相似文献   

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is one of the important staple foods in Sub‐Saharan Africa. It produces starchy storage roots that provide food and income for several hundred million people, mainly in tropical agriculture zones. Increasing cassava storage root and starch yield is one of the major breeding targets with respect to securing the future food supply for the growing population of Sub‐Saharan Africa. The Cassava Source–Sink (CASS) project aims to increase cassava storage root and starch yield by strategically integrating approaches from different disciplines. We present our perspective and progress on cassava as an applied research organism and provide insight into the CASS strategy, which can serve as a blueprint for the improvement of other root and tuber crops. Extensive profiling of different field‐grown cassava genotypes generates information for leaf, phloem, and root metabolic and physiological processes that are relevant for biotechnological improvements. A multi‐national pipeline for genetic engineering of cassava plants covers all steps from gene discovery, cloning, transformation, molecular and biochemical characterization, confined field trials, and phenotyping of the seasonal dynamics of shoot traits under field conditions. Together, the CASS project generates comprehensive data to facilitate conventional breeding strategies for high‐yielding cassava genotypes. It also builds the foundation for genome‐scale metabolic modelling aiming to predict targets and bottlenecks in metabolic pathways. This information is used to engineer cassava genotypes with improved source–sink relations and increased yield potential.  相似文献   

Taro Colocasia esculenta (L. Schott) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) form a major part of the staple diet of pacific islanders. Pest constraints hamper the sustainability of taro and rice production in the Pacific region. Insect feeding trials were conducted in vitro to determine the effects of plant lectins against planthopper pests of taro and rice. Lectins were incorporated into artificial diet at 0.1% (w/v) level. The lectins Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) and concanavalin A (Con A) showed significant antimetabolic effects towards third instar nymphs of taro planthopper (Tarophagous proserpina Kirkaldy) whilst Pisum sativum agglutinin (PSA) showed no significant effects toward the insect. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus agglutinin (PTA) showed significant antimetabolic effects towards third instar nymphs of rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål). PTA also reduced honeydew excretion levels of rice brown planthopper, over a 24-hour period, demonstrating antifeedant properties of the protein.  相似文献   

该研究利用 ISSR 分子标记,对不同生境下的6个河口莲座蕨种群进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:从44条ISSR引物中筛选出8条能够扩增出清晰、稳定条带的引物,对6个河口莲座蕨种群进行基因组 DNA扩增,共扩增出144条带,其中多态性条带119个,多态性条带比率为93.7%,Nei’s遗传多样性指数(H)为0.296,Shannon多样性指数(I)为0.457,遗传分化指数(Gst)为0.1520,种群遗传一致度和遗传距离分别为0.9138~0.9548和0.0584~0.0901;UPGMA聚类分析表明,种群间遗传距离与空间距离和生境类型有关。河口莲座蕨在不同干扰程度的生境中,种群具有高水平的遗传多样性,一定强度或频率的干扰生境中,种群遗传多样性较高,与海拔、坡度和坡向无相关性。  相似文献   

Summary Lactic acid production by an isolated ofLactobacillus plantarum was standardised on enzyme-hydrolysed tapioca (Manihot esculenta) flour, tapioca starch and soluble starch. Calculated yields of lactic acid (g from 100 g reducing sugars used) in nutrient media containing the abovementioned hydrolysates (10% reducing sugars) were 21.8%, 16.2% and 16.2%, respectively. Higher yields (29–34%) were obtained in media containing 5% reducing sugars. A conversion efficiency of 80–99% was achieved when the acid produced in the broth was neutralised periodically. One hundred milliliters of the medium (5% sugars) yielded 4.0–4.5 g of calcium lactate. These results indicate that unrefined starchy material can be successfully employed for the economic production of lactic acid. The same substrate can also be utilised for biomass production, as viable lactobacilli are being used for therapy in medicine.  相似文献   

Overexpression of bacterial-derived starch metabolic enzymes in plant starch storage organs represents a valuable strategy for improving starch quality, bioprocessing and nutritional value. Transgenic rice seeds producing a thermostable and bifunctional starch hydrolase, amylopullulanase (APU) from Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus 39E, were generated. Starch in these seeds could be hydrolyzed with optimal temperatures between 85 and 95 °C, which resulted in complete conversion of starch into soluble sugars and production of protein-enriched flour within a few hours. By expressing various levels of APU, rice seeds containing reduced amounts of amylose, which is an important factor affecting starch quality, were obtained without a significant impact on grain yield. Elevation in granule-bound pullulanase activity correlates with the reduction of amylose in developing APU-containing rice seeds. APU was found to be localized within amyloplasts and in cell walls, which could be the result of overexpression of APU with a signal peptide. This study establishes novel approaches to alter starch properties, accelerate bioprocessing of starch and production of protein-enriched flour from rice seeds, and could significantly impact the industrial and food uses of cereals.  相似文献   

SNPs,SSRs and inferences on cassava’s origin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Despite its importance as a staple food throughout the tropics, the root crop cassava (it Manihot esculenta ssp. esculenta) has traditionally not been a major focus of research. One basic question about cassava that remained unresolved until recently concerns the crop’s origin. This paper describes analyses of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and SSR (simple sequence repeat) variation as a means of tracing cassava’s evolutionary and geographical origins. Genetic diversity was examined in a sample of 20 cassava varieties that are representative of germplasm diversity within the crop, and in 212 individuals collected from wild populations of two closely related Manihot species. SNP and indel variation was examined in portions of two low copy nuclear genes, BglA and Hnl. Inferences from these genes were compared to those from previously examined loci, including the low copy nuclear gene G3pdh and 5 SSR loci. For all genes examined, SNPs and SSR alleles are shared between domesticated cassava and a specific geographical subset of wild Manihot populations, which suggests the following: (1) Cassava was likely domesticated from a single wild Manihot species, M. esculenta ssp. flabellifolia, rather than from multiple hybridizing species, as traditionally believed; and (2) the crop most likely originated in the southern Amazon basin.  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical information about uses, management and traditional classification ofLeucaena esculenta by the Mixtec in Guerrero, Mexico, is presented. This plant is mainly used as human food. Buds of leaves and flowers as well as seeds and young pods are the main edible parts. Size, flavor and digestibility of seeds and pods are shown to be important in the Mixtec classification ofLeucaena species and in selection of trees to harvest during gathering. Artificial selection inL. esculenta subsp.esculenta by the Mixtec occurs not only under cultivation, but also in wild populations where people eliminate some individuals while promoting the growth of others with favorable phenotypes. Morphological characters of seeds and pods of individual trees of this subspecies were measured in order to compare phenotypic variation in populations subject to different regimes of management. Samples of trees were analyzed from a) a wild population not affected by intentional disturbances; b) a wild population selectively managed in situ; and c) a sample of cultivated individuals. Ordination methods and analysis of variance were used to examine differences between populations. A marked divergence between the three samples was found, especially between the wild populations managed and unmanaged. The frequency of the phenotypes preferred by people was found to be higher in the wild populationin situ managed. Our study confirms that through in situ forms of management, people are able to modify the phenotypic structure of plant populations. Possible routes of plant domestication within plant populationsin situ are suggested.  相似文献   

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