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The type VI protein secretion system (T6SS) is essential for the virulence of several Gram‐negative bacteria. In this study, we identified a T6SS gene cluster in Acidovorax citrulli, a plant‐pathogenic bacterium that causes bacterial fruit blotch (BFB) of cucurbits. One T6SS cluster, of approximately 25 kb in length and comprising 17 genes, was found in the A. citrulli AAC00‐1 genome. Seventeen A. citrulli mutants were generated, each with a deletion of a single T6SS core gene. There were significant differences in BFB seed‐to‐seedling transmission between wild‐type A. citrulli strain, xjl12, and ΔvasD, ΔimpK, ΔimpJ and ΔimpF mutants (71.71%, 9.83%, 8.41%, 7.15% and 5.99% BFB disease index, respectively). In addition, we observed that these four mutants were reduced in melon seed colonization and biofilm formation; however, they were not affected in virulence when infiltrated into melon seedling tissues. There were no significant differences in BFB seed‐to‐seedling transmission, melon tissue colonization and biofilm formation between xjl12 and the other 13 T6SS mutants. Overall, our results indicate that T6SS plays a role in seed‐to‐seedling transmission of BFB on melon.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages infecting Acidovorax citrulli, the causal agent of bacterial fruit blotch, have been proven to be effective for the prevention and control of this disease. However, the occurrence of bacteriophage-resistant bacteria is one of hurdles in phage biocontrol and the understanding of phage resistance in this bacterium is an essential step. In this study, we aim to investigate possible phage resistance of A. citrulli and relationship between phage resistance and pathogenicity, and to isolate and characterize the genes involved in these phenomena. A phage-resistant and less-virulent mutant named as AC-17-G1 was isolated among 3,264 A. citrulli Tn5 mutants through serial spot assays and plaque assays followed by pathogenicity test using seed coating method. The mutant has the integrated Tn5 in the middle of a cupin protein gene. This mutant recovered its pathogenicity and phage sensitivity by complementation with corresponding wild-type gene. Site-directed mutation of this gene from wild-type by CRISPR/Cas9 system resulted in the loss of pathogenicity and acquisition of phage resistance. The growth of AC-17-G1 in King’s B medium was much less than the wild-type, but the growth turned into normal in the medium supplemented with D-mannose 6-phosphate or D-fructose 6-phosphate indicating the cupin protein functions as a phosphomannos isomerase. Sodium dodecyl sulfa analysis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) extracted from the mutant was smaller than that from wild-type. All these data suggest that the cupin protein is a phosphomannos isomerase involved in LPS synthesis, and LPS is an important determinant of pathogenicity and phage susceptibility of A. citrulli.  相似文献   

Based on the observation that Acidovorax citrulli switches from saprobic to pathogenic growth for seed‐to‐seedling transmission of bacterial fruit blotch of cucurbits (BFB), we hypothesized that quorum sensing (QS) was involved in the regulation of this process. Using aacI (luxI homologue) and aacR (luxR homologue) mutants of AAC00‐1, we investigated the role of QS in watermelon seed colonization and seed‐to‐seedling transmission of BFB. aacR and aacI mutants of AAC00‐1 colonized germinating watermelon seed at wild‐type levels; however, BFB seed‐to‐seedling transmission was affected in a cell density‐dependent manner. There were no significant differences in BFB seedling transmission between watermelon seed infiltrated with approximately 1 × 106 CFU of AAC00‐1, the aacR or aacI deletion mutants (95.2, 94.9 and 98.3% BFB incidence, respectively). In contrast, when seed inoculum was reduced to approximately 1 × 103 CFU/seed, BFB seed‐to‐seedling transmission declined to 34.3% for the aacI mutant, which was significantly less than the wild type (78.6%). Interestingly, BFB seed‐to‐seedling transmission for the aacR mutant was not significantly different to the wild‐type strain. These data suggest that QS plays a role in regulation of genes involved in seed‐to‐seedling transmission of BFB.  相似文献   

Bacterial fruit blotch (BFB) caused by Acidovorax citrulli is one of the most important bacterial diseases of cucurbits worldwide. However, the mechanisms associated with A. citrulli pathogenicity and genetics of host resistance have not been extensively investigated. We idenitfied Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana tabacum as surrogate hosts for studying A. citrulli pathogenicity and non-host resistance triggered by type III secreted (T3S) effectors. Two A. citrulli strains, M6 and AAC00-1, that represent the two major groups amongst A. citrulli populations, induced disease symptoms on N. benthamiana, but triggered a hypersensitive response (HR) on N. tabacum plants. Transient expression of 19 T3S effectors from A. citrulli in N. benthamiana leaves revealed that three effectors, Aave_1548, Aave_2708, and Aave_2166, trigger water-soaking-like cell death in N. benthamiana. Aave_1548 knockout mutants of M6 and AAC00-1 displayed reduced virulence on N. benthamiana and melon (Cucumis melo L.). Transient expression of Aave_1548 and Aave_2166 effectors triggered a non-host HR in N. tabacum, which was dependent on the functionality of the immune signalling component, NtSGT1. Hence, employing Nicotiana species as surrogate hosts for studying A. citrulli pathogenicity may help characterize the function of A. citrulli T3S effectors and facilitate the development of new strategies for BFB management.  相似文献   

Acidovorax citrulli can be divided into two genetic groups: group I and group II based primarily on pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence classification (MLST). To distinguish more rapidly between strains of the two groups, a pair of specific primer for specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that can identify group II strains was designed based on the pilL gene of a group II strain, AAC00‐1. PCR results showed that a 332‐bp band was generated for 51 of 52 group II strains whereas only three of 93 group I strains were positive, largely consisting with previous studies of A. citrulli classification. Results of PCR showed the primers were able to detect group II strains of A. citrulli and distinguish between strains of groups I and II rapidly and accurately.  相似文献   

Targeted mutations in flgK, and pilD genes in strain KU‐P‐SW005 of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines, the cause of pustule disease on soybean, led to altered motility phenotypes. The flgK mutants lacked a monopolar flagellum and lost swimming motility, whereas the pilD mutant lacked type IV pili and was unable to move via twitching, a form of surface motility not previously reported for this pathogen. The flgK and pilD mutants were also altered in biofilm production. The flgK and pilD mutants caused reduced disease in susceptible soybean cultivars Spencer when compared to KU‐P‐SW005. Cell counts of the flgK and pilD mutants on plants remained equivalent to KU‐P‐SW005 10 days after inoculation. Complementation of flgK and pilD mutants restored all phenotypes to wild‐type levels. Therefore, flgK and pilD genes that are required for swimming and twitching motility also affected biofilm formation and virulence on soybean.  相似文献   

A syringe-like type III secretion system (T3SS) plays essential roles in the pathogenicity of Ralstonia solanacearum, which is a causal agent of bacterial wilt disease on many plant species worldwide. Here, we characterized functional roles of a CysB regulator (RSc2427) in Rsolanacearum OE1-1 that was demonstrated to be responsible for cysteine synthesis, expression of the T3SS genes, and pathogenicity of Rsolanacearum. The cysB mutants were cysteine auxotrophs that failed to grow in minimal medium but grew slightly in host plants. Supplementary cysteine substantially restored the impaired growth of cysB mutants both in minimal medium and inside host plants. Genes of cysU and cysI regulons have been annotated to function for Rsolanacearum cysteine synthesis; CysB positively regulated expression of these genes. Moreover, CysB positively regulated expression of the T3SS genes both in vitro and in planta through the PrhG to HrpB pathway, whilst impaired expression of the T3SS genes in cysB mutants was independent of growth deficiency under nutrient-limited conditions. CysB was also demonstrated to be required for exopolysaccharide production and swimming motility, which contribute jointly to the host colonization and infection process of Rsolanacearum. Thus, CysB was identified here as a novel regulator on the T3SS expression in R. solanacearum. These results provide novel insights into understanding of various biological functions of CysB regulators and complex regulatory networks on the T3SS in R. solanacearum.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) produced during peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation needs to be transported to mitochondria for further metabolism. Two parallel pathways for acetyl-CoA transport have been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; one is dependent on peroxisomal citrate synthase (Cit), while the other requires peroxisomal and mitochondrial carnitine acetyltransferase (Cat) activities. Here we show that the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans lacks peroxisomal Cit, relying exclusively on Cat activity for transport of acetyl units. Deletion of the CAT2 gene encoding the major Cat enzyme in C. albicans resulted in a strain that had lost both peroxisomal and mitochondrion-associated Cat activities, could not grow on fatty acids or C(2) carbon sources (acetate or ethanol), accumulated intracellular acetyl-CoA, and showed greatly reduced fatty acid beta-oxidation activity. The cat2 null mutant was, however, not attenuated in virulence in a mouse model of systemic candidiasis. These observations support our previous results showing that peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation activity is not essential for C. albicans virulence. Biofilm formation by the cat2 mutant on glucose was slightly reduced compared to that by the wild type, although both strains grew at the same rate on this carbon source. Our data show that C. albicans has diverged considerably from S. cerevisiae with respect to the mechanism of intracellular acetyl-CoA transport and imply that carnitine dependence may be an important trait of this human fungal pathogen.  相似文献   

Nudix pyrophosphatases, ubiquitous in all organisms, have not been well studied. Recent implications that some of them may be involved in response to stress and in pathogenesis indicate that they play important biological functions. We have investigated NudC Nudix proteins from the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000 and from the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1161. We found that these homologous enzymes are homodimeric and in vitro preferentially hydrolyse NADH. The P. syringae mutant strain deficient in NudC accumulated NADH and displayed significant defects in growth, motility and biofilm formation. The wild type copy of the nudC gene with its cognate promoter delivered in trans into the nudC mutant restored its fitness. However, introduction of the P. syringae nudC gene under the control of the strong tacp promoter into either P. syringae or P. aeruginosa cells had a toxic effect on both strains. Opposite to P. syringae NudC, the P. aeruginosa NudC deficiency as well as its overproduction had no visible impact on cells. Moreover, P. aeruginosa NudC does not compensate the lack of its counterpart in the P. syringae mutant. These results indicate that NudC from P. syringae, but not from P. aeruginosa is vital for bacteria.  相似文献   

Aims: To examine effects of various environmental factors on adsorption and inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa‐specific phages: δ (family Podoviridae), J‐1, σ‐1 and 001A (family Siphoviridae) and their ability to inhibit bacterial growth and biofilm formation. Methods and Results: The phages examined in the study were clonally different, as revealed by RFLP. The temperature in the range 7–44°C had no influence on the adsorption of Podoviridae, but did affect Siphoviridae adsorption, particularly 001A. All phages were significantly stable at pH 5–9, and phages δ and 001A even at pH 3. Most of the examined carbohydrates and exopolysaccharides of the original host efficiently inactivated phage δ, while phages σ‐1 and J‐1 were inactivated considerably only by the amino acid alanine. Silver nitrate efficiently inactivated all the phages, while Siphoviridae were more resistant to povidone‐iodine. Serum of nonimmunized rats had no influence on phage inactivation and adsorption. Only phage δ showed ability to effectively inhibit in vitro bacterial growth and biofilm formation. Conclusions: The examined environmental parameters can significantly influence the adsorption and viability of Ps. aeruginosa‐specific phages. The phage δ is a good candidate for biocontrol of Ps. aeruginosa. Significance and Impact of the Study: The study provides important data on Ps. aeruginosa‐specific phage adsorption, inactivation and in vitro lytic efficacy.  相似文献   

sinR encodes a tetrameric repressor of genes required for biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis. sinI, which is transcribed under Spo0A control, encodes a dimeric protein that binds to SinR to form a SinR-SinI heterodimer in which the DNA-binding functions of SinR are abrogated and repression of biofilm genes is relieved. The heterodimer-forming surface comprises residues conserved between SinR and SinI. Each forms a pair of α-helices that hook together to form an intermolecular four-helix bundle. Here, we are interested in the assembly of the SinR tetramer and its binding to DNA. Size-exclusion chromatography with multi-angle laser light scattering and crystallographic analysis reveal that a DNA-binding fragment of SinR (residues 1-69) is a monomer, while a SinI-binding fragment (residues 74-111) is a tetramer arranged as a dimer of dimers. The SinR(74-111) chain forms two α-helices with the organisation of the dimer similar to that observed in the SinR-SinI complex. The tetramer is formed through interactions of residues at the C-termini of the four chains. A model of the intact SinR tetramer in which the DNA binding domains surround the tetramerisation core was built. Fluorescence anisotropy and surface plasmon resonance experiments showed that SinR binds to an oligonucleotide duplex, 5′-TTTGTTCTCTAAAGAGAACTTA-3′, containing a pair of SinR consensus sequences in inverted orientation with a Kd of 300 nM. The implications of these data for promoter binding and the curious quaternary structural transitions of SinR upon binding to (i) SinI and (ii) the SinR-like protein SlrR, which “repurposes” SinR as a repressor of autolysin and motility genes, are discussed.  相似文献   


Although disinfection procedures are widely implemented in food environments, bacteria can survive and present increased virulence/resistance. Since little is known about these phenomena regarding biofilms, this study aimed to investigate the effect of chemical disinfection on biofilm-derived cells of Salmonella Enteritidis. Using a reference strain (NCTC 13349) and a food isolate (350), biofilm susceptibility to benzalkonium chloride (BAC), sodium hypochlorite (SH) and hydrogen peroxide (HP) was evaluated and biofilms were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of each disinfectant. Biofilm-derived cells were characterized for their biofilm forming ability, antibiotic resistance and expression of virulence-associated genes. Except for a few instances, disinfectant exposure did not alter antibiotic susceptibility. However, SH and HP exposure enhanced the biofilm forming ability of Salmonella Enteritidis NCTC 13349. After BAC and HP exposure, biofilm-derived cells presented a down-regulation of rpoS. Exposure to BAC also revealed an up-regulation of invA, avrA and csgD on Salmonella Enteritidis NCTC 13349. The results obtained suggest that biofilm-derived cells that survive disinfection may represent an increased health risk.  相似文献   

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