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Summary Weddell seal vocalizations were recorded once a fortnight throughout 1984 at a major pupping site near Davis, Antarctica. Few vocalizations were heard between January and June. The number of vocalizations recorded increased from July to a peak in November and early December during the breeding period and then fell off rapidly through December. The increase in the number of seal vocalizations was correlated with a build up in seal numbers but some of the increase may be explained by an increased rate of vocalization by males.  相似文献   

Pinnipeds are amphibious mammals with flippers, which function for both aquatic and terrestrial locomotion. Evolution of the flippers has placed constraints on the terrestrial locomotion of phocid seals. The detailed kinematics of terrestrial locomotion of gray (Halichoerus grypus) and harbor (Phoca vitulina) seals was studied in captivity and in the wild using video analysis. The seals exhibited dorsoventral undulations with the chest and pelvis serving as the main contact points. An anteriorly directed wave produced by spinal flexion aided in lifting the chest off the ground as the fore flippers were retracted to pull the body forward. The highest length‐specific speeds recorded were 1.02 BL/s for a gray seal in captivity and 1.38 BL/s for a harbor seal in the wild. The frequency and amplitude of spinal movement increased directly with speed, but the duty factor remained constant. Substrate did not influence the kinematics except for differences due to moving up or down slopes. The highly aquatic nature of phocids seals has restricted them to locomote on land primarily using spinal flexion, which can limit performance in speed and duration.  相似文献   

Summary Two captive polar bears were exposed to six different marine mammal vocalizations, in an attempt to determine if polar bears would selectively respond to the underwater vocalization of their primary prey, ringed seals. Vocalizations were played to each bear for a total of eight minutes while their behavioral responses were observed. An analysis of activity indicated that the bears displayed a significantly stronger response to ringed seals' vocalizations. It is theorized that the ability to recognize the underwater vocalizations of their primary prey would increase a bear's probability of a successful capture when a ringed seal rises to breath at an ice bound breathing hole.  相似文献   

Habitat preference maps are a way of representing animals' space use in two dimensions. For marine animals, the third dimension is an important aspect of spatial ecology. We used dive data from seven gray seals Halichoerus grypus (a primarily benthic forager) collected with GPS phone tags (Sea Mammal Research Unit) to investigate the distribution of the maximum depth visited in each dive. We modeled maximum dive depth as a function of spatiotemporal covariates using a generalized additive mixed model (GAMM) with individual as a random effect. Bathymetry, horizontal displacement, latitude and longitude, Julian day, sediment type, and light conditions accounted for 37% of the variability in the data. Persistent patterns of autocorrelation in the raw data suggest that individual intrinsic rhythm might be an important factor, not captured by external covariates. The strength of using this statistical method to generate spatial predictions of the distribution of maximum dive depth is its applicability to other plunge and pursuit divers. Despite being predictions of a point estimate, these maps provide some insight into the third dimension of habitat use in marine animals. The capacity to predict this aspect of vertical habitat use may help avoid conflict between animal habitat and coastal or offshore developments.  相似文献   

Zoos and aquariums have been incorporating environmental enrichment into their animal care programs for the past 30 years to increase mental stimulation and promote natural behaviors. However, most attempts to document the effects of enrichment on animal behavior have focused on terrestrial mammals. Staff at the National Aquarium in Baltimore conducted an investigation of the behavioral effects of enrichment on the seven harbor seals and two gray seals housed in the aquarium's outdoor seal exhibit. We expected that enrichment would change the amount of time the animals spent engaged in specific behaviors. The behaviors recorded were: resting in water, resting hauled out, maintenance, breeding display, breeding behavior, aggression, pattern swimming, random swimming, exploration, and out of sight. Activity levels (random swimming and exploration) were expected to increase, while stereotypic behaviors (pattern swimming) were expected to decrease. The frequency and duration of behaviors were documented for 90 hr in both the control phase (without enrichment) and the experimental phase (with enrichment). Statistically significant differences (P<0.05) in the time spent in pattern swimming, random swimming, exploration, and out of sight were observed between the two phases. With enrichment, pattern swimming and out of sight decreased, while random swimming and exploration behavior increased. These findings demonstrate that enrichment can promote behaviors (random swimming and exploration) that are likely to be normal for phocids in the wild, and that may contribute to the behavioral complexity of these seals in captivity. Zoo Biol 21:375–387, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The body composition of living gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) can be accurately predicted from a two-step model that involves measurement of total body water (TBW) by 2H or 3H dilution and application of predictive relationships between body components and TBW that were derived empirically by slaughter chemical analysis. TBW was overestimated by both 2HHO and 3HHO dilution; mean overestimates were 2.8 +/- 0.9% (SE) with 2H and 4.0 +/- 0.6% with 3H. The relationships for prediction of total body fat (TBF), protein (TBP), gross energy (TBGE), and ash (TBA) were as follows: %TBF = 105.1 - 1.47 (%TBW); %TBP = 0.42 (%TBW) - 4.75; TBGE (MJ) = 40.8 (mass in kg) - 48.5 (TBW in kg) - 0.4; and TBA (kg) = 0.1 - 0.008 (mass in kg) + 0.05 (TBW in kg). These relationships are applicable to gray seals of both sexes over a wide range of age and body conditions, and they predict the body composition of gray seals more accurately than the predictive equations derived from ringed seals (Pusa hispida) (Stirling et al., Can. J. Zool. 53: 1021-1027, 1975) and from the equation of Pace and Rathbun (J. Biol. Chem. 158: 685-691, 1945), which has been reported to be generally applicable to mammals.  相似文献   

We compared the behaviors of primiparous and multiparous gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) females over the course of lactation to examine whether poorly developed maternal behaviors may play a role in the reduced lactation performance observed in primiparous females. Overall, primiparous females spent as much time interacting with their pups as multiparous females. The proportion of time spent nursing their pup increased significantly between early and peak lactation in both primiparous and multiparous females. Although there was no significant difference in the duration of nursing bouts as a function of reproductive status, primiparous females nursed significantly more frequently (bouts/hour) and, therefore, spent a significantly greater proportion of time nursing than multiparous females throughout lactation. Primiparous gray seal females were also significantly more active than multiparous females, however, the difference in activity represented only a small proportion of the overall time budget. We conclude that poorly developed maternal behaviors resulting from a lack of prior reproductive experience are unlikely to account for lower levels of milk energy transfer to pups in primiparous gray seals.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - The group definition for an animal population is important for building associations among individuals (i.e., social network). Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops...  相似文献   

Capillaries in the brain are especially selective in determining which blood-borne components gain access to neurons. The structural elements of this blood–brain barrier (BBB) reside at the tight junction, an intercellular protein complex that welds together adjacent endothelial cell membranes in the microvasculature. In this issue, Liebner et al. (Liebner, S., M. Corada, T. Bangsow, J. Babbage, A. Taddei, C.J. Czupalla, M. Reis, A. Felici, H. Wolburg, M. Fruttiger, et al. 2008. J. Cell Biol. 183: 409–417) report that Wnt signaling plays an active role in the development of the BBB by regulating expression of key protein constituents of the tight junction. Such mechanistic insight has implications for a variety of neuropathological states in which the BBB is breached.  相似文献   

Offspring size affects survival and subsequent reproduction in many organisms. However, studies of offspring size in large mammals are often limited to effects on juveniles because of the difficulty of following individuals to maturity. We used data from a long‐term study of individually marked gray seals (Halichoerus grypus; Fabricius, 1791) to test the hypothesis that larger offspring have higher survival to recruitment and are larger and more successful primiparous mothers than smaller offspring. Between 1998 and 2002, 1182 newly weaned female pups were branded with unique permanent marks on Sable Island, Canada. Each year through 2012, all branded females returning to the breeding colony were identified in weekly censuses and a subset were captured and measured. Females that survived were significantly longer offspring than those not sighted, indicating size‐selective mortality between weaning and recruitment. The probability of female survival to recruitment varied among cohorts and increased nonlinearly with body mass at weaning. Beyond 51.5 kg (mean population weaning mass) weaning mass did not influence the probability of survival. The probability of female survival to recruitment increased monotonically with body length at weaning. Body length at primiparity was positively related to her body length and mass at weaning. Three‐day postpartum mass (proxy for birth mass) of firstborn pups was also positively related to body length of females when they were weaned. However, females that were longer or heavier when they were weaned did not wean heavier firstborn offspring.  相似文献   

1. Previous studies have found marked inter-annual variation in winter food availability, diet composition and body condition in a population of harbour seals ( Phoca vitulina L.) in Northeast Scotland. This study aimed to determine whether there were other physiological consequences of prey switching by comparing haematological parameters in years when the clupeids herring and sprat dominated the diet and in years when seals switched to alternative prey.
2. There were significant differences in leukocyte and erythrocyte parameters in relation to diet composition. In contrast, indices of body condition did not explain the variation in haematological parameters, suggesting that the observed changes did not result from differences in the energetic content of the prey.
3. Leukocyte counts were significantly higher after 'good' clupeid years, although the differences in mean counts were small. Such differences could have resulted either from immuno-suppression, for example because of differences in prey nutrient or contaminant levels, or from differences in the pathogen challenge resulting from geographical variations in water quality.
4. The differences in erythrocyte parameters were more marked, and there was evidence of widespread macrocytic anaemia when seals switched from clupeids to alternative prey. Such differences could result either from acclimation, as a result of prey-specific foraging strategies, or from differences in the nutritional quality of prey.
5. These results indicate that generalist predators such as the harbour seal may exhibit physiological responses to changes in the composition of their diet. These data highlight the need to consider the long-term physiological effects of variations in food availability on the population dynamics of generalist marine top predators. In particular, it is hypothesized that fish-induced anaemia may be responsible for declines in certain pinniped populations.  相似文献   

Helicobacter species are widely distributed in the gastrointestinal system of humans and many animal taxa. Investigations of natural infections are essential to elucidating their role within the host. The feces of fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus and sea lions Neophoca cinerea from 3 separate captive populations, as well as a wild colony from Kangaroo Island, Australia, were examined for the occurrence of Helicobacter spp. The feces from several wild silver gulls Larus novahollandiae were also investigated. As detected by PCR, 18 of 21 samples from captive and 12 of 16 samples from wild seals were positive for Helicobacter spp. Three species were identified in these animals. Whilst one possibly novel type was identified from wild fur seals, the majority of wild and captive individuals had the same species. This species also occurred in more than 1 seal type and in silver gulls, and shared a 98.1 to 100% identity to other Helicobacter spp. from harp seals and sea otters. A similar sequence type to species identified from cetaceans was also detected in several captive seals. This study reports for the first time the presence of Helicobacter spp. in wild and captive seals and demonstrates the diversity and broad-host range of these organisms in the marine host.  相似文献   

Aggression in male gray seals has been extensively studied; however it is often simplistically assumed that threat signals are mainly cephalic in nature for this species. We report on an undescribed and apparently new kind of threat signal used by male gray seals we term a Body Slap. The behavior has been observed at breeding sites in eastern England since 1993 but has not been studied ethologically or reported elsewhere. The aims of this study were to describe the behavior, test the influence of topographic variation on its frequency of occurrence, examine if it is used to signal dominance or submission, and to place it in intra‐ and interspecific contexts. Our results show Body Slaps were performed in 66.3% of interactions and by 57.2% of males; it was not performed by females. The Body Slap was positively associated with the Approach and Open‐Mouth Threat behaviors but was not related to dominance; nevertheless, display rates were greater for subsequent winners. These findings suggest that the Body Slap carries information about male resource holding potential and does not signal submission. This study furthers our understanding of geographic variants of male threat behaviors and of pinniped nonvocal communication.  相似文献   

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