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Abstract: Two new genera with six new species of hangingflies (Mecoptera: Raptipedia: Cimbrophlebiidae) are described. They were collected from the Middle Jurassic nonmarine sedimentary strata of the Jiulongshan Formation in Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, north‐eastern China. This report of Cimbrophlebiidae from the Yanliao Biota provides detailed morphological information and evidence of a broad diversity of Cimbrophlebiidae during the Middle Jurassic. A key to the known species of Cimbrophlebiidae is provided.  相似文献   

A fossil assemblage of diverse megascopic benthic algae is well preserved on bedding planes in black siliceous shales of the Neoproterozoic Lantian Formation (upper Sinian) at Lantian village, Xiunng county, Anhui Province, South China. Based on morphological differences, 12 taxa are recognized. Most specimens show both a holdfast and a vegetative thallus, some with dichotomous branching, which reveals that they are multicellular benthic algae. Each type presents a certain morphological appearance, e.g., spheroidal - Chuaria sp., filamentous - Doushantuophyton rigidulum , fan-like - Flabellophyton lantianensis. Four to six different benthic forms and more than 15 individuals are well preserved on the same bed with an area less than 150 cm2. These confirm that a great morphological evolutionary radiation of seaweeds took place no later than the Lantian epoch, with an absolute age around 570 Ma. Growth cycles in Flabellophyton strigata n.sp. reveal that periodical events, such as seasonal variations, occurred in that epoch. A benthic assemblage consisting of three differentiated macroscopic remains is similar to the Miaohe Biota reported from the Doushantuo Formation of the Yangtze Gorges 1200 km away, allowing biostratigraphic correlation of both of these Neoproterozoic Formations.  相似文献   

Abundant, well-preserved specimens of spheroidal organic-walled microfossil Yurtusia uniformis are reported from the basal Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation in the Changyang area of Hubei Province, South China. Thin and hollow processes extend between the double walls of the vesicle. The single to multiple internal bodies within the vesicle cavity are observed in the genus for the first time, representing reproductive structures (dividing daughter cells). A small circular perforation may occur on the vesicle wall to release the internal bodies. Morphological analyses of specimens preserved at various life stages reveal that processes gradually became longer as the vesicle grew in size. The internal bodies (daughter cells) underwent several successive divisions within the vesicle, which was accompanied by the simultaneous growth of both vesicle and processes. The regular growth of cells, formation and release of daughter cells, and the remarkable morphological similarity between extant algae and the studied microfossils suggest that Yurtusia uniformis is probably a green microalga that may be closely related to the Trebouxiophyceae or even Chlorellales (Chlorophyta). The growth and reproductive mode of individuals indicates that Y. uniformis is an actively growing vegetative cell of microalgae, rather than a metabolically inert cyst or resting spore. A life cycle involving vegetative growth and asexual reproduction is proposed for Y. uniformis on the basis of the life histories of modern chlorophytes. The multiple internal cells may represent autospores produced by a mature autosporangium during asexual reproduction, which subsequently developed into separate young vegetative cells after their release from the opened autosporangium.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of fossil Glaphyridae, Cretohypna cristata gen. et sp. n., is described and illustrated from the Mesozoic Yixian Formation. This new genus is characterized by the large body; large and strong mandibles; short labrum; elytra without longitudinal carina; and male meso- and possible metatibia apically modified. A list of described fossil glaphyrids of the world is provided. This significant finding broadens the known diversity of Glaphyridae in the Mesozoic China.  相似文献   

The age of the sedimentary basement of the Ganga Valley in northern India, which is represented by the entirely subsurface Ganga Supergroup, is key for addressing issues related to the tectonic history of the Himalaya. However, the stratigraphic correlations between the Ganga Supergroup in the Ganga Valley, the Vindhyan Supergroup in cratonic India to the south, and Proterozoic successions in the Lesser Himalaya to the north have long been a matter of controversy. This is largely because of the poor age constraint of the Madhubani Group of the upper Ganga Supergroup, which has been variously interpreted as Proterozoic, lower Palaeozoic, or even Mesozoic. To address this issue, we used a low manipulation maceration technique to extract organic‐walled microfossils from the Ujhani and Tilhar formations of the lower Madhubani Group. Our study recovered a total of 24 taxa, including Devisphaera corallis gen. et sp. nov. The co‐occurrence of Trachyhystrichosphaera aimika, Caudosphaera expansa and Annulusia annulata in the lower Madhubani Group indicates a late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic age. Thus, the biostratigraphical data suggest a >300 myr depositional gap between the Madhubani Group and the immediately underlying Bahraich Group, which has been independently constrained to be upper Palaeoproterozoic to lower Mesoproterozoic in age. Therefore, the first‐order stratigraphic architecture, with a Palaeoproterozoic–Mesoproterozoic succession unconformably overlain by a Mesoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic succession, is closely similar throughout the Vindhyan Basin, Ganga Valley and Lesser Himalaya, suggesting a shared sedimentary and tectonic history among them.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Three new genera and four new species of the extinct mantidfly subfamily Mesomantispinae (Insecta: Neuroptera: Mantispidae) are described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning and the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia: Archaeodrepanicus nuddsi gen. et sp. nov., A. acutus gen. et sp. nov., Sinomesomantispa microdentata gen. et sp. nov., (Yixian Formation) and Clavifemora rotundata gen. et sp. nov. (Jiulongshan Formation). The specimens described herein represent the first Mesozoic mantidfly compression fossils to have body parts preserved, including the specialized raptorial forelegs articulated to the prothorax anteriorly, an autapomorphy of the family. These new taxa further confirm the placement of the subfamily Mesomantispinae within the family Mantispidae; however, the monophyly of Mesomantispinae has not been confirmed, and it is likely that it will prove to be paraphyletic.  相似文献   

Abstract: The supposed vestige of a cephalopod gladius from Turonian platy limestones at Vallecillo, north‐east Mexico, named Palaeoctopus pelagicus by Fuchs et al. in 2008, is reinterpreted and shown to be a gular plate of a coelacanth fish, possibly of the genus Megacoelacanthus. In addition to the gular plate, two extrascapulars and fin rays of all fins are preserved on one slab and its counterpart. This is the first record of a coelacanth from these lower Turonian strata at Vallecillo, which are rich in fish.  相似文献   

Rodents from the Nuhetingboerhe-Huheboerhe area in the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, differ stratigraphically: primitive ctenodactyloids such as Chenomys and Yuanomys are dominant in the upper part of the Nomogen Formation; Tamquammys dominates in the Arshanto Formation; Asiomys, Pappocricetodon, and Yuomys appear in the lower part of the Irdin Manha Formation and Tamquammys is rarer in this formation than in the Arshanto Formation. The assemblage of the upper part of the Nomogen Formation is similar to that of the Lingcha Formation of Hunan, the Wutu Formation of Shandong, the Yuhuangding Formation of Hubei, and the Bumban Member of the Nara-Bulak Formation of Mongolia. The assemblage in the upper part of the Arshanto Formation is correlated with that from the locality Andarak 2 in Kyrgyzstan. The assemblage from the lower part of the Irdin Manha Formation resembles that of the lower part of the Hetaoyuan Formation of Henan.On the basis of the comparison of the rodent assemblages, I consider that the age of upper part of the Nomogen Formation corresponds to the Bumbanian land mammal age. The Bumbanian, Arshantan, and Irdinmanhan land mammal ages are correlated respectively to the early Ypresian, the middle–late Ypresian, and the early Lutetian of the Geological Time Scale. The Bumbanian and Irdinmanhan land mammal ages are also correlated to the early Wasatchian and the early Uintan (or the later Bridgerian) of the North American Land Mammal Ages.  相似文献   

Numerous macro-organisms of the Doushantuo macrobiota, which were found in the black carbonaceous mudstone of the upper Neoproterozoic Ediacraan Doushan-tuo Formation in Jiangkou County, Guizhou Province, China, are considered to live on sea floor by their holdfasts. The appearance and preserved forms of the macroalgal holdfasts may provide some data to the study of the living and buried environments ofmacrobiota. They lived in the lower energy and clear environment, and fixed on a soupground with rich water (about 79% water). Currents, possibly ocean currents, could pull out the macroalgal holdfasts from the soupground and break off the macroalgal foliations. After such events, the corpses of macro-organisms would be covered in a reduced environment by the deposits. Afterwards, a new community, including regenerating and undying macro-organisms, lived continuously on a new deposit.  相似文献   

Numerous macro-organisms of the Doushantuo macrobiota, which were found in the black carbonaceous mudstone of the upper Neoproterozoic Ediacraan Doushantuo Formation in Jiangkou County, Guizhou Province, China, are considered to live on sea floor by their holdfasts. The appearance and preserved forms of the macroalgal holdfasts may provide some data to the study of the living and buried environments of macrobiota. They lived in the lower energy and clear environment, and fixed on a soupground with rich water (about 79 water). Currents, possibly ocean currents, could pull out the macroalgal holdfasts from the soupground and break off the macroalgal foliations. After such events, the corpses of macro-organisms would be covered in a reduced environment by the deposits. Afterwards, a new community, including regenerating and undying macro-organisms, lived continuously on a new deposit. __________ Translated from Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 2005, 23(2): 154-C164 [译自: 微体古生物学报]  相似文献   

We present the first known occurrence of a Mesozoic fossil bird from Thailand. The new specimen is the distal end of a left humerus, from the Early Cretaceous Sao Khua Formation in the Northeast of the country, and testifies to the presence of a medium-sized avian in these non-marine strata. This is also the first Mesozoic bird known from the whole of Southeast Asia. To cite this article: E. Buffetaut et al., C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

Non-marine diatoms occur in the Deccan Intertrappean beds (Upper Cretaceous) of Mohgaon-Kalan, Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh and Pisdura, Lameta Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Maharashtra, India. This represents the oldest record of non-marine diatoms yet reported and the oldest from the Indian subcontinent. The diatoms were recovered from thin sections of chert and dinosaur coprolites by random fracturing. Solitary forms are the most common but colonial filaments up to five cells were also observed. Based on the morphological characters, the diatoms are identified as Aulacoseira Thwaites. The Lower Cretaceous marine diatom genus Archepyrgus Gersonde and Harwood also resembles Aulacoseira in general morphological characters and it seems that Aulacoseira evolved from Archepyrgus and migrated to the non-marine realm.  相似文献   

An isolated, yet virtually intact contour feather (FUM‐1980) from the lower Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark was analysed using multiple imaging and molecular techniques, including field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG‐SEM), X‐ray absorption spectroscopy and time‐of‐flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF‐SIMS). Additionally, synchrotron radiation X‐ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) was employed in order to produce a digital reconstruction of the fossil. Under FEG‐SEM, the proximal, plumulaceous part of the feather revealed masses of ovoid microstructures, about 1.7 μm long and 0.5 μm wide. Microbodies in the distal, pennaceous portion were substantially smaller (averaging 0.9 × 0.2 μm), highly elongate, and more densely packed. Generally, the microbodies in both the plumulaceous and pennaceous segments were aligned along the barbs and located within shallow depressions on the exposed surfaces. Biomarkers consistent with animal eumelanins were co‐localized with the microstructures, to suggest that they represent remnant eumelanosomes (i.e. eumelanin‐housing cellular organelles). Additionally, ToF‐SIMS analysis revealed the presence of sulfur‐containing organics – potentially indicative of pheomelanins – associated with eumelanin‐like compounds. However, since there was no correlation between melanosome morphology and sulfur content, we conclude these molecular structures derive from diagenetically incorporated sulfur rather than pheomelanin. Melanosomes corresponding roughly in both size and morphology with those in the proximal part of FUM‐1980 are known from contour feathers of extant parrots (Psittaciformes), an avian clade that has previously been reported from the Fur Formation.  相似文献   

The Jisu Honguer Formation (“Zhesi Formation”) is a North China marine carbonate unit of Permian age containing a mixed fauna of Tethyan, Boreal and endemic elements. The age of the Jisu Honguer Formation has been thought to range from Artinskian to Kazanian based on previous studies using mostly benthic macrofossils. A typical Mesogondolella aserrata conodont fauna is reported from the lower part of the upper member of the Jisu Honguer Formation in the Ulanqub District, Zhesi area, of northern China. The fauna indicates a Middle Permian (Guadalupian) age, most likely late Wordian to early Capitanian, for the strata yielding conodonts. The whole Jisu Honguer Formation could be assigned to the Wordian to early Capitanian age. The overlying Yihewusu Formation is probably of Capitanian age. There are no Wuchiapingian marine deposits in the Zhesi area. As characteristic of the open sea Guadalupian conodont faunas of the Tethys, smooth Mesogondolella dominate the fauna. The view that all Tethyan Guadalupian conodont faunas consist exclusively of serrated Mesogondolella cannot be confirmed. Three new species are described: Mesogondolella neoprolongata C. - y. Wang, Mesogondolella mandulaensis C. - y. Wang and Wardlawella jisuensis C. - y. Wang.  相似文献   

The diverse ichnological assemblage from the outcrops near Howick (Northumberland, United Kingdom) is exceptionally well-preserved. Among these Carboniferous ichnotaxa is a new ichnospecies of Dactyloidites. Specimens were collected and processed using high-resolution serial grinding and photography to produce an accurate and precise three-dimensional model of these new burrows in full colour. The model produced in association with petrographic thin sections and field observations is used as the basis for comparison between Dactyloidites jordii nov. isp. and other ichnospecies of Dactyloidites. The current taxonomic status of the ichnogenus is examined and reviewed. D. jordii nov. isp. is a broadly bisymmetrical, stellate to palmate burrow composed of numerous long, narrow rays that exhibit three orders of branching arranged into tiered galleries radiating from a central shaft. The trace maker is suggested to be a vermiform organism with an adaptive burrowing strategy that facilitates alteration of its burrow construction to accommodate suboptimal sediment conditions. The adaptive nature of trace-making organisms and the inherent anisotropy of many burrowed media highlight the need for ichnologists to provide a type series rather than a single holotype, in order to capture the inherent range of common burrow morphologies.  相似文献   

A distinctive pattern of oviposition lesions occurs on a ginkgoalean seed, Yimaia capituliformis,which likely was inflicted by a kalligrammatid lacewing with a long,sword-like,plant-piercing ovipositor.This newly recorded oviposition type,DT272, occurs in the 165 million-year-old Jiulongshan Formation,of Middle Jurassic age,in Northeastern China.DT272 consists from three to seven,approximately equally spaced lesions with surrounding callus tissue,the fabricator of which targeted fleshy outer and inner tissues ofa ginkgophyte fruit.This distinctive damage also is known from the fleshy attachment pad surfaces of basal bennettitalean bracts.Examination of the life history of this probable ginkgoalean-kalligrammatid oviposition interaction indicates that the spacing of the eggs in substrate tissues disfavored inter-larval contact,but little cart be said of defense and counterdefense strategies between the plant host and the newly hatched imrnatures.  相似文献   

A new fossil species, Cedrus anatolica n. sp., is described from the early Miocene Hançili Formation of Turkey. All analyses were performed on the thin sections housed at Istanbul University – Cerrahpasa. The new species was interpreted as having the closest affinity with the modern Mediterranean species Cedrus atlantica (Endlicher) Manetti ex Carriere and Cedrus libani Richard. The evolutionary line shows some changes in wood anatomy. From the early Cretaceous to the early Miocene, the pits on the tangential walls of the tracheids gradually decreased, the height of rays increased and the number of epithelial cells in the traumatic resin canals increased slightly. These features are similar in three modern species; other wood anatomical features are also quite stable among the new fossil and modern species.  相似文献   

An isolated track from the latest Campanian–Maastrichtian Wapiti Formation (Alberta) is tentatively identified as a pterosaur manus print. The basic digital formula (digit I < digit II < digit III) is consistent with the plesiomorphic condition in pterosaurs. The track measures 25.5 cm in length, making it the largest putative pterosaur manus print (estimated wingspan 7.7 m) from North America. Although precise chronostratigraphic data are lacking, sedimentary evidence indicates the track comes from a mid‐ to late Campanian fluvial deposits that accumulated approximately 400 km from the closest shoreline within a high‐latitude (65°N) setting.  相似文献   

A new exceptionally-preserved Cambrian biota, with fossils belonging to multiple phyla, has recently been found from the middle part of the Longha Formation, near Fulu Village, southeastern Yunnan, South China, and is named the Fulu biota. Groups recovered so far include polymerid trilobites, agnostoids, large bivalved arthropods, bradoriid arthropods, echinoderms, brachiopods, priapulids (worms), hyoliths, macroscopic algae, and trace fossils. The arthropods dominate the biota and are highly diverse with echinoderms second in diversity. The associated agnostoids provide a precise late Guzhangian Age (late Miaolingian Epoch) for the biota, indicating that the biota occurs stratigraphically about halfway between the occurrences of the Kaili and the Guole biotas of South China, from both of which the new Fulu biota differs significantly in faunal components. Guzhangian biotas preserving poorly mineralized tissues and complete echinoderms have been previously unknown in Gondwana until now; thus, the discovery of Fulu biota provides a unique window into life at this critical time interval.  相似文献   

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