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1. Multiple predator interactions may profoundly alter ecological community dynamics and can complicate predictions of simpler pairwise predator–prey interaction strengths. In particular, multiple predator effects may lessen or enhance prey risk, with implications for community-level stability. Such emergent effects may modulate natural enemy efficacy towards target organisms. 2. In the present study, a functional response approach was used to quantify emergent multiple predator effects among natural enemies towards the disease vector mosquito complex, Culex pipiens. Conspecific multiple predator–predator interactions of the cyclopoid copepod Macrocyclops albidus (intermediate predator) were quantified by comparing multiple predator consumption simulations, based on individual consumption rates, with multiple predator consumption rates that were experimentally observed. Further, the study examined the influence of the presence of a predator at a higher trophic level, Chaoborus flavicans, on copepod group predation. 3. Both predators displayed type II functional responses, with C. flavicans consuming significantly more prey than M. albidus individually. Overall consumption levels of mosquitoes increased with greater predator density and richness. Antagonistic or synergistic emergent multiple predator effects between conspecifics of M. albidus were not detected, and the higher-level predator did not reduce effects of the intermediate predator. Accordingly, evidence for additive multiple predator interactions was found. 4. The lack of predator–predator interference between cyclopoid copepods and larval chaoborid midges provides strong support for their combined application in mosquito biocontrol. It is proposed that there should be increased examination of multiple predator effects in assessments of natural enemy efficacies to better understand overall predatory effects within communities and utilities in vector control.  相似文献   

The capacity of populations of Triatoma infestans (Klug) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) to survive and recover was assessed after application of insecticide (gamma-HCH at a rate of 0.5 g a.i./m2) at different seasons. T. infestans populations were maintained in experimental chicken houses under natural climatic conditions in a region of Argentina endemic for Chagas disease transmitted by these bugs. Based on previous studies of T. infestans populations in these habitats, each experimental group was set up with a total of 626 T. infestans, comprising 390 eggs, 204 nymphs of particular stages, fourteen male and eighteen female adults. The chicken houses were dismantled and rebuilt at monthly intervals to study the vector population changes over a period of 33 months. When the insecticide was applied during winter, spring or summer, populations of T. infestans recovered to untreated or precontrol levels during the next reproductive season (i.e. during the hot season, October-March). In contrast, populations treated during autumn (March) remained at very low densities for 2 years and then increased rapidly to surpass the untreated populations. All populations of the bugs fell to very low numbers (sometimes less than twenty individuals) after gamma-HCH applications, but none was driven to extinction. In all cases, the density of surviving populations was independent of their density before treatment. The fact that all treated populations recovered within 1-3 years, to at least the density of untreated populations, shows the high reproductive potential of T. infestans to recover from very low population densities. Moreover, the additive effect of climatic-induced mortality and insecticide-induced mortality is only apparent when insecticides are applied just before the onset of the cold winter months during which reproductive rates are at their lowest.  相似文献   

In Cairns, Australia, the impacts on Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae) populations of two types of ‘lure & kill’ (L&K) lethal ovitraps (LOs), the standard lethal ovitrap (SLO) and the biodegradable lethal ovitrap (BLO) were measured during three mass‐trapping interventions. To assess the efficacy of the SLO, two interventions (one dry season and one wet season) were conducted in three discrete areas, each lasting 4 weeks, with the following treatments: (i) SLOs (>200 traps, ∼4/premise), BG‐sentinel traps (BGSs; ∼15, 1/premise) and larval control (container reduction and methoprene treatment) and (ii) larval control alone, and (iii) untreated control. Female Ae. aegypti populations were monitored for 4 weeks pre‐ and post‐treatment in all three areas using BGSs and sticky ovitraps (SOs) or non‐lethal regular ovitraps (ROs). In the dry season, 206 SLOs and 15 BGSs set at 54 and 15 houses, respectively, caught and killed an estimated 419 and 73 female Ae. aegypti, respectively. No significant decrease in collection size of female Ae. aegypti could be attributed to the treatments. In the wet season, 243 SLOs and 15 BGSs killed ∼993 and 119 female Ae. aegypti, respectively. The mean number of female Ae. aegypti collected after 4 weeks with SOs and BGSs was significantly less than the control (LSD post‐hoc test). The third mass‐trapping intervention was conducted using the BLO during the wet season in Cairns. For this trial, three treatment areas were each provided with BLOs (>500, ∼4/premise) plus larval control, and an untreated control area was designated. Adult female Ae. aegypti were collected for 4 weeks pre‐ and post‐treatment using 15 BGSs and 20 SOs. During this period, 53.2% of BLOs contained a total of 6654 Ae. aegypti eggs. Over the intervention period, collections of Ae. aegypti in the treatment areas were significantly less than in the control area for BGSs but not SOs. An influx of relatively large numbers of young females may have confounded the measurement of changes in populations of older females in these studies. This is an important issue, with implications for assessing delayed action control measures, such as LOs and parasites/pathogens that aim to change mosquito age structure. Finally, the high public acceptability of SLOs and BLOs, coupled with significant impacts on female Ae. aegypti populations in two of the three interventions reported here, suggest that mass trapping with SLOs and BLOs can be an effective component of a dengue control strategy.  相似文献   

A new approach is proposed in the treatment of mosquito nets, using a 'two-in-one' combination of pyrethroid and non-pyrethroid insecticides applied to different parts of bednets. The objectives are mainly to overcome certain limitations of pyrethroid-impregnated bednets currently recommended for malaria control purposes. Apart from developing alternatives to pyrethroid dependency, we sought to counteract pyrethroid irritant effects on mosquitoes (excito-repellency) and resistance to pyrethroids. The idea takes advantage of the presumed host-seeking behaviour of mosquitoes confronted by a net draped over a bed, whereby the mosquito may explore the net from the top downwards. Thus, nets could be more effective if treated on the upper part with residual non-irritant insecticide (carbamate or organophosphate) and with a pyrethroid on the lower part. Sequential exposure to different insecticides with distinct modes of action is equivalent to the use of a mixture as a potential method of managing insecticide resistance. We also intended to improve the control of nuisance mosquitoes, especially Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) that often survive pyrethroids, in order to encourage public compliance with use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). Polyester bednets were pretreated with residual pyrethroid (bifenthrin 50 mg/m2 or deltamethrin 25 mg/m2) on the lower half and with carbamate (carbosulfan 300 mg/m2) on the upper half to minimize contact with net users. Unreplicated examples of these 'two-in-one' treated nets were field-tested against wild mosquitoes, in comparison with an untreated net and bednets treated with each insecticide alone, including PermaNet wash-resistant formulation of deltamethrin 50 mg/m2. Overnight tests involved volunteers sleeping under the experimental bednets in verandah-trap huts at Yaokofikro, near Bouaké in C te d'Ivoire, where the main malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles, as well as Culex quinquefasciatus Say, are highly resistant to pyrethroids. Efficacy of these ITNs was assessed in the huts by four entomological criteria: deterrency and induced exophily (effects on hut entry and exit), blood-feeding and mortality rates (immediate and delayed). Overall, the best impact was achieved by the bednet treated with carbosulfan alone, followed by 'two-in-one' treatments with carbosulfan plus pyrethroid. Blood-feeding rates were 13% An. gambiae and 17% Cx. quinquefasciatus in huts with untreated nets, but only 3% with carbosulfan ITNs, 7-11% with combined ITN treatment, 6-8% An. gambiae and 12-14% Cx. quinquefasciatus with pyrethroid alone. Mosquitoes that entered the huts were killed sooner by nets with combined treatment than by pyrethroid alone. Mortality-rates in response to ITNs with carbosulfan (alone or combined with pyrethroid) were significantly greater for Cx. quinquefasciatus, but not for An. gambiae, compared to ITNs with only pyrethroid. About 20% of sleepers reported potential side-effects (headache and/or sneezing) from use of ITN treated with carbosulfan alone. Further development of this new 'two-in-one' ITN concept requires a range of investigations (choice of effective products, cost-benefit analysis, safety, etc.) leading to factory production of wash-resistant insecticidal nets treated with complementary insecticides.  相似文献   

Ciliate protists and rotifers are ubiquitous in aquatic habitats and can comprise a significant portion of the microbial food resources available to larval mosquitoes, often showing substantial declines in abundance in the presence of mosquito larvae. This top‐down regulation of protists is reported to be strong for mosquitoes inhabiting small aquatic containers such as pitcher plants or tree holes, but the nature of these interactions with larval mosquitoes developing in other aquatic habitats is poorly understood. We examined the effects of these two microbial groups on lower trophic level microbial food resources, such as bacteria, small flagellates, and organic particles, in the water column, and on Culex larval development and adult production. In three independent laboratory experiments using two microeukaryote species (one ciliate protist and one rotifer) acquired from field larval mosquito habitats and cultured in the laboratory, we determined the effects of Culex nigripalpus larval grazing on water column microbial dynamics, while simultaneously monitoring larval growth and development. The results revealed previously unknown interactions that were different from the top‐down regulation of microbial groups by mosquito larvae in other systems. Both ciliates and rotifers, singly or in combination, altered other microbial populations and inhibited mosquito growth. It is likely that these microeukaryotes, instead of serving as food resources, competed with early instar mosquito larvae for microbes such as small flagellates and bacteria in a density‐dependent manner. These findings help our understanding of the basic larval biology of Culex mosquitoes, variation in mosquito production among various larval habitats, and may have implications for existing vector control strategies and for developing novel microbial‐based control methods.  相似文献   

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