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陈永霞  杨宏  罗强 《广西植物》2019,39(11):1475-1481
该文报道了四川凤仙花属四新记录种,即睫毛萼凤仙花(Impatiens blepharosepala Pritz. ex Diels)、红纹凤仙花(Impatiens rubro-striata Hook. f.)、滇西北凤仙花(Impatiens lecomtei Hook. f.)及松林凤仙花(Impatiens pinetorum Hook. f. ex W. W. Smith),并进行了鉴定和讨论,同时提供了相关照片。凭证标本保存于西昌学院标本室(XIAS)中。我国西南地区是世界五大凤仙花属植物分布中心地区之一,此次在四川发现的四新记录种均为我国特有种,该发现对于研究我国西南地区凤仙花属植物的起源和扩散路线具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Impatiens liboensis K. M. Liu & R. P. Kuang, a new species collected from Xiaoqikong Scenic Area in southern Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated, including its seed and pollen micro‐morphology. Impatiens liboensis is similar to I. chishuiensis Y. X. Xiong and I. tubulosa Hemsl., but differs by having obviously irregular underground tubers, white or pink–white flowers, lower sepal with a 1.2–1.5 cm long spur, obovate dorsal petal, and obovate‐oblong or obliquely obovate lower lobes of the lateral petals with retuse apex.  相似文献   

Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) is a notoriously difficult genus to study for reasons that include small, remote and endemic areas of occurrence, and difficulty in obtaining well‐dried herbarium specimens and separating and reconstructing floral parts from available dried specimens. Impatiens has also been notoriously difficult when it comes to phylogenetic resolution at the infrageneric level, but a new system with two subgenera (Impatiens and Clavicarpa) was recently proposed by Yu et al. and it has made it easier to classify newly discovered species. Impatiens maculifera, a new species of Balsaminaceae from Malipo County, Yunnan, China described here, is similar to I. parvisepala S.X. Yu & Y.T. Hou in having racemose inflorescences, four lateral sepals, clavate capsules and ellipsoid seeds, but differs in having leaves narrowly oval or with elliptic–lanceolate blades (versus obovate or obovate–lanceolate), obvious petioles (versus leaves subsessile), racemose inflorescence with 8–12 flowers (versus 6–8 flowers), flowers greenish yellow (versus yellow), lateral united petals and lower sepal with dense red spots (versus red spots absent), and dorsal petal with apparent stalk at base (versus unapparent stalk). Morphological characters and molecular phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from both nuclear ribosomal and plastid genes show that the new species differs distinctively from I. parvisepala. Furthermore, I. maculifera is distinguished from other Impatiens species based on morphological, micromorphological and palynological evidence, and molecular data.  相似文献   

Impatiens pterocaulis S. X. Yu et L. R. Zhang, a new species of the Balsaminaceae from Yancha, Longlin, Guangxi Region, is described and illustrated. This species is similar to I. wilsonii in having nearly white flowers, 4 lateral sepals and a racememos inflorescence, but differs by having winged stems, very short‐spurred lower sepal, yellowish flowers and an acuminate dorsal petal apex. Pollen characters and leaf epidermal micro‐characters of these two species were studied, and the results support that the two species should be kept separate.  相似文献   

Impatiens L. is taxonomically a complicated genus that necessitates fresh characterization to resolve its taxonomy. This study therefore aimed at ascertaining micro-morphological characters in the foliar epidermis of Impatiens. For this purpose, we gathered twelve taxa (10 species and 2 subspecies) mostly from the northern regions of Pakistan and studied qualitative and quantitative characters depicting variation in epidermal cells, stomata, and trichomes on both surfaces. Multicellular, uniseriate trichomes were observed only in I. balsamina L., and raphides in I. balfourii Hook. f. and I. thomsonii Hook. f. while stomata were exclusively anomocytic in all species. Morphological variation in the foliar epidermal characters and their diagnostic value has been depicted by constructing a taxonomic key to all taxa. The study revealed that although foliar epidermal characters in Impatiens did not desirably assort taxa on the basis of structural topographies, yet demonstrated adequate variation distinguishing the Pakistani taxa.  相似文献   

报道了云南省凤仙花科(Balsaminaceae)凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)植物2新记录,即睫毛萼凤仙花(I.blepharosepala Pritz.ex Diels)和红雉凤仙花(I.oxyanthera Hook.f.),并提供了形态描述及其图片,凭证标本保存于重庆三峡学院生命科学与工程学院植物标本馆。该报道的睫毛萼凤仙花花色为白色,红雉凤仙花植株茎、叶皆被微柔毛,茎有分枝,小枝细,丰富了2个物种的形态描述。  相似文献   

Impatiens nanlingensis A. Q. Dong & F. W. Xing, a new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to I. jinggangensis Y. L. Chen, but differs mainly by its lateral united petals; basal lobes suborbicular, marked with yellow stripes; distal lobes narrowly caudate, apex tailed. It also resembles I. bicornuta, but I. bicornuta differs mainly in its longer peduncles, up to 25 cm, pale blue–purple flowers and broadly sigmoid‐curved–saccate lower sepal.  相似文献   

Impatiens macrantha S. X. Yu&Ying Qin (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. Phylogenetic analysis based on molecular data shows the new species to belong to I. subg. Clavicarpa and to be closely related to I. tubulosa with which it shares succulent stems and racemose inflorescences, but it can be easily distinguished by having a 4 – or 5 – ridged stem, obovate or elliptic leaf blade, and saccate lower sepal. Furthermore, I. macrantha is distinguishable from other Impatiens in China by its obviously larger leaves and flowers. The evidence from morphology and molecular data both support I. macrantha as new to science.  相似文献   

Impatiens bomiensis, a new species of Balsaminaceae from Bomi County, Xizang, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is similar to Impatiens fragicolor based on morphological characters and molecular data, but differs in the shape of the lower sepal, the dorsal petal and the number of globose glands at petiole base.  相似文献   

The new species Impatiens brittoi (Balsaminaceae) allied to I. herbicola Hook. f., is described from the Idukki biodiversity zone of the Western Ghats of India. Detailed notes on morphology, key diagnostic characters, distribution, pollen morphology, conservation status and colour photographs are provided for the identification of the new species.  相似文献   

Valeriana neglecta R. Bernal (Valerianaceae) from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in northern Colombia, is described as new, and illustrated, based on two specimens collected in 1844. It belongs to subgenus Valeriana sect. Porteria (Hook.) Benth. & Hook f., and differs from other species of the group in its corymboid inflorescence, with dense, capitoid, partial inflorescences, and in its narrowly spathulate leaves that are remotely dentate towards apex.  相似文献   

Floral variation among closely related species is thought to often reflect differences in pollination systems. Flowers of the large genus Impatiens are characterized by extensive variation in colour, shape and size and in anther and stigma positioning, but studies of their pollination ecology are scarce and most lack a comparative context. Consequently, the function of floral diversity in Impatiens remains enigmatic. This study documents floral variation and pollination of seven co‐occurring Impatiens spp. in the Southeast Asian diversity hotspot. To assess whether floral trait variation reflects specialization for different pollination systems, we tested whether species depend on pollinators for reproduction, identified animals that visit flowers, determined whether these visitors play a role in pollination and quantified and compared key floral traits, including floral dimensions and nectar characteristics. Experimental exclusion of insects decreased fruit and seed set significantly for all species except I. muscicola, which also received almost no visits from animals. Most species received visits from several animals, including bees, birds, butterflies and hawkmoths, only a subset of which were effective pollinators. Impatiens psittacina, I. kerriae, I. racemosa and I. daraneenae were pollinated by bees, primarily Bombus haemorrhoidalis. Impatiens chiangdaoensis and I. santisukii had bimodal pollination systems which combined bee and lepidopteran pollination. Floral traits differed significantly among species with different pollination systems. Autogamous flowers were small and spurless, and did not produce nectar; bee‐pollinated flowers had short spurs and large floral chambers with a wide entrance; and bimodally bee‐ and lepidopteran‐pollinated species had long spurs and a small floral chamber with a narrow entrance. Nectar‐producing species with different pollination systems did not differ in nectar volume and sugar concentration. Despite the high frequency of bee pollination in co‐occurring species, individuals with a morphology suggestive of hybrid origin were rare. Variation in floral architecture, including various forms of corolla asymmetry, facilitates distinct, species‐specific pollen‐placement on visiting bees. Our results show that floral morphological diversity among Impatiens spp. is associated with both differences in functional pollinator groups and divergent use of the same pollinator. Non‐homologous mechanisms of floral asymmetry are consistent with repeated independent evolution, suggesting that competitive interactions among species with the same pollination system have been an important driver of floral variation among Impatiens spp.  相似文献   

Impatiens shimianensis Q. Luo (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Shimian county in southwestern Sichuan province, China, is reported and its morphological characteristics are described and illustrated. Pollen grain morphology and seeds under SEM are also described. The new species is somewhat similar to I. bahanensis, I. brachycentra, I. laxiflora, I. parviflora and I. racemosa, but differs mainly by having leaf blades with white short stiff adpressed hairs; basal lobes of lateral united petals triangular, distal lobes lanceolate; and lower sepal salver‐shaped. The distinguishing characters for these six Impatiens species are given in a table.  相似文献   

The development of primordia as leaves, petals, or as organsintermediate between leaves and petals can be regulated by photoperiodin Impatiens. In intermediate organs only some parts of theorgan differentiated as petal, and then only in some cell layers.Allometric measurements of primordium shape suggested that intermediateorgans may begin development as petals, and that their intermediatecharacter at maturity resulted from a switch of some parts ofthe organs from petal to leaf development when the primordiawere between 0.5 and 1 mm long. In reverted apices made to re-flower,primordia were not completely determined as leaves until theywere about 750 µm long. Determination typically occurredfirst at the tips and last at the bases of these primordia.The determination of primordia as leaves or petals in Impatiensis discussed in relation to primordium determination in otherspecies. It is suggested that the lack of commitment to flowermay result in relatively late primordium determination in Impatiens. Impatiens balsamina, determination, differentiation, leaf and petal development, flowering, reversion  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the unequal distribution of plastids in the developing microspores of Impatiens walleriana and Impatiens glandulifera which leads to the exclusion of plastids from the generative cell. During the development from young microspore to the onset of mitosis a change in the organization of the cytoplasm and distribution of organelles is gradually established. This includes the formation of vacuoles at the poles of the elongate-shaped microspores, the movement of the nucleus to a position near the microspore wall in the central part of the cell, and the accumulation of the plastids to a position near the wall at the opposite side of the cell. In Impatiens walleriana, the accumulated plastids are separated from each other by ER cisterns, and some mitochondria are also accumulated. In both Impatiens species, the portion of the microspore in which the generative cell will be formed is completely devoid of plastids at the time mitosis starts.  相似文献   

Impatiens menghuochengensis Q Luo. (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Shimian county in southwestern Sichuan province, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to I. tortisepala J. D. Hooker, but differs in having stem unbranched in lower portion; lateral sepals transparent, obliquely ovate; dorsal petal with central columnar cristate swelling; lateral united petals with distal lobes oblong‐dolabriform, apically retuse; lower sepal saccate with purple–red veins, abruptly narrowed at belly into an incurved spur 20–25 mm. The morphological characteristics and surface patterning of the seeds and pollen of the new species are examined under SEM and compared with those of I. tortisepala.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of interference through improper pollen transfer are described for sympatric populations of the simultaneously flowering annuals Impatiens capensis and I. pallida. Stigmas of both Impatiens species are receptive to conspecific pollen from the time of androecium disarticulation until after perianth drop. Pollen of I. pallida adheres to, and germinates on, the stigmas of I. capensis. The pollen tubes reach the ovules but do not fertilize them. In contrast, pollen of I. capensis adheres poorly to I. pallida stigmas and fails to germinate. Pollen mixtures of the two Impatiens species cause a much greater reduction in fruit set in I. capensis than in I. pallida. Despite the interference of I. pallida pollen, I. capensis persists in mixed populations with I. pallida by: 1) possessing stigmas receptive to pollen throughout the female phase; 2) having the ability to produce a full seed complement via one pollination event; and 3) possessing cleistogamous flowers to ensure sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Impatiens quadriloba K. M. Liu et Y. L. Xiang sp. nov. collected from the Siguniang Mountains Nature Reserve in northwestern Sichuan, China, is described and illustrated. The seed‐coat and pollen morphology of the new species are described and diagnostic morphological characters that distinguish the new species from the related I. falcifer Hook. f. are discussed.  相似文献   

凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)10种植物花粉形态的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜观察了10种凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)植物的花粉形态。结果表明:本属花粉为单粒花粉,呈长圆形至长矩圆形,大小为20.3~46.7 μm,具角萌发孔,网状纹饰,网眼明显;根据花粉网状纹饰中网眼内是否具颗粒状突起可将其分为2类:(1)网眼内无或近无颗粒状突起,黄金凤(I. siculifer)和婺源凤仙花(I. wuyuanensis)的花粉纹饰属于这一类型;(2)网眼内有明显颗粒状突起,其余8个种的花粉纹饰均属于该类型。研究表明,花粉特征,特别是花粉粒网状纹饰中网眼内有无颗粒状突起及颗粒状突起的形态等特征,在凤仙花属内常具种水平上的可见变异,因而可作为种类划分的依据,它们在分类学上的价值应予以关注。  相似文献   

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