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The ULTRAPETALA gene controls shoot and floral meristem size in Arabidopsis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The regulation of proper shoot and floral meristem size during plant development is mediated by a complex interaction of stem cell promoting and restricting factors. The phenotypic effects of mutations in the ULTRAPETALA gene, which is required to control shoot and floral meristem cell accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana, are described. ultrapetala flowers contain more floral organs and whorls than wild-type plants, phenotypes that correlate with an increase in floral meristem size preceding organ initiation. ultrapetala plants also produce more floral meristems than wild-type plants, correlating with an increase in inflorescence meristem size without visible fasciation. Expression analysis indicates that ULTRAPETALA controls meristem cell accumulation partly by limiting the domain of CLAVATA1 expression. Genetic studies show that ULTRAPETALA acts independently of ERA1, but has overlapping functions with PERIANTHIA and the CLAVATA signal transduction pathway in controlling shoot and floral meristem size and meristem determinacy. Thus ULTRAPETALA defines a novel locus that restricts meristem cell accumulation in Arabidopsis shoot and floral meristems.  相似文献   

Understanding the complete picture of floral transition is still impaired by the fact that physiological studies mainly concern plant species whose genetics is poorly known, and vice versa. Arabidopsis thaliana has been successfully used to unravel signalling pathways by genetic and molecular approaches, but analyses are still required to determine the physiological signals involved in the control of floral transition. In this work, the putative role of cytokinins was investigated using vegetative plants of Arabidopsis (Columbia) induced to flower synchronously by a single 22 h long day. Cytokinins were analysed in leaf extracts, leaf phloem exudate and in the shoot apical meristem at different times during floral transition. It was found that, in both the leaf tissues and leaf exudate, isopentenyladenine forms of cytokinins increased from 16 h after the start of the long day. At 30 h, the shoot apical meristem of induced plants contained more isopentenyladenine and zeatin than vegetative controls. These cytokinin increases correlate well with the early events of floral transition.  相似文献   

The cell-cycle duration and the growth fraction were estimated in the shoot meristem of Sinapis alba L. during the transition from the vegetative to the floral condition. Compared with the vegetative meristem, the cell-cycle length was reduced from 86 to 32 h and the growth fraction, i.e. the proportion of rapidly cycling cells, was increased from 30–40% to 50–60%. These changes were detectable as early as 30 h after the start of the single inductive long day. The faster cell cycle in the evoked meristem was achieved by a shortening of the G1 (pre-DNA synthesis), S (DNA synthesis) and G2 (post-DNA synthesis) phases of the cycle. In both vegetative and evoked meristems, both-the central and peripheral zones were mosaics of rapidly cycling and non-cycling cells, but the growth fraction was always higher in the peripheral zone.Abbreviations G1 pre-DNA synthesis phase - G2 post-DNA synthesis phase - GF growth fraction - M mitosis phase - PLM percentage-labelled-mitoses method - S DNA synthesis phase - TdR thymidine  相似文献   

LEAFY controls floral meristem identity in Arabidopsis.   总被引:96,自引:0,他引:96  
The first step in flower development is the generation of a floral meristem by the inflorescence meristem. We have analyzed how this process is affected by mutant alleles of the Arabidopsis gene LEAFY. We show that LEAFY interacts with another floral control gene, APETALA1, to promote the transition from inflorescence to floral meristem. We have cloned the LEAFY gene, and, consistent with the mutant phenotype, we find that LEAFY RNA is expressed strongly in young flower primordia. LEAFY expression procedes expression of the homeotic genes AGAMOUS and APETALA3, which specify organ identify within the flower. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LEAFY is the Arabidopsis homolog of the FLORICAULA gene, which controls floral meristem identity in the distantly related species Antirrhinum majus.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is functionally subdivided into zones with distinct tasks. During vegetative growth the peripheral zone of the meristem gives rise to leaf primordia that develop into dorsiventral leaves under the influence of signals from the central zone. During the floral transition the function of the SAM is altered and its peripheral zone starts to form floral structures in a specific pattern. This requires alterations in the signal networks that coordinate the activities of the peripheral and central zone of the SAM. These signal networks are partly housed in the symplasmic space of the SAM. Dye-coupling experiments demonstrate that in the superficial layer of the Sinapis alba meristem this space is radially subdivided. The cells of the central zone are coupled into a symplasmic field, which is shielded from the peripheral zone by the positional closing of plasmodesmata. In the vegetative meristems, most of these central symplasmic fields have a triangular geometry and are relatively small in size. Plants that are induced to flower by exposure to a single long day alter the geometry as well as the size of their central symplasmic field. After two subsequent days under short photoperiod the central symplasmic fields exhibit a circular form. Simultaneously, their size strongly increases both in an absolute sense and relative to the enlarging meristem. The geometric change in the fields is hypothesized to be due to recruitment of extra initial cells, required to support the increase in phyllotactic complexity. The proportional increase in field size is interpreted as an adjustment in the balance between the central and peripheral zone of the SAM, accompanying the shift from leaf production to flower formation.  相似文献   

Eight-week-old vegetative plants of Arabidopsis thaliana, ecotype Columbia, were induced to flower by a single long day (LD). In this experimental system, it is known that the last component of the floral stimulus moves from the leaves to the apex 24-36 h after the start of the LD, and the first floral meristem is initiated by the shoot apical meristem (SAM) at 44-56 h (Corbesier et al., 1996, The Plant Journal 9: 947-952). Here we show that the rate of cell division is increased at floral transition in all SAM parts but not in the sub-apical pith cells. Mitotic activity starts to increase 24 h after the start of the LD and is two- to three-fold higher at peak times than that in non-induced plants. This activation is followed by the start of SAM enlargement at 44 h, SAM doming at 48 h, and the elongation of apical internodes (bolting) at 52 h.  相似文献   

Determination of Arabidopsis floral meristem identity by AGAMOUS.   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Y Mizukami  H Ma 《The Plant cell》1997,9(3):393-408
Determinate growth of floral meristems in Arabidopsis requires the function of the floral regulatory gene AGAMOUS (AG). Expression of AG mRNA in the central region of floral meristems relies on the partially overlapping functions of the LEAFY (LFY) and APETALA1 (AP1) genes, which promote initial floral meristem identity. Here, we provide evidence that AG function is required for the final definition of floral meristem identity and that constitutive AG function can promote, independent of LFY and AP1 functions, the determinate floral state in the center of reproductive meristems. Loss-of-function analysis showed that the indeterminate central region of the ag mutant floral meristem undergoes conversion to an inflorescence meristem when long-day-dependent flowering stimulus is removed. Furthermore, gain-of-function analysis demonstrated that ectopic AG function results in precocious flowering and the formation of terminal flowers at apices of both the primary inflorescence and axillary branches of transgenic Arabidopsis plants in which AG expression is under the control of the 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus. Similar phenotypes were also observed in lfy ap1 double mutants carrying a 35S-AG transgene. Together, these results indicate that AG is a principal developmental switch that controls the transition of meristem activity from indeterminate to determinate.  相似文献   

Cellular parameters of the shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
P Laufs  O Grandjean  C Jonak  K Kiêu    J Traas 《The Plant cell》1998,10(8):1375-1390
The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a small group of dividing cells that generate all of the aerial parts of the plant. With the goal of providing a framework for the analysis of Arabidopsis meristems at the cellular level, we performed a detailed morphometric study of actively growing inflorescence apices of the Landsberg erecta and Wassilewskija ecotypes. For this purpose, cell size, spatial distribution of mitotic cells, and the mitotic index were determined in a series of optical sections made with a confocal laser scanning microscope. The results allowed us to identify zones within the inflorescence SAM with different cell proliferation rates. In particular, we were able to define a central area that was four to six cells wide and had a low mitotic index. We used this technique to compare the meristem of the wild type with the enlarged meristems of two mutants, clavata3-1 (clv3-1) and mgoun2 (mgo2). One of the proposed functions of the CLV genes is to limit cell division rates in the center of the meristem. Our data allowed us to reject this hypothesis, because the mitotic index was reduced in the inflorescence meristem of the clv3-1 mutant. We also observed a large zone of slowly dividing cells in meristems of clv3-1 seedlings. This zone was not detectable in the wild type. These results suggest that the central area is increased in size in the mutant meristem, which is in line with the hypothesis that the CLV3 gene is necessary for the transition of cells from the central to the peripheral zone. Genetic and microscopic analyses suggest that mgo2 is impaired in the production of primordia, and we previously proposed that the increased size of the mgo2 meristem could be due to an accumulation of cells at the periphery. Our morphometric analysis showed that mgo2 meristems, in contrast to those of clv3-1, have an enlarged periphery with high cell proliferation rates. This confirms that clv3-1 and mgo2 lead to meristem overgrowth by affecting different aspects of meristem function.  相似文献   

Separation of shoot and floral identity in Arabidopsis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

True day-neutral (DN) plants flower regardless of day-length and yet they flower at characteristic stages. DN Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun, makes about forty nodes before flowering. The question still persists whether flowering starts because leaves become physiologically able to export sufficient floral stimulus or the shoot apical meristem (SAM) acquires developmental competence to interpret its arrival. This question was addressed using tobacco expressing the Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell cycle gene, Spcdc25, as a tool. Spcdc25 expression induces early flowering and we tested a hypothesis that this phenotype arises because of premature floral competence of the SAM. Scions of vegetative Spcdc25 plants were grafted onto stocks of vegetative WT together with converse grafts and flowering onset followed (as the time since sowing and number of leaves formed till flowering). Spcdc25 plants flowered significantly earlier with fewer leaves, and, unlike WT, also formed flowers from axillary buds. Scions from vegetative Spcdc25 plants also flowered precociously when grafted to vegetative WT stocks. However, in a WT scion to Spcdc25 stock, the plants flowered at the same time as WT. SAMs from young vegetative Spcdc25 plants were elongated (increase in SAM convexity determined by tracing a circumference of SAM sections) with a pronounced meristem surface cell layers compared with WT. Presumably, Spcdc25 SAMs were competent for flowering earlier than WT and responded to florigenic signal produced even in young vegetative WT plants. Precocious reproductive competence in Spcdc25 SAMs comprised a pronounced mantle, a trait of prefloral SAMs. Hence, we propose that true DN plants export florigenic signal since early developmental stages but the SAM has to acquire competence to respond to the floral stimulus.  相似文献   

Ormenese S  Havelange A  Deltour R  Bernier G 《Planta》2000,211(3):370-375
 The frequency of plasmodesmata increases in the shoot apical meristem of plants of Sinapis alba L. induced to flower by exposure to a single long day. This increase is observed within all cell layers (L1, L2, L3) as well as at the interfaces between these layers, and it occurs in both the central and peripheral zones of the shoot apical meristem. The extra plasmodesmata are formed only transiently, from 28 to 48 h after the start of the long day, and acropetally since they are detectable in L3 4 h before they are seen in L1 and L2. These observations indicate that (i) in the Sinapis shoot apical meristem at floral transition, there is an unfolding of a single field with increased plasmodesmatal connectivity, and (ii) this event is an early effect of the arrival at this meristem of the floral stimulus of leaf origin. Since (i) the wave of increased frequency of plasmodesmata is 12 h later than the wave of increased mitotic frequency (A. Jacqmard et al. 1998, Plant cell proliferation and its regulation in growth and development, pp. 67–78; Wiley), and (ii) the increase in frequency of plasmodesmata is observed in all cell walls, including in walls not deriving from recent divisions (periclinal walls separating the cell layers), it is concluded that the extra plasmodesmata seen at floral transition do not arise in the forming cell plate during mitosis and are thus of secondary origin. Received: 4 October 1999 / Accepted: 23 December 1999  相似文献   

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