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Development of adventitious roots (ARs) at the base of the shoot is an important adaptation of plants to waterlogging stress; however, its physiological mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we investigated the regulation of AR formation under waterlogged conditions by hormones and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Cucumis sativus L., an agriculturally and economically important crop in China. We found that ethylene, auxin, and ROS accumulated in the waterlogged cucumber plants. On the other hand, application of the ethylene receptor inhibitor 1‐methylcyclopropene (1‐MCP), the auxin transport inhibitor 1‐naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), or the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) decreased the number of ARs induced by waterlogging. Auxin enhanced the expression of ethylene biosynthesis genes, which led to ethylene entrapment in waterlogged plants. Both ethylene and auxin induced the generation of ROS. Auxin‐induced AR formation was inhibited by 1‐MCP, although ethylene‐induced AR formation was not inhibited by NPA. Both ethylene‐ and auxin‐induced AR formation were counteracted by DPI. These results indicate that auxin‐induced AR formation is dependent on ethylene, whereas ethylene‐induced AR formation is independent of auxin. They also show that ROS signals mediate both ethylene‐ and auxin‐induced AR formation in cucumber plants.  相似文献   

离体黄瓜子叶不定根发生的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
离体黄瓜子叶在仅加有双蒸水的培养皿中能高频率发生不定根的现象,并对不定根发生过程中过氧化物酶(POD)活性、可溶性蛋白和核酸含量的变化进行了测定。:6d苗子叶不定根发生率最高,不定根发生高峰是在培养后3d~5d,在不定根发生过程中,过氧化物酶生呈上升趋势,可溶性蛋白和核酸含蜈则降低。  相似文献   

In plants, the formation of hypocotyl‐derived adventitious roots (ARs) is an important morphological acclimation to waterlogging stress; however, its genetic basis remains fragmentary. Here, through combined use of bulked segregant analysis‐based whole‐genome sequencing, SNP haplotyping and fine genetic mapping, we identified a candidate gene for a major‐effect QTL, ARN6.1, that was responsible for waterlogging tolerance due to increased AR formation in the cucumber line Zaoer‐N. Through multiple lines of evidence, we show that CsARN6.1 is the most possible candidate for ARN6.1 which encodes an AAA ATPase. The increased formation of ARs under waterlogging in Zaoer‐N could be attributed to a non‐synonymous SNP in the coiled‐coil domain region of this gene. CsARN6.1 increases the number of ARs via its ATPase activity. Ectopic expression of CsARN6.1 in Arabidopsis resulted in better rooting ability and lateral root development in transgenic plants. Transgenic cucumber expressing the CsARN6.1Asp allele from Zaoer‐N exhibited a significant increase in number of ARs compared with the wild type expressing the allele from Pepino under waterlogging conditions. Taken together, these data support that the AAA ATPase gene CsARN6.1 has an important role in increasing cucumber AR formation and waterlogging tolerance.  相似文献   

Knowledge of processes involved in adventitious rooting is important to improve both fundamental understanding of plant physiology and the propagation of numerous plants. Hybrid aspen (Populus tremula × tremuloïdes) plants overexpressing a key gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis gene (AtGA20ox1) grow rapidly but have poor rooting efficiency, which restricts their clonal propagation. Therefore, we investigated the molecular basis of adventitious rooting in Populus and the model plant Arabidopsis. The production of adventitious roots (ARs) in tree cuttings is initiated from the basal stem region, and involves the interplay of several endogenous and exogenous factors. The roles of several hormones in this process have been characterized, but the effects of GAs have not been fully investigated. Here, we show that a GA treatment negatively affects the numbers of ARs produced by wild‐type hybrid aspen cuttings. Furthermore, both hybrid aspen plants and intact Arabidopsis seedlings overexpressing AtGA20ox1, PttGID1.1 or PttGID1.3 genes (with a 35S promoter) produce few ARs, although ARs develop from the basal stem region of hybrid aspen and the hypocotyl of Arabidopsis. In Arabidopsis, auxin and strigolactones are known to affect AR formation. Our data show that the inhibitory effect of GA treatment on adventitious rooting is not mediated by perturbation of the auxin signalling pathway, or of the strigolactone biosynthetic and signalling pathways. Instead, GAs appear to act by perturbing polar auxin transport, in particular auxin efflux in hybrid aspen, and both efflux and influx in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

不定根发生分子调控机制的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
魏丽  蒋湘宁  裴东 《生命科学》2006,18(3):266-272
不定根发生问题,既是植物无性繁殖和工厂化育苗实践的核心问题,又是植物发育和形态建成等方面的重要理论问题。由于不定根发生过程的复杂性,到目前为止对其调控机制的了解还十分有限。大量研究证实,不定根发生与植物生长素类物质密切相关,因此现有的研究不仅围绕生长素及其信号传导途径展开,而且还涉及到基因表观遗传学调控水平。目前已经鉴定出一些与不定根发生相关的生长素信号传导因子,如NO、cGMP、microRNAs等。同时,还克隆到一些与不定根发生相关的基因,如OsPIN1、OsCKI1、NPK1、ARL1等。此外,发现DNA甲基化可以抑制DNA与蛋白(MeCP2) 的结合,从而抑制基因转录;microRNA可以使基因沉默来调控不定根的发生状况。本文围绕不定根发生的激素调控、不定根发生的基因调控、不定根发生的生长素信号传导机制、表观遗传调控等几个方面综述了近年来的研究进展。  相似文献   

Strigolactones (SLs) play significant role in shaping root architecture whereby auxin-SL crosstalk has been observed in SL-mediated responses of primary root elongation, lateral root formation and adventitious root (AR) initiation. Whereas GR24 (a synthetic strigolactone) inhibits LR and AR formation, the effect of SL biosynthesis inhibitor (fluridone) is just the opposite (root proliferation). Naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) leads to LR proliferation but completely inhibits AR development. The diffusive distribution of PIN1 in the provascular cells in the differentiating zone of the roots in response to GR24, fluridone or NPA treatments further indicates the involvement of localized auxin accumulation in LR development responses. Inhibition of LR formation by GR24 treatment coincides with inhibition of ACC synthase activity. Profuse LR development by fluridone and NPA treatments correlates with enhanced [Ca2+]cyt in the apical region and differentiating zones of LR, indicating a critical role of [Ca2+] in LR development in response to the coordinated action of auxins, ethylene and SLs. Significant enhancement of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase (CCD) activity (enzyme responsible for SL biosynthesis) in tissue homogenates in presence of cPTIO (NO scavenger) indicates the role of endogenous NO as a negative modulator of CCD activity. Differences in the spatial distribution of NO in the primary and lateral roots further highlight the involvement of NO in SL-modulated root morphogenesis in sunflower seedlings. Present work provides new report on the negative modulation of SL biosynthesis through modulation of CCD activity by endogenous nitric oxide during SL-modulated LR development.  相似文献   

Lateral root branching is a genetically defined and environmentally regulated process. Auxin is required for lateral root formation, and mutants that are altered in auxin synthesis, transport or signaling often have lateral root defects. Crosstalk between auxin and ethylene in root elongation has been demonstrated, but interactions between these hormones in the regulation of Arabidopsis lateral root formation are not well characterized. This study utilized Arabidopsis mutants altered in ethylene signaling and synthesis to explore the role of ethylene in lateral root formation. We find that enhanced ethylene synthesis or signaling, through the eto1-1 and ctr1-1 mutations, or through the application of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), negatively impacts lateral root formation, and is reversible by treatment with the ethylene antagonist, silver nitrate. In contrast, mutations that block ethylene responses, etr1-3 and ein2-5 , enhance root formation and render it insensitive to the effect of ACC, even though these mutants have reduced root elongation at high ACC doses. ACC treatments or the eto1-1 mutation significantly enhance radiolabeled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transport in both the acropetal and the basipetal directions. ein2-5 and etr1-3 have less acropetal IAA transport, and transport is no longer regulated by ACC. DR5-GUS reporter expression is also altered by ACC treatment, which is consistent with transport differences. The aux1-7 mutant, which has a defect in an IAA influx protein, is insensitive to the ethylene inhibition of root formation. aux1-7 also has ACC-insensitive acropetal and basipetal IAA transport, as well as altered DR5-GUS expression, which is consistent with ethylene altering AUX1-mediated IAA uptake, and thereby blocking lateral root formation.  相似文献   

Poplar shoots raised in vitro were induced to root by incubation on an auxin (NAA) containing medium for 7 h. After 13 days on an auxin-free medium, 97% of the treated shoots had rooted. The introduction of known antiauxins (PCIB, PBA, POAA) into the rooting expression auxin-free medium, after the 7-h induction by NAA, completely (PCIB and PBA) or severely (POAA) inhibited rooting. The exclusion of calcium from the expression auxin free medium reduced the percentage of rooting by about 42%. The inhibition was still higher in the presence of EGTA, a calcium chelator. Lanthanum chloride, a calcium channel blocker, also completely inhibited rooting, when incorporated into the auxin free medium, with or without calcium. These results support previous hypotheses about the implication of both endogenous auxin and calcium in the late phases of the adventitious rooting process.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the role of ethylene in the formation of lateral and adventitious roots in tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) using mutants isolated for altered ethylene signaling and fruit ripening. Mutations that block ethylene responses and delay ripening – Nr ( Never ripe ), gr ( green ripe ), nor ( non ripening ), and rin ( ripening inhibitor ) – have enhanced lateral root formation. In contrast, the epi ( epinastic ) mutant, which has elevated ethylene and constitutive ethylene signaling in some tissues, or treatment with the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC), reduces lateral root formation. Treatment with ACC inhibits the initiation and elongation of lateral roots, except in the Nr genotype. Root basipetal and acropetal indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transport increase with ACC treatments or in the epi mutant, while in the Nr mutant there is less auxin transport than in the wild type and transport is insensitive to ACC. In contrast, the process of adventitious root formation shows the opposite response to ethylene, with ACC treatment and the epi mutation increasing adventitious root formation and the Nr mutation reducing the number of adventitious roots. In hypocotyls, ACC treatment negatively regulated IAA transport while the Nr mutant showed increased IAA transport in hypocotyls. Ethylene significantly reduces free IAA content in roots, but only subtly changes free IAA content in tomato hypocotyls. These results indicate a negative role for ethylene in lateral root formation and a positive role in adventitious root formation with modulation of auxin transport as a central point of ethylene–auxin crosstalk.  相似文献   

以黄瓜品种‘新春4号’为材料,研究干旱胁迫下一氧化氮(NO)和钙离子(Ca2+)处理下黄瓜的生根指标、内源Ca2+荧光强度以及抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶SOD、过氧化氢酶CAT、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶APX)活性,分析干旱条件下黄瓜不定根发生过程中NO和Ca2+之间的关系.结果表明: 200 μmol·L-1 氯化钙(CaCl2)和0.05%聚乙二醇(PEG)共处理显著提高了干旱条件下黄瓜不定根的根长和根数;添加Ca2+螯合剂(EGTA)和通道抑制剂(BAPTA/AM)处理显著降低了干旱条件下NO诱导的不定根根数和根长.干旱条件下,NO和CaCl2处理提高了黄瓜下胚轴内源Ca2+荧光强度;而NO清除剂(cPTIO)处理的Ca2+荧光强度显著低于NO处理.干旱条件下,NO和CaCl2处理显著提高了黄瓜下胚轴抗氧化酶活性;而Ca2+抑制剂或螯合剂处理显著降低了NO诱导的抗氧化酶活性.由此可见,干旱条件下Ca2+参与了NO调控黄瓜抗氧化酶活性,缓解了干旱胁迫对不定根形成产生的伤害,进而促进了不定根的发生.  相似文献   

Using NO specific probe (MNIP-Cu), rapid nitric oxide (NO) accumulation as a response to auxin (IAA) treatment has been observed in the protoplasts from the hypocotyls of sunflower seedlings (Helianthus annuus L.). Incubation of protoplasts in presence of NPA (auxin efflux blocker) and PTIO (NO scavenger) leads to significant reduction in NO accumulation, indicating that NO signals represent an early signaling event during auxin-induced response. A surge in NO production has also been demonstrated in whole hypocotyl explants showing adventitious root (AR) development. Evidence of tyrosine nitration of cytosolic proteins as a consequence of NO accumulation has been provided by western blot analysis and immunolocalization in the sections of AR producing hypocotyl segments. Most abundant anti-nitrotyrosine labeling is evident in proteins ranging from 25–80 kDa. Tyrosine nitration of a particular protein (25 kDa) is completely absent in presence of NPA (which suppresses AR formation). Similar lack of tyrosine nitration of this protein is also evident in other conditions which do not allow AR differentiation. Immunofluorescent localization experiments have revealed that non-inductive treatments (such as PTIO) for AR develpoment from hypocotyl segments coincide with symplastic and apoplastic localization of tyrosine nitrated proteins in the xylem elements, in contrast with negligible (and mainly apoplastic) nitration of proteins in the interfascicular cells and phloem elements. Application of NPA does not affect tyrosine nitration of proteins even in the presence of an external source of NO (SNP). Tyrosine nitrated proteins are abundant around the nuclei in the actively dividing cells of the root primordium. Thus, NO-modulated rapid response to IAA treatment through differential distribution of tyrosine nitrated proteins is evident as an inherent aspect of the AR development.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effect of polyamines on adventitious root formation, we investigated the relationship between the frequency of adventitious root formation and the endogenous content of free polyamines in tobacco leaf segments which had been treated with polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors and polyamines. Adventitious root formation was inhibited in rooting medium (10 μM IAA) with methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG) or cyclohexylamine (CHA), and promoted with spermidine and putrescine. Treatment with high IAA (100 μM) medium plus CHA or MGBG promoted rooting up reversion of the rooting inhibition than the one treated with high IAA concentration alone. Spermidine promoted adventitious root numbers on low IAA (1 μM) medium when applied during culture period. The rooting inductive phase (in the presence of IAA) was determined by periodical transfer of leaf segments from IAA-containing medium to IAA free medium, and by changing polyamine contents, to be inductive phase. Putrescine and spermidine were accumulated to a maximum during the inductive phase. Therefore, the results point out the involvement of polyamines in inductive phase of adventitious root formation in tobacco leaf segments.  相似文献   

美国黄松组织培养不定根诱导的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以GD、SH和1/2SH基本培养基对美国黄松不定芽进行不定根的诱导。试验结果表明基本培养基的种类对不定芽形成不定根起主要作用。在1/2SH培养基上附加0.5mg/L的NAA不定根的诱导率为3.3%。试验首次在离体培养条件下,以美国黄松种胚为外植体获得了再生小植株。  相似文献   

In flood-tolerant species, a common response to inundation is growth of adventitious roots into the water column. The capacity for these roots to become photosynthetically active has received scant attention. The experiments presented here show the aquatic adventitious roots of the flood-tolerant, halophytic stem-succulent, Tecticornia pergranulata (subfamily Salicornioideae, Chenopodiaceae) are photosynthetic and quantify for the first time the photosynthetic capacity of aquatic roots for a terrestrial species. Fluorescence microscopy was used to determine the presence of chloroplasts within cells of aquatic roots. Net O2 production by excised aquatic roots, when underwater, was measured with varying light and CO2 regimes; the apparent maximum capacity ( P max) for underwater net photosynthesis in aquatic roots was 0.45  µ mol O2 m−2 s−1. The photosynthetic potential of these roots was supported by the immunolocalization of PsbA, the major protein of photosystem II, and ribulose-1-5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) in root protein extracts. Chlorophyllous aquatic roots of T. pergranulata are photosynthetically active, and such activity is a previously unrecognized source of O2, and potentially carbohydrates, in flooded and submerged plants.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Strigolactones (SLs) and their derivatives are plant hormones that have recently been identified as regulating root development. This study examines whether SLs play a role in mediating production of adventious roots (ARs) in rice (Oryza sativa), and also investigates possible interactions between SLs and auxin.Methods Wild-type (WT), SL-deficient (d10) and SL-insensitive (d3) rice mutants were used to investigate AR development in an auxin-distribution experiment that considered DR5::GUS activity, [3H] indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) transport, and associated expression of auxin transporter genes. The effects of exogenous application of GR24 (a synthetic SL analogue), NAA (α-naphthylacetic acid, exogenous auxin) and NPA (N-1-naphthylphalamic acid, a polar auxin transport inhibitor) on rice AR development in seedlings were investigated.Key Results The rice d mutants with impaired SL biosynthesis and signalling exhibited reduced AR production compared with the WT. Application of GR24 increased the number of ARs and average AR number per tiller in d10, but not in d3. These results indicate that rice AR production is positively regulated by SLs. Higher endogenous IAA concentration, stronger expression of DR5::GUS and higher [3H] IAA activity were found in the d mutants. Exogenous GR24 application decreased the expression of DR5::GUS, probably indicating that SLs modulate AR formation by inhibiting polar auxin transport. The WT and the d10 and d3 mutants had similar expression of DR5::GUS regardless of exogenous application of NAA or NPA; however, AR number was greater in the WT than in the d mutants.Conclusions The results suggest that AR formation is positively regulated by SLs via the D3 response pathway. The positive effect of NAA application and the opposite effect of NPA application on AR number of WT plants also suggests the importance of auxin for AR formation, but the interaction between auxin and SLs is complex.  相似文献   

ARL1, a LOB-domain protein required for adventitious root formation in rice   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Adventitious roots constitute the bulk of the fibrous root system in cereals. Compared with the current understanding of shoot development, knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of development of the adventitious roots of cereals is limited. We have isolated and characterized a novel gene controlling the initiation of adventitious root primordia in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The gene, designated Adventitious rootless1 (ARL1), encodes a protein with a LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES (LOB) domain. It is expressed in lateral and adventitious root primordia, tiller primordia, vascular tissues, scutellum, and young pedicels. ARL1 is a nuclear protein and can form homodimers. ARL1 is an auxin- and ethylene-responsive gene, and the expression pattern of ARL1 in roots parallels auxin distribution. Our findings suggest that ARL1 is an auxin-responsive factor involved in auxin-mediated cell dedifferentiation, and that it promotes the initial cell division in the pericycle cells adjacent to the peripheral vascular cylinder in the stem.  相似文献   

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