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Targeting gene-virotherapy of cancer   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Liu XY  Gu JF 《Cell research》2006,16(1):25-30
Our purpose is to completely elimination of xenograft tumor in animal tumor model in order to work out a protocal for the cure of patient. Gene therapy and viral therapy for cancer have got some therapeutic effects, but both have no great breakthrough. Therefore, we worked out a new strategy called Targeting Gene-Virotherapy of Cancer which is a combination of the advantage of gene therapy and virotherapy. This new strategy has stronger antitumor effect than either of them alone. A tumor specific replicative adenovirus vector ZD55 (E1B 55KD deleted Adv.) which is similar to ONYX-015 in targeting fuction but significant different in construction was produced and various single therapeutic gene was inserted into ZD55. Now such a conception as Targeting Gene-Virotherapy of Cancer was raised and systemically studied before, although there are some works on ONYX-015-tk, -cd or cd/-tk etc. separately. The antitumor effect of ZD55-Gene (for example IL-24 gene) is much better than ZD55 (virotherapy) alone and hundred fold high than that of Ad-IL-24 (gene therapy) alone. ZD55-IL-24 was in preclinal studying in the ZD55-IL-24 therapy, completely elimination of tumor mass was occurred in some mice but not in all mice, that means one gene was not effictive enough to eliminate all the tumor mass in all mice. Therefore two genes with compensative or synergetic effect were inserted into ZD55 separately and used in combination. This strategy was called Targeting Dual Gene-Virotherapy of Cancer (with PCT patent). Then much better results were obtained and all the xenograft tumor masses were completely eliminated in all mice, if two suitable genes were chosen. On the basis of the initiation of two gene results, it was thought about that using two tumors promoter to control the virus vector will be better for the targeting effect and the safty of the drugs. Then double tumor controlled virus vector harboring two genes for cancer therapy was worked out. Better results have been obtained and another patent has been applied. This antitumor strategy could be used to kill all the tumor cells completely in all mice with minimum damage to normal cells.  相似文献   

Targeting gene-virotherapy for cancer   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Gene therapy and viral therapy for cancer have therapeutic effects, but there has been no significant breakthrough in these two forms of therapy. Therefore, a new strategy called “targeting gene-virotherapy”, which combines the advantages of gene therapy and viral therapy, has been formulated. This new therapy has stronger antitumor effects than either gene therapy or viral therapy. A tumor-specific replicative adenovirus vector ZD55 (E1B55KD deleted Adv.) was constructed and various single therapeutic genes were inserted into ZD55 to form ZD55-gene. These are the targeting gene-virotherapy genes. But experiments showed that a single gene was not effective in eliminating the tumor mass, and therefore two genes were separately inserted into ZD55. This strategy is called “targeting dual gene-virotherapy” (with PCT patent). Better results were obtained with this strategy, and all the xenograft tumor masses were completely eliminated in all mice when two suitable genes producing a synergetic or compensative effect were chosen. Twenty-six papers on these strategies have been published by researchers in our laboratory. Furthermore, an adenoviral vector with two targeting promoters harboring two antitumor genes has been constructed for cancer therapy. Promising results have been obtained with this adenoviral vector and another patent has been applied for. This antitumor strategy can be used to kill tumor cells completely with minimum damage to normal cells.  相似文献   

Targeting gene-virotherapy of cancer and its prosperity   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Liu XY 《Cell research》2006,16(11):879-886
Gene and viral therapies for cancer have shown some therapeutic effects, but there has been a lack of real breakthrough. To achieve the goal of complete elimination of tumor xenograft in animal models, we have developed a new strategy called Targeting Gene-Virotherapy of Cancer, which aims to combine the advantages of both gene therapy and virotherapy. This new strategy has produced stronger anti-tumor effects than either gene or viral therapy alone. A tumorspecific replicative adenovirus vector, designated as ZD55, was constructed by deletion of the 55kDa E1B region of adenovirus. The resulting viral construct not only retains a similar function to ONYX-015 by specifically targeting p53 negative tumors, but also allows for the insertion of various therapeutic genes to form appropriate ZD55 derivatives due to the newly introduced cloning site, a task not feasible with the original ONYX-015 virus. We showed that the anti-tumor effect of one such derivative, ZD55-IL-24, is at least 100 times more potent than that of either ZD55 virotherapy or Ad-IL-24 gene therapy. Nevertheless, complete elimination of tumor mass by the use of ZD55-1L-24 was only observed in some but not all mice, indicating that one therapeutic gene was not sufficient to "cure" these mice. When genes with complementary or synergetic effects were separately cloned into the ZD55 vector and used in combination (designated as the Dual Gene Therapy strategy), much better results were obtained; and it was possible to achieve complete elimination of all the xenograft tumor masses in all mice if two suitable genes were chosen. More comprehensive studies based on this new strategy will likely lead to a protocol for clinical trial. Finally, the concept of Double Controlled Targeting Virus-Dual Gene Therapy for cancer treatment, and the implication of the recent progress in cancer stem cells are also discussed.  相似文献   

Targeting telomerase-expressing cancer cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of telomeres and telomerase as a target for cancer therapeutics is an area of continuing interest. This review is intended to provide an update on the field, pointing to areas in which our knowledge remains deficient and exploring the details of the most promising areas being advanced into clinical trials. Topics that will be covered include the role of dysfunctional telomeres in cellular aging and how replicative senescence provides an initial barrier to the emergence of immortalized cells, a hallmark of cancer. As an important translational theme, this review will consider possibilities for selectively targeting telomeres and telomerase to enhance cancer therapy. The role of telomerase as an immunotherapy, as a gene therapy approach using telomerase promoter driven oncolytic viruses and as a small oligonucleotide targeted therapy (Imetelstat) will be discussed.  相似文献   

The metabolism of cancer cells differs substantially from normal cells, including ion transport. Although this phenomenon has been long recognized, ion transporters have not been viewed as suitable therapeutic targets. However, the acidic pH values present in tumours which are well outside of normal limits are now becoming recognized as an important therapeutic target. Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) is fundamental to tumour pH regulation. CAIX is commonly expressed in cancer, but lowly expressed in normal tissues and that presents an attractive target. Here, we discuss the possibilities of exploiting the acidic, hypoxic tumour environment as possible target for therapy. Additionally, clinical experience with CAIX targeting in cancer patients is discussed.  相似文献   

Manchado E  Malumbres M 《Cell》2011,144(4):465-466
Tumor cells frequently display an abnormal number of chromosomes, a phenomenon known as aneuploidy. Tang et al. (2011) now show that aneuploid cells are particularly sensitive to compounds that induce proteotoxic and energy stress. Could this vulnerability lead to new cancer therapies?  相似文献   

Members of the caspase family of proteases play essential roles in the initiation and execution of apoptosis. These caspases are divided into two groups: the initiator caspases (caspase-2, -8, -9 and -10), which are the first to be activated in response to a signal, and the executioner caspases (caspase-3, -6, and -7) that carry out the demolition phase of apoptosis. Many conventional cancer therapies induce apoptosis to remove the cancer cell by engaging these caspases indirectly. Newer therapeutic applications have been designed, including those that specifically activate individual caspases using gene therapy approaches and small molecules that repress natural inhibitors of caspases already present in the cell. For such approaches to have maximal clinical efficacy, emerging insights into non-apoptotic roles of these caspases need to be considered. This review will discuss the roles of caspases as safeguards against cancer in the context of the advantages and potential limitations of targeting apoptotic caspases for the treatment of cancer.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer (PC) is the fourth most frequent cause of cancer death in the United States. Emerging evidence suggests that pancreatic cancer stem cells (CSCs) play a crucial role in the development and progression of PC. Recently, there is increasing evidence showing that chemopreventive agents commonly known as nutraceuticals could target and eliminate CSCs that have been proposed as the root of the tumor progression, which could be partly due to attenuating cell signaling pathways involved in CSCs. Therefore, targeting pancreatic CSCs by nutraceuticals for the prevention of tumor progression and treatment of PC may lead to the development of novel strategy for achieving better treatment outcome of PC patients. In this review article, we will summarize the most recent advances in the pancreatic CSC field, with particular emphasis on nutraceuticals that target CSCs, for fighting this deadly disease.  相似文献   

Standard cytotoxic agents for treating cancer were developed based on their effectiveness to kill rapidly dividing cells, not on their ability to selectively kill cancer cells and spare normal tissue. Much of contemporary cancer research is aimed at identifying specific molecular features of cancers to directly target tumor cells with the hope of reducing or eliminating unwanted side effects. Targeted therapy for the treatment of cancer can be divided into two main categories: monoclonal antibodies and small molecules. In this Perspective, we review the approach of synthetic lethality to target cancer, specifically renal cell carcinoma. The concept of synthetic lethality is used to describe a genetic interaction of two non-allelic and non-lethal genes that when mutated simultaneously results in cell death. Recently, we identified a compound, STF-62247, that functions in a synthetic lethal manner to the loss of VHL, a mutation found in the majority of renal cell carcinomas.  相似文献   

While cancer is commonly described as “a disease of the genes”, it is also a disease of metabolism. Indeed, carcinogenesis and malignancy are highly associated with metabolic re-programming, and there is clinical evidence that interrupting a cancer's metabolic program can improve patients' outcomes. Notably, many of the metabolic adaptations observed in cancer are similar to the same perturbations observed in diabetic patients. For example, metformin is commonly used to reduce hyperglycemia in diabetic patients, and has been demonstrated to reduce cancer incidence. Treatment with PI3K inhibitors can induce hyperinsulinemia, which can blunt therapeutic efficacy if unchecked. While commonalities between metabolism in cancer and diabetes have been extensively reviewed, here we examine a less explored and emergent convergence between diabetic and cancer metabolism: the generation of lactic acid and subsequent acidification of the surrounding microenvironment. Extracellular lactic acidosis is integral in disease manifestation and is a negative prognostic in both disease states. In tumors, this results in important sequela for cancer progression including increased invasion and metastasis, as well as inhibition of immune surveillance. In diabetes, acidosis impacts the ability of insulin to bind to its receptor, leading to peripheral resistance and an exacerbation of symptoms. Thus, acidosis may be a relevant therapeutic target, and we describe three approaches for targeting: buffers, nanomedicine, and proton pump inhibitors.  相似文献   

The enzyme telomerase is involved in the replication of telomeres, specialized structures that cap and protect the ends of chromosomes. Its activity is required for maintenance of telomeres and for unlimited lifespan, a hallmark of cancer cells. Telomerase is overexpressed in the vast majority of human cancer cells and therefore represents an attractive target for therapy. Several approaches have been developed to inhibit this enzyme through the targeting of its RNA or catalytic components as well as its DNA substrate, the single-stranded 3′-telomeric overhang. Telomerase inhibitors are chemically diverse and include modified oligonucleotides as well as small diffusable molecules, both natural and synthetic. This review presents an update of recent investigations pertaining to these agents and discusses their biological properties in the context of the initial paradigm that the exposure of cancer cells to these agents should lead to progressive telomere shortening followed by a delayed growth arrest response.  相似文献   

The Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C), an E3 ubiquitin ligase, and two co-activators, Cdc20 and Cdh1, enable the ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation of various critical cell cycle regulators and govern cell division in a timely and precise manner. Dysregulated cell cycle events cause uncontrolled cell proliferation, leading to tumorigenesis. Studies have shown that Cdh1 has tumor suppressive activities while Cdc20 has an oncogenic property, suggesting that Cdc20 is an emerging therapeutic target for cancer treatment. Therefore, in this review, we discussed recent findings about the essential roles of APC/C-Cdc20 in cell cycle regulation. Furthermore, we briefly summarized that the regulation of Cdc20 expression levels is strictly controlled to order cell cycle events appropriately. Finally, given the function of Cdc20 as an oncogene, therapeutic interventions targeting Cdc20 activity may be beneficial in cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Small-molecule kinase inhibitors have been well established and successfully developed in the last decades for cancer target therapies. However, intrinsic or acquired drug resistance is becoming the major barrier for their clinical application. With the development of immunotherapies, in particular the discovery of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), the combination of ICIs with other therapies have recently been extensively explored, among which combination of ICIs with kinase inhibitors achieves promising clinical outcome in a plethora of cancer types. Here we comprehensively summarize the potent roles of protein kinases in modulating immune checkpoints both in tumor and immune cells, and reshaping tumor immune microenvironments by evoking innate immune response and neoantigen generation or presentation. Moreover, the clinical trial and approval of combined administration of kinase inhibitors with ICIs are collected, highlighting the precise strategies to benefit cancer immune therapies.  相似文献   

Cancer, second only to heart disease, is the leading cause of death in the US. Although progress has been made in the early detection of cancer and in improvements of cancer therapies, the ability to provide long-term survival has been limited. Increasing evidence suggests that a minute, biologically unique population of cancer stem cells (SCs) exists in most neoplasms and may be responsible for tumor initiation, progression, metastasis, and relapse. Characterization of cancer SCs has led to the identification of key cellular activities that may make cancer SCs vulnerable to therapeutic interventions that target drug-effluxing capabilities, stem cell pathways, anti-apoptotic mechanisms, and induction of differentiation. Phytochemicals, compounds made from fruits, vegetables, and grains, possess anti-cancer properties and represent a promising therapeutic approach for the prevention and treatment of many cancers. This review summarizes the evidence for the cancer SC hypothesis and discusses the potential mechanisms by which phytochemicals might target cancer SCs.  相似文献   

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