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钙依赖的磷脂结合蛋白——钙结合蛋白中的一个新家族   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙依赖的磷脂结合蛋白是70年代末发现的一类新的钙结合蛋白,它们不同于钙调素等具有“EF”手结构的钙结合蛋白,其特点是它们与Ca2+结合后可以进一步与膜磷脂结合。这类蛋白质广泛存在于动物细胞,常常与质膜或内膜系统相联系。免疫化学证据和对其氨基酸顺序、cDNA序列分析表明,这是钙结合蛋白中一个包括多个成员、结构与功能相关的新家族。  相似文献   

钙网蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙网蛋白研究进展陈安和(西南师范大学生命科学系,重庆630715)关键词钙网蛋白钙网蛋白(calreticulin)是1974年命名的骨骼肌肌质网膜上的钙结合蛋白。近年的研究发现,该蛋白质在非肌肉组织中含量丰富,它是内质网(ER)主要的钙结合蛋白之一...  相似文献   

植物钙结合蛋白存在于花粉管中,通过直接或间接结合Ca~(2+),定位膜结构,形成Ca~(2+)信号通道,发生信号转导,对花粉发育及花粉管的生长起到调控作用。目前已明确以钙调蛋白(CAM)、钙依赖型蛋白激酶(CDPK)、类钙调蛋白(CML)、类钙调素B类蛋白(CBL)和激酶蛋白(CIPK)为主的植物钙结合蛋白在调控花粉发育及花粉管生长方面的重要作用。该文主要对近年来国内外已经明确的各类钙结合蛋白家族以及家族成员间不同的作用机理的研究进展进行综述,并举例阐述了钙结合蛋白家族中各类成员对花粉管特定的作用方式及调控作用,最后对今后相关领域的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

钙结合蛋白calreticulin由N、P和C三个区域的氨在酸序列组成,具有很主的钙结合容量,主要存在于内质网上;其蛋白和基因在生物进化过程中具有极高的保守性,提示它在许多细胞功能的调节中发挥重要作用;它是一种独特的内质网膜分子伴侣,参与胞内钙信号、细胞粘际及基因表达的调控。  相似文献   

从玉米胚中分离出一组理化性质相似的可为钙所沉淀的蛋白。该组蛋白可被3%的三氯乙酸和55%的硫酸铵可逆沉淀,具有较高的热稳定性,在93 ̄94℃下5min不沉淀。该组钙沉淀蛋白可被等于或大于1mmol/L的CaCl2可逆地沉淀,但不被MgCl2或NaCl沉淀。该组蛋白在在EGTA存在下可与phenyl-sepharose 4B结合而被含Ca^2+的缓冲液所洗脱。它们由7种蛋白质组成,亚基分子量为16 ̄  相似文献   

Ca2+在植物生长发育和环境适应过程中发挥着中心调控作用,钙信号是植物生长发育和逆境响应的主要调控因子,钙结合蛋白是植物钙信号传导途径的最重要组分之一,然而植物钙结合蛋白在体内和体外与Ca2+结合的技术体系还有待完善和发展。为了系统总结植物钙结合蛋白的鉴定方法与技术,本文从定性结合、定量结合和结合方式等角度,综述了植物钙结合蛋白在体内和体外条件下与Ca2+结合的原理、方法、特点和应用前景,详细阐述了近年来的主要检测方法,并对其今后的发展趋势作了展望。本文将为植物钙结合蛋白的分离、功能鉴定和作用机制的研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

钙不依赖性钙调素结合蛋白的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钙调素是普遍存在于真核生物细胞中、发挥多种生物学调控作用的信号组分.钙调素不仅在有Ca2 情况下通过与钙依赖性钙调素结合蛋白作用而传递信号,也能在相对无Ca2 条件下直接结合钙不依赖性钙调素结合蛋白而传递信号.综述了无钙离子结合钙调素及钙不依赖性钙调素结合蛋白的结构特性、钙不依赖性钙调素结合蛋白的种类及其可能的生物学作用,这将有助于我们深入认识钙调素介导信号途径的特异性、复杂性和多样性.  相似文献   

植物过敏蛋白研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过敏反应是人类常见的一类自身免疫疾病 ,由于症状复杂 ,种类繁多 ,危害广泛且很难根治 ,所以长期以来一直是医学界的一大难题。自然界的过敏原种类很多 ,花粉蛋白质和食物蛋白质是植物过敏原中最为常见的两种过敏原。许多人在直接或间接接触这些过敏蛋白质之后会因过敏而患上支气管哮喘、上呼吸道结膜炎、湿疹、皮炎等症。特别是一些谷类食品加工业的工人 ,由于经常呼吸带食物蛋白质的粉末而极易患过敏性疾病。1 .过敏原引起过敏反应的过敏原大都是外源分子 ,并且能刺激产生显著的免疫反应。许多已知的植物过敏原与病理发生相关蛋白质(pa…  相似文献   

The structure of carp muscle calcium-binding parvalbumin has been refined to an overall residual, (Σ¦F0 − Fc¦Σ¦F0¦), of 0.25 by a combination of model building and difference Fourier analyses. The atomic positions were allowed to vary up to 0.25 Å from their idealized positions; individual temperature factors ranged from 2 to 150; and 138 solvent peaks were included in this final structure factor calculation. The effects of varying these parameters were analyzed. The treatment of low-order reflections and the influence of solvent have been analyzed in terms of Babinet's principle. These procedures and results are applicable to other protein refinement problems. The errors in co-ordinates are estimated to range from 0.15 Å for the Ca2+ ions to 0.30 Å for internal side chain atoms.A van der Waals' radii study indicates that 42% of the crystal volume is occupied by solvent. There are 16 intermolecular contacts. Of the 108 main chain peptide hydrogen atoms, 15 are neither in contact with solvent nor involved in hydrogen bonds. These “lost” hydrogen bonds are considered to be important to the proposed model of function.  相似文献   

Bipyramidal crystals of the recombinant calmodulin from Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense were obtained by vapor diffusion against 55% (v/v) 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol in 0.05 M cacodylate buffer, pH 5.6. When few nucleation events occurred, crystals grew to 0.25 × 0.25 × 1.20 mm. The space group of the crystal is I4122, with unit cell dimensions a = b = 56.88 Å, c = 230.11 Å, α = β = γ = 90°, z = 16. The molecular mass and volume of the unit cell suggest that there is one molecule in the asymmetric unit. The I/σ(I) ratio for data at 3.0 Å resolution was 3.67, indicating that the final structure can be refined at higher resolution. Molecular replacement methods and the PC-refinement technique have not yet yielded the structure under a variety of search conditions. We are currently investigating the multiple isomorphous replacement approach to determine this crystal structure. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We obtained 32K full-length cDNA sequence data from the rice full-length cDNA project and performed a homology search against NCBI GenBank data. We have also searched homologs of Arabidopsis and other plants' genes with the databases. Comparative analysis of calcium ion transport proteins revealed that the genes specific for muscle and nerve calcium signal transduction systems (VDCC, IP3 receptor, ryanodine receptor) are very different in animals and plants. In contrast, Ca elements with basic functions in cell responses (CNGC, iGlu receptor, Ca(2+)ATPase, Ca2+/Na(+)-K+ ion exchanger) are basically conserved between plants and animals. We also performed comparative analyses of calcium ion binding and/or controlling signal transduction proteins. Many genes specific for muscle and nerve tissue do not exist in plants. However, calcium ion signal transduction genes of basic functions of cell homeostasis and responses were well conserved; plants have developed a calcium ion interacting system that is more direct than in animals. Many species of plants have specifically modified calcium ion binding proteins (CPK, CRK), Ca2+/phospholipid-binding domains, and calcium storage proteins.  相似文献   

Akirin是近来发现的在骨骼肌生长发育和免疫反应中具有重要作用的基因。简要综述了akirin基因与免疫反应、骨骼肌发育和再生、myostatin基因和NF-κB因子的关系,同时分析了禽类akirin2基因的研究进展,最后对akirin基因的应用前景也进行了简单探讨,以期为akirin基因在医学和畜牧业中的深入研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of apo rabbit lung calcyclin has been refined to high resolution through the use of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and 13C,15N- enriched protein. Upon completing the assignment of virtually all of the 15N, 13C and 1H NMR resonances, the solution structure was determined from a combination of 2814 NOE- derived distance constraints, and 272 torsion angle constraints derived from scalar couplings. A large number of critical inter- subunit NOEs (386) were identified from 13C- select,13C-filtered NOESY experiments, providing a highly accurate dimer interface. The combination of distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics calculations yielded structures with excellent agreement with the experimental data and high precision (rmsd from the mean for the backbone atoms in the eight helices: 0.33 Å). Calcyclin exhibits a symmetric dimeric fold of two identical 90 amino acid subunits, characteristic of the S100 subfamily of EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins. The structure reveals a readily identified pair of putative sites for binding of Zn2+. In order to accurately determine the structural features that differentiate the various S100 proteins, distance difference matrices and contact maps were calculated for the NMR structural ensembles of apo calcyclin and rat and bovine S100B. These data show that the most significant variations among the structures are in the positioning of helix III and in loops, the regions with least sequence similarity. Inter-helical angles and distance differences for the proteins show that the positioning of helix III of calcyclin is most similar to that of bovine S100B, but that the helix interfaces are more closely packed in calcyclin than in either S100B structure. Surprisingly large differences were found in the positioning of helix III in the two S100B structures, despite there being only four non-identical residues, suggesting that one or both of the S100B structures requires further refinement.  相似文献   

The survival of genetically engineered and wild-type Pseudomonas putida PpY101, that contained a recombinant plasmid pSR134 conferring mercury resistance, were monitored in andosol and sand microcosms. The survival of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida was not significantly different in andosol. The population change of the two strains was dissimilar in andosol and sand. The survival of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida strains was affected by the water content of andosol, and increased with the increment of the water content. The impact of the addition of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida strains on indigenous bacteria and fungi was examined. Inoculation of both strains had no apparent effect on the density of indigenous microorganisms.  相似文献   

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