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The feasibility of utilizing fluorescence in situ hybridization with chromosome-specific DNA probes as the basis of an assay to detect aneuploidy and aneuploidy-inducing agents in interphase human lymphocytes has been investigated. The assay involves counting the number of hybridization regions in interphase cells to determine the number of copies of a specific chromosome of interest, 22,000 interphase nuclei from untreated 72-h lymphocyte cultures were examined following hybridization with probes for chromosomes 1, 7, 9, 17, X or Y. The combined frequencies of nuclei containing 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 hybridization regions for the various autosomal chromosomes were 0.004, 0.084, 0.909, 0.003 and 0.001, respectively. Based on these frequencies, scoring 1000-2000 cells should allow detection of aneuploid cells with a 0.012 frequency of hyperdiploidy or a 0.11 frequency of hypodiploidy for a specific chromosome of interest (alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.80). This difference in test sensitivity is related to the higher frequency of cells with one apparent spot. A comparison of the ratio of hybridization region to nuclear area in the two-dimensional images used for this analysis indicates that an overlap of the two regions probably accounts for the high frequency of apparent monosomy observed in normal cells. Treatment with the aneuploidy-inducing chemicals, colchicine, vincristine sulfate and diethylstilbestrol resulted in significant dose-related increases in the number of nuclei containing 3 or more hybridization regions. Treatment with the clastogen sodium arsenite produced only a minor increase in apparently hyperdiploid cells whereas treatment with ionizing radiation, another potent clastogen, resulted in a significant increase in nuclei containing multiple hybridization regions. These results suggest that ionizing radiation is an aneuploidy-inducing agent under these conditions although chromosomal breakage within the hybridization region may account for a portion of the increased frequency of nuclei with multiple hybridization regions. These results indicate that the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization with DNA probes is capable of detecting aneuploid cells occurring at relatively low frequencies within a population of cells. Assays based on these techniques should facilitate a more rapid identification of aneuploidy-inducing environmental and therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

J Meyne  R K Moyzis 《Genomics》1989,4(4):472-478
The pericentric region of human chromosome 17 was targeted for specific in situ hybridization of the alphoid DNA subfamily enriched on this chromosome. A recombinant DNA clone containing the entire higher order chromosome 17 alphoid repeat preferentially hybridized to the pericentric region of chromosome 17, but frequently cross-hybridized to other chromosomes under normal stringency conditions. Chromosomal specificity, after in situ hybridization to metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei, was improved by using a subclone containing predominantly monomer 1 of the higher order repeat. Further improvement was achieved by synthesizing a 42-nucleotide oligomer of a divergent region of monomer 1. Southern blot analysis confirmed the improved specificity of the shorter probes. Reducing the potential of repetitive DNA probes to cross-hybridize increases the usefulness of the probes, especially when they are used for localizing individual chromosomes in interphase nuclei.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Although information on the cytogenetic characteristics of meningioma tumors has accumulated progressively over the past few decades, information on the genetic heterogeneity of meningiomas is still scanty. The aim of the present study was to analyze by interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) the incidence of numerical abnormalities for chromosomes 1, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 22, X, and Y in a group of 70 consecutive meningioma tumors. Another goal was to establish the potential associations among the altered chromosomes, as a way to assess both intertumoral and intratumoral heterogeneity. METHODS: For the purpose of the study, 70 patients diagnosed with meningioma were analyzed. Interphase FISH for the detection of numerical abnormalities for chromosomes 1, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 22, X, and Y was applied to fresh tumor samples from each of the patients studied. RESULTS: The overall incidence of numerical abnormalities was 76%. Chromosome Y in males and chromosome 22 in the whole series were the most common abnormalities (46% and 61%, respectively). Despite the finding that monosomy of chromosome 22/22q(-) deletions are the most frequent individual abnormality (53%), we have observed that chromosome gains are significantly more common than chromosome losses (60% versus 40%). Chromosome gains corresponded to abnormalities of chromosomes 1 (27%), 9 (25%), 10 (23%), 11 (22%), 14 (33%), 15 (22%), 17 (23%), and X in females (35%) and males (23%) whereas chromosome losses apart from chromosome 22 frequently involved chromosomes 14 (19%), X in males (23%), and Y in males (32%). Although an association was found among most gained chromosomes on one side and chromosome losses on the other side, different association patterns were observed. Furthermore, in the latter group, monosomy 22/22q(-) was associated with monosomy X in females and monosomy 14/14q(-) was associated with nulisomy Y in males. In addition, chromosome losses usually involved a large proportion of the tumor cells whereas chromosome gains were restricted to small tumor cell clones, including tetraploid cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that meningiomas are genetically heterogeneous tumors that display different patterns of numerical chromosome changes, as assessed by interphase FISH.  相似文献   

Low signal intensity due to poor probe hybridization efficiency is one of the major drawbacks of rRNA-targeted in situ hybridization. There are two major factors affecting the hybridization efficiency: probe accessibility and affinity to the targeted rRNA molecules. In this study, we demonstrate remarkable improvement in in situ hybridization efficiency by applying locked-nucleic-acid (LNA)-incorporated oligodeoxynucleotide probes (LNA/DNA probes) without compromising specificity. Fluorescently labeled LNA/DNA probes with two to four LNA substitutions exhibited strong fluorescence intensities equal to or greater than that of probe Eub338, although these probes did not show bright signals when they were synthesized as DNA probes; for example, the fluorescence intensity of probe Eco468 increased by 22-fold after three LNA bases were substituted for DNA bases. Dissociation profiles of the probes revealed that the dissociation temperature was directly related to the number of LNA substitutions and the fluorescence intensity. These results suggest that the introduction of LNA residues in DNA probes will be a useful approach for effectively enhancing probe hybridization efficiency.  相似文献   

Human and murine chromatin was differentially labeled by hybridization with DNA probes that bind to species-specific satellite DNA. The targets for in situ hybridization were the mouse-specific major or gamma satellite DNA and the human alpha satellite DNA. These sequences typically are localized at or near the chromosome centromeres, and remain their tight localization throughout the cell cycle. DNA probes were synthesized in vitro by primer directed DNA amplification using the polymerase chain reaction. In typical applications like the differentiation of cells derived from chimeric animals or the characterization of chromosomes in somatic cell hybrids, the two DNA probes are differently labeled and detected using label-specific reagents that fluoresce at different wavelengths. The rapid technique for chromatin discrimination described here combines high specificity with unprecedented signal intensity.  相似文献   

Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a modified in situ hybridization technique which allows detection and mapping of DNA sequence copy differences between two genomes in a single experiment. In CGH analysis, two differentially labelled genomic DNA (study and reference) are co-hybridized to normal metaphase spreads. Chromosomal locations of copy number changes in the DNA segments of the study genome are revealed by a variable fluorescence intensity ratio along each target chromosome. Since its development, CGH has been applied mostly as a research tool in the field of cancer cytogenetics to identify genetic changes in many previously unknown regions. CGH may also have a role in clinical cytogenetics for detection and identification of unbalanced chromosomal abnormalities.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome aberrations in two glioma cell lines were analyzed using biotinylated DNA library probes that specifically decorate chromosomes 1, 4, 7, 18 and 22 from pter to qter. Numerical changes, deletions and rearrangements of these chromosomes were radily visualized in metaphase spreads, as well as in early prophase and interphase nuclei. Complete chromosomes, deleted chromosomes and segments of translocated chromosomes were rapidly delineated in very complex karyotypes. Simultaneous hybridizations with additional subregional probes were used to further define aberrant chromosomes. Digital image analysis was used to quantitate the total complement of specific chromosomal DNAs in individual metaphase and interphase cells of each cell line. In spite of the fact that both glioma lines have been passaged in vitro for many years, an under-representation of chromosome 22 and an over-representation of chromosome 7 (specifically 7p) were observed. These observations agree with previous studies on gliomas. In addition, sequences of chromosome 4 were also found to be under-represented, especially in TC 593. These analyses indicate the power of these methods for pinpointing chromosome segments that are altered in specific types of tumors.  相似文献   

Summary Two cloned repetitive DNA probes, pXBR and CY1, which bind preferentially to specific regions of the human X and Y chromosome, respectively, were used to study the distribution of the sex chromosomes in human lymphocyte nuclei by in situ hybridization experiments. Our data indicate a large variability of the distances between the sex chromosomes in male and female interphase nuclei. However, the mean distance observed between the X and Y chromosome was significantly smaller than the mean distance observed between the two X-chromosomes. The distribution of distances determined experimentally is compared with three model distributions of distances, and the question of a non-random distribution of sex chromosomes is discussed. Mathematical details of these model distributions are provided in an Appendix to this paper. In the case of a human translocation chromosome (XqterXp22.2::Yq11Y qter) contained in the Chinese hamster x human hybrid cell line 445 x 393, the binding sites of pXBR and CY1 were found close to each other in most interphase nuclei. These data demonstrate the potential use of chromosome-specific repetitive DNA probes to study the problem of interphase chromosome topography.  相似文献   

Fifty-five single-copy DNA probes were isolated from the library LL06NS01, which was constructed from a complete HindIII digest of a flow-sorted human chromosome 6. Because chromosomes from a human x Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrid were used as the starting material for the flow-sorting, the library could be expected to contain some contaminating Chinese hamster DNA as well as DNA from human chromosomes other than 6. Thirty-seven of the 55 probes, however, were shown to map to human chromosome 6 by Southern blot hybridization with DNA from a panel of somatic cell hybrids. Eleven of the probes were mapped further by in situ hybridization. Four probes were localized to the short arm of chromosome 6, six to the long arm, and one to the centromeric region.  相似文献   

We describe the use of in vitro DNA amplification for production of double-stranded, biotin-labeled DNA probes. Specifically, a 124 BP DNA segment of the Y chromosome-specific 3.4 KB repeat was amplified in preparations of human genomic DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and a thermostable DNA polymerase. The PCR products were amplified further in the presence of a molar excess of biotin-11-dUTP. The resulting double-stranded DNA segments showed a high amount of incorporated biotin-11-dUTP. The probes were used in DNA-DNA hybridization experiments without further purification. When DNA sequences flanking the target region are known, probe generation by enzymatic amplification offers a rapid and efficient alternative to molecular cloning and nick translation.  相似文献   

We describe the generation of a complete set of human chromosome-specific painting probes depleted in repetitive sequences. These probes yield highly specific signals when hybridized without the addition of a blocking agent, such as Cot-1 DNA, and without probe preannealing prior to hybridization. Fluorescent intensities and signal-to-background ratios for these probes are comparable to those of untreated probes hybridized with Cot-1 DNA. We demonstrate the suitability of these probes for applications with very complex probe sets, such as multiplex-FISH.  相似文献   

We report a method of in situ hybridization (ISH) of 10-year-old archival cervical smears with a cocktail of nick-translated human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA types 6, 11, 16, 18, and 31. The method, which does not require destaining, results in excellent preservation of morphological detail with only 2% cell loss. Methods of smear treatment and detection of the biotinylated probe with a multistep avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase method are described. Biotinylated PBR 322 plasmid and biotinylated human DNA were used as negative and positive controls in each run. Twenty-nine of 50 smears (58%) showing changes consistent with CIN I-II were positive for HPV. Fourteen corresponding cervical biopsies were also studied by ISH, seven corresponding to HPV-positive smears and seven to HPV-negative smears. HPV DNA was demonstrated in six of seven biopsies (87%) from the positive group but none could be demonstrated in the negative group. We conclude that retrospective study can be performed on routine alcohol-fixed, Papanicolaou-stained cervical smears with biotinylated HPV probes with excellent cell preservation, minimal cell loss, and high degrees of specificity.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with chromosome-specific DNA libraries was performed on samples from eight patients with de novo chromosomal duplications. In five cases, the clinical phenotype and/or cytogenetic evaluations suggested a likely origin of the duplicated material. In the remaining three cases, careful examination of the GTG-banding pattern indicated multiple possible origins; hybridization with more than one chromosome-specific library was performed on two of these cases. In all cases, FISH conclusively identified the chromosomal origin of the duplicated material. In addition, the hybridization pattern was useful in quantitatively delineating the duplication in two cases.  相似文献   

A complete genomic DNA library was prepared from a Chinese hamster-human cell hybrid that contains human chromosome 5 as its only human DNA. Unique or low-copy DNA fragments, isolated form recombinant bacteriophage that contained human DNA inserts, were regionally mapped on chromosome 5 using Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from a series of hybrid cell lines that were selected as having deletions of various portions of 5q. The chromosome 5-specific DNA library, together with a genetic selective procedure allowing the isolation of hybrid cell lines with deletions of virtually any portion of 5q, will provide a means to construct very accurate physical and recombinational maps of this human chromosome. This system represents an excellent opportunity to examine very precisely the relationship between physical and genetic distances for many loci along the length of this autosome.  相似文献   

Sohn SH  Cho EJ  Son WJ  Lee CY 《Theriogenology》2007,68(7):1003-1011
A heifer co-twin to a bull, in most cases, is a sterile freemartin which needs to be identified and culled from replacement stock. Various methods are available for the diagnosis of freemartinism, but none is ideal in terms of speed, sensitivity, or specificity. The present study was thus conducted to develop and validate a satisfactory fluorescence in situ hybridization procedure on interphase nuclei (I-FISH) for identifying the bovine XX/XY-karyotypic chimerism, the hallmark of freemartinism. A 190-bp DNA FISH probe containing the bovine male-specific BC1.2 DNA sequence was synthesized and labeled with digoxigenin by PCR. The FISH was performed on metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei of blood lymphocytes. Upon FISH, the probe expectedly bound to the nucleus of the male cell or to a region of the p12 locus of the Y chromosome. Twenty-four young heterosexual twins (Holstein-Friesian and Korean Cattle breeds; 10 pairs and 4 singletons) were analyzed in the present study; all but three exhibited the XX/XY-karyotypic chimerism to varying extents in both I-FISH and karyotyping. One heifer was identified to have 100% XX cells by both analyses, whereas two bulls were judged as 100% XY- and XX/XY-chimeric karyotypes by karyotyping and I-FISH, respectively. Nevertheless, the ratios of the XY to XX cells in these animals were very similar between the two analyses. In conclusion, the present I-FISH was a rapid and reliable procedure that can be used for early-life diagnosis of bovine freemartinism.  相似文献   

Biotinylated DNA from two satellite-related, repetitive DNA clones, pHuR 98 and pHuR 195 (specific for chromosomes 9 and 16, respectively), and from a Y-specific clone, pY-3.4A, were hybridized to human metaphase chromosomes using fluoresceinated avidin to detect binding. The chromosomes were simultaneously counterstained with distamycin-DAPI to identify the AT-rich heterochromatin of chromosomes 1, 9, 15, 16, and the Y chromosome. With this method, clear results were obtained under both normal and low stringency conditions, allowing hybridization between molecules sharing 80-85% and 60-65% identity, respectively. Thus, additional sites related to the probes could be identified. A close relationship was shown between the heterochromatin of chromosomes 1 and 16, both hybridizing with clone pHuR 195 under low stringency. Hybridization with clone pHuR 98 was highly specific for chromosome 9, even under low stringency. A relationship between chromosomes 9, 15, and the Y chromosome, however, was shown by hybridization with clone pY-3.4A. The chromosomal distribution of the three repetitive DNA clones used in this study, and data from the literature, are in accordance with the distribution of the heterochromatin types characterized by staining with different fluorescent dyes and dye combinations. Furthermore, our sequence data for clones pHuR 98 and pHuR 195 may explain the fluorescent properties on which the cytogenetic classification of the heterochromatin is based.  相似文献   

 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with multiple probes has been applied to meiotic chromosome spreads derived from ph1b common wheat x rye hybrid plants. The probes used included pSc74 and pSc 119.2 from rye (the latter also hybridizes on wheat, mainly B genome chromosomes), the Ae. squarrosa pAs1 probe, which hybridizes almost exclusively on D genome chromosomes, and wheat rDNA probes pTa71 and pTa794. Simultaneous and sequential FISH with a two-by-two combination of these probes allowed unequivocal identification of all of the rye (R) and most of the wheat (W) chromosomes, either unpaired or involved in pairing. Thus not only could wheat-wheat and wheat-rye associations be easily discriminated, which was already feasible by the sole use of the rye-specific pSc74 probe, but the individual pairing partners could also be identified. Of the wheat-rye pairing observed, which averaged from about 7% to 11% of the total pairing detected in six hybrid plants of the same cross combination, most involved B genome chromosomes (about 70%), and to a much lesser degree, those of the D (almost 17%) and A (14%) genomes. Rye arms 1RL and 5RL showed the highest pairing frequency (over 30%), followed by 2RL (11%) and 4RL (about 8%), with much lower values for all the other arms. 2RS and 5RS were never observed to pair in the sample analysed. Chromosome arms 1RL, 1RS, 2RL, 3RS, 4RS and 6RS were observed to be exclusively bound to wheat chromosomes of the same homoeologous group. The opposite was true for 4RL (paired with 6BS and 7BS) and 6RL (paired with 7BL). 5RL, on the other hand, paired with 4WL arms or segments of them in more than 80% of the cases and with 5WL in the remaining ones. Additional cases of pairing involving wheat chromosomes belonging to more than one homoeologous group occurred with 3RL, 7RS and 7RL. These results, while adding support to previous evidence about the existence of several translocations in the rye genome relative to that of wheat, show that FISH with multiple probes is an efficient method by which to study fundamental aspects of chromosome behaviour at meiosis, such as interspecific pairing. The type of knowledge attainable from this approach is expected to have a significant impact on both theoretical and applied research concerning wheat and related Triticeae. Received: 21 February 1996 / Accepted: 12 July 1996  相似文献   

This study was carried out to demonstrate bovine Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa by rapid fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), using a digoxigenin (Dig)-labeled DNA probe specific to bovine Y chromosome. Before the FISH procedure, sperm heads were treated for decondensation with dithiothreitol (DTT) and glutathione (GSH) with or without heparin supplementation. Concentrations of either above 2 mM DTT or above 100 mM GSH induced swelling of the sperm head, which resulted in sufficient detection of the Y chromosome signal in sperm nuclei by rapid FISH (49.8 to 53.4%). When FISH was used with 2 mM DTT or 100 mM GSH on specimens from 7 sires, the rate of detection of the Y chromosome signal varied among sires (5.4 to 49.6%), especially that of the GSH treatment. Supplementation of GSH with heparin (100 U/mL), however, could induce reliable, repeatable detection of the Y chromosome signal in sperm nuclei of all the 7 sires (48.4 to 50.3%). These results show that in bovine spermatozoa decondensed with GSH and heparin, rapid FISH can detect Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization in Actinidia using repeat DNA and genomic probes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 In situ hybridization has been used to probe chromosome spreads of hexaploid Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit; 2n=6x=174) and tetraploid A. chinensis (2n=4x=116). When a species-specific repeat sequence, pKIWI516, was used, six hybridization sites were observed in some accessions of tetraploid A. chinensis and all of A. deliciosa. Southern analysis with the pKIWI516 probe revealed that there are two types of tetraploid A. chinensis. Genomic probes from diploid A. chinensis (2n=2x=58) did not differentiate the genomes of hexaploid A. deliciosa and tetraploid A. chinensis, irrespective of the presence or absence of blocking DNA. The results indicate that the genomes of polyploid Actinidia species are similar but not identical. The origin of A. deliciosa is discussed. Received: 29 June 1996 / Accepted: 5 July 1996  相似文献   

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