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Dorsal ocelli are small cup-like organs containing a layer of photoreceptor cells, the short axons of which synapse at the base of the cup with dendritic terminals of ocellar nerve fibers. The ocellar ERG of dragonflies, recorded from the surface of the receptor cell layer and from the long lateral ocellar nerve, contains four components. Component 1 is a depolarizing sensory generator potential which originates in the distal ends of the receptor cells and evokes component 2. Component 2 is believed to be a depolarizing response of the receptor axons. It evokes a hyperpolarizing postsynaptic potential, component 3, which originates in the dendritic terminals of the ocellar nerve fibers. Ocellar nerve fibers in dragonflies are spontaneously active, discharging afferent nerve impulses (component 4) in the dark-adapted state. Component 3 inhibits this discharge. The ERG of the cockroach ocellus is similar. The main differences are that component 3 is not as conspicuous as in the dragonflies and that in most cases ocellar nerve impulses appear only as a brief burst at "off." In one preparation a spontaneous discharge of nerve impulses was observed. As in the dragonflies, this was inhibited by illumination.  相似文献   

The spontaneous discharge of impulses from the lateral-line nerves of trout and catfish has been examined. 1. Broken endings of nerve fibers supplying receptors of the lateral-lines of trout and catfish may be the source of a repetitive discharge of nerve impulses. 2. This injury discharge occurs more frequently in trout and may mask the spontaneous discharge from the receptor cells. Experiments indicate that the latter discharge is not the result of injury. 3. The injury discharge ceases in from 10 to 15 minutes. The spontaneous receptor discharge in trout may continue for an hour if the circulation remains intact. The receptor response also fails in from 10 to 15 minutes after failure of the circulation. 4. The receptor discharge, the injury discharge, or the summed discharges frequently become synchronized. The excitability of the fibers of the nerve trunk appears to vary synchronously, so that nerve impulses initiated in fibers from tactile receptors not contributing to the spontaneous discharge can be conducted only during the part of the cycle occupied by the spontaneous discharge.  相似文献   

Inhibition in the eye of Limulus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
In the compound lateral eye of Limulus each ommatidium functions as a single receptor unit in the discharge of impulses in the optic nerve. Impulses originate in the eccentric cell of each ommatidium and are conducted in its axon, which runs without interruption through an extensive plexus of nerve fibers to become a fiber of the optic nerve. The plexus makes interconnections among the ommatidia, but its exact organization is not understood. The ability of an ommatidium to discharge impulses in the axon of its eccentric cell is reduced by illumination of other ommatidia in its neighborhood: the threshold to light is raised, the number of impulses discharged in response to a suprathreshold flash of light is diminished, and the frequency with which impulses are discharged during steady illumination is decreased. Also, the activity that can be elicited under certain conditions when an ommatidium is in darkness can be inhibited similarly. There is no evidence for the spread of excitatory influences in the eye of Limulus. The inhibitory influence exerted upon an ommatidium that is discharging impulses at a steady rate begins, shortly after the onset of the illumination on neighboring ommatidia, with a sudden deep minimum in the frequency of discharge. After partial recovery, the frequency is maintained at a depressed level until the illumination on the neighboring receptors is turned off, following which there is prompt, though not instantaneous recovery to the original frequency. The inhibition is exerted directly upon the sensitive structure within the ommatidium: it has been observed when the impulses were recorded by a microelectrode thrust into an ommatidium, as well as when they were recorded more proximally in single fibers dissected from the optic nerve. Receptor units of the eye often inhibit one another mutually. This has been observed by recording the activity of two optic nerve fibers simultaneously. The mediation of the inhibitory influence appears to depend upon the integrity of nervous interconnections in the plexus: cutting the lateral connections to an ommatidium abolishes the inhibition exerted upon it. The nature of the influence that is mediated by the plexus and the mechanism whereby it exerts its inhibitory action on the receptor units are not known. The depression of the frequency of the discharge of nerve impulses from an ommatidium increases approximately linearly with the logarithm of the intensity of illumination on receptors in its vicinity. Inhibition of the discharge from an ommatidium is greater the larger the area of the eye illuminated in its vicinity. However, equal increments of area become less effective as the total area is increased. The response of an ommatidium is most effectively inhibited by the illumination of ommatidia that are close to it; the effectiveness diminishes with increasing distance, but may extend for several millimeters. Illumination of a fixed region of the eye at constant intensity produces a depression of the frequency of discharge of impulses from a nearby ommatidium that is approximately constant, irrespective of the level of excitation of the ommatidium. The inhibitory interaction in the eye of Limulus is an integrative process that is important in determining the patterns of nervous activity in the visual system. It is analogous to the inhibitory component of the interaction that takes place in the vertebrate retina. Inhibitory interaction results in the exaggeration of differences in sensory activity from different regions of the eye illuminated at different intensities, thus enhancing visual contrast.  相似文献   

Inhibitory interaction of receptor units in the eye of Limulus   总被引:4,自引:11,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The inhibition that is exerted mutually among the receptor units (ommatidia) in the lateral eye of Limulus has been analyzed by recording oscillographically the discharge of nerve impulses in single optic nerve fibers. The discharges from two ommatidia were recorded simultaneously by connecting the bundles containing their optic nerve fibers to separate amplifiers and recording systems. Ommatidia were chosen that were separated by no more than a few millimeters in the eye; they were illuminated independently by separate optical systems. The frequency of the maintained discharge of impulses from each of two ommatidia illuminated steadily is lower when both are illuminated together than when each is illuminated by itself. When only two ommatidia are illuminated, the magnitude of the inhibition of each one depends only on the degree of activity of the other; the activity of each, in turn, is the resultant of the excitation from its respective light stimulus and the inhibition exerted on it by the other. When additional receptors are illuminated in the vicinity of an interacting pair too far from one ommatidium to affect it directly, but near enough to the second to inhibit it, the frequency of discharge of the first increases as it is partially released from the inhibition exerted on it by the second (disinhibition). Disinhibition simulates facilitation; it is an example of indirect effects of interaction taking place over greater distances in the eye than are covered by direct inhibitory interconnections. When only two interacting ommatidia are illuminated, the inhibition exerted on each (decrease of its frequency of discharge) is a linear function of the degree of activity (frequency of discharge) of the other. Below a certain frequency (often different for different receptors) no inhibition is exerted by a receptor. Above this threshold, the rate of increase of inhibition of one receptor with increasing frequency of discharge of the other is constant, and may be at least as high as 0.2 impulse inhibited in one receptor per impulse discharged by the other. For a given pair of interacting receptors, the inhibitory coefficients are not always the same in the two directions of action. The responses to steady illumination of two receptor units that inhibit each other mutually are described quantitatively by two simultaneous linear equations that express concisely all the features discussed above. These equations may be extended and their number supplemented to describe the responses of more than two interacting elements.  相似文献   

The ERG of the dragonfly ocellus has been analyzed into four components, two of which originate in the photoreceptor cells, two in the ocellar nerve fibers (Ruck, 1961 a). Component 1 is a sensory generator potential, component 2 a response of the receptor axons. Component 3 is an inhibitory postsynaptic potential, component 4, a discharge of afferent nerve impulses in ocellar nerve fibers. Responses to flickering light are examined in terms of this analytic scheme. It has been found that the generator potential can respond to higher rates of flicker—up to 220/sec.—than can the receptor axon responses, the postsynaptic potential, or the ocellar nerve impulses. The maximum flicker fusion frequency as measured by fusion of the ERG is that of the sensory generator potential itself.  相似文献   

External direct coupled recordings from the neurons of the mechanosensory hairs of insects show nerve impulses and graded slow potentials in response to deformation of the hair. These slow potentials or receptor potentials are negative going, vary directly with the magnitude of the stimulus, and show no overshoot when returning to baseline. The impulses have an initial positive phase which varies in size directly with the amplitude of the receptor potential. The receptor potential is related to the generator potential for the impulse in that it must attain some critical level before impulses are produced, and the frequency of impulses varies directly with amplitude of the receptor potential. The receptor potential does not return to the baseline after each impulse. In some receptors static deformation of the hair will maintain the receptor potential. It appears likely that both the receptor potential and the variation in size of the impulses are caused by a change in conductance of the cell membrane at the receptor site, and that the receptor potential originates at a site which is not invaded by the propagated impulses.  相似文献   

This paper describes the fine structure and its relationship to the direction of beat in four types of cilia on the gill of the fresh-water mussel Anodonta cataracta. The cilia contain nine outer, nine secondary, and two central fibers, such as have been described previously in other material. Each outer fiber is a doublet with one subfiber bearing arms. One particular pair of outer fibers (numbers 5 and 6) are joined together by a bridge. The two central fibers are enclosed by a central sheath; also present in this region is a single, small mid-fiber. The different groups of fibers are connected together by radial links that extend from the outer to the secondary fibers, and from the secondary fibers to the central sheath. The basal body consists of a cylinder of nine triplet fibers. Projecting from it on one side is a dense conical structure called the basal foot. The cylinder of outer fibers continues from the basal body into the cilium, passing through a complex transitional region in which five distinct changes of structure occur at different levels. There are two sets of fibers associated with the basal bodies: a pair of striated rootlets that extends from each basal body down into the cell, and a system of fine tubular fibers that runs parallel to the cell surface. The relationship between fine structure and direction of beat is the same in all four types of cilia examined. The plane of beat is perpendicular to the plane of the central fibers, with the effective stroke toward the bridge between outer fibers 5 and 6, and toward the foot on the basal body.  相似文献   

Cortical neurons belonging to the same topological ensemble send axons to thalamic and mesencephalic structures and also to contra and ipsilateral cortical areas. The projections are called the corticofugal system. This review addresses the organization and the functions of the efferent cortical fibers within the visual network. For example, the cortico-geniculate fibers participate in shaping the structure of the concentric receptive fields of geniculate cells. Namely, the size of the surround area depends on descending impulses from the cortex. By contrast, cortico-mesencephalic fibers have a more global influence on visual responses. Following the interruption of cortical activity all responses to visual stimuli decline; although in rodents and lagomorphs cortical inactivation does not eliminate those visual responses that are sent to the superior colliculus or pretectum directly from the retina. In each hemisphere it has been demonstrated that contra-lateral cortico-cortical fibers participate in the continuity of the two visual hemi-fields, as the interruption of the callosal impulses results in a truncated field in which the contralateral part of the receptive field is missing., overlaps the vertical meridian is missing. Finally, ipsilateral cortico-cortical fibers allow a consolidation of visual properties of cortical cells. It must be added that there are considerable differences among species in the organization of cortico-cortical relationships. However, this survey seems to indicate that all corticofugal axons are excitatory.  相似文献   

Latero-frontal, para-latero-frontal, and frontal ciliary tracts on the gill filaments of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) were studied with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Latero-frontal cirri are complex structures composed of varying numbers of paired cilia. The multiple pairs of cilia which constitute a single cirrus are closely appressed for a portion of their length; they then branch laterally from the central axis in a plume-like fashion. Latero-frontal cirri of adjacent gill filaments create a filtration sieve which should be capable of retaining particles smaller than 1 μm in diameter. Para-latero-frontal cilia are short, closely spaced cilia arranged as a staggered row along the frontal side of each tract of latero-frontal cirri. Latero-frontal cirri and para-latero-frontal cilia occur on ordinary, principal, and transitional gill filaments. Frontal ciliary tracts of ordinary filaments are divided into a central, ventrally directed coarse tract, flanked on either side by a dorsally directed fine ciliary tract. The coarse tract is covered by cirri which are comprised of five to eight cilia, while the fine frontal tracts are made up of individually functioning cilia. The frontal ciliary tracts of principal and transitional filaments bear only dorsally directed fine cilia. The unique direction of effective beat of the coarse frontal cirri of ordinary filaments, in combination with the action of fine frontal cilia and the strategic location of mucus producing cells, is used to describe a possible mechanism for the sorting of filtered particles.  相似文献   

Combining the colliding impulses method with the methods of singling out the nerve's weak signals from the equipment noise shows that most nonmyelinated fibers of C1 and C2 groups develop impulses under cooling the cat hairy skin. In some nonmyelinated fibers of the C2 group there takes place an inhibition of spontaneous impulses in response to cooling.  相似文献   

Excitatory responses recorded from vertebrate olfactory sensory neurons are characterized by long latencies compared with those from other sensory receptors. Explanations which assume free access of the stimuli to receptor molecules presumably located on the olfactory cilia necessarily imply an intrinsic delay in the transduction mechanism. In contrast, the possibility of restricted or delayed access due to diffusion of the stimulus to molecular receptors located on the dendritic know or proximal portions of the cilia suggests transduction processes having time courses similar to those in other sensory systems. We show that the threshold stimulus concentrations and the latency of the excitatory response of the salamander can be predicted primarily on the basis of a diffusional delay and that the receptor molecules are well below the surface of the mucus. Examination of response latencies for other species reported in the literature support the generality of diffusional delay. The predicted location of molecular receptor sites is largely insensitive to assumptions based on the mode of clearance of the stimuli. Additional access restrictions are discussed but are shown to generate qualitatively different latency functions than does diffusion, suggesting that they exert only minor influences on latency and threshold characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of modified 9 + 0 cilia in the organ of Bellonci was studied in Gammarus setosus from late embryonic development to adult after routine fixation, fixation with lanthanum treatment, and prefixation with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid and sodium dodecyl sulphate. The cilia are distinct from known sensory cilia in that they occur in pairs and lack centrioles. The basal bodies are at right angles to each other. The basal body cylinders consist of dense microtubule doublets and have 3 regions: the basal cartwheel, the middle pinwheel and the distal transitional. The pinwheel, which has 9 fins of dense material attached to the doublets, is differentiated into a spiral attachment of the ciliary roots whose periodicity is 70 nm. The scanning electron microscope shows the roots as beaded, tapering ribbons. The coniform outer segments give rise to tubules, each with 1 or 2 single or double microtubules in its core. The tubules are in contact with extracellular chains of calcium granules inside the organ. A bend in the axoneme brings the paired outer segments together. Lamellar bodies develop from the ciliary tubules in embryos and juveniles, but not in adults, except after exposure to lanthanum.  相似文献   

Receptors for olfactory stimulus molecules appear to be located at the surface of olfactory receptor cells. The ultrastructure of the distal region of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) olfactory epithelium was examined by transmission electron microscopy. On the sensory olfactory epithelium, which occurs in the depressions of secondary folds of the lamellae of the rosettes, five cell types were present. Type I cells have a knob-like apical projection which is unique in this species because it frequently contains cilia axonemes within its cytoplasm in addition to being surrounded by cilia. Type II cells bear many cilia oriented unidirectionally on a wide, flat surface. Type III cells have microvilli on a constricted apical surface and centrioles in the subapical cytoplasm. Type IV cells contain a rod-like apical projection filled with a bundle of filaments, and type V cells are supporting cells. Cilia on the sensory epithelium contain the 9 + 2 microtubule fiber pattern. Dynein arms are clearly present on the outer doublet fibers, which suggests that the cilia in the olfactory region are motile. Their presence in olfactory cilia of vertebrates has been controversial. The cilia membrane in this species is unusual in often showing outfoldings, within which are included small, irregular vesicles or channels. In addition, cilia on type II cells frequently contain dense-staining bodies closely apposed to the membranes, along with a densely stained crown at the cilia tip. Previous biochemical evidence indicates that odorant receptors are associated with the cilia.  相似文献   

Summary The free surfaces and cell contacts in the epithelia of the vomeronasal organ of the rat were investigated by freeze-etching. The microvilli of receptor cells show a lower density of intramembranous particles (IMP) than the microvilli in the receptor-free epithelium. The ratio between the IMP on P and E-face is approximately 111 in the receptor terminals, and 3.51 in the cilia and microvilli of the receptor-free epithelium. Although atypical in length and only poorly equipped with rootlet fibers, the cilia of the receptor-free epithelium are furnished with typical ciliary necklace structures of up to 10 rows of membrane particles. Differences in the density of IMP on the P-faces of different cilia are probably due to continual ciliogenesis and also due to the different age of cilia in the receptor-free epithelium. Zonulae occludentes show different configurations in the neuroepithelium and in the receptor-free epithelium. In the former, they show a tendency to cross-link and form facet-like patterns, reflecting a constant morphology and relative stability for this apical region. In the receptor-free epithelium the junctional rows of zonulae occludentes display only loosely interconnected networks and a tendency to orient parallel to each other and to the free surface. In addition to zonulae occludentes, typical square aggregations of IMP are observed in the receptor-free epithelium. They are not exclusively restricted to the zone of intensive cell contacts by means of fine interdigitating cell processes, and their function has yet to be identified experimentally.This paper is dedicated to Dr. David G. MoultonPortions of this work are from a thesis in preparation by F.M. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 114)  相似文献   

Summary Three types of sensilla occurring on the lips and on the antennae of Peripatopsis moseleyi have been investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. On the lips sensory spines can be found which contain numerous cilia originating from bipolar receptor cells. They reach the tip of the spine where the cuticle is modified. The perikarya of the sensory cells, a large supporting cell with a complicated surface and a second type of receptor, form a bud-like structure and are surrounded by a layer of collagen fibrils. The second receptor cell bears apical stereocilia as well as a kinocilium which are directed towards the centre of the animal — thus the cell appears to be turned upside down. The sensilla of the antennae are 1) sensory bristles containing two or three kinds of receptor cells, one of which bears an apical cilium and one kind of supportive cell and 2) sensory bulbs located within furrows consisting of receptor cells with branched cilia and two kinds of supportive cells which are covered by a modified thin cuticle. According to the electron microscopical findings the sensory spines on the lips are presumably chemoreceptors. The sensory bristles on the antennae can be regarded as mechanoreceptors and the sensory bulbs as chemoreceptors.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sto 75/3)  相似文献   

Large nerve fibers in the ocellar nerves of dragonflies are spontaneously active. In the absence of inhibitory influence the spontaneous activity is rhythmic. Inhibition occurs in the dark-adapted state and during illumination. Miniature inhibitory postsynaptic potentials occur in the dark-adapted state. These modulate by temporary suppression the otherwise rhythmic discharge of ocellar nerve impulses. The presence of random spontaneous receptor cell excitations is inferred from the presence of the miniature i.p.s.p.'s. Light stimulates many or all the receptor cells simultaneously, masking the random spontaneous activity of individual receptor cells. The result is a sustained hyperpolarizing i.p.s.p. and sustained inhibition of the nerve discharge. Preceding resumption of the spontaneous activity at "off" the i.p.s.p. may oscillate, overshoot the baseline as a negative after-potential, or do both. These phases of the off-effect may generate nerve impulses in an off-burst.  相似文献   

Nerve fibers which respond to illumination of the sixth abdominal ganglion were isolated by fine dissection from connectives at different levels in the abdominal nerve cord of the crayfish. Only a single photosensitive neuron is found in each connective; its morphological position and pattern of peripheral connections are quite constant from preparation to preparation. These cells are "primary" photoreceptor elements by the following criteria: (1) production of a graded depolarization upon illumination and (2) resetting of the sensory rhythm by interpolated antidromic impulses. They are also secondary interneurons integrating mechanical stimuli which originate from appendages of the tail. Volleys in ipsilateral afferent nerves produce short-latency graded excitatory postsynaptic potentials which initiate discharge of one or two impulses; there is also a higher threshold inhibitory pathway of longer latency and duration. Contralateral afferents mediate only inhibition. Both inhibitory pathways are effective against both spontaneous and evoked discharges. In the dark, spontaneous impulses arise at frequencies between 5 and 15 per second with fairly constant intervals if afferent roots are cut. Since this discharge rhythm is reset by antidromic or orthodromic impulses, it is concluded that an endogenous pacemaker potential is involved. It is postulated that the increase in discharge frequency caused by illumination increases the probability that an inhibitory signal of peripheral origin will be detected.  相似文献   

Leroux MR 《Cell》2007,129(6):1041-1043
Defects in protein trafficking within the cell body and cilia are thought to underlie the human disease Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS). In this issue, Nachury et al. (2007) reveal that a large complex of proteins implicated in BBS cooperates with Rabin8-the GTP exchange factor for the small GTPase Rab8-to promote cilia formation and presumably movement of membrane proteins from the cell into the cilium.  相似文献   

In frogs, the responses of the glossopharyngeal nerve (GL) to NaCl are enhanced after treatment of the tongue with 8-anilino-1-naphthalene-sulfonic acid (ANS), a hydrophobic probe for biological membranes. The enhancement by ANS treatment has been explained by removal of Ca2+ from the receptor membrane treated with ANS. To explore the mechanism of enhancement by ANS treatment, we recorded neural responses from the frog GL. After ANS treatment, treatment with 10 mM CaCl2 prior to stimulation of NaCl did not affect the enhanced responses to 100 mM NaCl. The response to a relatively high concentration of CaCl2 (50 mM) was enhanced after ANS treatment. It is difficult to interpret these neural events in terms of modulation of the responses by membrane-bound calcium. The presence of NiCl2 in stimulating solution is known as an enhancer. Neural events after ANS treatment were similar to those caused by NiCl2. Our previous studies have demonstrated that enhancement of the responses to electrolytes by NiCl2 is due to modulation of the responses of water fibers in the GL. Water fibers are characterized by sensitivity to water or CaCl2, and they also respond to relatively high concentrations of electrolytes such as NaCl and choline Cl. Using a suction electrode method, we recorded unitary impulses from single water fibers. The ANS treatment led greatly enhanced responses to NaCl or choline Cl in water fibers, suggesting that enhancement by the ANS treatment is due to modulation of the responses of water fibers as well as enhancement by NiCl2. It appears that distinct receptors for each separate cation responsible for the neural responses in water fibers interact with a membrane element that is affected by ANS or Ni2+.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies were performed on normal and abnormal cilia and basal bodies associated with the choroidal epithelium of the chick embryo. Tissues were prepared in each of several fixatives including: 1% osmium tetroxide, in both phosphate and veronal acetate buffers; 2% glutaraldehyde, followed by postfixation in osmium tetroxide; 1% potassium permanganate in veronal acetate buffer. Normal cilia display the typical pattern of 9 peripheral doublets and 2 central fibers, as well as a system of 9 secondary fibers. The latter show distinct interconnections between peripheral and central fibers. Supernumerary fibers were found to occur in certain abnormal cilia. The basal body is complex, bearing 9 transitional fibers at the distal end and numerous cross-striated rootlets at the proximal end. The distal end of the basal body is delimited by a basal plate of moderate density. The tubular cylinder consists of 9 triple fibers. The C subfibers end at the basal plate, whereas subfibers A and B continue into the shaft of the cilium. The 9 transitional fibers radiate out from the distal end of the basal body, ending in bulblike terminal enlargements which are closely associated with the cell membrane in the area of the basal cup. One or 2 prominent basal feet project laterally from the basal body. These structures characteristically show several dense cross-bands and, on occasion, are found associated with microtubules.  相似文献   

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