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Mitochondrial morphology and dynamics were investigated during the onset of cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell death was induced by either chemical (reactive oxygen species (ROS)) or physical (heat) shock. Changes in mitochondrial morphology in leaf tissue, or isolated protoplasts, each expressing mitochondrial-targeted green fluorescent protein (GFP), were observed by epifluorescence microscopy, and quantified. Chemical induction of ROS production, or a mild heat shock, caused a rapid and consistent change in mitochondrial morphology (termed the mitochondrial morphology transition) that preceded cell death. Treatment of protoplasts with a cell-permeable superoxide dismutase analogue, TEMPOL, blocked this morphology change. Incubation of protoplasts in micromolar concentrations of the calcium channel-blocker lanthanum chloride, or the permeability transition pore inhibitor cyclosporin A, prevented both the mitochondrial morphology transition and subsequent cell death. It is concluded that the observed mitochondrial morphology transition is an early and specific indicator of cell death and is a necessary component of the cell death process.  相似文献   

To begin to understand the interplay between autophagy and the hypersensitive response (HR), a type of programmed cell death (PCD) induced during plant innate immunity, we generated ATG6 antisense plants in the genetically tractable Arabidopsis thaliana system. AtATG6 antisense (AtATG6-AS) plants senesce early and are sensitive to nutrient starvation, suggestive of impairment of autophagic function in these plants. Additionally, these plants exhibited multiple developmental abnormalities, a phenomenon not observed in other AtATG mutants. AtATG6-AS plants produced fewer Monodansylcadaverine (MDC) and LysoTracker (LT) stained-autolysosomes in response to carbon and nitrogen starvation indicating that AtATG6 plays a role in the autophagic pathway in Arabidopsis. Interestingly, the level of AtATG6 mRNA in wild type Col-0 Arabidopsis plants is increased during the early phase of virulent and avirulent Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato (Pst) DC3000 infection suggesting that AtATG6 plays an important role during pathogen infection. In AtATG6-AS plants, HR-PCD induced upon infection with avirulent Pst DC3000 carrying the AvrRpm1 effector protein is not able to be contained at the infection site and spreads into uninfected tissue. Additionally, the disease-associated cell death induced by the infection of virulent Pst DC3000 bacteria is also partially misregulated in AtATG6-AS plants. Therefore, the AtATG6 antisense plants characterized here provide an excellent genetic model system to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which autophagy regulates pathogen-induced cell death.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is defined on the basis of morphological changes like nuclear fragmentation and chromatin condensation, which are dependent on caspases. Many forms of caspase-independent cell death have been reported, but the mechanisms are still poorly understood. We found that hypoxic cell death was independent of caspases and was associated with significant nuclear shrinkage. Neither Bcl-2 nor Apaf-1 deficiency prevented hypoxic nuclear shrinkage. To understand the molecular mechanism of the nuclear shrinkage, we developed an in vitro system using permeabilized cells, which allowed us to purify a novel member of the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) family that induced nuclear shrinkage. Purified PLA2 induced nuclear shrinkage in our permeabilized cell system. PLA2 inhibitors prevented hypoxic nuclear shrinkage in cells and cell death. Hypoxia caused elevation of PLA2 activity and translocation of intracellular PLA2s to the nucleus. Knockdown of the Ca2+-independent PLA2 delayed nuclear shrinkage and cell death. These results indicate that Ca2+-independent PLA2 is crucial for a caspase-independent cell death signaling pathway leading to nuclear shrinkage.  相似文献   

Innate immunity signaling pathways in both animals and plants are regulated by mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades. An Arabidopsis MAPK cascade (MEKK1, MKK4/MKK5, and MPK3/MPK6) has been proposed to function downstream of the flagellin receptor FLS2 based on biochemical assays using transient overexpression of candidate components. To genetically test this model, we characterized two mekk1 mutants. We show here that MEKK1 is not required for flagellin-triggered activation of MPK3 and MPK6. Instead, MEKK1 is essential for activation of MPK4, a MAPK that negatively regulates systemic acquired resistance. We also showed that MEKK1 negatively regulates temperature-sensitive and tissue-specific cell death and H(2)O(2) accumulation that are partly dependent on both RAR1, a key component in resistance protein function, and SID2, an isochorismate synthase required for salicylic acid production upon pathogen infection.  相似文献   

RNASET2 is a ubiquitously expressed acidic ribonuclease that has been implicated in diverse pathophysiological processes including tumorigeneis, vitiligo, asthenozoospermia, and neurodegeneration. Prior studies indicate that RNASET2 is induced in response to oxidative stress and that overexpression of RNASET2 sensitizes cells to reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced cell death through a mechanism that is independent of catalytic activity. Herein, we report a loss-of-function genetic screen that identified RNASET2 as an essential gene for lipotoxic cell death. Haploinsufficiency of RNASET2 confers increased antioxidant capacity and generalized resistance to oxidative stress-mediated cell death in cultured cells. This function is critically dependent on catalytic activity. Furthermore, knockdown of RNASET2 in the Drosophila fat body confers increased survival in the setting of oxidative stress inducers. Together, these findings demonstrate that RNASET2 regulates antioxidant tone and is required for physiological ROS responses.Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes are increasingly prevalent causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Complications are common in these disorders and are linked to delivery of excess glucose and fatty acids to tissues in which these substrates lead to pathophysiological metabolic fluxes and signaling cascades. For example, ectopic lipid accumulation in the liver, skeletal muscle, pancreatic islets, and heart is associated with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, insulin resistance, β-cell dysfunction, and cardiomyopathy, respectively.1, 2, 3, 4 Beyond lowering serum lipid levels, strategies to prevent this lipotoxicity are hampered by our incomplete knowledge of the cellular pathways engaged by these metabolites when they are present in excess.In vivo and in vitro studies have revealed that accumulation of excess lipids in non-adipose cells precipitates many changes in gene expression and signaling cascades upstream of cell death.5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Compensatory incorporation of lipids into new membrane synthesis or triglyceride stores are likely to be initially protective,10, 11 but ultimately prove maladaptive because of the deleterious consequences of altered membrane composition on organelle function,12 and because lipids may ultimately be mobilized from inert pools during prolonged exposure.13 Similarly, whereas engagement of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress machinery or generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can serve adaptive or productive signaling functions in response to lipid overload, extreme ER and oxidative stress engage cell death pathways.14, 15, 16, 17 The importance of oxidative stress in the pathophysiological response to substrate excess is underscored by observation that treatment with chemical antioxidants and overexpression of ROS-scavenging enzymes mitigates against lipotoxic cell death and against diabetic complications in animal models.18, 19, 20, 21To identify critical mediators of lipotoxic cell death, our laboratory has focused on characterizing genes identified through a loss-of-function genetic screen in mammalian fibroblasts. We found that cells become resistant to death from lipotoxic and generalized oxidative stress stimuli upon disruption of small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) encoded within the ribosomal protein L13a (rpL13a) locus or disruption of expression of a splicosomal protein necessary for production of these non-coding RNAs from intron lariats.22, 23 The mechanism of action of these non-coding RNAs is an area of active investigation. Herein, we describe findings from a completely independent mutant isolated from this genetic screen in which an allele encoding RNASET2 was disrupted. This ribonuclease was initially of interest because of a potential link to production of the rpl13a snoRNAs. However, our studies show that RNASET2 acts upstream of these non-coding RNAs by influencing cellular and organismal susceptibility to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Autophagy is the main process for bulk protein and organelle recycling in cells under extracellular or intracellular stress. Deregulation of autophagy has been associated with pathological conditions such as cancer, muscular disorders and neurodegeneration. Necrotic cell death underlies extensive neuronal loss in acute neurodegenerative episodes such as ischemic stroke. We find that excessive autophagosome formation is induced early during necrotic cell death in C. elegans. In addition, autophagy is required for necrotic cell death. Impairment of autophagy by genetic inactivation of autophagy genes or by pharmacological treatment suppresses necrosis. Autophagy synergizes with lysosomal catabolic mechanisms to facilitate cell death. Our findings demonstrate that autophagy contributes to cellular destruction during necrosis. Thus, interfering with the autophagic process may protect neurons against necrotic damage in humans.  相似文献   

Localization of the death receptor Fas to specialized membrane microdomains is crucial to Fas-mediated cell death signaling. Here, we report that the post-translational modification of Fas by palmitoylation at the membrane proximal cysteine residue in the cytoplasmic region is the targeting signal for Fas localization to lipid rafts, as demonstrated in both cell-free and living cell systems. Palmitoylation is required for the redistribution of Fas to actin cytoskeleton-linked rafts upon Fas stimulation and for the raft-dependent, ezrin-mediated cytoskeleton association, which is necessary for the efficient Fas receptor internalization, death-inducing signaling complex assembly and subsequent caspase cascade leading to cell death.  相似文献   

Metaxin is required for tumor necrosis factor-induced cell death   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We used retrovirus insertion-mediated random mutagenesis and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) selection to generate TNF-resistant lines from L929 cells. The metaxin gene, which encodes a protein located on the outer membrane of mitochondria, was identified to be the gene disrupted in one of the resistant lines. The requirement of metaxin in TNF-induced cell death of L929 was confirmed by the restoration of TNF sensitivity after ectopic reconstitution of metaxin expression. Analysis of the cell death induced by other stimuli revealed that metaxin deficiency-mediated death resistance was selective to certain stimuli. Studies using deletion mutants of metaxin showed that mitochondrial association of metaxin is required for the function of metaxin. Over-expression of truncated metaxin lacking the mitochondria anchoring sequence mimicked metaxin deficiency in wild-type cells. Interfering with metaxin prevented TNF-induced necrotic cell death in L929 cells and apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. Our work has thus defined a novel component in the death pathway used by TNF and some other death stimuli.  相似文献   



The Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) DOUBLE-STRANDED RNA BINDING (DRB) protein family consists of five members, DRB1 to DRB5. The biogenesis of two developmentally important small RNA (sRNA) species, the microRNAs (miRNAs) and trans-acting small interfering RNAs (tasiRNAs) by DICER-LIKE (DCL) endonucleases requires the assistance of DRB1 and DRB4 respectively. The importance of miRNA-directed target gene expression in plant development is exemplified by the phenotypic consequence of loss of DRB1 activity (drb1 plants).

Principal Findings

Here we report that the developmental phenotype of the drb235 triple mutant plant is the result of deregulated miRNA biogenesis in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) region. The expression of DRB2, DRB3 and DRB5 in wild-type seedlings is restricted to the SAM region. Small RNA sequencing of the corresponding tissue of drb235 plants revealed altered miRNA accumulation. Approximately half of the miRNAs detected remained at levels equivalent to those of wild-type plants. However, the accumulation of the remaining miRNAs was either elevated or reduced in the triple mutant. Examination of different single and multiple drb mutants revealed a clear association between the loss of DRB2 activity and altered accumulation for both the elevated and reduced miRNA classes. Furthermore, we show that the constitutive over-expression of DRB2 outside of its wild-type expression domain can compensate for the loss of DRB1 activity in drb1 plants.


Our results suggest that in the SAM region, DRB2 is both antagonistic and synergistic to the role of DRB1 in miRNA biogenesis, adding an additional layer of gene regulatory complexity in this developmentally important tissue.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, sphingoid long chain bases (LCBs) such as sphingosine or phytosphingosine (PHS) behave as second messengers involved in various processes including programmed cell death (PCD). In plants, induction of PCD by LCBs has now been described, but the signalling pathway is still enigmatic. Using Arabidopsis, we identify new key steps in this pathway. We demonstrate that PHS induces activation of the calcium-dependent kinase CPK3, which phosphorylates its binding partners, the 14-3-3 proteins. This phosphorylation leads to the disruption of the complex and to CPK3 degradation. Using cpk3 knockout lines, we demonstrate that CPK3 is a positive regulator of LCB-mediated PCD. These findings establish 14-3-3-regulated CPK3 as a key component of the LCB pathway leading to PCD in plants.  相似文献   

Liu H  Wang Y  Xu J  Su T  Liu G  Ren D 《Cell research》2008,18(3):422-432
Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are involved in the regulation of plant growth, development and responses to a wide variety of stimuli. In a conditional gain-of-function transgenic system, the activation of AtMEK5, a MAPK kinase, can in turn activate endogenous AtMAPK3 and AtMAPK6, and can lead to a striking increase in ethylene production and induce hypersensitive response (HR)-like cell death in Arabidopsis. However, the role of the increased ethylene production in regulating this HR-like cell death remains unknown. Using Arabidopsis transgenic plants that express AtMEK5(DD), an active mutant of AtMEK5 that is under the control of a steroid-inducible promoter, we tested the contribution of ethylene to cell death. We found that ethylene biosynthesis occurs before cell death. Cell death was delayed by inhibiting AtMEK5-induced ethylene production using inhibitors of ACC-synthases, ACC-oxidases or ethylene receptors. In the mutants AtMEK5(DD)/etr1-1 and AtMEK5(DD)/ein2-1, both of which showed insensitivity to ethylene, the expression of AtMEK5(DD) protein, activity of AtMAPK3 and AtMAPK6, and ethylene production were the same as those seen in AtMEK5(DD) transgenic plants, but cell death was also delayed. These data suggest that ethylene signaling perception is required to accelerate cell death that is induced by AtMEK5 activation.  相似文献   

J. Neurochem. (2012) 122, 1118-1128. ABSTRACT: P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is known to be a 'death receptor' in immune cells, but its functional expression in non-immune cells such as neurons is controversial. Here, we examined the involvement of P2X7R activation and mitochondrial dysfunction in ATP-induced neuronal death in cultured cortical neurons. In P2X7R- and pannexin-1-expressing neuron cultures, 5 or more mM ATP or 0.1 or more mM BzATP induced neuronal death including apoptosis, and cell death was prevented by oxATP, P2X7R-selective antagonists. ATP-treated neurons exhibited Ca(2+) entry and YO-PRO-1 uptake, the former being inhibited by oxATP and A438079, and the latter by oxATP and carbenoxolone, while P2X7R antagonism with oxATP, but not pannexin-1 blocking with carbenoxolone, prevented the ATP-induced neuronal death. The ATP treatment induced reactive oxygen species generation through activation of NADPH oxidase and activated poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, but both of them made no or negligible contribution to the neuronal death. Rhodamine123 efflux from neuronal mitochondria was increased by the ATP-treatment and was inhibited by oxATP, and a mitochondrial permeability transition pore inhibitor, cyclosporine A, significantly decreased the ATP-induced neuronal death. In ATP-treated neurons, the cleavage of pro-caspase-3 was increased, and caspase inhibitors, Q-VD-OPh and Z-DEVD-FMK, inhibited the neuronal death. The cleavage of apoptosis-inducing factor was increased, and calpain inhibitors, MDL28170 and PD151746, inhibited the neuronal death. These findings suggested that P2X7R was functionally expressed by cortical neuron cultures, and its activation-triggered Ca(2+) entry and mitochondrial dysfunction played important roles in the ATP-induced neuronal death.  相似文献   

Yang SL  Xie LF  Mao HZ  Puah CS  Yang WC  Jiang L  Sundaresan V  Ye D 《The Plant cell》2003,15(12):2792-2804
In flowering plants, pollen formation depends on the differentiation and interaction of two cell types in the anther: the reproductive cells, called microsporocytes, and somatic cells that form the tapetum. The microsporocytes generate microspores, whereas the tapetal cells support the development of microspores into mature pollen grains. Despite their importance to plant reproduction, little is known about the underlying genetic mechanisms that regulate the differentiation and interaction of these highly specialized cells in the anther. Here, we report the identification and characterization of a novel tapetum determinant1 (TPD1) gene that is required for the specialization of tapetal cells in the Arabidopsis anther. Analysis of the male-sterile mutant, tpd1, showed that functional interruption of TPD1 caused the precursors of tapetal cells to differentiate and develop into microsporocytes instead of tapetum. As a results, extra microsporocytes were formed and tapetum was absent in developing tpd1 anthers. Molecular cloning of TPD1 revealed that it encodes a small protein of 176 amino acids. In addition, tpd1 was phenotypically similar to excess microsporocytes1/extra sporogenous cells (ems1/exs) single and tpd1 ems1/exs double mutants. These data suggest that the TPD1 product plays an important role in the differentiation of tapetal cells, possibly in coordination with the EMS1/EXS gene product, a Leu-rich repeat receptor protein kinase.  相似文献   

Sphinganine or dihydrosphingosine (d18:0, DHS), one of the most abundant free sphingoid Long Chain Base (LCB) in plants, is known to induce a calcium-dependent programmed cell death (PCD) in tobacco BY-2 cells. We have recently shown that DHS triggers a production of H2O2, via the activation of NADPH oxidase(s). However, this production of H2O2 is not correlated with the DHS-induced cell death but would rather be associated with basal cell defense mechanisms. In the present study, we extend our current knowledge of the DHS signaling pathway, by demonstrating that DHS also promotes a production of nitric oxide (NO) in tobacco BY-2 cells. As for H2O2, this NO production is not necessary for cell death induction.Key words: tobacco BY-2 cells, sphingolipids, LCBs, dihydrosphingosine, sphinganine, apoptosis, programmed cell death (PCD), nitric oxide (NO)These last few years, it has been demonstrated in plants that long chain bases (LCBs), the sphingolipid precursors, are important regulators of different cellular processes including programmed cell death (PCD).13 Indeed, plant treatment with fumonisin B1 or AAL toxin, two mycotoxins that disrupt sphingolipid metabolism, leads to an accumulation of the dihydrosphingosine (d18:0, DHS), one of the most abundant free LCB in plants and correlatively to the induction of cell death symptoms.4,5 A more recent study shows a rapid and sustained increase of phytosphingosine (t18:0), due to a de novo synthesis from DHS, when Arabidopsis thaliana leaves are inoculated with the avirulent strain Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (avrRpm1), known to induce a localized PCD called hypersensitive response (HR).6 More direct evidences were obtained from experiments on Arabidopsis cells where external application of 100 µM C2-ceramide, a non-natural acylated LCB, induced PCD in a calcium (Ca2+)-dependent manner.7 Recently, we have shown that DHS elicited rapid Ca2+ increases both in the cytosol and the nucleus of tobacco BY-2 cells and correlatively induced apoptotic-like response. Interestingly, blocking nuclear Ca2+ changes without affecting the cytosolic Ca2+ increases prevented DHS-induced PCD.8Besides calcium ions, reactive oxygen species (ROS) have also been suggested to play an important role in the control of PCD induced by sphingolipids in plants.9 Thus, the C2-ceramide-induced PCD in Arabidopsis is preceded by an increase in H2O2.7 However, inhibition of ROS production by catalase, a ROS-scavenging enzyme, did not prevent C2-ceramide-induced cell death, suggesting that this PCD is independent of ROS generation. Moreover, we recently showed in tobacco BY-2 cells that DHS triggers a dose-dependent production of H2O2 via activation of a NADPH oxidase.10 The DHS-induced cytosolic Ca2+ transient is required for this H2O2 production while the nuclear calcium variation is not necessary. In agreement with the results of Townley et al. blocking the ROS production using diphenyleniodonium (DPI), a known inhibitor of NADPH oxidases, does not prevent DHS-induced cell death. Gene expression analysis of defense-related genes, using real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) experiments, rather indicates that H2O2 generation is likely associated with basal defense mechanisms.10In the present study, we further investigated the DHS signaling cascade leading to cell death in tobacco BY-2 cells, by evaluating the involvement of another key signaling molecule i.e., nitric oxide (NO). In plants, NO is known to play important roles in numerous physiological processes including germination, root growth, stomatal closing and adapative response to biotic and abiotic stresses (reviewed in ref. 1114). NO has also been shown to be implicated in the induction of PCD in animal cells,15 in yeast,16 as well as in plant cells, in which it is required for tracheid differentiation17 or HR activation.18,19 Interestingly in the latter case, the balance between NO and H2O2 production appears to be crucial to induce cell death.20 Here we show in tobacco BY-2 cells that although DHS elicits a production of NO, this production is not necessary for the induction of PCD.  相似文献   

Autophagic cell death in Dictyostelium can be dissociated into a starvation-induced sensitization stage and a death induction stage. A UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (ugpB) mutant and a glycogen synthase (glcS) mutant shared the same abnormal phenotype. In vitro, upon starvation alone mutant cells showed altered contorted morphology, indicating that the mutations affected the pre-death sensitization stage. Upon induction of cell death, most of these mutant cells underwent death without vacuolization, distinct from either autophagic or necrotic cell death. Autophagy itself was not grossly altered as shown by conventional and electron microscopy. Exogenous glycogen or maltose could complement both ugpB- and glcS- mutations, leading back to autophagic cell death. The glcS- mutation could also be complemented by 2-deoxyglucose that cannot undergo glycolysis. In agreement with the in vitro data, upon development glcS- stalk cells died but most were not vacuolated. We conclude that a UDP-glucose derivative (such as glycogen or maltose) plays an essential energy-independent role in autophagic cell death.  相似文献   

Autophagic cell death in Dictyostelium can be dissociated into a starvation-induced sensitization stage and a death induction stage. A UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (ugpB) mutant and a glycogen synthase (glcS) mutant shared the same abnormal phenotype. In vitro, upon starvation alone mutant cells showed altered contorted morphology, indicating that the mutations affected the pre-death sensitization stage. Upon induction of cell death, most of these mutant cells underwent death without vacuolization, distinct from either autophagic or necrotic cell death. Autophagy itself was not grossly altered as shown by conventional and electron microscopy. Exogenous glycogen or maltose could complement both ugpB(-) and glcS(-) mutations, leading back to autophagic cell death. The glcS(-) mutation could also be complemented by 2-deoxyglucose that cannot undergo glycolysis. In agreement with the in vitro data, upon development glcS(-) stalk cells died but most were not vacuolated. We conclude that a UDP-glucose derivative (such as glycogen or maltose) plays an essential energy-independent role in autophagic cell death.  相似文献   

Daxx is required for stress-induced cell death and JNK activation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Daxx has been implicated in the modulation of apoptosis in response to various stimuli. In the nucleus, Daxx interacts and colocalizes with the promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) into the PML-nuclear body. Moreover, overexpressed Daxx positively modulates FAS-ligand and TGFbeta-induced apoptosis. However, recent reports indicate that Daxx can also act as an antiapoptotic factor. As most studies on the role of Daxx in cell death have been conducted using tumour cell lines, we analysed the function of Daxx in physiological settings. We found that Daxx is induced upon exposure to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and hydrogen peroxide treatment. We employed RNA interference to downregulate Daxx in primary fibroblasts. Remarkably, Daxx-depleted cells are resistant to cell death induced by both UV irradiation and oxidative stress. Furthermore, the downregulation of Daxx results in impaired MKK/c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. This is the first evidence that Daxx promotes cell death and JNK activation in physiological conditions.  相似文献   

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