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目的:对美国的生物乙醇技术的进展进行深入挖掘。方法:以专利计量的分析方法,借助可视化的分析工具,对美国生物乙醇技术的专利文献从技术生命周期、IPC小类重点分布、专利权人专利申请及其技术应用重点进行分析。结果:研究发现近年来美国生物乙醇技术的发展进入了迅速的成长期;技术应用重点集中在微生物发酵、酶解、转基因植物新品种等领域;杜邦公司和先正达公司技术重点集中在转基因新品种的研制,诺维信公司和丹尼斯克公司技术重点集中在生物酶的研制。结论:美国生物乙醇技术发展迅速,这与美国政府的支持有关,也证明美国的基础科学转化率很高。  相似文献   

纤维素乙醇是以农业废弃生物质中的纤维素为主要原料、通过微生物发酵转化而成的生物燃料产品。作为一种绿色可再生替代能源,纤维素乙醇具有显著的能量收益和碳减排效益,对保障我国可持续发展、能源安全以及环境友好意义重大。然而,纤维素乙醇的生物炼制过程面临着难点和挑战。本文围绕纤维素原料及其预处理、纤维素酶水解和纤维素乙醇发酵工艺3个方面,介绍纤维素乙醇生物炼制的工艺流程及特征,剖析纤维素乙醇生产的主要技术瓶颈,并基于菌株抑制物胁迫耐性、碳源利用以及乙醇合成强化3个方面,总结了近年来纤维素乙醇生物炼制的研究进展,最后对纤维素乙醇未来的研究重点和发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

利用大型褐藻转化生产的第三代燃料乙醇已受到研究者的广泛关注。我国拥有丰富的褐藻资源,具备了褐藻生物乙醇转化的有利条件。为了实现工业化生产,还需要通过筛选分离和基因工程手段获得高效发酵褐藻的优良菌株及优化预处理、发酵条件等。主要介绍了我国褐藻资源概况、预处理方法和微生物发酵褐藻不同组分生产乙醇的研究进展,提出了当前褐藻乙醇转化中存在的问题,展望了褐藻乙醇的发展方向。  相似文献   

美国先进生物燃料技术政策与态势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国是生物燃料大国,更是先进生物燃料研发强国。美国制定了宏大的生物燃料发展目标,采取了有力的政策支持措施,组织实施了生物质计划,将纤维素乙醇作为目前先进生物燃料研究、开发和示范的焦点,并已着手第三代生物燃料的研发。美国政府十分重视生物燃料的规划分析和部际协调工作,在立足于基础研究和应用研究前沿的基础上,大力推进技术示范与商业化,正努力加速向先进生物燃料转变。  相似文献   

随着石油资源的日益枯竭和环境污染的日益严重,生物能源的研发引起了全球各界的广泛重视。生物能源包括燃料乙醇(玉米乙醇和纤维素乙醇)、生物柴油、生物制氢、生物发电、沼气等,  相似文献   

针对海带的碳水化合物不易被单一菌株发酵转化为乙醇的难题,通过酸化、匀浆和消化等预处理和正交试验,利用多酶系多菌种微生物复合发酵剂的酿酒曲,研究海带发酵制取生物乙醇的影响因素与优化条件。结果表明:在预处理试验中,加入一定量的Na2CO3,可以提高海带液中还原性糖和总糖的含量;消化温度对总糖影响相对较大,而对还原性糖的影响较小;过滤不利于得到较高浓度的乙醇;在优化条件中,发酵液的初始酸碱度是最重要的,其次是发酵温度和基质浓度,发酵液体积的影响程度相对较小。在基质(海带)质量浓度为0.15 g/L、温度34℃、起始pH 6.5和发酵液体积200 mL时,可以获得最大的乙醇产量4.09 g(以100 g海带计)。  相似文献   

生物乙醇制备中,纤维素酶相关技术是关键技术之一。本文概述了纤维素乙醇工艺以及纤维素酶,并利用专利分析的方法对纤维素乙醇制备中纤维素酶相关技术发展态势进行了研究,揭示了这一技术领域的专利申请的时空分布、主要技术领域及研究热点、重要专利权人及其竞争领域。  相似文献   

近年来,世界各国都在积极发展可再生能源代替化石能源,以应对日益严峻的能源危机。纤维素乙醇作为第二代生物燃料受到广泛关注,发展迅速。本文以德温特专利索引(Derwent Innovation Index,DII)为数据源,采用ThomsonDataAnalyzer(TDA)分析软件对纤维素乙醇相关专利进行分析,对纤维素乙醇领域的发展态势进行简要探析。  相似文献   

柯为 《微生物学通报》2007,34(1):100-100
尽管燃料乙醇的使用有一定局限性,但国外应用的实战证明,多途径发展生物乙醇也显示其生命力。在发展生物乙醇过程中必须扬其优,克其弊,以利燃料乙醇的发展。所谓生物乙醇指的是通过微生物发酵途径,以各种不同的生物质(主要是含糖类)为原料发酵生产乙醇(酒精),尽管有其传统的生产优势,现代生物技术微生物技术的应用则有全新的内含,生产菌种的选育,经过改造或重组建构,或酶活力提高以及各生产工艺改造等等。为扩大乙醇生产,提高其效率和产率是整个乙醇生产的基础和重要环节。  相似文献   

生物芯片的研究始于80年代中期,是现代生物学技术与计算机等其他领域高新技术相结合的产物,在基因、蛋白质等生命领域研究中起到至关重要的作用。本文对Derwent数据库中收录的有关生物芯片的专利数据进行分析,从多个专利计量指标入手,分析生物芯片技术领域的研究现状及发展动态。通过计量研究发现生物芯片技术领域自21世纪以来发展迅猛,发达国家占据主动,而我国在该领域的科研水平也处于世界前列。  相似文献   

DNA测序技术是现代生命科学研究的重要技术之一。本文对Derwent数据库中收录的,与DNA测序技术领域相关的专利申请数据进行了研究,分别从专利申请量及年度变化、生命周期、专利权人和专利发明人、专利的国际专利分类及德温特分类号等角度深入分析了DNA测序技术专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领域和主要申请机构的专利战略布局情况。通过研究发现DNA测序技术近年来发展迅速,但是主要推动者是经济发达国家。  相似文献   

生物技术是国家战略性高新技术的重要组成部分,已经成为当今世界各国战略发展争夺的热点之一。本文对ISTIC-专利分析数据库与美国USPTO授权的生物技术相关专利数据中收录的专利进行了分析。从专利授权数量及年度变化、生命周期、专利权人、专利的国际专利分类号、专利权人所属国家和机构等角度深入分析了生物技术专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领以及各个国家的生物技术发展状况和战略布局情况,为该领域战略争夺发展的重点提供参考与指导。  相似文献   

生物技术是国家战略性高新技术的重要组成部分,已经成为当今世界各国战略发展争夺的热点之一。本文对ISTIC-专利分析数据库与美国USPTO授权的生物技术相关专利数据中收录的专利进行了分析。从专利授权数量及年度变化、生命周期、专利权人、专利的国际专利分类号、专利权人所属国家和机构等角度深入分析了生物技术专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领以及各个国家的生物技术发展状况和战略布局情况,为该领域战略争夺发展的重点提供参考与指导。  相似文献   

Biomass feedstock having less competition with food crops are desirable for bio-ethanol production and such resources may not be localized geographically. A distributed production strategy is therefore more suitable for feedstock like water hyacinth with a decentralized availability. In this study, we have demonstrated the suitability of this feedstock for production of fermentable sugars using cellulases produced on site. Testing of acid and alkali pretreatment methods indicated that alkali pretreatment was more efficient in making the sample susceptible to enzyme hydrolysis. Cellulase and β-glucosidase loading and the effect of surfactants were studied and optimized to improve saccharification. Redesigning of enzyme blends resulted in an improvement of saccharification from 57% to 71%. A crude trial on fermentation of the enzymatic hydrolysate using the common baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae yielded an ethanol concentration of 4.4 g/L.  相似文献   

The potential of the waste from beer fermentation broth (WBFB) for the production of bio-ethanol using a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process without any extra additions of saccharification enzymes, microbial cells or carbohydrate was tested. The major microbial cells in WBFB were isolated and identified. The variations in compositions of WBFB with stock time were investigated. There was residual activity of starch hydrolyzing enzymes in WBFB. The effects of reaction modes e.g. static and shaking on bio-ethanol production were studied. After 7 days of cultivation using the supernatant of WBFB at 30 °C the ethanol concentration reached 103.8 g/L in shaking culture and 91.5 g/L in static culture. Agitation experiments conducted at a temperature-profile process in which temperature was increased from 25 to 67 °C shortened the simultaneous process time. The original WBFB was more useful than the supernatant of WBFB in getting the higher concentration of ethanol and reducing the fermentation time. From this whole study it was found that WBFB is a cheap and suitable source for bio-ethanol production.  相似文献   

Thermobifida fusca not only produces cellulases, hemicellulases and xylanases, but also excretes butyric acid. In order to achieve a high yield of butyric acid, the effect of different carbon sources: mannose, xylose, lactose, cellobiose, glucose, sucrose and acetates, on butyric acid production was studied. The highest yield of butyric acid was 0.67 g/g C (g-butyric acid/g-carbon input) on cellobiose. The best stir speed and aeration rate for butyric acid production were found to be 400 rpm and 2 vvm in a 5-L fermentor. The maximum titer of 2.1 g/L butyric acid was achieved on 9.66 g/L cellulose. In order to test the production of butyric acid on lignocellulosic biomass, corn stover was used as the substrate, on which there was 2.37 g/L butyric acid produced under the optimized conditions. In addition, butyric acid synthesis pathway was identified involving five genes that catalyzed reactions from acetyl-CoA to butanoyl-CoA in T. fusca.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(3):357-364
A yeast cell-free enzyme system containing an intact fermentation assembly and that is capable of bio-ethanol production at elevated temperatures in the absence of living cells was developed to address the limitations associated with conventional fermentation processes. The presence of both yeast glycolytic and fermentation enzymes in the system was verified by SDS-PAGE and LC–MS/MS Q-TOF analyses. Quantitative measurements verified sufficient quantities of the co-factors ATP (1.8 mM) and NAD+ (0.11 mM) to initiate the fermentation process. Bio-ethanol was produced at a broad temperature range of 30–60 °C but was highly specific to a pH range of 6.0–7.0. The final bio-ethanol production at 30, 40, 50, and 60 °C was 3.37, 3.83, 1.94, and 1.60 g/L, respectively, when a 1% glucose solution was used, and the yield increased significantly with increasing cell-free enzyme concentrations. A comparative study revealed better results for the conventional fermentation system (4.46 g/L) at 30 °C than the cell-free system (3.37 g/L); however, the efficacy of the cell-free system increased with temperature, reaching a maximum (3.83 g/L) at 40 °C, at which the conventional system could only produce 0.48 g/L bio-ethanol. Successful bio-ethanol production using a single yeast cell-based enzyme system at higher temperatures will lead to the development of novel strategies for efficient bio-ethanol production through SSF.  相似文献   

Lee SM  Lee JH 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(10):5962-5967
Brown seaweed contains various carbohydrates, such as alginate, laminaran, and mannitol, therefore ethanol fermentation was attempted with Nuruk and a mixed culture that included Laminaria japonica. Nuruk is used to make Korean traditional alcohol. In the research, four microorganisms that produced ethanol and had the ability to achieve alginate degradation were obtained on the L. japonica medium. Nuruk 4 was found to produce a better result than the other tested microorganisms, and the optimal substrate for ethanol production was found to be mannitol (2.59 g/L at 96 h). Nuruk 4 was more than three times better compared with Candida tropicalis in regards to ethanol production. When alginate lyase activity occurred, it appeared as a clear zone around Nuruk 3. The maximal ethanol production yield conditions were comprised of Nuruk 3 and 4 on the anaerobic culture. In this case, 2.0 g/L of ethanol were efficiently produced under the same conditions.  相似文献   

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