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微型移动导管手术室的民用模式研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
微型移动导管手术室是为适应野战条件下心血管急重伤病的快速诊治而研制的新型医疗设备。本文主要研究探讨该微型移动导管手术室的民用模式,包括针对STEMI病人的人机一体化反送救治模式,突发事件中伤员的现场救治模式,重要活动的卫生安全保障模式以及对三线以下城市乡镇的医疗巡诊模式。  相似文献   

扼要概述了介入诊疗聚氨酯(PU)导管的凝血过程,影响因素,改善PU导管材料抗凝血性的途径以及导管用材料抗凝血性能的表征。  相似文献   

从理论上推导出以着色导管数计算导管长度的关系式,为注入颜料法测定植物导管长度分布规律了理论基础,并推导了导管长度分布规律,以及着色导管数与样品长度关系。以香梓、梧桐为试材,研究了导管长主工分布规律,实验结果与理论结果完全一致,表明理论推导和实验结果是可靠的。  相似文献   

中国毛莨科植物导管分子的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

神经导管研究与进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着机械化程度的提高和交通事业的发展,周围神经损伤发生率大幅度的上升。虽然通过手术的方法可以进行端对端的缝合,但是神经恢复的效果仍然不理想,特别是存在神经短距离缺损时,神经导管可为神经的修复提供一个合适的微环境,使得神经纤维能够再生并顺利到达远端。本文介绍了受损神经恢复效果的评价标准,神经导管材料的研究进展,神经生长因子对神经再生的影响因素及作用机理,和神经导管的制备方法,且在总结前人研究的基础上,给出适合于神经导管支架所需的材料和结构要求。  相似文献   

杨文越  李昕  陈慧灵  曹小曙 《生态学报》2021,41(15):6064-6074
绿地可达性与公平性是衡量城市居民接触和使用绿地便捷程度与机会的重要指标,也是评价和反映城市绿地资源空间配置科学性与合理性的重要体现,并与城市环境、生态、健康、社会和可持续发展密切相关。已有研究较少从多个尺度、多种出行模式测度绿地可达性与公平性。以广州为研究区域,结合出行O-D点智能查询系统(Travel O-D Point Intelligent Query System,TIQS)构建了多出行模式两步移动搜索法模型(Multi-mode Two-step Floating Catchment Area Method,M2SFCA)和绿地公平性模型,对广州绿地可达性和公平性空间格局与差异进行了研究。研究发现:(1)广州多尺度绿地可达性水平存在明显的"城郊两极化"空间差异,低绿地可达性区域集聚于人口密度较高的中心城区,而人口较少的外围城市区域绿地可达性值普遍较高。(2)广州市域绿地资源空间分布处于严重不公平状态(绿地公平性指数为0.58),且各行政区之间也存在较大差异,南沙区、天河区和花都区绿地公平性相对较好,其他区域绿地资源空间分配均有待提高与优化。(3)在镇街层面,有73.29%的镇街绿地资源空间分配处于高度平均水平(绿地公平性指数≤0.2);在社区层面,低可达性-公平类型的社区数量最多(占社区总量的39.85%),高可达性类型的社区分布最少:有15.91%的社区属于高可达性-公平类型,有12.94%的社区属于高可达性-不公平类型。研究结论将为优化城市区域绿地空间结构、保障绿地空间公平提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目的:比较使用预充式导管冲洗器(Flush)、生理盐水、肝素钠生理盐水(简称肝素盐水)三种封管液对PICC导管封管的效果。方法:将120例使用PICC导管的患者随机分成3组,分别使用预充式导管冲洗器封、生理盐水、10 U/m L的肝素盐水封管,比较三组的配药时间、最大流速、导管有无回血、有无静脉炎、穿刺点有无局部感染。结果:配药时间上,Flush组为4.3±5.8 s,生理盐水组为38.7±17.4 s,肝素盐水组为94.2±27.1 s,差异有统计学意义,P〈0.001;最大流速上,三组差异无统计学意义,P=0.412;在导管回血比较中,Flush组比生理盐水组发生导管回血的情况少,差异有统计学意义(P=0.0494),Flush组是生理盐水组发生导管回血情况的EXP(-2.1038)=0.1220倍,肝素盐水组和生理盐水组发生导管回血情况没有差异,P〉0.05;使用三种封管液均无静脉炎和局部感染情况发生。结论:使用预充式导管冲洗器(Flush)对PICC导管进行封管,可以有效节省配药时间,有效减少PICC导管的回血;三种封管液间对PICC导管相关性静脉炎和局部感染差异无统计学意义,可能与本研究的局限性有关。  相似文献   

吕艳梅 《蛇志》2005,17(4):282-282
静脉留置导管因其保留时间长,病人痛苦小,而在临床上被广泛应用,但在留置导管过程中,常出现堵塞而影响留置时间。现将我科成功解决1例静脉留置导管堵塞的护理方法介绍如下。  相似文献   

银桦次生木质部导管分子观察研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
陈树思  唐为萍 《广西植物》2004,24(4):380-382,F006
对银桦 (Grevillearobusta)次生木质部导管分子进行了观察研究。在银桦次生木质部导管分子中存在着许多不同的样式 ,分别对其进行了描述 ,并从导管分子个体发育与系统发育的角度进行了讨论。银桦导管分子中还存在着特殊的样式 ,如具三个单穿孔的导管以及导管分子侧壁上存在明显的皱褶 ,对其也分别进行了讨论  相似文献   

运用细胞图像分析系统及显微照相方法,观察研究水同木次生木质部导管分子。结果发现,水同木次生木质部导管分子中存在着许多不同的样式,大多数导管分子短而宽,多数无尾或仅一端具尾;导管均为单穿孔板,未发现有侵填体。  相似文献   

A retention model for the chiral separation of an uncharged solute, felodipine, on CHIRAL-AGP, using a micellar mobile phase is proposed. The model assumes the presence of two stereoselective sites and each enantiomer was found to interact with different sites. Addition of a chiral aliphatic alcohol, (+)-(S)-2-octanol, preferentially interacted with the binding site for (?)-(S)-felodipine. The monomeric form of the micellar agent (Tween® 20) competed with the enantiomers for the adsorption sites, and the formation of a 1:1 complex between the enantiomers and the micelles was assumed. The retention of the solutes was effectively controlled by adding small quantities (<1.63 × 10?3 M) of the nonionic detergent Tween 20 to the mobile phase. Baseline separation was achieved by addition of 1.0 mM n-octylamine to the mobile phase; 8.14 × 10?4 M Tween 20 in phosphate buffer pH 7.0. The separation factor (α = 1.74) was unaffected by the detergent concentration in the presence of 1.0 mM n-octylamine. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using the mobile proton model as a framework, the influence of charge distribution on the discrepant fragmentation of peptides FMRF, FM(O)RF and FM(O2)RF (with united peptide sequence) was explored by mass spectrometry experiments and quantum chemical calculations. With the added O atoms, more negative charges were prompted to deposit in the main protonation sites of the oxidation products. Consequently, the solvated proton to the oxidized peptides could flow to the amide bonds in an easier manner and made these bonds fragment easily. Oxidation also induced the discrepant fragmentation of these bonds in a predictable manner: the more negative charges deposited in an amide bond, the more daughter ions (an, bn, yn ions and their derivatives) were produced. The combined methods proposed here refined the mobile proton model for peptide fragmentation and opened the way to probe the discrepant fragmentation of peptides in peptide/protein identification. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

申文明  孙中平  张雪  初东  李飞  吕灿宾 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7846-7852
针对快速、实时、有效采集并录入生态环境野外调查大样本量、多源数据的需求,充分应用移动GIS技术、移动智能终端、3G等现代信息技术优势,提出了基于ArcGIS for Mobile的移动数据采集方案,研究解决了包括系统运行机制、数据访问模式、移动数据库技术等面向全国生态环境野外调查的移动GIS关键技术,设计并研发野外调查移动数据采集系统。该系统采用C#和Java语言,以SQL Server 2008 为服务器端的数据库环境,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2008集成开发环境上实现设计开发,并在全国生态环境10年变化遥感调查与评估项目土地覆盖类型地面核查、生态系统参数野外观测等工作中予以应用。实践检验表明:该系统实现了野外调查数据的数字采集、智能校验、实时上传与有效管理,简化了填报程序,规范了填报内容,提高了工作效率,能够为生态环境相关的调查数据采集提供信息化支持。  相似文献   

基于移动学习的生物化学课程混合式教学改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着移动网络技术的迅猛发展,其教育功能逐步被挖掘,展现出了良好的移动学习应用的前景。本文通过建设基于“浙江线上大学APP+课程微信订阅号”的学习资源,构建了基于移动学习的混合式教学模式,并应用于生物化学课程的教学改革实践中;通过课堂教学实践和调查反馈显示,将移动学习应用于混合式教学是受学生欢迎、教学效果良好的教学模式。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the distribution of the output power of mobile phones and other terminals connected to a 3G network in Sweden. It is well known that 3G terminals can operate with very low output power, particularly for voice calls. Measurements of terminal output power were conducted in the Swedish TeliaSonera 3G network in November 2008 by recording network statistics. In the analysis, discrimination was made between rural, suburban, urban, and dedicated indoor networks. In addition, information about terminal output power was possible to collect separately for voice and data traffic. Information from six different Radio Network Controllers (RNCs) was collected during at least 1 week. In total, more than 800000 h of voice calls were collected and in addition to that a substantial amount of data traffic. The average terminal output power for 3G voice calls was below 1 mW for any environment including rural, urban, and dedicated indoor networks. This is <1% of the maximum available output power. For data applications the average output power was about 6–8 dB higher than for voice calls. For rural areas the output power was about 2 dB higher, on average, than in urban areas. Bioelectromagnetics 33:320–325, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss how to realize fault-tolerant applications on distributed objects. Servers supporting objects can be fault-tolerant by taking advantage of replication and checkpointing technologies. However, there is no discussion on how application programs being performed on clients are tolerant of clients faults. For example, servers might block in the two-phase commitment protocol due to the client fault. We newly discuss how to make application programs fault-tolerant by taking advantage of mobile agent technologies where a program can move from a computer to another computer in networks. An application program to be performed on a faulty computer can be performed on another operational computer by moving the program in the mobile agent model. In this paper, we discuss a transactional agent model where a reliable and efficient application for manipulating objects in multiple computers is realized in the mobile agent model. In the transactional agent model, only a small part of the application program named routing subagent moves around computers. A routing subagent autonomously finds a computer which to visit next. We discuss a hierarchical navigation map which computer should be visited price to another computer in a transactional agent. A routing subagent makes a decision on which computer visit for the hierarchical navigation map. Programs manipulating objects in a computer are loaded to the computer on arrival of the routing subagent in order to reduce the communication overhead. This part of the transactional agent is a manipulating subagent. The manipulation subagent still exists on the computer even after the routing subagent leaves the computer in order to hold objects until the commitment. We assume every computer may stop by fault while networks are reliable. There are kinds of faulty computers for a transactional agent; current, destination, and sibling computers where a transactional agent now exists, will move, and has visited, respectively. The types of faults are detected by neighbouring manipulation subagents by communicating with each other. If some of the manipulation subagents are faulty, the routing subagent has to be aborted. However, the routing subagent is still moving. We discuss how to efficiently deliver the abort message to the moving routing subagent. We evaluate the transactional agent model in terms of how long it takes to abort the routing subagent if some computer is faulty.
Makoto TakizawaEmail:

Many traditional mobile telemetry systems require permanently mounting a rod through the cabin of a vehicle to serve as the mast for a directional antenna. In this article we present an alternative to this configuration by providing a platform that can be placed atop the vehicle in which the antenna mast can be mounted and controlled from the cabin of the vehicle. Thereby making this design a viable option for researchers who share vehicles with others that may not approve of permanent vehicle modifications such as placing a hole in the roof of the vehicle as required by traditional mobile configurations. We tested the precision and accuracy of detachable mobile and adjustable telemetry system (DMATS) in an urban park with varying terrain, tree stands, overhead wires, and other structures that can contribute to signal deflection. We placed three radiocollars 50 m apart and 1.2 m above the ground then established three testing stations ~280 m from the location of the radiocollars. The DMATS platform required 12 h for completion and cost $1059 USD. Four technicians were randomly assigned radio collars to triangulate using DMATS and a handheld telemetry system. We used a one‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a Scheffe post hoc test to compare error ellipses between azimuths taken using DMATS and the hand held system. Average error ellipses for all testers was 1.96 ± 1.22 ha. No significant differences were found between error ellipses of testers (= 0.292). Our design, the DMATS, does not require any vehicle modification; thereby, making this a viable option for researchers sharing vehicles with others that may not approve of permanent vehicle alterations.  相似文献   

Bahr A  Dorn H  Bolz T 《Bioelectromagnetics》2006,27(4):320-327
An exposure system for investigation of volunteers during simulated GSM and WCDMA mobile phone usage has been designed. The apparatus consists of a dual band antenna with enhanced carrying properties that enables exposure for at least 8 h a day. For GSM a 900 MHz pulse modulated carrier was used. The QPSK modulated WCDMA signal at 1966 MHz comprises a power control scheme, which was designed for investigations of biological effects. The dosimetry of the exposure system by measurements and calculations is described in detail within this paper. It is shown that the SAR distribution of the antenna shows similar characteristics to mobile phones with an integrated antenna. The 10 g averaged localized SAR, normalized to an antenna input power of 1 W and measured in the flat phantom area of the SAM phantom, amounts to 7.82 mW/g (900 MHz) and 10.98 mW/g (1966 MHz). The simulated SAR(10 g) in the Visible Human head model agrees with measured values to within 20%. A variation of the antenna rotation angle results in an SAR(10 g) change below 17%. The increase of the antenna distance by 2 mm with respect to the human head leads to an SAR(10 g) change of 9%.  相似文献   

Several studies show increases in activity for certain frequency bands (10–14 Hz) and visually scored parameters during sleep after exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. A shortened REM latency has also been reported. We investigated the effects of a double‐blind radiofrequency exposure (884 MHz, GSM signaling standard including non‐DTX and DTX mode, time‐averaged 10 g psSAR of 1.4 W/kg) on self‐evaluated sleepiness and objective EEG measures during sleep. Forty‐eight subjects (mean age 28 years) underwent 3 h of controlled exposure (7:30–10:30 PM; active or sham) prior to sleep, followed by a full‐night polysomnographic recording in a sleep laboratory. The results demonstrated that following exposure, time in Stages 3 and 4 sleep (SWS, slow‐wave sleep) decreased by 9.5 min (12%) out of a total of 78.6 min, and time in Stage 2 sleep increased by 8.3 min (4%) out of a total of 196.3 min compared to sham. The latency to Stage 3 sleep was also prolonged by 4.8 min after exposure. Power density analysis indicated an enhanced activation in the frequency ranges 0.5–1.5 and 5.75–10.5 Hz during the first 30 min of Stage 2 sleep, with 7.5–11.75 Hz being elevated within the first hour of Stage 2 sleep, and bands 4.75–8.25 Hz elevated during the second hour of Stage 2 sleep. No pronounced power changes were observed in SWS or for the third hour of scored Stage 2 sleep. No differences were found between controls and subjects with prior complaints of mobile phone‐related symptoms. The results confirm previous findings that RF exposure increased the EEG alpha range in the sleep EEG, and indicated moderate impairment of SWS. Furthermore, reported differences in sensitivity to mobile phone use were not reflected in sleep parameters. Bioelectromagnetics 32:4–14, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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