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Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, have been previously shown to produce sounds during mating. Several behavioural aspects of sound production of courting haddock were further investigated in relation to sex ratio. We assessed whether (i) single males or females generate sounds when isolated, (ii) sound is produced when one male is present with a female, (iii) sound production becomes altered with the introduction of an additional male, and (iv) sounds are produced independent of egg release. Data were collected from 30 March to 11 June 1999, during the spawning period using small outdoor tanks. Sounds generated by captive males during spawning were categorized as knocks, hums and an intermediate between these two types. Solitary males and females did not produce sounds. Sounds were produced when one male was present with a single female. The knocking call duration increased when a second male was introduced. Sounds produced by males occurred independent of the day of egg release.  相似文献   

Male grass gobies show two alternative breeding tactics, territorial and sneaker, distinguished by body size and difference in ray elongation on the second dorsal fin. The larger males, with elongated fins, are territorial and emit sounds during courtship. Smaller males, without elongated fins, act as sneakers. Both large and small males produce sounds in the presence of a ripe female. Males produce a grunt, lasting about 300ms, made up of pulses repeated at a low rate (22–68pps). Pulse duration, number, and repetition rate, did not differ between the two male types, but dominant frequency and sound amplitude did. Dominant frequency had a strong, inverse relationship with body size, whereas sound amplitude showed a weak positive relation to body size. Male size, and not the particular reproductive male tactic employed, is the most important correlate of sound properties in this species.  相似文献   

Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus males observed in captivity proved to be vocally active throughout the whole year, although the highest levels of vocal activity were reached in the spawning season between February and April. During this season, the most common type of sound consisted of sequences of regularly repeated, almost identical, double‐pulsed knocks (KN). These sequences were mostly associated with a particular behaviour pattern, the patrolling display, which has previously been shown to play a key role in territoriality and spawning. Differences in the double‐pulsed KNs produced by three individual males were demonstrated by two different statistical methods and it is suggested that these differences may allow individual males to be discriminated by other fish, perhaps conveying fitness‐related information on the sender. Some aspects of the calls changed seasonally, perhaps reflecting observed variations in the mass of the drumming muscles. When using passive listening to locate M. aeglefinus spawning grounds, the physical characteristics of the sounds may indicate how close the individual males are to spawning.  相似文献   

S ummary . The spoilage microflora of irradiated and non-irradiated air packed or vacuum packed haddock fillets was identified after storage of the fillets at 35°F. With the non-irradiated fillets, both air packed and vacuum packed, the spoilage flora was predominantly pseudomonads. With the irradiated fillets, the spoilage flora of the air packed samples was chiefly achromobacter; that of the vacuum packed samples was chiefly lactobacilli (or possibly Microbacterium thermosphactum ).  相似文献   

Many animal groups use sounds in reproduction in order to court mates or repel rivals. We describe the sounds and behavioural context of courtship sound production in male sand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus, and examine the variability of acoustic parameters and the fine temporal patterning of sound units. Male sand gobies excavate a nest under a suitable solid substrate and attract females to mate, attaching the eggs to the ceiling of the nest. Before mating a female may repeatedly enter and leave a male's nest. Sounds were not detected during the courtship phase outside the nest, but were recorded when females were in the nest before spawning. Sounds were produced in 44–100% of such nest visits, varying with individual males. The sand goby sound consists of a train of pulses repeated at a rate of 23–29 pulses per second. The frequency spectrum of single pulses was continuous from 20–30Hz to 500Hz and reached a peak around 100Hz. The absolute sound pressure level ranged from 118 to 138dB re 1µPa at 1–3cm. The sand goby emits sound in distinct sound groups (bursts). Sound temporal features (duration, pulse repetition rate) vary systematically over the course of the burst. Within- and between-male variation of acoustic parameters was examined from sounds emitted by the male. Sound amplitude (peak-to-peak, mV) and pulse rate varied significantly among males, despite low individual stereotypy. Furthermore, sound pressure level correlated with body size. The potential informative content of acoustic parameters is discussed in the light of a possible role of the sand goby sound in mate choice.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - Factors that influence the survival rate of northeastern Arctic haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus at different stages of the formation of the year-class abundance are...  相似文献   

Agonistic behaviour and sound production were described for captive Gaidropsarus mediterraneus , a shore-dwelling gadoid. Thump-like sounds were produced during agonistic interactions, which involved disputes over access to shelter sites.  相似文献   

Parasitic protozoans, identified as Haemogregarina aeglefini (Henry), were found in erythrocytes of two gadiform fish, Melanogrammus aeglefinus (haddock) and Gaidropsaurus cimbrius (four-bearded rockling). The latter species also harboured trypanosomes in its blood plasma, and a kind of intracellular parasite-like inclusions in macrophages of the spleen, the pronephros and the liver. Most specimens of Gaidropsaurus cimbrius had leeches ( Callobdella nodulifera ) attached to the skin. A remarkable abundance of blood leucocytes noted in Gaidropsaurus cimbrius may be a response to haematozoan infections.  相似文献   

We examine the vocal repertoire of spawning cod, Gadus morhua. Fish captured in northern Norway were allowed to spawn in tanks and we recorded sound during the spawning period. The cod's grunt repertoire contained more variation than previously suggested. Half of the grunts lasted more than 200ms including one grunt lasting nearly 1s and consisting of 52 pulses, which is far beyond previous reports. Moreover, increasing repetition period and increasing duration of pulses within a grunt from the first pulse towards pulses at the end of the grunt, has previously not been described. On the other hand, no knocks or series of knocks, and on average only one grunt per hour suggest that cod are less versatile vocalists than closely related gadid species, such as haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus.  相似文献   

The streaked gurnard Trigloporus lastoviza produced only one sound type, a growl, lasting up to 3 s and consisting of repeated groups of typically one to three pulses. The foraging fish followed two different strategies. In the first, the fish circled the feeding area, grasped a food item and fled, sometimes displaying aggressively to competitors. With this foraging strategy, fish usually made sounds as they circled, grasped and fled. Fish that growled while circling were more likely to grasp a food item subsequently than were silent fish. The second feeding strategy occurred when a fish had already ingested food or failed to get any. In this case, typically fish searched for food on the substratum or approached and touched other individuals that were feeding, sometimes grabbing food that was spat out during food handling by the other fish. Although payback experiments would be needed to draw firm conclusions on the communicative function of growling during competitive feeding in the streaked gurnard, the results suggest that sound production confers advantages to individuals competing for limited food resources.  相似文献   

During their spawning period (June to mid-July) in the Gironde estuary, meagre Argyrosomus regius produce two distinct sounds: regular long grunts, the most common calls, and sometimes also short grunts. It is suggested that long grunts serve the formation of spawning aggregations and short grunts announce the beginning of courtship behaviour. The meagre's long grunts include long series of 30–112 closely spaced pulses placed into call units. Each pulse produces multiple and rapidly decaying swimbladder vibrations with a dominant frequency varying between 336 and 444 Hz.  相似文献   

Histological observations were made on the changes occurring in the haddock ovary during maturation. The influence of varying food rations on the numbers of eggs released was considered. Oocyte development was found to be a continuous asynchronous process until the beginning of spawing, i.e. stage V when vitellogenesis became synchronized and there was no further initiation of new development. It is suggested that the upper limit of potential fecundity was determined before stage II, however the actual numbers of eggs spawned could still be reduced during later stages in response to a poor food supply.  相似文献   

The present study aimed firstly, to test for a temperature effect on North Sea haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus growth and secondly, to develop a model that could be used to assess total length (L(T)) and mass (M)-at-age response to different temperature scenarios. The von Bertalanffy growth model was fitted on a cohort-by-cohort basis from 1970 to 2006. The asymptotic L(T) (L(∞)) was negatively correlated with temperature while the rate at which L(∞) is reached (K) was positively correlated with temperature. K was negatively correlated with density, whereas no effect on L(∞) was observed. These effects were incorporated into a von Bertalanffy model which was extended to include temperature and density as explanatory variables. Only the temperature variable was significant. Fitting the extended von Bertalanffy model revealed that L(∞) decreased while K increased with increasing temperature, resulting in up to a 40% loss of individual yield at older ages. The dramatic decline observed in the mean age at which 50% of the population becomes mature suggests that higher temperatures resulted in larger young M. aeglefinus that matured earlier and therefore reached a smaller maximum size. In a global warming context, the loss of individual yield observed at old ages is likely to reduce the fisheries yield for M. aeglefinus in the North Sea.  相似文献   

The food habits of Melanogrammus aeglefinus were explored and contrasted across multiple north‐eastern and north‐western Atlantic Ocean ecosystems, using databases that span multiple decades. The results show that among all ecosystems, echinoderms are a consistent part of M. aeglefinus diet, but patterns emerge regarding where and when M. aeglefinus primarily eat fishes v. echinoderms. Melanogrammus aeglefinus does not regularly exhibit the increase in piscivory with ontogeny that other gadoids often show, and in several ecosystems there is a lower occurrence of piscivory. There is an apparent inverse relationship between the consumption of fishes and echinoderms in M. aeglefinus over time, where certain years show high levels of one prey item and low levels of the other. This apparent binary choice can be viewed as part of a gradient of prey options, contingent upon a suite of factors external to M. aeglefinus dynamics. The energetic consequences of this prey choice are discussed, noting that in some instances it may not be a choice at all.  相似文献   

Using data collected as part of offshore surveys conducted during 1972–2013, haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus association patterns with depth and temperature in southern Newfoundland waters, the northern extremity of the species' range in the western Atlantic Ocean, were quantified. They were typically concentrated in the deep warm waters along the narrow shelf slope in North‐west Atlantic Fisheries Organization Divisions 3O and 3P with individuals moving seasonally into the shallow waters of the banks as they warmed. While M. aeglefinus were found over a range of depths and temperatures, they were primarily located at depths deeper and temperatures warmer than the median sampled. Analyses demonstrated that of the two hydrographic variables assessed, temperature was most influential in structuring distribution, with individuals appearing to change depth in order to maintain similar temperature throughout the year. Melanogrammus aeglefinus were found predominantly in temperatures of c. 4–8° C which often represented some of the warmest waters available. Differences in fish‐habitat association patterns in relation to sex or maturity status were not readily apparent from the analyses. Warming conditions off Newfoundland and Labrador in recent years might be predicted to improve local M. aeglefinus productivity.  相似文献   

Female and juvenile haddock make sounds, as well as males. Examination of the sounds from different sexes indicates that the sound waveform is a function of fish maturity and it is gender-specific. Immature fish sounds were found to be made up of two pulses with similar frequencies and opposite polarities. Females produced two pulses with the same polarity, the first pulse having a higher frequency than the second. The acoustic characteristics of juvenile, female and male haddock sounds are compared. Sexual dimorphism in the mass of the drumming muscle mass has also been investigated. Female haddock possess less well-developed drumming muscles than males throughout the whole year. A significant difference in drumming muscle mass was observed not only in males but also in females at different seasons. A positive relation between drumming muscle mass and fish size has been highlighted in both male and female fish. The physical parameters of the sound units emitted by juveniles, females and males, which are likely affected by physiological condition and maturity stage, are discussed in relation to the sound-producing mechanism.  相似文献   

The signalling function of displays broadcast when animals are distant from conspecifics can be difficult to determine. I tested the extent to which visually transmitted broadcast displays given by free‐ranging territorial male collared lizards signalled same‐sex rivals or females. One test involved recording the frequency of broadcast displays, aggressive contests with rivals, and courtship encounters with females during ten reproductive seasons when local sex ratios varied markedly. The frequency of broadcast displays decreased as the ratio of male competitors to females increased. The frequency with which males initiated contests with rivals was not related to the ratio of competitors to females, whereas the frequency of courtship interactions decreased with sex ratio because there were fewer females to court. The behaviour of males that defended territories during two successive seasons showed a similar pattern. Broadcast display frequency was positively correlated with courtship frequency, but not with the frequency of contests with rivals. Lastly, individual males gave more broadcast displays during focal observations when they also engaged in courtship encounters with females than other observations when they engaged in aggressive conflicts with rival males. Although these results do not reject the possibility that broadcast displays may also signal male rivals, they support a major role of these displays in advertisement to females. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Cell lines can be useful experimental tools for studying marine fish, which are often difficult to routinely obtain and maintain in the laboratory. As few cell lines are available from coldwater marine fish, cultures were initiated from late gastrula embryos of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in Leibovitz's L-15 with fetal bovine serum (FBS). From one culture, a cell line (HEW) emerged that has been grown for close to 100 population doublings, was heteroploid, and expressed telomerase activity, all of which suggest HEW is immortal. Growth occurred only if FBS was present and was optimal at 12 to 18°C. Usually most cells had an epithelial-like morphology, but under some conditions, cells drew up into round central bodies from which radiated cytoplasmic extensions with multiple branches. These neural-like cells appeared within a few hours of cultures being placed at 28°C or being switch to a simple salt solution (SSS). At 28°C, cells died within 24 h. In SSS, HEW cells survived as a monolayer for at least 7 days. The sensitivity of HEW cells to morphological change and their capacity to withstand starvation should make them useful for investigating cellular responses to environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Spawning was observed in groups of captive Atlantic mackerel and occurred when a few fish swam away from the main school during a brief burst of high speed swimming. Counts of eggs from aquarium and field studies show that, in contrast to most pelagic fish species, spawning by Atlantic mackerel can occur at any time ofday or night and is not group-synchronized. Implications of the observed die1 periodicity of egg production to stock size estimation by the Daily Egg Production Method are discussed.  相似文献   

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