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In normal males, Müllerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS), produced by testes during an embryonic critical period, is thought to induce regression of the Müllerian duct system, including the oviducts and uterus. In XX sex-reversed dogs, an apparent contradiction has been reported: The uterus persists in the presence of testes or ovotestes. The objective of this study is to determine whether testes of XX male and ovotestes of true hermaphrodite dogs produce MIS, and to examine the anatomy of Müllerian duct derivatives of affected dogs for evidence of regression. Gonadal samples were tested for MIS activity in a bioassay. The mean MIS activity score of XX males was similar to that of normal XY males and significantly greater than that of normal XX females. The mean MIS activity score of XX true hermaphrodites was intermediate between normal XX females and XY males. Within the true hermaphrodite group, ovotestes in which the proportion of testicular tissue was greater than or equal to 1/2 had higher MIS scores than those in which the proportion of testicular tissue was less than 1/2. XX males had a well-developed epididymis adjacent to each testis, but no oviducts. In true hermaphrodites, the oviduct regressed and an epididymis was present when greater than or equal to 1/2 of the adjacent ovotestis was testicular, and MIS activity in that gonad was high. A few ovotestes with intermediate levels of MIS activity had both an oviduct and an epididymis. Regression of the oviductal portion of the Müllerian duct system was positively correlated to the amount of testicular tissue and the MIS activity of the gonad, as would be predicted by Jost's original hypothesis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The human genome contains a large number of interspersed simple repeat sequences that are variable in length and can therefore serve as highly informative, polymorphic markers. Typing procedures include conventional multilocus and single locus probing, and polymerase chain reaction aided analysis. We have identified simple sequences in a cosmid clone stemming from the human Y chromosome and consisting of (gata)n repeats. We have compared these with two equivalent simple repeat loci from chromosome 12. After amplifying the tandemly repeated motifs, we detected between four and eight different alleles at each of the three loci. Codominant inheritance of the alleles was established in family studies and the informativity of the simple repeat loci was determined by typing unrelated individuals. The polymorphisms are suitable for application in linkage studies, practical forensic case work, deficiency cases in paternity determination, and for studying ethnological questions. The mutational mechanisms that bring about changes in simple repeats located both on the autosomes and on the sex chromosomes, are discussed.Professor Dr. Otto Prokop (Humboldt-Universität Berlin) on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

During embryogenesis normal male phenotypic development requires the action of Müllerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) which is secreted by Sertoli cells of the fetal testis. As testes differentiate in genetic (XY) males, they produce MIS which causes regression of the Müllerian ducts, the anlagen of the female reproductive tract. Soon thereafter, testicular androgens stimulate the Wolffian ducts. In females, on the other hand, MIS is not produced by grandulosa cells until after birth, before which, estrogens induce Müllerian duct development, while the Wolffian ducts passively atrophy in the absence of androgenic stimulation. High serum MIS levels in males are maintained until puberty, whereupon they fall to baseline levels. In females MIS is undetectable in serum until the peripubertal period when values approach the baseline levels of males. This distinct pattern of sexual and ontogenic expression presupposes and requires tight regulation. MIS may play a role in gonadal function and development. Our laboratory has shown that an important role for ovarian MIS is to inhibit oocyte meiosis, perhaps providing maximal oocyte maturation prior to selection for ovulation and subsequent fertilization. Furthermore, Vigier et al. (Development 100:43-55) have recently obtained evidence that MIS may influence testicular differentiation, coincident with inhibition of aromatase activity. Current structure-function studies demonstrate that MIS, like other growth regulators in its protein family, requires proteolytic cleavage to exhibit full biological activity. MIS can be inhibited by epidermal growth factor. This antagonism, which is common to all MIS functions so far investigated, is associated with inhibition of EGF receptor autophosphorylation. We have provided evidence that bovine MIS can inhibit female reproductive tract tumors arising in adults.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Examination of Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) signaling in the rat in vivo and in vitro revealed novel developmental stage- and tissue-specific events that contributed to a window of MIS responsiveness in Müllerian duct regression. The MIS type II receptor (MISRII)-expressing cells are initially present in the coelomic epithelium of both male and female urogenital ridges, and then migrate into the mesenchyme surrounding the male Müllerian duct under the influence of MIS. Expression of the genes encoding MIS type I receptors, Alk2 and Alk3, is also spatiotemporally controlled; Alk2 expression appears earlier and increases predominantly in the coelomic epithelium, whereas Alk3 expression appears later and is restricted to the mesenchyme, suggesting sequential roles in Müllerian duct regression. MIS induces expression of Alk2, Alk3 and Smad8, but downregulates Smad5 in the urogenital ridge. Alk2-specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) blocks both the transition of MISRII expression from the coelomic epithelium to the mesenchyme and Müllerian duct regression in organ culture. Müllerian duct regression can also be inhibited or accelerated by siRNA targeting Smad8 and Smad5, respectively. Thus, the early action of MIS is to initiate an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of MISRII-expressing cells and to specify the components of the receptor/SMAD signaling pathway by differentially regulating their expression.  相似文献   

Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) has been investigated as a possible serum biomarker in human aging to estimate the number of female germ cells remaining. Cisplatin is an effective chemotherapeutic agent that is associated with ovarian injury. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that decreasing serum MIS can serve as a biomarker of ovarian damage after cisplatin. Adult female rats were treated with saline, 4.5, or 6.0 mg/kg cisplatin. The serum MIS levels were lower in both cisplatin groups, in a dose-related fashion. The ovarian lysates of both cisplatin groups had less MIS than control. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that the percentage of MIS-positive follicles was lower in the 6.0 mg/kg group. TUNEL assays showed that there was a dose related increase in the number of apoptotic follicles in the cisplatin groups. In summary, a decrease in serum MIS could serve as a biomarker to discriminate the degree of ovarian damage after cisplatin. These data are the first to establish in the rat that ovarian injury due to a chemotherapeutic agent could be monitored with the non-invasive serum biomarker MIS.  相似文献   

We have established a new method to purify Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) with higher purity and recovery over existing procedures. Recombinant human MIS was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells and secreted into chemically defined serum-free media. The secreted products were concentrated by either precipitation with ammonium sulfate or lectin-affinity chromatography, each of which was followed by anion-exchange chromatography. Further separation of the active carboxy-terminal domain of MIS was achieved after cleavage by plasmin followed by lectin-affinity chromatography. This method may be applicable to other members of the transforming growth factor beta family with which MIS shares sequence homology.  相似文献   

Regardless of their sex chromosome karyotype, amniotes develop two pairs of genital ducts, the Wolffian and Müllerian ducts. As the Müllerian duct forms, its growing tip is intimately associated with the Wolffian duct as it elongates to the urogenital sinus. Previous studies have shown that the presence of the Wolffian duct is required for the development and maintenance of the Müllerian duct. The Müllerian duct is known to form by invagination of the coelomic epithelium, but the mechanism for its elongation to the urogenital sinus remains to be defined. Using genetic fate mapping, we demonstrate that the Wolffian duct does not contribute cells to the Müllerian duct. Experimental embryological manipulations and molecular studies show that precursor cells at the caudal tip of the Müllerian duct proliferate to deposit a cord of cells along the length of the urogenital ridge. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis reveals that the cells of the developing Müllerian duct are mesoepithelial when deposited, and subsequently differentiate into an epithelial tube and eventually the female reproductive tract. Our studies define cellular and molecular mechanisms for Müllerian duct formation.  相似文献   

An immunoblotting method was used to purify a Müllerian-inhibiting substance (MIS)-specific antiserum. The serum was used to quantify the content of MIS in developing chick gonads by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. From embryonic stages to the eleventh week after hatching, male chicken testes have a high content of MIS in the following two stages: (1) from the sixth to the eighth day and from the fourteenth to the twentieth day of incubation, and (2) from the second to the eighth week after hatching. The high content of MIS in the early embryonic stage is closely correlated with the natural pattern of Müllerian duct regression observed in the male embryo. From the sixth to the twelfth day of incubation, the female right ovary contains a higher content of MIS than that of the left ovary. Up to the fourteenth day of incubation, the content of MIS in the left ovary reaches maximum levels and then declines. The combination of MIS from right and left ovaries was found to be highest in the ninth to the fourteenth day of incubation, when the regression of the right Müllerian duct reached its highest peak. However, the question of the inability of MIS to cause regression of the female left Müllerian duct and the caudal part of the right duct is raised and discussed. The hypothesis that prenatal estrogenic hormone (diethylstilbestrol) protects the Müllerian duct has been reevaluated. It was found that estrogen does not reduce the MIS content in prenatally treated gonads.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) production by the developing testis of an Australian marsupial, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), was determined during pouch life using an organ-culture bioassay of mouse fetal urogenital ridge. This information was related to the morphological events during testicular migration and descent. MIS biological activity was found in testes (but not ovaries or liver) of pouch young from 2 to 85 days of age. MIS production had commenced by day 2, which is within a day of the first gross morphological signs of testicular differentiation. Müllerian duct regression occurred between 10 and 30 days, which partly coincided with testicular migration to the inguinal region and enlargement of the gubernacular bulb (15 to 30 days). These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that MIS may be involved in testicular transabdominal migration. The epididymis commenced development and growth only after the testis had descended through the inguinal ring. This provides no support for the suggestion that the epididymis is involved in testicular descent into the scrotum. The basic sequence of events in post-testicular sexual differentiation in the wallaby is sufficiently similar to that seen in eutherian mammals to make it an excellent experimental model for future studies of testicular differentiation, migration and descent.  相似文献   

Members of the Wnt family of genes such as Wnt4, Wnt5a, and Wnt7a have been implicated in the formation and morphogenesis of the Müllerian duct into various parts of the female reproductive tract. These WNT ligands elicit their action via either the canonical WNT/beta-catenin or the non-canonical WNT/calcium pathway and could possibly function redundantly in Müllerian duct differentiation. By using the Müllerian duct-specific anti-Müllerian hormone receptor 2 cre (Amhr2-cre) mouse line, we established a conditional knockout model that removed beta-catenin specifically in the mesenchyme of the Müllerian duct. At birth, loss of beta-catenin in the Müllerian duct mesenchyme disrupted the normal coiling of the oviduct in the knockout embryo, resembling the phenotype of the Wnt7a knockout. The overall development of the female reproductive tract was stunted at birth with a decrease in proliferation in the mesenchyme and epithelium. We also discovered that Wnt5a and Wnt7a expression remained normal, excluding the possibility that the phenotypes resulted from a loss of these WNT ligands. We examined the expression of Frizzled (Fzd), the receptors for WNT, and found that Fzd1 is one receptor present in the Müllerian duct mesenchyme and could be the putative receptor for beta-catenin activation in the Müllerian duct. In summary, our findings suggest that mesenchymal beta-catenin is a downstream effector of Wnt7a that mediates the patterning of the oviduct and proper differentiation of the uterus.  相似文献   

G Dohr  T Tarmann 《Acta anatomica》1984,120(3):123-128
The developing Müllerian duct was studied at the light microscopic as well as the electron microscopic level in rat embryos, especially in the section of the terminal bud and its tip, where Wolffian and Müllerian duct are enclosed by a common basal membrane. In this zone desmosomes can be found among Wolffian cells and also among Müllerian cells. In addition, we found cell contacts between Müllerian and Wolffian cells, namely short electron-dense segments on adjacent surfaces or disc-shaped thickenings within opposite plasma membranes, as well as fusions of the plasmalemmata over short distances. Until now, these cell contacts have not been described in rat embryos.  相似文献   

Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS or anti-Müllerian hormone) is a member of the transforming growth factor-beta family and plays a pivotal role in proper male sexual differentiation. Members of this family signal by the assembly of two related serine/threonine kinase receptors, referred to as type I or type II receptors, and downstream cytoplasmic Smad effector proteins. Although the MIS type II receptor (MISRII) has been identified, the identity of the type I receptor is unclear. Here we report that MIS activates a bone morphogenetic protein-like signaling pathway, which is solely dependent on the presence of the MISRII and bioactive MIS ligand. Among the multiple type I candidates tested, only ALK2 resulted in significant enhancement of the MIS signaling response. Furthermore, dominant-negative and antisense strategies showed that ALK2 is essential for MIS-induced signaling in two independent assays, the cellular Tlx-2 reporter gene assay and the Müllerian duct regression organ culture assay. In contrast, ALK6, the other candidate MIS type I receptor, was not required. Expression analyses revealed that ALK2 is present in all MIS target tissues including the mesenchyme surrounding the epithelial Müllerian duct. Collectively, we conclude that MIS employs a bone morphogenetic protein-like signaling pathway and uses ALK2 as its type I receptor. The use of this ubiquitously expressed type I receptor underscores the role of the MIS ligand and the MIS type II receptor in establishing the specificity of the MIS signaling cascade.  相似文献   

We have isolated the bovine and human genes for Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), a testicular glycoprotein that causes regression of the Müllerian duct during development of the male embryo. The mRNA sequence of bovine MIS, determined from an analysis of cDNA and genomic clones, codes for a protein of 575 amino acids containing a 24 amino acid leader peptide. The human gene has five exons that code for a protein of 560 amino acids. A comparison of the bovine and human MIS proteins reveals a highly conserved C-terminal domain that shows marked homology with human transforming growth factor-beta and the beta chain of porcine inhibin. Animal cells transfected with the human gene secrete biologically active MIS, which causes regression of the rat Müllerian duct in vitro.  相似文献   

In addition to causing Müllerian duct regression in fetal males, Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) inhibits the expression of the bifunctional cytochrome P450, C17 hydroxylase/C(17-20) lyase (Cyp17), the enzyme that catalyzes the committed step in sex steroid synthesis. To investigate the paracrine effects of MIS on steroidogenic activity, we have performed assays with microsomes from mouse MA-10 Leydig cells. With microsomes from untreated MA-10 cells, progesterone was largely metabolized by 5alpha-reductase and subsequently converted by 3-keto steroid reductases to allopregnanolone and epiallopregnanolone. Addition of cAMP to the cells shifted microsomal steroid production to the Cyp17 product androstenedione and its 5alpha,3beta-reduced form, epiandrosterone. Microsomes from MIS-treated cells were less active with the progesterone substrate than those of untreated cells but co-treatment of the cells with both MIS and cAMP mitigated the cAMP-induced shift of the microsomes to androstenedione production. Quantitative analyses of steroid production by Cyp17 showed that cAMP decreased the amount of 17-hydroxyprogesterone produced relative to the androstenedione, suggesting that cAMP signaling lowers the efficiency of the Cyp17 hydroxylase activity or else increases the efficiency of its lyase activity. Addition of MIS to the cAMP-treated cells partially reversed this effect, as well. These results indicate that cAMP induces MA-10 cells to switch from producing 5alpha-reduced progesterone metabolites to producing androstenedione and its metabolites by increasing Cyp17 expression and its relative lyase activity, both of which are inhibited by MIS.  相似文献   

Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), also known as anti-Müllerian hormone, is a glycoprotein belonging to transforming growth factor beta superfamily. In mammals, MIS is responsible for regression of Müllerian ducts, anlagen of the female reproductive ducts, in the male fetus. However, the role of MIS in gonadal sex differentiation of teleost fishes, which do not have the Müllerian ducts, has yet to be clarified. To address the role of MIS on gonadal sex differentiation in fishes, we isolated a MIS cDNA from the Japanese flounder testis and examined the expression pattern of MIS mRNA in gonads of both sexes during sex differentiation period. In this study, we present the first demonstration of sexually dimorphic expression of MIS mRNA during sex differentiation in teleost fishes, similarly to amniote vertebrates which possess the Müllerian ducts.  相似文献   

Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate among gynecologic malignancies. The monoclonal antibody 12G4 specifically recognizes the human Müllerian inhibiting substance type II receptor (MISRII) that is strongly expressed in human granulosa cell tumors (GCT) and in the majority of human epithelial ovarian cancers (EOC). To determine whether MISRII represents an attractive target for antibody-based tumor therapy, we first confirmed by immunohistochemistry with 12G4 its expression in all tested GCT samples (4/4) and all, but one, EOC human tissue specimens (13/14). We then demonstrated in vitro the internalization of 12G4 in MISRIIhighCOV434 cells after binding to MISRII and its ability to increase the apoptosis rate (FACS, DNA fragmentation) in MISRIIhighCOV434 (GCT) and MISRIImediumNIH-OVCAR-3 (EOC) cells that express different levels of MISRII. A standard 51Cr release assay showed that 12G4 mediates antibody-dependent cell-meditated cytotoxicity. Finally, in vivo assessment of 12G4 anti-tumor effects showed a significant reduction of tumor growth and an increase of the median survival time in mice xenografted with MISRIIhighCOV434 or MISRIImediumNIH-OVCAR-3 cells and treated with 12G4 in comparison to controls treated with an irrelevant antibody. Altogether, our data indicate that MISRII is a new promising target for the control of ovarian GCTs and EOCs. A humanized version of the 12G4 antibody, named 3C23K, is in development for the targeted therapy of MISRII-positive gynecologic cancers.  相似文献   

Müllerian inhibitory substance (MIS), also known as anti-Müllerian hormone, is best known as the hormone that regulates the regression of the Müllerian duct in males. In females, MIS is expressed in granulosa cells of preantral and early antral follicles. The specific MIS type II receptor is present in granulosa and theca cells of these small, growing follicles. Because the role of MIS in preantral follicle development is unknown, we have evaluated the effect of MIS on the growth, differentiation, and apoptosis of intact preantral follicles in a serum-free culture system. In this system, treatment with FSH induces an increase in both follicle diameter, cell number, and follicle cell differentiation based on increased inhibin-alpha synthesis. Of interest, treatment with MIS enhances the effect of FSH both on follicle diameter and cell number. Although treatment with activin A also enhances FSH effects on follicle growth, treatment with transforming growth factor (TGF)-ss inhibits the FSH effects on follicle growth. Based on in situ staining of fragmented DNA, MIS was found to have no effect on follicle cell apoptosis, unlike its proapoptotic action on Müllerian ducts. In contrast to MIS and activin, TGF-ss was a potent proapoptotic factor for preantral follicles in culture. Analysis of inhibin-alpha expression of cultured preantral follicles further indicated that in contrast to activin, treatment with MIS did not enhance FSH-stimulated follicle differentiation. Thus, MIS is a unique factor that promotes preantral follicle growth but not preantral follicle cell differentiation and apoptosis.  相似文献   

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