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Aspergillus nidulans can utilize urea as a sole source of nitrogen but not as a carbon source. Urea is degraded by a urease. Mutation at any one of three genes, ureB, ureC, and ureD, may result in deficient urease activity. The ureB gene is closely linked to ureA, the structural gene for the urea transport protein. The heat lability of a ureB revertant strain, intragenic complementation tests, and the linkage of ureB to ureA suggest that ureB is the urease structural gene. The ureD gene is probably involved in the synthesis or incorporation of a nickel cofactor essential for urease activity. The function of the ureC gene is not known. Urease is not induced but is subject to nitrogen regulation. The urease activities of ammonium-derepressed mutants show that the effector of nitrogen regulation is more likely to be glutamine than ammonium. When glutamine is present in the medium, urease appears to be inactivated by some means which does not involve a newly synthesized protease or a direct interaction between glutamine and urease.  相似文献   

Summary To correlate the genetic background of the Aspergillus nidulans amdS deletion strain MH1277 with the integrational behaviour of transforming vectors, classical genetic methods were used to construct AmdS- strains in which whole chromosomes had been exchanged with those of a master strain. Progeny strains were transformed to the AmdS+ phenotype with vector p3SR2. From Southern analysis it was concluded that transformants from all constructions contained tandemly repeated, multiple copy inserts of vector DNA as found for MH1277-derived AmdS+ transformants.AmdS+ transformants of MH1277 were analysed genetically to prove that the transformant phenotype is genome linked and that transformation by integration can take place on various chromosomes. In one case the AmdS+ property showed linkage to both chromosomes II and IV, due to a chromosomal translocation. Sexual analysis of two transformants with AmdS+ insertions on the same chromosome revealed a considerable instability of the AmdS+ phenotype in one of the strains upon selfing. Due to this instability no decisive answer could be given for the degree of linkage between the AmdS+ insertions in these transformants.  相似文献   

Codon usage in Aspergillus nidulans.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Summary Synonymous codon usage in genes from the ascomycete (filamentous) fungus Aspergillus nidulans has been investigated. A total of 45 gene sequences has been analysed. Multivariate statistical analysis has been used to identify a single major trend among genes. At one end of this trend are lowly expressed genes, whereas at the other extreme lie genes known or expected to be highly expressed. The major trend is from nearly random codon usage (in the lowly expressed genes) to codon usage that is highly biased towards a set of 19–20 optimal codons. The G+C content of the A. nidulans genome is close to 50%, indicating little overall mutational bias, and so the codon usage of lowly expressed genes is as expected in the absence of selection pressure at silent sites. Most of the optimal codons are C- or G-ending, making highly expressed genes more G+C-rich at silent sites.  相似文献   

Summary An Aspergillus nidulans gene library was constructed in a high-frequency transformation vector, pDJB3, based on the Neurospora crassa pyr4 gene. This gene library was used to isolate the structural gene for isocitrate lyase (acuD) by complementation of a deficiency mutation following transformation of A. nidulans. Plasmids rescued in Escherichia coli were able to transform five different A. nidulans acuD mutants. Transformation using plasmids containing the cloned fragment resulted in integration at the acuD locus in six of nine transformants.  相似文献   

We report a novel sexual-cycle-specific gene-silencing system in the genetic model Aspergillus nidulans. Duplication of the mating type matAHMG gene in this haploid organism triggers Mat-induced silencing (MatIS) of both endogenous and transgenic matA genes, eliminates function of the encoded SRY structural ortholog, and results in formation of barren fruiting bodies. MatIS is spatiotemporally restricted to the prezygotic stage of the sexual cycle and does not interfere with vegetative growth, asexual reproduction, differentiation of early sexual tissues, or fruiting body development. MatIS is reversible upon deletion of the matA transgene. In contrast to other sex-specific silencing phenomena, MatIS silencing has nearly 100% efficiency and appears to be independent of homologous duplicated DNA segments. Remarkably, transgene-derived matA RNA might be sufficient to induce MatIS. A unique feature of MatIS is that RNA-mediated silencing is RNA interference/Argonaute-independent and is restricted to the nucleus having the duplicated gene. The silencing phenomenon is recessive and does not spread between nuclei within the common cytoplasm of a multinucleate heterokaryon. Gene silencing induced by matA gene duplication emerges as a specific feature associated with matAHMG regulation during sexual development.  相似文献   

Summary Although urea transport across the human red cell membrane has been studied extensively, there is disagreement as to whether urea and water permeate the red cell by the same channel. We have suggested that the red cell anion transport protein, band 3, is responsible for both water and urea transport. Thiourea inhibits urea transport and also modulates the normal inhibition of water transport produced by the sulfhydryl reagent,pCMBS. In view of these interactions, we have looked for independent evidence of interaction between thiourea and band 3. Since the fluorescent stilbene anion transport inhibitor, DBDS, increases its fluorescence by two orders of magnitude when bound to band 3 we have used this fluorescence enhancement to study thiourea/band 3 interactions. Our experiments have shown that there is a thiourea binding site on band 3 and we have determined the kinetic and equilibrium constants describing this interaction. Furthermore,pCMBS has been found to modulate the thiourea/band 3 interaction and we have determined the kinetic and equilibrium constants of the interaction in the presence ofpCMBS. These experiments indicate that there is an operational complex which transmits conformational signals among the thiourea,pCMBS and DBDS sites. This finding is consistent with the view that a single protein or protein complex is responsible for all the red cell transport functions in which urea is involved.  相似文献   

Sexuality in fungi has long been a matter of concerns and debates that always necessitated extensive analysis of the relationship between organisms assumed to represent different developmental forms of the same organism. Moreover, mating-virulence correlation and the growing worry of opportunistic fungal infections in immunocompromised states associated with AIDS, cancer chemotherapy and organ transplantation protocols have been critically addressed nowadays. In view of that, we genetically characterized Aspergillus chevalieri, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus tetrazonus (quadrilineatus) and their teleomorphs with RAPD analysis using 5'-d[AACGCGCAAC]-3' and 5'-d[CCCGTCAGCA]-3' primers. The reported similarities between the sexual and the asexual forms of the tested species, using Dice coefficient, ranged between 40% and 70% which holds pretty much with the current systematics of the genus. The study presents a rapid consistent method for identification of A. chevalieri, A. nidulans, A. tetrazonus (quadrilineatus) and their teleomorphs based on the banding pattern of RAPD-generated fragments that can be reliably used ahead of further applications on these species.  相似文献   

Aspergillus nidulans is an excellent experimental organism for the study of gene regulation. Genetic and molecular analyses oftrans-acting andcis-acting mutations have revealed a complex pattern of regulation involving multiple independent controls. Expression of theamdS gene is regulated by thefacB andamdA genes which encode positively acting regulatory proteins mediating a major and a minor form of acetate induction respectively. The product of theamdR gene mediates omega amino acid induction ofamdS. The binding sites for each of these proteins have been localised throughamdS cis-acting mutations which specifically affect the interaction with the regulatory protein. The global controls of nitrogen metabolite repression and carbon catabolite repression regulate the expression of many catabolic genes, includingamdS. Nitrogen control is exerted through the positively actingareA gene product and carbon control is dependent on thecreA gene product. Each of the characterized regulatory genes encodes a DNA-binding protein which recognises particular sequences in theamdS promoter to activate or repress gene expression. In addition, there is evidence for other genetically uncharacterised proteins, including a CCAAT-binding complex, which interact with the 5 region of theamdS gene.  相似文献   

Aspergillus nomius is described and represents a new aflatoxigenic species phenotypically similar to A. flavus. Strains examined were isolated from insects and agricultural commodities. Separation from A. flavus is based on the presence of indeterminate sclerotia and a lower growth temperature. Comparisons of DNA relatedness show A. nomius to have only relatively recently evolved from A. flavus and A. tamarii.  相似文献   

Summary The gamma-amino-n-butyrate transaminase gene (gatA) of Aspergillus nidulans is one of several genes under positive control by the regulatory gene amdR (also called intA). The gatA gene has been cloned from a cosmid library by complementation of a gatA mutation. The sequence of a 2.6 kb genomic fragment containing gatA has been determined. An open reading frame of 1497 bp within this sequences is interrupted by three putative introns and predicts a protein of 55 kDa. Northern analysis confirms control of gatA RNA levels by amdR and also indicates that gatA is not strongly regulated by areA-mediated nitrogen metabolite repression. A. nidulans transformants containing multiple copies of a plasmid carrying an 88 bp fragment from the 5 untranscribed region of gatA grew poorly on substrates whose utilisation is dependent on genes controlled by amdR. This indicated titration of limiting amounts of the amdR gene product by this 88 bp fragment. Comparison of this sequence with the 5 region of the coregulated gene, amdS, reveals probable sites of action for the amdR protein.  相似文献   

Summary In the fungus Aspergillus nidulans the levels of a number of enzymes whose location is at least in part extracellular (e.g. acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, phosphodiesterase) and of certain permeases (e.g. that for -amino-n-butyrate) are controlled by the pH of the growth medium. For example, at acidic pH, levels of acid phosphatase are high and those of alkaline phosphatase are low whereas at alkaline pH the reverse is true. Mutations in five genes, palA, B, C, E and F, mimic the effects of growth at acid pH whereas mutations in pacC mimic the effects of growth at alkaline pH. palA, B, C, E and F mutations result in an intracellular pH (pHin) which is more alkaline than that of the wild type whereas pacC mutations result in a pHin more acidic than that of the wild type. This indicates that these mutations exert their primary effects on the regulation of gene expression by pH rather than on the pH homeostatic mechanism but that the expression of at least some component(s) of the pH homeostatic mechanism is subject to the pH regulatory system. It is suggested that pacC might be a wide domain regulatory gene whose product acts positively in some cases (e.g. acid phosphatase) and negatively in others (e.g. alkaline phosphatase). The products of palA, B, C, E and F are proposed to be involved in a metabolic pathway leading to synthesis of an effector molecule able to prevent the (positive and negative) action of the pacC product.These genes are, to our knowledge, the first examples of genes involved in the regulation of extracellular enzyme and permease synthesis by the pH of the growth medium to be described in any organism.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a procedure for determining the rates of mitotic recombination of an interrupted duplication created by integration of transforming plasmid sequences at the benA, beta-tubulin, locus of Aspergillus nidulans. Transformation of a strain carrying a benomyl-resistant benA allele with plasmid AIpGM4, which carries the wild-type benA allele and the pyr4 (orotidine-5-phosphate decarboxylase) gene of Neurospora crassa, creates an interrupted duplication with plasmid sequences flanked by two benA alleles, one wild type and one benomyl resdistant. Such transformants will not grow in the presence of high levels of benomyl. Mitotic recombination causes the loss of the wild-type benA allele or conversion of the wild-type to the mutant allele resulting in nuclei carrying only the benomylresistant allele. Conidia containing such nuclei can be selected on media with high benomyl allowing easy quantitation of mitotic recombination. We found that the rate of recombination giving rise to benomyl-resistant conidia was 4.6×10-4. Reciprocal recombination leading to benomyl-resistant conidia lacking plasmid sequences occurred at a rate of 2.0×10-4 and gene conversion leading to benomylresistant conidia occurred at a rate of 2.6×10-4. We selected for reciprocal recombination leading to loss of pyr4 sequences on 5-fluoro-orotic acid and used this selection for two-step gene replacement of a mutant benA allele with the wild-type allele.  相似文献   

The Aspergillus nidulans homologue of Neurospora crassa cot-1, cotA, encoding a member of the NDR protein kinase family, has been cloned and expressed under the control of the conditional alcA promoter. Depletion of CotA by repression of the alcA promoter led to a severe growth defect accompanied by loss of polarity. Germlings show greatly enlarged volume of the spores and hyphae, accompanied by an increase in number of nuclei per compartment, though the nucleus/volume ratio is not significantly altered. The depleted CotA phenotype was not suppressed by a nuclear migration mutation nudA2. Double mutants showed an additive, defective phenotype, unlike the suppression of the cot-1 ts mutation by ropy mutations seen in N. crassa, suggesting a different relationship between nuclear migration and the cot signalling pathway in A. nidulans. A functional CotA–GFP fusion protein was found in punctate regions of fluorescence similar to the distribution reported for human NDR2, and as a cap at the hyphal tip.  相似文献   

Summary In Aspergillus nidulans expression of the acetamidase structural gene, amdS, is under the control of at least four regulatory genes including the trans-acting amdA regulatory gene. A cis-acting mutation (amdI66) consisting of an 18 by duplication in the 5 region of the amdS gene results in very high levels of acetamidase activity but only in strains carrying semi-dominant mutations in the amdA gene. In selecting for increased amdS expression in an amdI66 amdA strain, an A. nidulans strain with a mutation in the 5 region of the amdS gene was isolated. The nucleotide sequence was determined of the region containing the mutation, designated amdI666. The mutant strain carries three tandem copies of the 18 by sequence that is duplicated in the amdI66 mutation. Thus, from a strain carrying a duplication of an apparent regulatory protein binding site with little effect on gene expression, a strain has been derived that carries a triplication of the site with consequent major effects on regulation. The multiple copies of regulatory sites present in many genes may have been generated by a similar mechanism.  相似文献   

Polarity-defective mutants of Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The clinical management of immunocompromised patients depends on the rapid identification of infectious agents such as fungal pathogens. The procedure described here for accomplishing this uses a sensitive polymerase chain reaction method, previously reported, combined with restriction-enzyme digestion to distinguish between Candida and Aspergillus species and to classify Aspergillus strains.  相似文献   

A method was developed for electrofusion of higher-plant protoplasts from celery and protoplasts from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Initially, methods for the fusion of protoplasts from ecch species were determined individually and, subsequently, electrical parameters for fusion between the species were determined. Pronase-E treatment and the presence of calcium ions markedly increased celery protoplast stability under the electrical conditions required and increased fusion frequency with A. nidulans protoplasts. A reduction in protoplast viability was observed after electrofusion but the majority of the protoplasts remained viable over a 24-h incubation period. A small decline in protoplast respiration rate occurred during incubation but those celery protoplasts fused with A. nidulans protoplasts showed elevated respiration rates for 3 h after electrofusion.Abbreviations AC alternating current - DC direct current  相似文献   

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