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In Swingle et al. we demonstrate that it is possible to use recombineering to direct a variety of changes in wild-type bacterial cells without the addition of phage-encoded proteins. This discovery is potentially applicable to biological engineering in a wide variety of bacterial species. Here we describe key features of oligo recombination as it is currently understood, and propose strategies for expanding the utility of oligo recombination for bioengineering.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi have a worldwide distribution. However, the ecology of tropical ECM fungi is poorly documented, limiting our understanding of the symbiotic associations between tropical plants and fungi. ECM Basidiomycete diversity was investigated for the first time in two tropical rain forests in Africa (Western Upper Guinea) and in Asia (Western Ghats, India), using a fragment of the mitochondrial large subunit rRNA gene to type 140 sporocarps and 54 ectomycorrhizas. To evaluate taxonomic diversity, phylogenetic analyses were performed, and 40 sequences included from identified European specimens were used as taxonomic benchmarks. Five clades were recovered corresponding to six taxonomic groups: boletoids, sclerodermatoids, russuloids, thelephoroids, and a clade grouping the Amanitaceae and Tricholomataceae families. Our results revealed that the Russulaceae species display a great diversity with several putative new species, especially in Guinea. Other taxonomic issues at family/section levels are also briefly discussed. This study provides preliminary insights into taxonomic diversity, ECM status, and biogeographic patterns of ECM fungi in tropical two rain forest ecosystems, which appear to be as diverse as in temperate and boreal forests.  相似文献   

Connexins had been considered to be the only class of the vertebrate proteins capable of gap junction formation; however, new candidates for this function with no homology to connexins, termed pannexins were discovered. So far three pannexins were described in rodent and human genomes: Panx1, Panx2 and Panx3. Expressions of pannexins can be detected in numerous brain structures, and now found both in neuronal and glial cells. Hypothetical roles of pannexins in the nervous system include participating in sensory processing, hippocampal plasticity, synchronization between hippocampus and cortex, and propagation of the calcium waves supported by glial cells, which help maintain and modulate neuronal metabolism. Pannexin also may participate in pathological reactions of the neural cells, including their damage after ischemia and subsequent cell death. Recent study revealed non-gap junction function of Panx1 hemichannels in erythrocytes, where they serve as the conduits for the ATP release in response to the osmotic stress. High-throughput studies produced some evidences of the pannexin involvement in the process of tumorigenesis. According to brain cancer gene expression database REMBRANDT, PANX2 expression levels can predict post diagnosis survival for patients with glial tumors. Further investigations are needed to verify or reject hypotheses listed.  相似文献   

Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) are oceanographic features that affect ocean productivity and biodiversity, and contribute to ocean nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emissions. Here we describe the viral communities associated with the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (ETSP) OMZ off Iquique, Chile for the first time through abundance estimates and viral metagenomic analysis. The viral‐to‐microbial ratio (VMR) in the ETSP OMZ fluctuated in the oxycline and declined in the anoxic core to below one on several occasions. The number of viral genotypes (unique genomes as defined by sequence assembly) ranged from 2040 at the surface to 98 in the oxycline, which is the lowest viral diversity recorded to date in the ocean. Within the ETSP OMZ viromes, only 4.95% of genotypes were shared between surface and anoxic core viromes using reciprocal BLASTn sequence comparison. ETSP virome comparison with surface marine viromes (Sargasso Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Kingman Reef, Chesapeake Bay) revealed a dissimilarity of ETSP OMZ viruses to those from other oceanic regions. From the 1.4 million non‐redundant DNA sequences sampled within the altered oxygen conditions of the ETSP OMZ, more than 97.8% were novel. Of the average 3.2% of sequences that showed similarity to the SEED non‐redundant database, phage sequences dominated the surface viromes, eukaryotic virus sequences dominated the oxycline viromes, and phage sequences dominated the anoxic core viromes. The viral community of the ETSP OMZ was characterized by fluctuations in abundance, taxa and diversity across the oxygen gradient. The ecological significance of these changes was difficult to predict; however, it appears that the reduction in oxygen coincides with an increased shedding of eukaryotic viruses in the oxycline, and a shift to unique viral genotypes in the anoxic core.  相似文献   

Estimating total plant diversity in extreme or hyperarid environments can be challenging, as adaptations to pronounced climate variability include evading prolonged stress periods through seeds or specialized underground organs. Short‐term surveys of these ecosystems are thus likely poor estimators of actual diversity. Here we develop a multimethod strategy to obtain a more complete understanding of plant diversity from a community in the Atacama Desert. We explicitly test environmental DNA‐based techniques (eDNA) to see if they can reveal the observed and ‘hidden' (dormant or locally rare) species. To estimate total plant diversity, we performed long‐term traditional surveys during eight consecutive years, including El Niño and La Niña events, we then analyzed eDNA from soil samples using high‐throughput sequencing. We further used soil pollen analysis and soil seed bank germination assays to identify ‘hidden' species. Each approach offers different subsets of current biodiversity at different taxonomic, spatial and temporal resolution, with a total of 92 taxa identified along the transect. Traditional field surveys identified 77 plant species over eight consecutive years. Observed community composition greatly varies interannually, with only 22 species seen every year. eDNA analysis revealed 37 taxa, eight of which were ‘hidden' in our field surveys. Soil samples contain a viable seed bank of 21 taxa. Soil pollen (27 taxa) and eDNA analysis show affinities with vegetation at the landscape scale but a weak relationship to local plot diversity. Multimethod approaches (including eDNA) in deserts are valuable tools that add to a comprehensive assessment of biodiversity in such extreme environments, where using a single method or observations over a few years is insufficient. Our results can also explain the resilience of Atacama plant communities as ‘hidden' taxa may have been active in the recent past or could even emerge in the future as accelerated global environmental change continues unabated.  相似文献   

Smaug, a protein repressing translation and inducing mRNA decay, directly controls an unexpectedly large number of maternal mRNAs driving early Drosophila development.See related research, http://genomebiology.com/2014/15/1/R4Regulation of translation and mRNA stability is a key aspect of early metazoan development. One of the best studied factors involved in these processes is the Drosophila protein Smaug. In this issue of Genome Biology, Chen et al. [1] report that a large number of maternal mRNAs in the fly embryo are probably regulated directly by Smaug.  相似文献   

A recent report in BMC Biology on the discovery and analysis of biosynthetic genes for ribosomal peptide natural products confirms that these pathways are much more common and diverse than previously suspected, contributing substantially to the chemical arsenal employed by bacteria.  相似文献   

Knowledge about Sphagnum-associated microbial communities, their structure and their origin is important to understand and maintain climate-relevant Sphagnum-dominated bog ecosystems. We studied bacterial communities of two cosmopolitan Sphagnum species, which are well adapted to different abiotic parameters (Sphagnum magellanicum, which are strongly acidic and ombrotrophic, and Sphagnum fallax, which are weakly acidic and mesotrophic), in three Alpine bogs in Austria by a multifaceted approach. Great differences between bacterial fingerprints of both Sphagna were found independently from the site. This remarkable specificity was confirmed by a cloning and a deep sequencing approach. Besides the common Alphaproteobacteria, we found a discriminative spectrum of bacteria; although Gammaproteobacteria dominated S. magellanicum, S. fallax was mainly colonised by Verrucomicrobia and Planctomycetes. Using this information for fluorescent in situ hybridisation analyses, corresponding colonisation patterns for Alphaproteobacteria and Planctomycetes were detected. Bacterial colonies were found in high abundances inside the dead big hyalocytes, but they were always connected with the living chlorocytes. Using multivariate statistical analysis, the abiotic factors nutrient richness and pH were identified to modulate the composition of Sphagnum-specific bacterial communities. Interestingly, we found that the immense bacterial diversity was transferred via the sporophyte to the gametophyte, which can explain the high specificity of Sphagnum-associated bacteria over long distances. In contrast to higher plants, which acquire their bacteria mainly from the environment, mosses as the phylogenetically oldest land plants maintain their bacterial diversity within the whole lifecycle.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the future of the Russian forest. Its preservation determines, to a large extent, the ethical, economic, and ecological environment of our country. The authors support the idea of a forest being not only a storage place for timber, but a specific state property that, besides its value as raw material, has an enormous ecological and social weight, since it represents a living environment for certain peoples of Russia. The ineffectiveness of the existing forest legislation in Russia was proved through the examples of forest fires. Concrete legislative and administrative solutions are proposed.  相似文献   

As a monophyletic group, the myxobacteria are known to produce a broad spectrum of secondary metabolites. However, the degree of metabolic diversity that can be found within a single species remains unexplored. The model species Myxococcus xanthus produces several metabolites also present in other myxobacterial species, but only one compound unique to M. xanthus has been found to date. Here, we compare the metabolite profiles of 98 M. xanthus strains that originate from 78 locations worldwide and include 20 centimeter-scale isolates from one location. This screen reveals a strikingly high level of intraspecific diversity in the M. xanthus secondary metabolome. The identification of 37 nonubiquitous candidate compounds greatly exceeds the small number of secondary metabolites previously known to derive from this species. These results suggest that M. xanthus may be a promising source of future natural products and that thorough intraspecific screens of other species could reveal many new compounds of interest.  相似文献   

Meelis Prtel 《植被学杂志》2014,25(5):1154-1159
Community ecologists have so far focused mainly on species identified at a site. I suggest that we can understand better patterns and their underlying processes in ecological communities if we also examine those species absent from the sampled community. However, there are various types of absences, which all harbour different information. Hidden diversity comprises species that are absent from our sight: dormant or locally very rare species overlooked by traditional sampling. Fortunately, modern DNA‐based techniques can help us to find hidden species when analysing environmental samples. Depending on habitat type and sampling scale, a large number of co‐existing species might be hidden. Dark diversity comprises absent species that constitute the habitat‐specific species pool. Dark diversity can be determined based on data on species distribution, dispersal potential and ecological requirements. If we know both observed and dark diversity, we can estimate community completeness and infer those processes that determine which species in the species pool actually co‐exist locally. In addition, most species in the world do not actually belong to the habitat‐specific species pool of the community: their ecological requirements differ or their distribution area is elsewhere. Such other absent species are usually not directly relevant to a particular community. However, knowing ecologically suitable species from other regions can give early warning of possible future invasion of alien species (alien dark diversity). To conclude, species presences have meaning only if there are absences (and vice versa). Methods to detect absent species are rapidly developing and will soon form a standard toolbox for community ecology.  相似文献   

本文讨论了高等担子菌的个体概念,以及利用性的非亲和性、体细胞非亲和性对于高等担子菌个体的识别,非亲和性系统对于真菌本身在遗传多样性的保存中的作用。担子菌的个体概念对于其生态学研究具有很大的意义,控制担子菌性非亲和性的交配型基因可以作为遗传多样性研究的重要手段。  相似文献   

Extant biodiversity can easily be underestimated owing to the presence of cryptic taxa, even among commonly observed species. Scleractinian corals are challenging to identify because of their ecophenotypic variation and morphological plasticity. In addition, molecular analyses have revealed the occurrence of cryptic speciation. Here, we describe a new cryptic lobophylliid genus and species Paraechinophyllia variabilis gen. nov., sp. nov., which is morphologically similar to Echinophyllia aspera and E. orpheensis. The new taxon occurs in Mayotte Island, Madagascar, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Six molecular markers (COI, 12S, ATP6-NAD4, NAD3-NAD5, histone H3 and ITS) and 46 morphological characters at three different levels (macromorphology, micromorphology and microstructure) were examined. The resulting molecular phylogenetic reconstruction showed that Paraechinophyllia gen. nov. represents a distinct group within the Lobophylliidae that diverged from the lineage leading to Echinophyllia and Oxypora in the Early Miocene, approximately 21.5 Ma. The morphological phylogenetic reconstruction clustered Paraechinophyllia gen. nov., Echinophyllia and Oxypora together in a single clade. A sole morphological character, calice relief, discriminated Paraechinophyllia gen. nov. from the latter two genera, suggesting that limited morphological variation has occurred over a long period. These results highlight the importance of cryptic taxa in reef corals, with implications for population genetics, ecological studies and conservation.  相似文献   


Although there is an abundance of species delimitation methods on the market, most approaches depend on predefined assignment of specimens to species or populations. Assignment-free methods, which can simultaneously infer boundaries and relationships among species, are of high importance in cases, when correct pre-assignment is difficult or not at all possible. In this study, we use assignment-free multispecies coalescent-based species delimitation (STACEY, tr2-delimitation, and BP&P), phylogenetic methods, and clustering algorithms to investigate the inter- and infraspecific relationships within a common and widespread group of lichens with contentious species boundaries. The Cetraria aculeata group presents a good example of extreme morphological variability and unclear species delimitation in lichens. Based on DNA-sequence data from 26 fungal loci and 10 microsatellite loci, as well as morphological and chemical data, our results provide evidence for the occurrence of five different taxa within the group and highlight the difficulties of morphologically distinguishing these species. We discovered a separate lineage (clade C) within C. aculeata s. str., which does not fully coincide with any of the a priori identified species C. aculeata, C. crespoae, or C. steppae and conclude that this clade constitutes a semi-cryptic, genetically isolated lineage within C. aculeata. We recognize this lineage at subspecific rank as C. aculeata subsp. steppae and synonymize Cetraria crespoae with C. aculeata subsp. aculeata. Epitypes are designated for all involved names to stabilize their usage. The PKS8 gene locus is recommended as a barcode for the separation of C. aculeata subsp. aculeata and subsp. steppae. We demonstrate the potential use of microsatellite data for species delimitation in lichens that might offer an alternative insight or be used to test species delimitation hypotheses, when dealing with closely related or potentially cryptic species. Our results also confirm the presence of an undescribed sister lineage to C. odontella previously misidentified as C. muricata and extend the known range of this lineage to Central Asia (Altay Mts.) and the Central European Alps (France, Switzerland), which calls for a critical reappraisal of records of C. aculeata and C. muricata from these mountain ranges.


DNA barcoding has greatly facilitated studies of taxonomy, biodiversity, biological conservation, and ecology. Here, we establish a reliable DNA barcoding library for Chinese snakes, unveiling hidden diversity with implications for taxonomy, and provide a standardized tool for conservation management. Our comprehensive study includes 1638 cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences from Chinese snakes that correspond to 17 families, 65 genera, 228 named species (80.6% of named species) and 36 candidate species. A barcode gap analysis reveals gaps, where all nearest neighbour distances exceed maximum intraspecific distances, in 217 named species and all candidate species. Three species-delimitation methods (ABGD, sGMYC, and sPTP) recover 320 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), of which 192 OTUs correspond to named and candidate species. Twenty-eight other named species share OTUs, such as Azemiops feae and A. kharini, Gloydius halys, G. shedaoensis, and G. intermedius, and Bungarus multicinctus and B. candidus, representing inconsistencies most probably caused by imperfect taxonomy, recent and rapid speciation, weak taxonomic signal, introgressive hybridization, and/or inadequate phylogenetic signal. In contrast, 43 species and candidate species assign to two or more OTUs due to having large intraspecific distances. If most OTUs detected in this study reflect valid species, including the 36 candidate species, then 30% more species would exist than are currently recognized. Several OTU divergences associate with known biogeographic barriers, such as the Taiwan Strait. In addition to facilitating future studies, this reliable and relatively comprehensive reference database will play an important role in the future monitoring, conservation, and management of Chinese snakes.  相似文献   

Lactocepins or CEPs are large cell wall bound extracellular proteinases of lactic acid bacteria, involved in protein breakdown and utilization. They are responsible for many health-promoting traits of food products fermented with these organisms, but also essential for probiotic effects of certain strains. Different mesophilic strains selected within the species Lactobacillus zeae, Lb. casei, Lb. rhamnosus, and Lb. plantarum were analyzed for their proteolytic activity towards main fractions of milk proteins—caseins and whey proteins. The strains showing excellent proteolytic features were further examined for presence of corresponding proteinase gene(s). It was found that Lb. zeae LMG17315 possessed catalytic domains of three distinct proteinase genes, unique feature in Lb. casei group, which are similar but not identical to previously characterized prtP and prtR genes. Lb. casei neotype strain ATCC393 was also analysed and based on obtained results its reclassification in taxon Lb. zeae is supported. In addition, we report catalytic domain of prtR-type gene in Lb. plantarum LMG9208, which is first such report in this species, and it is first time that this gene is reported outside Lb. casei group.  相似文献   

Freshly collected samples of luminous mycelium of a terrestrial fungus from Panama were investigated for their bioluminescence characteristics. Taxonomic identification of fungal species could not be determined because of the lack of fruiting bodies. Fluorescence excited by 380 nm illumination had an emission spectrum with a main peak at 480 nm and additional chlorophyll peaks related to the wood substrate. Bioluminescence appeared as a continuous glow that did not show any diel variation. The light production was sensitive to temperature and decreased with temperatures higher or lower than ambient. Bioluminescence intensity was sensitive to hydration, increasing by a factor of 400 immediately after exposure to water and increasing by a factor of 1 million after several hours. This increase may have occurred through dilution of superoxide dismutase, which is a suppressive factor of bioluminescence in fungus tissue. The mycelium typically transports nutritive substances back to the fruiting body. The function of luminescent mycelium may be to increase the intensity of light from the fungus and more effectively attract nocturnal insects and other animals that serve as disseminating vectors for fungal spores.  相似文献   

A total of 254 basidiomycete cultures have been examined for their action on progesterone. Of these, 54 showed transformation products by thin-film and gas-liquid chromatography. The major product formed by eight of these organisms acting on progesterone has been isolated and identified.  相似文献   

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