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水坝拆除引起河流连通性、水动力、河流地貌等一系列变化,直接影响了鱼类群落结构和空间分布。黑水河为金沙江左岸一级支流,其上共建四级电站,出于支流生境恢复需求,第四级水坝老木河水坝于2018年12月实行拆除。为探明低水头坝拆除对鱼类群落的影响,结合2018年6月和2019年6月黑水河下游60.4km河段10个点位的渔获物调查,对拆坝前后鱼类群落结构和生态类型变化、优势物种与单位捕捞努力量以及不同河段间的群落相似性进行了分析。结果表明,水坝拆除半年后优势物种仍以鲤科和鳅科为主,但物种数和丰度整体上增加;生态类型上以杂食、喜急流和产微粘性卵鱼为主;拆坝后鱼类群落空间分布变化明显,靠近河口的自然河段鱼类上溯洄游到原坝址的上下游,部分长江上游特有鱼类在原坝址附近发生定殖行为,且拆坝后各河段的鱼类组成结构有同质化趋势。总体上,老木河水坝的拆除对黑水河下游的鱼类群落结构和空间分布产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

作为干流高坝水电开发导致鱼类生境丧失的一种补偿措施,支流替代生境近年来被广泛应用于受工程影响河段的土著鱼类保护,但替代支流发挥怎样的保护效果及干流对其的影响仍不清楚。以实施了澜沧江梯级生境替代的支流基独河与罗梭江为研究对象,并选择了邻近的对照支流,通过对鱼类调查数据的分析对比,揭示了各支流鱼类种类组成与群落结构的差异特征,初步阐明了梯级开发下鱼类支流生境替代效果以及干流工程建设对其的影响。结果表明:澜沧江支流替代生境对干流鱼类具有明显的保护作用,支流生境修复后鱼类物种丰富度明显提高,罗梭江土著鱼类、特有鱼类物种数分别增加了12种、7种,基独河则是7种、2种,替代生境能为澜沧江土著鱼类、部分濒危特有鱼类和洄游鱼类提供完成生活史的关键栖息地。干流对支流生境替代保护有着重要影响,罗梭江、基独河与邻近干流鱼类群落的Bray-Curtis相似性分别为21.76%、10.73%,支流河口段保持“河相”是支流生境替代保护效果可持续的关键。综合考虑生境替代保护的效益与投入,建议今后开展此类保护措施时优先选择库尾河相区的支流。  相似文献   

牛山湖两种不同生境小型鱼类的种类组成、多样性和密度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了2003年春季浅水草型湖泊牛山湖小型鱼类空间分布(种类组成、多样性和密度等)与生境异质性之间的关系.根据水生植被状况、离岸距离和水深,选择了两种差异较大且有代表性的生境类型,即近岸沉水植物茂密的生境A和远岸沉水植物稀疏的生境B.使用围网(180 m2)在这两种生境中进行小型鱼类的采样,采用多次标志回捕法和Zippin去除法估算了围网内小型鱼类的密度.结果表明,两种不同生境中小型鱼类的种类组成、多样性度量值和密度估算值均存在一定程度的差异:1)生境A中的渔获物由5科14种小型鱼类组成,优势种类为生活在中、下水层的高体鳑鲏、彩副鱊和麦穗鱼;生境B中的渔获物由3科9种小型鱼类组成,优势种类为生活在湖底的子陵吻鰕虎鱼和小黄黝鱼.2)生境A和生境B小型鱼类群落间的Bray-Curtis指数为0.222,结构相似性较低;但二者的物种等级丰度分布则无显著差异,均属于对数级数分布.3)生境A中高体鳑鲏、彩副鱊、麦穗鱼等9种小型鱼类的总密度值为8.71 ind·m-2,生境B中子陵吻鰕虎鱼、小黄黝鱼等5种小型鱼类的总密度值只有3.54 ind·m-2.小型鱼类在这两种不同生境中的空间分布差异可能与其逃避捕食、觅食和繁殖等生态习性的生境需求有关,因此,水生植被生境对小型鱼类资源合理开发和多样性保护具有重要意义.  相似文献   

2009年3~11月调查了双台河口自然保护区旅游区的鸟类,共记录到鸟类88种,隶属13日30科,其中水鸟44种.地理区系以占北界为主(占59%),居留类型以夏候鸟为主(占57.95%).群落数星的季节变化并不明显,总的来说为夏季略高于春秋季,种类以春季最多(65种),秋季次之(45种),夏季最少(39种).水鸟的数最组成中,以鹭类和鸥类最大,水鸟种类组成有较明显的季节性变化.春季鸟类群落的多样性和均匀度指数均最高,分别为3.2和0.76.物种类型最丰富的生境类型是芦苇沼泽生境,密度最大的为鱼塘生境.不同生境类型的多样性和均匀度指数均存在季节差异.对鸟类群落造成影响的主要凶子包括不规范的旅游活动、围河造田等.  相似文献   

秦岭西段鱼类多样性现状初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对秦岭西段汉江水系和嘉陵江水系的鱼类和环境调查显示,人类活动对鱼类多样性产生了较大的影响。本文试图对该地区鱼类多样性丧失的现状加以报道并对原因进行分析。以前该地区鱼类共有142种,本次调查的渔获物中只有34种。鱼类物种资源的减少是多种因素造成的:水坝的修建使得鱼类栖息地环境改变从而导致鱼类的种类和种群数量变化,水污染、过度捕捞和非法渔业也在一定程度上破坏了鱼类物种多样性。  相似文献   

赤水河是目前长江上游为数不多的仍然保持着自然流态的大型一级支流,同时也是长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区的重要组成部分,在长江上游珍稀特有鱼类保护方面发挥着至关重要的作用。文章基于2007—2016年连续十年的渔获物监测数据,对赤水河不同江段鱼类群落结构的年际变化特征进行了分析。调查期间,赤水镇、赤水市和合江县3个调查江段共采集到鱼类7目20科84属133种,其中包括长江鲟Acipenser dabryanus和胭脂鱼Myxocyprinus asiaticus2种国家重点保护野生动物以及36种仅分布于长江上游地区的特有鱼类。鱼类物种数量呈现出随河流梯度向下游延伸而逐渐增加的趋势,其中赤水镇江段采集鱼类47种,赤水市江段采集鱼类90种,合江县江段采集鱼类120种。聚类分析和排序分析显示,赤水河不同江段鱼类群落结构均发生了较为明显的年际变化。主要表现为部分大中型鱼类在渔获物中的比例持续降低,其中赤水镇江段中华倒刺鲃Spinibarbus sinensis和白甲鱼Onychostoma sima的相对丰度由2007—2011的12.19%和14.26%降低至2012—2016年的0.6...  相似文献   

屈霄  刘晗  阳敏  辛未  王伟民  陈宇顺 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10029-10040
理解城镇的快速发展对河流鱼类群落结构的影响,是城镇河流科学管理和生物多样性保护的关键基础。本研究于2019年丰水期(8月)和枯水期(11月),选取我国城镇化典型城市-深圳域内两个处于不同城镇化程度的代表性流域,应用多重统计方法比较分析了流域间鱼类群落结构的差异,并探讨了驱动鱼类群落变异的关键环境要素。结果发现,城镇化程度高的观澜河流域其鱼类种类组成、优势类群、生物多样性指数与城镇化程度低的坪山河流域有明显差别。 具体表现为:城镇化程度高的流域土著敏感种类如异鱲、吸鳅等几近消失,优势类群为外来入侵耐受种类,其物种多样性显著低于城镇化程度低的流域(P<0.05)。同时,外来鱼类在城镇河段其数量占比平均达92.5%,广泛分布于深圳城镇河流中。在环境因素方面,城镇化程度高的观澜河流域水体理化指标总氮、总磷、氨氮、化学需氧量、生化需氧量、高锰酸盐指数均显著性高于城镇化程度低的坪山河流域(P<0.05)。基于Bray-Curtis距离的冗余分析显示:城镇用地占比和总氮是影响观澜河和坪山河流域鱼类群落差异的主要因素。城镇化进程中河流生境的改变已影响到土著鱼类的生物多样性。因此,推动以恢复土著鱼类生物多样性的河流生态治理与保护是今后水生态目标管理的重要方向。  相似文献   

历史上,赤水河流域干流及支流的鱼类物种组成中未曾出现过尖头(鱥)(Rhynchocypris oxycephalus)和董氏须鳅(Barbatula toni).但是,近年来在赤水河支流白沙河的鱼类资源调查中发现了这两个物种的分布,其来源及未来的生存可能性受到关注.本研究比较了尖头(鱥)赤水河野外种群与养殖种群形态上的...  相似文献   

研究对珠江水系广西江段15个站位的鱼类群落展开了调查, 共采集渔获物67985尾, 隶属于23科134种, 鲤形目种类(92种)最多, 占总数69%。采集到外来生物11种, 其中, 罗非鱼几乎遍布整个广西水域, 说明广西江段外来水生生物入侵严重。各江段以小型鱼类居多, 鱼类小型化严重。空间分布呈现一级河流物种多样性指数高, 均匀度高; 二级河流多样性指数低, 均匀度低的趋势。特别是经过十级水电开发后的红水河江段, 渔业资源量最低, 鱼类群落结构与其他江段具有显著的差异(P<0.05)。研究结果是珠江水系自然渔业资源长期调查的一部分, 将对广西渔业资源多样性的保护管理和可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

胶州湾中部海域春、夏季鱼类群落结构特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
根据2009年3-8月在胶州湾中部海域逐月进行的定点底拖网调查数据,分析了胶州湾春、夏季鱼类群落种类组成,采用生态多样性指数分析了群落物种多样性,并用典范对应分析法研究了鱼类组成与主要环境因子的关系.结果表明:该海域共捕获鱼类43种,隶属于8目24科38属.种类数随底层水温的升高而增加.种类丰富度指数D变化范围为2.440~2.770,多样性指数H变化范围为1.322~2.346,均匀度指数J 变化范围为0.416~0.771,t检验表明春、夏季间各物种多样性指数均差异不显著(P>0.05).种类组成的秩相关性分析表明相邻月份鱼类组成及生物量大小的顺位基本稳定.典范对应分析结果表明影响胶州湾中部海域鱼类种类组成月间变化的主要环境因子为底层水温.  相似文献   

在西藏农作物病原真菌调查基础上,综合分析西藏自然环境条件和社会经济条件对病原真菌分布的影响,将西藏病原真菌分布划分为5个区:(1) 喜马拉雅南侧暖热湿润区; (2)藏东温暖半湿润区; (3)藏南温暖半干旱区; (4) 西喜马拉雅温凉干旱区; (5) 藏北羌塘高寒区;  相似文献   

Previous theories show that tension and ecological zones are indistinguishable in terms of gene frequency clines. Here I analytically show that these two types of zones can be distinguished in terms of genetic statistics other than gene frequency. A two-locus cline model is examined with the assumptions of random mating, weak selection, no drift, no mutation, and multiplicative viabilities. The genetic statistics for distinguishing the two types of zones are the deviations of one- or two-locus genotypic frequencies from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) or from random association of gametes (RAG), and the deviations of additive and dominance variances from the values at HWE. These deviations have a discontinuous distribution in space and different extents of interruptions in the ecological zone with a sharp boundary, but exhibit a continuous distribution in the tension zone. Linkage disequilibrium enhances the difference between the deviations from HWE and from RAG for any two-locus genotypic frequency.  相似文献   

玉米根细胞的三个发育区——分裂区、延伸区和成熟区高尔基体的变化:分裂区先由部分内质网碎片转化为潴泡,再由潴泡叠加构成具六个潴泡结构的高尔基器;延伸区高尔基器进行大量合成分泌物质,使大部分潴泡变成分泌泡而排出细胞外,导致高尔基器大量减少;成熟区高尔基器相当少,分泌能力一般。  相似文献   

Swenson NG 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(24):5324-5327
The present-day spatial distribution of interspecific contact zones and intraspecific phylogeographical breaks provides a window into the past ecological and evolutionary processes that underlie speciation and species ranges. The clustering of contact zones and/or phylogeographical breaks in space indicates the suturing of diverged biotas. The presence of such suture zones indicates that similar ecological and historical factors have influenced the past and present distributions of populations and their divergence. Thus, suture zones are ideal natural laboratories for studying divergence, secondary contact and speciation across many different taxa. The concept of suture zones was formalized decades ago by Remington (1968), but only a few detailed and quantitative investigations of suture zones exist (Swenson & Howard 2004, 2005; Whinnett et al. 2005; Moritz et al. 2009). This limited number of investigations is largely because of a lack of detailed geographical data and sophisticated analytical tools. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Rissler & Smith (2010) have accomplished a detailed investigation into the suturing of amphibian lineages in the United States which uses both detailed geographical data and sophisticated analytical methods. The work greatly enhances our knowledge of suture zones by extending previous work that has focused less on amphibians and by explicitly considering the relationship between species richness and suture zones.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones provide a rare opportunity to explore the processes involved in reproductive isolation and speciation. The southern hybrid zone between the southeastern Australian tree frogs Litoria ewingii and L. paraewingi has been comprehensively studied over the last 40 years, primarily using reproductive compatibility experiments and male advertisement calls. We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and eight nuclear microsatellite markers to characterize this hybrid zone along a historically studied transect and to test various dispersal‐dependent and dispersal‐independent hybrid zone models. The species are genetically distinct and the level of hybridization within the contact zone is low, with the majority of admixed individuals representing later‐generation hybrids. Based on previous experimental genetic compatibility studies, we predicted that hybrids with L. paraewingi mtDNA would be more frequent than hybrids with L. ewingii mtDNA. Surprisingly, a greater proportion of the identified hybrids had L. ewingii mtDNA. Geographical cline analyses showed a sharp transition in allele frequencies across the transect, and both the mtDNA and microsatellite data showed concordant cline centres, but were best supported by a model that allowed width to vary. Overall, the L. ewingiiL. paraewingi hybrid zone is best characterized as a tension zone, due to the narrow cline width, concordant genetic clines and low levels of hybridization.  相似文献   

An altitudinal transect study of the vegetation on Mount Kinabalu,Borneo   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
K. Kitayama 《Plant Ecology》1992,102(2):149-171
A quantitative transect analysis of altitudinal sequences of forest canopy species from 600 to 3400 m asl on Mt. Kinabalu (4101 m), Borneo, resulted in four discrete altitudinal vegetation zones. These were made up of mutually exclusive species groups for lowland (<1200 m asl), lower montane (1200 to 2000–2350 m asl), upper montane (2000–2350 to 2800 m asl), and subalpine (2800 to the forest line, 3400 m asl) zones. Zonal soil types were correlated with the vegetation zones. In upslope sequence, these were: lowland Oxisols, montane Histosol/Spodosol complex, and subalpine Inceptisols. The highest contents of organic carbon, extractable phosphorus, and exchangeable magnesium and potassium were recorded in the lower and upper montane zones. The upper boundaries of the lowland, upper montane and subalpine zones coincided with thermal thresholds of latitudinal bioclimatic zones: 18°C TMIN (Köppen's tropical), WI 85 (Kira's warm temperate), and WI 45 (Kira's cool temperate), respectively. The upper limit of the lower montane zone was correlated with an abrupt increase of water surplus estimated from the annual rainfall minus annual potential evaporation. These climatic characteristics appear to define ecological altitudinal turnover points, so called critical altitudes, where groups of associated species are displaced by other groups.Abbreviations asl = above sea level - DBH = diameter at breast height - PHQ = Park headquarters - TMAX = Mean daily maximum air temperature - TMIN = Mean daily minimum air temperature - TWINSPAN = Two-way indicator species analysis - WI = Warmth index  相似文献   

根据1999-2001年在广东硇洲岛海滨的岩石岩,砾石滩,泥沙滩,泥沙滩,沙滩,红树林区潮间带和近海区潮下带等各种生态环境采集到的瓣鳃类动物的整理鉴定,获得瓣鳃炎77种,分隶于24科44属,本文对其区系组成及分布特点进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

Development and use of new tracers in tumoral prostatic exploration by nuclear medicine require specifying the pelvic anatomical knowledge. This article offers a reminder of the prostate–pelvic anatomy by studying CT-scanner and MRI to know the essential structures for the writing of the medical report.  相似文献   

Several marine hybrid zones have been described and studied during the last years. Assessing the movements of extending hybrid zones is central to improve our understanding of evolutionary processes. We have re-examined the hybrid zone between Solea aegyptiaca and Solea senegalensis that was first described 22 years ago in northern Tunisia when introgressed S. senegalensis individuals were found in the Gulf of Tunis, whereas locally caught S. aegyptiaca were genetically pure. Six population samples harvested both inside and outside the area where the two fish species coexist were genotyped for allozymes and exon-primed intron length polymorphism. Both types of markers were congruent and revealed that introgression takes place indeed in both directions. A high introgression level (36.4%) in the Bizerta lagoon and much less outside indicate that this is the main area where hybridization occurs while introgression clines towards the south in S. aegyptiaca and towards the north in S. senegalensis plead in favour of the existence of a unimodal hybrid zone. The higher introgression level calculated in the current study (when compared to 16% reported formerly) and the newly found introgressed S. aegyptiaca in Bizerta lagoon seem to indicate that the genetic exchanges occurring between the two taxa are evolving and not stabilized yet.  相似文献   

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