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罗斌圣  龙春林 《生态学报》2018,38(4):1510-1519
民族生态学是研究世居民族对生态系统的认知及其与环境之间的关系的一门交叉学科。为了探究民族生态学的发展现况与研究前沿,以Web of Science为检索数据库,通过输入民族生态学的相关关键词检索了1995—2016年之间的论文,并利用Web of Science和Hiscite对检索到的文献相关信息进行统计分析,讨论了不同年份、国家、研究机构、作者、期刊的论文发表和被引用情况;用Citespace软件对其进行研究热点和研究前沿的相关分析并绘制知识图谱。通过此项研究发现:民族生态学的发展在近几年进入低谷期;我国的民族生态学研究水平与发达国家相比尚有一定差距;传统民族生态系统的可持续性研究、传统民族生态系统与气候变化的关系研究、传统民族生态系统的服务功能的研究是民族生态学近期的研究前沿和研究热点。  相似文献   

以Web of Science核心合集(SCI-E、CPCI-S、CCR-EXPANDED和IC)数据库2001—2016年收录纤维素乙醇科技文献为数据来源,利用文献计量学及社会网络分析方法对其研究进展及热点进行分析,并根据ESI学科分类,分析纤维素乙醇高被引论文和热点论文,以揭示纤维素乙醇研究领域的热点方向。结果发现:纤维素乙醇研究论文主要集中在生物技术、生物化工及生物能源领域。美国与中国为发文量最多的国家,且美国科研机构的论文产出和影响力均居世界首位。从机构合作角度可以分析出3个主要研究团体;从论文作者合著角度分析得到6个主要研究团队。通过对检索文献关键词进行分析,可以看出:随着时间发展,纤维素乙醇的研究热度不断增加,关键词共现也呈现不断增加趋势。依据ESI学科分类标准,共有2篇热点论文、146篇高被引论文,其中离子液体用于纤维素预处理是当下研究的热点。该分析可为我国相关行业研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

随着合成生物学、基因编辑等典型两用性新兴生物技术的发展,生物安全作为一个具有显著交叉性的研究领域引起了国际各界的广泛关注。利用Web of Science数据库的论文数据,基于期刊学科类别分析了生物安全研究的学科交叉现状和时序演化,并采用富集分析方法研究了不同国家的学科交叉倾向差异。结果表明,20世纪以来,生物安全研究与其他学科的交叉融合日益广泛,动植物科学、环境和生态学、社会科学、微生物学、农业科学是其交叉融合最多的学科领域。不同国家生物安全研究的学科交融情况有所差异,欧美主要国家的学科交叉情况对我国有很好的借鉴之处。以期为生物安全特定研究领域的学科交叉研究提供一种新的方法探索,并为强化我国生物安全研究领域学科交叉和探索新的科研方向提供参考。  相似文献   

生物多样性保护一直是城市生态学与风景园林学的重要议题。以Web of Science核心数据库收录的近二十几年(1999—2020)的城市生物多样性文献为研究对象,利用文献计量分析与可视化知识图谱分析方法,将检索并剔除重复后的770篇文献导入Citespace 5.7.R2中。进一步分析了其时间与期刊分布,学科与研究方向分布,及国家与机构合作分布等基本特征;进行了外文文献中城市生物多样性的文献共被引分析与共现知识图谱分析;并利用关键词共现分析了其研究热点;突现词突发性探测算法分析了其研究前沿,包括四大方向:城市化对生物同质与物种丰富度的影响;城市绿地管理与生物多样性保护;城市生物多样性保护的关键因素;提高公众的保护意识与参与性。以期为相关科研工作者与我国城市生物多样性相关研究提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

利用可视化分析软件,客观、全面地展示和分析适体的研究现状、研究热点和发展趋势,为适体的研究提供指导和参考。以SCI数据库Web of Science平台为数据源,采用CiteSpace 5.5.R2软件对1900年1月1日至2020年12月31日的适体相关文献进行分析。共纳入文献14 939篇。在该领域发表论文最多的作者是WEIHONG TAN、KHALIL ABNOUS等;近年来突现的主题词是“wide linear range”“pg ml”“clinical diagnosis”“early diagnosis”等,是目前该领域的研究热点;作者共被引分析和文献共被引分析表明,该领域的研究主要集中在适体的体外筛选、适体构象的变化、适体在药物靶向治疗中的应用及适体生物传感器。结果表明,利用CiteSpace软件对Web of Science数据库中已发表的适体文献进行分析,揭示了该领域的研究热点从体外筛选和适体构象变化(1992—2002)到适体在药物靶向治疗和适体生物传感器中的应用(2002—2020)。结合近年来突现的主题词预测适体在药物靶向治疗和适体生物传感器中的应用仍将是未来的研究热点。  相似文献   

宋洁  刘学录 《生态学杂志》2019,30(3):1067-1078
应用生态学是自然资源管理和生态环境保护最重要的科学技术工具之一.在当前自然资源短缺、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势下,对国际应用生态学的理论基础、研究方法、研究热点进行分析,对夯实我国应用生态学的知识基础、指明研究方向、确定战略定位具有重要意义.本文基于文献计量学原理,借助CiteSpace、Carrot2等信息可视化软件,以Web of Science中1980—2018年国际应用生态学研究领域基于不同检索策略的两个文献数据集合为研究对象,从研究载体、研究力量及研究内容3个维度进行文献时空分布、核心研究力量、研究热点演进以及研究前沿及趋势分析,旨在揭示其学科发展轨迹、研究现状与发展趋势,以期为未来我国的应用生态学研究提供参考.  相似文献   

目的 了解肥胖与肠道菌群相关性文献的科研合作网络特征、研究热点和前沿及其演变历史等,为后续研究提供参考依据.方法 以“obesity”和“gut microbiota”为主题词,基于Web of Science数据库的检索结果,利用VOSviewer和CiteSpace软件对国际肥胖与肠道菌群类研究领域文献进行计量学和...  相似文献   

全球北极底栖生物研究文献计量分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘爱原  林荣澄  郭玉清 《生态学报》2015,35(9):2789-2799
以Thomson Reuters的Web of Science信息平台提供的SCI-E数据库为数据源,检索到从1991年至2012年期间全球北极底栖生物研究论文2127篇,利用Note Express软件,分析22年间论文发表的年度、国家、机构、作者、期刊和学科等方面的分布特征,结果表明:1)全球北极底栖生物研究论文数量、篇均作者数和篇均参考文献数都在逐年增加;2)研究论文涉及58个国家或地区,位于前7位的国家依次是美国、德国、加拿大、挪威、俄罗斯、英国和丹麦;美国、加拿大、挪威和丹麦是该领域国际合作研究最主要的国家;3)论文涉及1364个机构,前20名的研究机构中,美国有6家,德国、加拿大和挪威各有3家,俄罗斯和丹麦各有2家,波兰有1家。俄罗斯、丹麦、波兰、德国和挪威超过60%的研究力量集中在位列前20位的相关机构中。俄罗斯科学院论文总量排列首位,德国阿尔弗雷德魏格纳极地与海洋研究中心和基尔大学论文的h指数最高为32;4)论文涉及最多的4个学科是海洋与淡水生物学、生态学、海洋学和多学科地球科学。Polar Biology和Marine Ecology Progress Series是发表该领域最核心的期刊。还对中国在该领域的研究现状进行了简要的分析。从文献计量学角度揭示了全球北极底栖生物研究现状,为提升我国该领域研究的国际竞争力提供科学参考。  相似文献   

生物多样性国际研究态势分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
生物多样性研究是综合性和高度交叉性的跨学科研究领域,是1997年底Science周刊上预测的1998年及近期的6个重大科学热点之一。检索1986—2008年间SCIE文献数据库中关于生物多样性的研究论文(article,proceedings paper和review),利用Thomson Data Analyzer(TDA)分析工具和Aureka分析平台进行数据挖掘。分析表明,该研究涉及多个学科领域,近年来在生态学领域的论文数量增加最多,而生物多样性保护、进化生物学、生物化学与分子生物学方面的论文增长速度较快。生物多样性研究越来越重视全球变化和人类社会对生物多样性的影响,DNA技术和基因工程等先进技术在生物多样性研究和保护中的作用也更加突出。  相似文献   

利用引文分析方法,对本学科科技论文引用文献的被掌握及利用情况进行研究,了解期刊的自引率、他引率,影响程度,以及刊载论文的连续性、系统性和累积性,以便更好地办好期刊.为此,笔者对《中国微生态学杂志》2005年的文后引用文献进行了量化分析研究.  相似文献   

传统知识研究目前已经成为生物多样性保护研究的热点领域, 并对生态系统服务管理、社区可持续发展等领域产生了重要影响。本文以Web of Science (WoS)数据库为数据源, 应用WoS自带的统计分析功能和可视化分析软件CiteSpace III, 采用关键词共现分析、突现词分析、文献共被引分析等方法对传统知识的研究态势、研究热点以及知识演进进行系统分析。研究发现, 传统知识研究的文献数量呈逐年上升趋势; 中国科学院、墨西哥国立自治大学、印度农业研究理事会、加州大学系统等研究机构在该领域表现出较强的科研实力; 非洲、南美洲的巴西、玻利维亚以及亚洲的印度等地区为传统知识研究的热点区域; Albuquerque UP、Singh R、薛达元在该领域发表的学术论文最多; Berkes F、Drew JA、Gómez-Baggethun E等学者发表的论文为该领域知识基础的构建及相关研究的推进奠定了坚实的基础。与生物资源管理、生物多样性保护、生态系统服务和人类福祉、政策管理等相关的传统知识研究是未来该领域的重要方向。  相似文献   

  1. Diel vertical migration (DVM) is common in aquatic organisms. The trade-off between reduced predation risk in deeper, darker waters during the day and increased foraging opportunities closer to the surface at night is a leading hypothesis for DVM behaviour.
  2. Diel vertical migration behaviour has dominated research and assessment frameworks for Mysis, an omnivorous mid-trophic level macroinvertebrate that exhibits strong DVM between benthic and pelagic habitats and plays key roles in many deep lake ecosystems. However, some historical literature and more recent evidence indicate that mysids also remain on the bottom at night, counter to expectations of DVM.
  3. We surveyed the freshwater Mysis literature using Web of Science (WoS; 1945–2019) to quantify the frequency of studies on demographics, diets, and feeding experiments that considered, assessed, or included Mysis that did not migrate vertically but remained in benthic habitats. We supplemented our WoS survey with literature searches for relevant papers published prior to 1945, journal articles and theses not listed in WoS, and additional references known to the authors but missing from WoS (e.g. only 47% of the papers used to evaluate in situ diets were identified by WoS).
  4. Results from the survey suggest that relatively little attention has been paid to the benthic components of Mysis ecology. Moreover, the literature suggests that reliance on Mysis sampling protocols using pelagic gear at night provides an incomplete picture of Mysis populations and their role in ecosystem structure and function.
  5. We summarise current knowledge of Mysis DVM and provide an expanded framework that more fully considers the role of benthic habitat. Acknowledging benthic habitat as an integral part of Mysis ecology will enable research to better understand the role of Mysis in food web processes.

Invasion biology is a growing discipline with clear ecological, social and economic implications. A wide range of research effort is thus required to address the invasion problem, and literature on the topic is extensive. However, the extent to which the invasion biology research is addressing the challenges associated with management and mitigation of the impacts of invasions has been questioned. Using bibliometric analysis, we investigated the extent to which the literature on the subject contributes to implementation of knowledge generated, by addressing aspects of management, policy, and/or implementation; the impact of these papers as indicated by the number of citations they attract; and the geopolitical scale of focus of invasion ecology papers, particularly those that attempt to bridge the knowing-doing gap. We then compared these findings with the information needs of conservation practitioners. We first looked globally at popular search engines and then narrowed our focus to South Africa—one of three regions outside USA where researchers producing highly cited papers in invasion ecology are well represented. At this level, we conducted a content analysis of invasion ecology-related papers, of which at least one author was affiliated to a South African institution. The knowledge base in the field of invasion biology is comprised largely of research oriented towards “knowing”, while research aimed at strategically applying or implementing that knowledge is poorly represented in the scientific literature, and the scale of its emphasis is not local. Conservation practitioners clearly indicate a need for basic knowledge. However, invasion science must develop channels for effective engagement to ensure that the research is contextualised, and will deal with the complex ecological, social and economic challenges posed by invasions.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo develop a methodology for evaluating the impact of research on health care, and to characterise the papers cited on clinical guidelines.DesignThe bibliographic details of the papers cited in 15 clinical guidelines, developed in and for the United Kingdom, were collated and analysed with applied bibliometric techniques.ResultsThe median age of papers cited in clinical guidelines was eight years; most papers were published by authors living in either the United States (36%) or the United Kingdom (25%)—this is two and a half times more than expected as about 10% of all biomedical outputs are published in the United Kingdom; and clinical guidelines do not cite basic research papers.ConclusionAnalysis of the evidence base of clinical guidelines may be one way of tracking the flow of knowledge from the laboratory to the clinic. Moreover, such analysis provides a useful, clinically relevant method for evaluating research outcomes and different strategies in research and development.  相似文献   

The conservation and tourism development of World Heritage (WH) sites has always been a key and urgent scientific issue to be solved urgently by academia and industry all over the world. An increasing number of researchers and practitioners are paying attention to this issue. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive literature review on this topic. To fill this gap, this study conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) based on 179 related studies retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar (GS) databases. Focusing on the research question of the conservation and tourism development of World Natural Heritage (WNH) sites, we built an SLR framework to implement the review process. First, quantitative research was conducted to analyse the annual numbers, content and continents of the published literature. Second, we classified and summarized the main progress and achievements from theoretical research, technical methods, model construction, monitoring and evaluating, and application demonstration. Finally, in view of the current research situation of the conservation and tourism development of WNH sites, we proposed eight key scientific issues to be solved and several directions for future research.  相似文献   

马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus)研究的文献计量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus)是世界上最大的两个植物病毒属之一,对多种农作物造成危害.利用文献数据库,客观地分析国内外Potyvirus研究的发展动态,为国内外Potyvirus科研工作者和决策者提供参考.[方法]基于Web of Science数据库,采用文献计量学方法,对全球发表于1985-2012年的Potyvirus文献的国家、作者、机构、载文期刊及研究内容进行了数量和质量分析.[结果]检索到全球60个国家发表的Potyvirus文献2 442篇,以及每篇文献的被引频次和每个国家、机构及作者的H指数.经分析得出:全球Potyvirus研究论文的产出量自1991年呈稳定上升趋势,文献的数量和质量在统计的国家中,以美国最好,其次是法国、西班牙、澳大利亚、英国;美国的高产活跃作者最多;Potyvirus研究的热点是基因沉默和分子生物学,并随着研究技术方法的革新将不断深入;研究方向更多倾向于寄主方面的研究(如基因沉默、寄主抗性、与寄主互作等)及交叉学科;而中国在Potyvirus基础研究上距离国际先进水平还有很大距离,研究力量较少,有影响力的论文较少.[结论]美国在该领域的研究处于领先水平,我国仍需加强Potyvirus基础研究力量投入,努力缩短差距.  相似文献   

It is now more than 20 years since both Council of Europe Convention ETS123 and EU Directive 86/609/EEC were introduced, to promote the implementation of the Three Rs in animal experimentation and to provide guidance on animal housing and care. It might therefore be expected that reports of the implementation of the Three Rs in animal research papers would have increased during this period. In order to test this hypothesis, a literature survey of animal-based research was conducted. A randomly-selected sample from 16 high-profile medical journals, of original research papers arising from European institutions that featured experiments which involved either mice or primates, were identified for the years 1986 and 2006 (Total sample = 250 papers). Each paper was scored out of 10 for the incidence of reporting on the implementation of Three Rs-related factors corresponding to Replacement (justification of non-use of non-animal methods), Reduction (statistical analysis of the number of animals needed) and Refinement (housing aspects, i.e. increased cage size, social housing, enrichment of cage environment and food; and procedural aspects, i.e. the use of anaesthesia, analgesia, humane endpoints, and training for procedures with positive reinforcement). There was no significant increase in overall reporting score over time, for either mouse or primate research. By 2006, mouse research papers scored an average of 0 out of a possible 10, and primate research papers scored an average of 1.5. This review provides systematic evidence that animal research is still not properly reported, and supports the call within the scientific community for action to be taken by journals to update their policies.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on the health of vulnerable groups such as the elderly has been of increasing concern. However, to date there has been no meta-analysis of current literature relating to the effects of temperature fluctuations upon mortality amongst the elderly. We synthesised risk estimates of the overall impact of daily mean temperature on elderly mortality across different continents. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using MEDLINE and PubMed to identify papers published up to December 2010. Selection criteria including suitable temperature indicators, endpoints, study-designs and identification of threshold were used. A two-stage Bayesian hierarchical model was performed to summarise the percent increase in mortality with a 1°C temperature increase (or decrease) with 95% confidence intervals in hot (or cold) days, with lagged effects also measured. Fifteen studies met the eligibility criteria and almost 13 million elderly deaths were included in this meta-analysis. In total, there was a 2-5% increase for a 1°C increment during hot temperature intervals, and a 1-2 % increase in all-cause mortality for a 1°C decrease during cold temperature intervals. Lags of up to 9 days in exposure to cold temperature intervals were substantially associated with all-cause mortality, but no substantial lagged effects were observed for hot intervals. Thus, both hot and cold temperatures substantially increased mortality among the elderly, but the magnitude of heat-related effects seemed to be larger than that of cold effects within a global context.  相似文献   

国内护士工作满意度研究文献分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解我国护士工作满意度的研究现状。方法:采用文献分析法对我国1997~2005年有关护士工作满意度研究的论文25篇进行分析。结果:近年来学者们愈加关注对护士工作满意度的研究,研究的角度各有不同,研究论文的质量也有所提高,但很多方面还存在不足。结论:国内关于护士工作满意度的研究尚集中在调查性研究层次,干预性研究还未充分开展,鉴于护士工作满意度对护士自身以及护理质量的重要影响,开展干预性研究势在必行。  相似文献   

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