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正2017年11月4日上午11时左右,在天津市北大港湿地自然保护区的万亩鱼塘(38°47′15.33″N,117°25′3.98″E,海拔3 m)观察到1只白额鹱(Calonectris leucomelas)飞过,并拍照记录。此后数日前往观察,均未能再看到此鸟。被观察到时,该白额鹱的飞行高度约60 m;当时同域空中有红嘴鸥(Chroicocephalus ridibumdus)、红嘴巨燕  相似文献   

正2013年7月8日,笔者在河北省唐山市乐亭县马头营镇捞鱼尖村(39°9'N,118°52'E)救助了1只短尾鹱(Puffinus tenuirostris),经过45 d的人工喂养,待其康复后于2013年8月22日在原发现地放飞。其身体呈纺锤形,喙黑色且尖端有钩,鼻孔开于角质管内,开孔向上且位于嘴峰基部,头顶黑色,喉部较头顶颜色略浅,颈短,上体  相似文献   

Abstract: We tested whether colony-site availability could allow for an increase in the unusually small breeding populations of yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan) on the islands of the Port-Cros National Park (France) if feral cat eradication were undertaken. Comparisons between colony and noncolony sites indicated yelkouan shearwaters preferred deep-soiled and low-outcrop-covered coastal sites. A substrate cover, light avoidance, and sea proximity model suggested that 17.5% of unoccupied sites are suitable for colony establishment. The low proportion of suitable sites currently used by yelkouan shearwaters suggests that these colonies could be refuges and that feral cat eradication will probably lead to a breeding population increase.  相似文献   


Thomas Sowell. Inside American Education: The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas. The Free Press, 1993. 303 pages; $24.95 hardback.  相似文献   

MARTIN J. JONES 《Ibis》1986,128(3):423-426
Breeding synchrony of Cory's Shearwater was assessed by comparing the tarsus-lengths of neighbouring chicks. Chicks were closer in size when they were less than 3 m apart than when they were 30 or 60 m apart. Nearest neighbours were more highly synchronized to each other than they were to their second or third nearest neighbours. It is suggested that where nests are widely spaced, shearwaters may synchronize very closely with their nearest neighbour. Where nesting is dense, an average synchrony, with a number of pairs, may be attempted. A likely advantage of synchronous breeding is a reduction in predation by gulls.  相似文献   

The Black-vented Shearwater Puffinus opisthomelas is endemic to the Pacific coast of Baja California, Mexico. We studied the breeding biology of this species at Natividad Island in 1997 and 1998. The colony at Natividad Island covers approximately 2.5 km2 and we estimated there to be 114 455 (± 27 520 95% CI) burrows in the colony. In 1997 burrow occupancy was 66.9%, providing a population estimate of 76 570 (± 18 411 95% CI) breeding pairs, representing about 95% of the world's population of this species. In 1997 the peak in egg laying occurred in early March and hatching began on 7 May. The incubation period averaged 51 days (± 6 sd) and chick rearing averaged 69 days (± 3 sd). In 1998 burrow occupancy was lower (19.6%) and nest initiation was later (peak egg laying in mid-April), perhaps a result of El Niño conditions that prevailed in the Eastern Pacific at that time. We calculated that the development of the town and roads on Natividad Island have destroyed over 15% (26 532 burrows) of the breeding habitat on the island.  相似文献   

In the Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedis boreadis breeding on Selvagem Grande (30̀ 09'N, 15̀52'W), mate fidelity averaged 71.4%. Two-thirds of the changes were the result of the absence of the former mate and one-third only, carried out in its presence, were true divorces. The rate of divorce and the rate of replacement of an absent former mate had increased since the beginning of the 1980s. Among young and inexperienced birds, the rate of divorce decreased with the increase of age and experience before becoming stable. Breeding failure during the previous year increased the probability of divorce. Temporary non-breeding increased both the rate of divorce and the rate of replacement of an absent former mate.  相似文献   

Grounding of thousands of newly fledged petrels and shearwaters (family Procellariidae) in built‐up areas due to artificial light is a global problem. Due to their anatomy these grounded birds find it difficult to take off from built‐up areas and many fall victim to predation, cars, dehydration or starvation. This research investigated a combination of several factors that may influence the number of Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus groundings in a coastal village of Scotland located close to a nesting site for this species. A model was developed that used meteorological variables and moon cycle to predict the daily quantity of birds that were recovered on the ground. The model, explaining 46.32% of the variance of the data, revealed how new moon and strong onshore winds influence grounding. To a lesser extent, visibility conditions can also have an effect on grounding probabilities. The analysis presented in this study can improve rescue campaigns of not only Manx Shearwaters but also other species attracted to the light pollution by predicting conditions leading to an increase in the number of groundings. It could also inform local authorities when artificial light intensity needs to be reduced.  相似文献   

The diving capabilities of the Procellariformes remain the least understood component of avian diving physiology. Due to their relatively small size, shearwaters may have high oxygen consumption rates during diving relative to their available oxygen stores. Dive performance in this group should be strongly limited by the trade‐off between oxygen consumption and oxygen stores, and shearwaters could be a good model group for testing predictions of dive theory. Many earlier measurements of shearwater dive behaviour relied on observations from the surface or potentially biased technology, and it is only recently that diving behaviour has been observed using electronic recorders for many of the clades within the family. The diving behaviour of Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus breeding in Wales, UK, was studied on a large sample of birds using time–depth–temperature recorders deployed on chick‐rearing shearwaters in July and August over 3 years (2009–2011). Light availability apparently limited diving as dives only occurred between 04:00 and 19:00 h GMT. All individuals routinely dived deeper than traditionally assumed, to a mean maximum depth of 31 m and occasionally down to nearly 55 m. We compiled all available data for a comparison of the dive depth across shearwater species. There was a positive allometric relationship between maximum dive depth and body mass across Puffinus and Ardenna shearwater species, as expected, but only if samples of fewer than two individuals were excluded. The large intra‐specific range in maximum dive depth in our study illustrates that apparent diversity in diving performance across species must be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   

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