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The author investigates the condition of a public school's arts education program under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and obtains teachers' perspectives on their experiences under the federal policy. The author used qualitative and quantitative approaches to conduct a case study of an Ohio public school district. The data collected revealed changes in the arts education curriculum, particularly in music. Teacher interviews provided the context in which the changes occurred and a more accurate representation of the decrease in arts learning opportunities and the challenges that exist for arts education funding under NCLB. The information illustrated how administrative decisions made to improve test scores and accommodate policies mandated by NCLB threatened arts education.  相似文献   

From bipartisan origins and a laudable intent, the No Child Left Behind (Act) of 2001 has profoundly altered the condition of art education. A historical vantage point and review of literature reveals the current status of pending arts language revisions to the NCLB Act, as well as a pressing need to examine the key recommendations and to consider a blend of the proposals from the National Education Task Force, the Study Group on the Lost Curriculum, and the Arts Education Working Group. This current research possesses significant implications for NCLB arts language and provides the opportunity for a unified message for revisions, leaving no child behind in art education.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is having an adverse effect on school music programs, particularly in schools that have not made “adequate yearly progress.” In many instances, music programs are being reduced or eliminated, music teachers are being required to assist with the teaching of other subjects, academically low-achieving students are being precluded from participating in music, and the overall time allotted for music is being reduced. Because the arts are excluded from NCLB's list of tested subjects—that is, subjects for which schools are held accountable—music has been relegated to a noncore status, even though the law identifies the arts as a core academic subject. This article discusses changing paradigms within music education and how some music teachers are adapting to these shifts.  相似文献   

The field of education in the United States is in a period of unprecedented change. Educators in all disciplines are challenged to understand and respond to the waves of reform sweeping over the national education landscape. Linking these reforms to meaningful outcomes that will produce more rigorous and effective measures of quality and performance in our schools is an ongoing goal for all educators as they work to respond to calls for educational reform. Changes in the general field of education have direct implications for arts education policy and practice. Arts educators find themselves in the position of making sense of these landmark reforms and changes in the context of arts education and determining what courses of action and responses they should pursue on the road to meaningful reform. This report provides an overview of a selected number of contemporary developments in the general field of education, brief summaries of consequential studies and education-related reports, and an examination of some policy issues these developments and reports raise for arts educators as they work to shape the future landscape of arts education.  相似文献   

根据植物学的发展趋势和植物学科的特点,对该学科采取的资助策略是"重视前沿领域,扶持弱势学科,关注新的学科生长点";学科资助项目数和经费数逐年增加,2004年投入经费和资助项目数是2001年的2倍;简要介绍了学科遴选项目的原则和2004年度项目申请和资助的情况,提供了2004年度植物学科资助项目一览表.  相似文献   

根据植物学的发展趋势和植物学科的特点,对该学科采取的资助策略是“重视前沿领域,扶持弱势学科,关注新的学科生长点”;学科资助项目数和经费数逐年增加,2004年投入经费和资助项目数是2001年的2倍;简要介绍了学科遴选项目的原则和2004年度项目申请和资助的情况,提供了2004年度植物学科资助项目一览表。  相似文献   

自然保护区在保障水源涵养等生态系统服务方面发挥了重要作用, 对区域水资源的可持续利用具有重要意义。然而, 自然保护区水源涵养服务保护成效的主要影响因素仍然不清, 不利于自然保护区的有效管理和区域可持续发展目标的实现。本文拟探讨: (1)秦岭区域水源涵养服务的总体情况; (2)自然保护区对水源涵养服务的保护成效; (3)自然保护区水源涵养服务保护成效的主要影响因素是什么。本文采用InVEST模型计算秦岭区域19个国家级自然保护区2010-2015年的水源涵养量, 基于倾向评分配比法研究了自然保护区水源涵养服务保护成效, 并通过随机森林回归判断自然保护区水源涵养服务保护成效的主要影响因素。研究结果表明, 虽然在2010-2015年秦岭区域水源涵养服务整体降低, 但与自然保护区外的配对样本相比, 大多数自然保护区(63.16%)水源涵养服务保护成效显著(N = 12, P < 0.05); 少数保护区(26.32%)在减缓水源涵养服务降低的作用不如自然保护区外(N = 5, P < 0.05); 也有个别自然保护区(10.52%)对水源涵养服务保护成效不明显(N = 2, P > 0.05)。从主要影响因素来看, 自然保护区水源涵养服务保护成效主要受降水量变化和自然保护区资金投入的影响。结果显示: (1) 2010-2015年间秦岭区域水源涵养量减少较为明显, 但总体来看自然保护区在减缓水源涵养服务降低方面取得了积极成效。(2)降水量变化对水源涵养服务保护成效起到主导作用; (3)管理因素也对保护区水源涵养服务保护成效有一定影响, 在管理因素中资金投入的大小对水源涵养服务保护效果影响最大。因此, 建议进一步增加资金投入, 以提升自然保护区水源涵养服务的保护成效。  相似文献   

程绍文  张捷  徐菲菲 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6487-6494
居民的自然保护态度对自然旅游地的自然保护与旅游可持续发展至关重要,自然旅游地居民自然保护态度的影响因子及影响方式,已经成为自然旅游地管理的重要内容,但相关研究薄弱。以中国九寨沟和英国新森林国家公园(New Forest National Park,NF)为例,根据实地问卷调查数据,从两地居民的人口属性、旅游环保期望、旅游环境影响感知及旅游环境伦理观与其自然保护态度关系的角度,进行定量比较研究。研究发现:(1)两地居民的自然保护态度受不同因子的影响,存在明显的中外差异;(2)人口属性特征如性别、年龄、居住年限、教育水平及旅游业参与情况对新森林国家公园社区居民的自然保护态度没有影响;但性别、旅游业参与情况却影响九寨沟居民的自然保护态度,女性及旅游业参与者更支持对九寨沟进行自然保护;(3)新森林国家公园居民的自然保护态度受其旅游环保期望及旅游环境伦理观的影响:旅游环保期望较高、持保护主义环境伦理观的新森林国家公园居民,更有可能支持对新森林国家公园进行自然保护;(4)九寨沟居民的自然保护态度不受其旅游环保期望及旅游环境伦理的影响,但受其旅游环境影响感知的影响;居民的旅游环境影响感知越消极,越支持对九寨沟进行自然保护。  相似文献   


Inventory of the invertebrate fauna is important to establish taxonomic diversity, abundance and distribution, and hence the conservation of indigenous biodiversity. Invertebrate assemblages have been documented in some broadleaf‐podocarp forests and grassland habitats in New Zealand, but not in dense stands of coastal forest or in mature podocarp forest. This survey aimed to provide a taxonomic inventory of terrestrial invertebrates and their habitat associations on Ulva Island (Rakiura National Park, Stewart Island), an off‐shore sanctuary of significant conservation value in New Zealand. We systematically documented the invertebrate assemblages collected in ground litter and on tree trunks on the island. The invertebrate specimens identified represented 4 phyla, 6 classes, 25 orders and 62 species. The invertebrate fauna reported in this survey was distinct from those of lowland shrubland and broadleaved‐Nothofagus forests on the mainland, but shared species with that reported from another similar off‐shore island, Codfish Island (Whenua Hou).  相似文献   

国土空间规划是中国新时代发展和生态文明建设背景下规划领域的重大变革,绿地系统规划作为其中的重要支撑专项之一,须充分响应生态优先、绿色发展理念,从“多规合一”和“城乡统筹”视角进行合理转变。以新时代国土空间规划为指引,从规划路径和规划管控两大方面,针对传统城市绿地系统规划如何适应当前城乡绿色空间优化需求进行规划模式探索。在规划路径方面,提出借助国土空间基础信息平台,确定规划的流程、层次、内容、技术。在规划管控方面,提出呼应“多规合一”发展要求,构建多民众参与、多部门合作、多渠道沟通的城乡绿地管控体系。通过构建科学合理的城乡绿地系统规划路径和稳定完善的管理机制,支撑新时代国土空间规划体系下绿色空间的城乡统筹和可持续发展。  相似文献   

Abstract The vegetation patterns in the Central Coast region of New South Wales have been extensively studied with respect to single environmental variables, particularly soil nutrients. However, few data are available on the effects of multiple environmental variables. This study examines the relationships between vegetation and multiple environmental variables in natural vegetation on two underlying rock types, Hawkesbury Sandstone and Narrabeen Group shales and sandstones, in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, Sydney. Floristic composition and 17 environmental factors were characterized using duplicate 500 m2 quadrats from 50 sites representing a wide range of vegetation types. The patterns in vegetation and environmental factors were examined through multivariate analyses: indicator species analysis was used to provide an objective classification of plant community types, and the relationships between vegetation and environmental factors within the two soil types were examined through indirect and direct gradient analyses. Eleven plant communities were identified, which showed strong agreement with previous studies. The measured environmental factors showed strong correlations with vegetation patterns: within both soil types, the measured environmental variables explained approximately 32–35% of the variation in vegetation. No single measured environmental variable adequately described the observed gradients in vegetation; rather, vegetation gradients showed strong correlations with complex environmental gradients. These complex environmental gradients included nutrient, moisture, and soil physical and site variables. These results suggest that a simple ‘nutrient’ hypothesis regarding vegetation patterns in the Central Coast region is inadequate to explain variation in vegetation within soil types.  相似文献   

A new design for an energy‐harvesting electrochromic window (EH‐ECW) based on the fusion of two technologies, organic electrochromic windows and dye‐sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), is presented. Unlike other power‐generating smart windows, such as photoelectrochromic devices that are passive and only contain two states (i.e., a closed‐circuit colored state and an open‐circuit bleaching state), EH‐ECW allows active tuning of the transmittance by varying the applied potential and it functions as a photovoltaic cell based on a DSSC. The resulting device demonstrates a fast switching rate of 1 s in both the bleaching and coloring processes through the use of an electrochromic polymer as a counter electrode layer. To increase the transmittance of the device, a cobalt redox couple and a light‐colored, yet efficient, organic dye are used. The organic dye contains a polymeric structure that contributes to the high cyclic stability. The device exhibits a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 4.5% (100 mW cm‐2) under AM 1.5 irradiation, a change in transmittance of 34% upon applied potential, and shows only 3% degradation in the PCE after 5000 cycles.  相似文献   

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