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辽宁老铁山雀形目鸟类秋季迁徙初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000~2004年秋在辽宁旅顺老铁山自然保护区,通过鸟类环志和直接观察的方法,对该地区雀形目(Passeriformes)鸟类秋季迁徙规律进行了研究。5年共环志11 040只雀形目鸟类,发现8种保护区新记录种。结果表明,鸟类迁徙高峰大都集中在10月中下旬;气候条件与鸟类迁徙关系密切;不同年份优势种及种群数量均不同;鸟类的迁徙具有一定的顺序性和集群现象,但不同种类迁徙的种群大小又有差别;2004年雀形目鸟类的种类和数量都明显少于前4年,略有下降趋势。  相似文献   

野外研究于2002和2003年秋季在帽儿山地区进行。帽儿山地区秋季可供鸟类取食的肉质果植物种类繁多,黄檗(Phellodendronamurense)和山荆子(Malusbaccata)是最主要的两种植物。帽儿山地区迁徙性食果实鸟类共9种,包括夏候鸟和旅鸟5种,冬候鸟4种。主要的食果实鸟类是斑鸫(Turdusnaumanni)、灰背鸫(T.hortulorum)和北朱雀(Carpodacusroseus),前两种为食果肉鸟类,后一种是食种子鸟类。斑鸫主要取食黄檗果实,灰背鸫主要取食山荆子果实,北朱雀主要取食黄檗种子。食果实鸟类在秋季也捕食一些动物性食物。3种主要食果实鸟类的迁徙日期不同。灰背鸫最先迁离,斑鸫稍晚,北朱雀最后到此越冬。果实丰歉年对鸟类的迁徙有一定的影响。  相似文献   

2002年4月1日~10月31日,共环志林栖迁徙鸟类7目、20科、84种12244只,环志数量超过100只的鸟有23种。春季性别鉴定16种1224只,雌雄比例约为1:1.1;秋季鉴定20种1656只,雌雄比例约为1.4:1。春秋两季大致3d一个迁徙高峰,春季的迁徙曲线高峰斜度较秋季的大,秋季的迁徙高峰比较平缓。  相似文献   

北京师范大学校园秋季鸟类环志报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘阳  雷进宇 《四川动物》2003,22(2):88-90
2001年9月3日至11月10日,在北京师范大学生物园经过51d的工作,共网捕环志鸟类2目10科28种165只。其中留鸟4种,占总数的14.29%;旅鸟18种,占总数的64.29%;夏候鸟4种,占总数的14.29%;冬候鸟2种,占总数的7.15%。通过网捕环志技术,并结合春季同一地区的环志结果,分析了迁徙季节本地区鸟类群落的组成,以及群落随时间、季节的变化情况。  相似文献   

1996年秋50天连续环志鸟类28种778只,红胁蓝尾鸲、黄喉、灰头3种占总量80%。5天左右一个迁徙高峰,最高峰在迁徙期后半。今秋山丁子、黄檗树不结实,斑鸫和北朱雀甚少。原地当季重捕率154%。捕到去秋或今春环志鸟9只,全是黄喉。旅鸟停歇最长记录17天。日落后半小时至1小时加一次网,能减少网上死鸟。  相似文献   

环志是研究迁徙鸟类的重要途径。云南省哀牢山北段大中山是鸟类迁徙的重要通道,但缺乏具体的研究数据。1997年、2010年和2011年秋季夜间迁徙鸟类环志研究的结果表明,哀牢山北段大中山捕获到的夜间鸟类有108种2330只,分属10目24科。其中,以雀形目鸟类为主,占总捕获数量的78.3%,捕获优势种为树鹨(占捕获数量的16.95%)、红喉姬鹟(13.39%)、红尾伯劳(9.83%)、红喉歌鸲(8.71%)和栗鹀(4.80%);水禽占捕获鸟类总种数的16.7%,与云南其他地点的研究结果相似。由于水禽是传播禽流感的主要载体,候鸟聚集地存在传播禽流感的风险,春季也有候鸟翻越哀牢山,因此有必要开展春季鸟类环志工作。  相似文献   

在鸟类迁徙季节,夜间鸟击事故频发是机场鸟击发生的一个显著特点.了解鸟类的夜间迁徙规律对于改进夜间鸟击防范措施具有重要的指导意义.本研究综合采用网捕法和声音记录法对沈阳桃仙机场夜间鸟类迁徙物种组成和迁徙规律进行研究.结果表明: 56种鸟类(占比88.9%)具有夜间迁徙习性,且以后半夜迁徙为主;鸟类夜间迁徙具有明显的时间动态和迁徙次序,春季鸟类迁徙较为集中,迁徙高峰在5月中旬,主要鸟类由鹌鹑、红尾伯劳、栗耳鹀、黑喉石鵖、普通夜鹰、黄眉柳莺等组成,秋季迁徙较为分散,迁徙高峰出现在9月下旬至10月上旬,主要由鹌鹑、灰背鸫、红喉鹨、丘鹬、矛斑蝗莺和灰头鵐等组成.对夜间迁徙鸟类的危险等级评估发现,春季严重危险物种是鹌鹑和红尾伯劳,秋季严重危险物种是鹌鹑、纵纹腹小鸮、灰背鸫和丘鹬.分别从夜间迁徙鸟类组成、迁徙动态、时间节律和物种危险等级等角度提出了相应的鸟击防范对策,为桃仙机场鸟击防范提供参考.  相似文献   

迁徙鸟类对中途停歇地的利用及迁徙对策   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
马志军  李博  陈家宽 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1404-1412
中途停歇地是迁徙鸟类在繁殖地和非繁殖地之间的联系枢纽,对于迁徙鸟类完成其完整的生活史过程具有重要作用。从鸟类的迁徙对策、中途停歇地的选择、鸟类在中途停歇地的停留时间、体重变化和种群特征以及中途停歇地的环境状况等方面,回顾了中途停歇生态学在近年来的研究进展,并提出了在迁徙对策理论的实验研究,小型鸟类在中途停歇地的停歇时间及体重变化的准确确定等目前有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

1997年秋季连续支网74天,环志鸟类63种5264只,原地回收2种71只。  相似文献   

新疆物种多样性项目组在近10年中多次考察丁艾比湖区(44°50'N,82°50'E,海拔189 m).特别是2007~2009年逐月环湖考察,包括阿拉山口、奎屯河、精河、博尔塔拉河、科克巴斯陶、桑德库木、甘家湖、古尔图等,东西长118 km,南北宽56 km,覆盖6608 km2.采用样线法和点计数法对艾比湖区不同区域鸟的种类和数量进行统计和分析.记录到233种鸟类,是全疆种数的55%,分别隶属于17目53科128属.秋季一次统计到103 875只鸟类.首次发现了卷羽鹈鹕Pelecanus crispus、白头硬尾鸭Oxyura leucocephala、遗鸥Larus relictus和细嘴鸥Larus genei等的聚集地.另有夜鹭、小白额雁、斑背潜鸭、长尾鸭、剑鹆、小滨鹬、细嘴鸥、黄腹鹨等8种为新疆新纪录种.区系以占北种(183种,78.5%)和广布种(49种,21.0%)为主,极少东洋种.艾比湖为中哑鸟类迁徙的重要驿站.  相似文献   

To estimate differences in hormonal mechanisms of regulation of spring and autumn migration in European robins Erithacus rubecula, the plasma corticosterone (CORT) concentrations were compared in birds caught during both migratory seasons. A total of 414 blood samples were analyzed. It was found that the baseline and stress-induced CORT concentrations in free-living robins during spring migration were practically twice as high as during autumn passage. Our results demonstrate that autumn and spring migrations are independent stages of the avian annual cycle. Probably, the increase in the CORT concentrations in spring can be considered to be physiological preparation for the breeding season.  相似文献   

Individual variation in postjuvenile molt in male Black Redstart is pronounced with about 90% of young males retaining female‐like coloration (cairei plumage type) and about 10% acquiring adult male‐like feathers (paradoxus plumage type). We examined whether autumn migration timing and body condition differed between individuals of the two plumage types. We used the data of 10,977 Black Redstarts captured during autumn at a ringing site in northern Switzerland where a protocol to record plumage types of captures has been applied since 1980. As cairei individuals cannot be distinguished from young females while sexing is comparatively easy for paradoxus individuals, the proportion of missing data on sex was likely to be higher for cairei individuals than for paradoxus individuals. We formally accounted for captures with unidentified sex using a Bayesian approach and conducted a simulation study to show that our approach was able to provide unbiased results even if the proportion of unsexed captures was high. Applying the method to the Black Redstart data, we found that the proportion of individuals with paradoxus plumage type increased from 7.6% in 1980 to 18.1% in 2013. Individuals with the paradoxus plumage type were on average 0.25 g heavier and had 0.62 mm longer third primaries than individuals with the cairei plumage type. However, we found no support for our expectation of later migration of paradoxus males compared to cairei individuals based on the assumption that paradoxus individuals should occupy autumn territories like adult males. Our results shed new light on the understudied timing of autumn migration in birds and are in line with available studies on Black Redstarts, suggesting a molt‐constraint that allows only young males in good body condition to molt into adult‐like plumages.  相似文献   

To what degree juvenile migrant birds are able to correct for orientation errors or wind drift is still largely unknown. We studied the orientation of passerines on the Faroe Islands far off the normal migration routes of European migrants. The ability to compensate for displacement was tested in naturally occurring vagrants presumably displaced by wind and in birds experimentally displaced 1100 km from Denmark to the Faroes. The orientation was studied in orientation cages as well as in the free-flying birds after release by tracking departures using small radio transmitters. Both the naturally displaced and the experimentally displaced birds oriented in more easterly directions on the Faroes than was observed in Denmark prior to displacement. This pattern was even more pronounced in departure directions, perhaps because of wind influence. The clear directional compensation found even in experimentally displaced birds indicates that first-year birds can also possess the ability to correct for displacement in some circumstances, possibly involving either some primitive form of true navigation, or 'sign posts', but the cues used for this are highly speculative. We also found some indications of differences between species in the reaction to displacement. Such differences might be involved in the diversity of results reported in displacement studies so far.  相似文献   

石家庄市滨河湿地公园秋季增湿效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王红娟  黄华芳  王健  张聪聪  左晓明 《生态学报》2014,34(17):5077-5086
滨河湿地公园拥有良好的生态环境和多样化的景观资源。作为城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,它在调节气候、美化环境、维护区域生态平衡等方面具有不可替代的作用。于2012年10月10—12日和2013年9月27—29日、10月2、3、6日晴朗无风(或风速小于0.2 m/s)的天气条件下,在石家庄市太平河滨河湿地公园,选择不同结构的下垫面——水泥路面(宽约14 m)、乔-草绿地(宽约58 m)、灌木林(宽约22 m),对距地面1.5 m高度内的大气湿度变化情况进行了系统监测,并选择了面积相近、无植被和水体等环境因素影响的裸地进行了比测,研究了不同植被类型在秋季白天各时段增湿效应的垂向和横向变化规律,分析了各类下垫面增湿效应的差异性。结果表明:1植被覆盖区的增湿效应随环境温度升高而增强,其相关系数可达0.8以上。白天以10:00—14:00气温较高时段增湿效应最明显,平均较8:00高4%左右,较18:00高8%左右;2植被的增湿效应在近地面处较强,而自0.2 m高度向上各监测高度段以公差为1%—2%的数列递减;3秋季白天,不同下垫面的增湿效应由强到弱依次为灌木林、乔-草林、河流、水泥路面,其中灌木林较乔-草林的增湿效应强约5%—7%;4同一绿地,当结构和郁闭度无明显变化时,其增湿效应在相同季节基本稳定;5虽然秋季绿地增湿效应与夏季相比明显减弱,但绿地增湿效应与环境温度的关系、增湿效应的垂向变化特征以及不同结构绿地的增湿效应差异等在不同季节仍具有一致的规律。滨河湿地公园不同结构类型区域的合理配置,可以更有效地改善大气环境。  相似文献   

Partial migration, i.e.when one fraction of the population is migratory and the other sedentary, appears to be a widespread phenomenon among many animal taxa, ranging from insects to higher vertebrates. Partial migration in birds was first documented for several Holarctic populations many decades ago. The evolution and maintenance of this particular migratory system have only recently been more thoroughly examined, but our knowledge and understanding of the problem is still incomplete. Currently, one of the main concerns is the fitness balancing of the two behavioural alternatives, i.e. whether migrants and residents within a population are equally fit or if one of the categories is inferior and making 'the best of a bad situation'. Closely tied to this question is the proximate regulation of the migratory and sedentary habits. It has been suggested that a social dominance system might be powerful enough to keep this migration system going; alternatively, a pooulation might be divided into two genetically distinct morphs with different preprogrammed Migratory behaviours.  相似文献   

青岛市秋季空气微生物群落多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用KC-6120空气综合采样器采集空气微生物样品,通过构建16S/18SrDNA克隆文库方法分析青岛市市区街道秋季空气微生物群落结构特征.结果表明: 空气细菌分布在6大类,分别为变形菌门(78.8%)、厚壁菌门(14.6%)、放线菌门(4.0%)、浮霉菌门(1.3%)、蓝藻门(0.7%)和栖热菌门(0.6%),优势菌属为不动杆菌属(39.7%)、葡萄球菌属(11.3%)、鞘脂单胞菌属(8.6%)和副球菌属(6.0%).空气真菌分布在子囊菌门(97.5%)和担子菌门(2.5%),优势菌属为核腔菌属(76.5%)、炭角菌属(13.6%)和外瓶霉属(2.5%).空气微生物中存在不动杆菌属、鞘脂单胞菌、葡萄球菌等致病菌或条件致病菌,以及引发多种农作物枯萎死亡的麦类核腔菌、团炭角菌和角状平脐疣孢等真菌.  相似文献   

The autumn migration of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) was observed with radar and two types of light-trap at Langfang, Hebei province, China in 2001 and 2002. The sudden increase in the proportion of H. armigera moths in the searchlight trap indicated migration into the area and catches increased 10-fold during the second half of the night due to the landing of migrants before dawn. The moths' migratory flights took place at up to 2000 m above the ground, and moths flew differentially at times, and heights, when favourable (i.e. northerly) winds occurred. This facilitated the maximum displacement of moths towards the south during these 'return' migrations. The moths flew over the radar site at consistently high densities through the night, and the resulting flight durations of c. 10 h, at displacement speeds of 30-33 km h-1, would allow moths emerging in the far northeast of China (i.e. Liaoning and Jilin provinces and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region) to migrate into northern China (Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces). The association of the seasonal migratory movements of H. armigera with crops in northern China is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

If present in large numbers, as during migration, herbivorous waterfowlmay reduce the amount of submerged vegetation. Because the vegetation is a keyfactor in shallow eutrophic lakes, removal of the green biomass can be expectedto affect also other biota that depend on the vegetation. We conducted anexperiment to determine how the abundance of chironomids andPisidium sp. were affected by intense foraging ofwaterfowlon the submerged plant Potamogeton pectinatus. This wasdone in Lake Ringsjön in southern Sweden, during the autumn migration ofthe birds. Three treatments, replicated six times, were used: (i) closed cagesthat excluded all waterfowl, (ii) semi-open cages that excluded only largewaterfowl (geese and swans), and (iii) open plots where all waterfowl couldfreely enter. Waterfowl densities were monitored during the experiment. Theresults suggest that the foraging of large waterfowl (swans) had a clearlynegative effect on macroinvertebrate abundance and aboveground biomass ofP. pectinatus. At the end of the experiment, the densityofchironomids was about 46% lower in the open than in the closed cages. Ingeneral, the density of Pisidium sp. tended to be lower inthe open plots. Small waterfowl alone did not seem to affect either thevegetation or macroinvertebrates. We suggest that thePisidium sp. was influenced at an early stage of grazing,when waterfowl foraged on aboveground biomass, whereas chironomids wereaffectedat a later stage, when swans were digging for below-ground tubers.  相似文献   

M.C. Radford 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):154-160
A census of breeding Ringed Plovers in the UK in 1984 revealed 7534 pairs and a further 1083 pairs were estimated, bringing the total to just over 8600 territorial pairs. Two-thirds of these were in Scotland. The Western Isles, particularly the dry machair, supported 2324 of these, 27% of the national total. Estimated numbers in England (2389) and Wales (224) showed, using the comparison of counted areas only, increases over 1973/74 of 19.6% and 21.1% respectively. Elsewhere, however, a similar comparison showed that numbers were stable or decreasing slightly. The large increase in the UK total over 1973/74 was primarily due to improved coverage in Scotland. Of the habitats used, open beaches throughout most of the UK and machair in the Western Isles were by far the most important. A trend was apparent, most clearly in England, for birds to spread to inland sites. The concentration of Ringed Plovers into nature reserves and other protected sites, especially in England, is discussed, along with the implications for the design of access arrangements to such areas.  相似文献   

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