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Planktonic food chains of a highly humic lake   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
The development and metabolism of the plankton of a highly humic lake were followed over the vernal primary production maximum. The study was made in a mesocosm in which large filter feeders, typical of this lake in summer, were absent. During the rising phase of phytoplankton, the community was predominantly autotrophic. The most important constituents in the algal biomass were a dinoflagellate, Gymnodinium sp. (40–50%), and a prasinophycean, Scourfieldia cordiformis (7%). The biomasses of Chlamydomonas spp. and Chrysococcus spp. reached their maxima a few days later and Cryptomonas sp. became most abundant at the end of the experiment. After the phytoplankton maximum, about one week from the beginning ofthe experiment, grazing of algae by phagotrophic protozoans and phosphate depletion led to a rapid decrease of algal biomass and the community became predominantly heterotrophic. In spite of a large variation in algal biomass and primary production, the biomass of bacteria remained of the same order of magnitude as in algae both before and after the algal maximum. Bacteria were mostly responsible for the plankton respiration, which also showed no dependence on primary production. Since exudation by phytoplankton was also low, the nutrition of bacterioplankton was probably mainly based on allochthonous dissolved organic matter rather than or primary production. Thus the production of bacteria was an additional food source for higher trophic levels along with phytoplankton. Because filter feeding zooplankton was absent in the experiment, protozoans were the only grazers utilizing algae and bacteria. Essentially all growth of bacteria was used by bacterivores.  相似文献   

The epilimnetic phytoplankton and its relations to nutrient content in Lake Verevi through the whole vegetation period in 2000 were studied. Lake Verevi (surface 12.6 ha, mean depth 3.6 m, maximum depth 11 m) is a hypertrophic hard-water lake, where the so-called spring meromixis occurs due to an extremely warm spring. Most dissolved nutrients in the epilimnion were low already in spring, and their concentrations were quite stable during the study period. The concentration of total silicon was very low in spring but increased rapidly in summer. Total phosphorus followed the pattern for stratified eutrophic lakes, and total nitrogen was quite high. The stoichiometric N:P ratio fluctuated between 25 and 81. The dynamics of phytoplankton biomass with a spring peak from April to May and a late summer peak from July to August is typical of Estonian eutrophic lakes. Green algae and chrysophytes occurred in the phytoplankton throughout the vegetation period. The spring peak was dominated by diatoms (Synedra ulna and Synedra acus var. angustissima) and the summer peak was caused by Aphanizomenon klebahnii and Ceratium hirundinella. The study showed that in physically stratified systems, the total concentration of limiting resources and plain physical factors (light and temperature) may be more important in the determination of phytoplankton dominants than different resource ratios. A combination of light and temperature optimum, along with nutrient utilization and transport capacity, effectively segregates phytoplankton species and can be used for the explanation of seasonal succession pattern.  相似文献   

To examine the seasonal succession of the entire zooplankton community in Lake Biwa, zooplankton biomass (on an areal basis) and its distribution patterns among crustaceans, rotifers and ciliates were studied in the north basin from April 1997 to June 1998. Seasonal changes in phytoplankton and population dynamics of Daphnia galeata were also examined to assess food condition and predation pressure by fish. From March to November, crustaceans dominated zooplankton biomass, but rotifers and ciliates were dominant from December to February. Among crustaceans, Eodiaptomus japonicus was the most abundant species, followed by D. galeata. Zooplankton biomass increased from January to a peak in early April, just before the spring bloom of phytoplankton, then decreased in mid-April when mortality rate of D. galeata increased. From mid-June, zooplankton increased and maintained a high level until the beginning of November. During this period, both birth and mortality rates of D. galeata were relatively high and a number of rotifer and crustacean species were observed. However, their abundances were very limited except for E. japonicus which likely preys on ciliates and rotifers. In Lake Biwa, food sources other than phytoplankton, such as resuspended organic matter from the sediments, seems to play a crucial role in zooplankton succession from winter to early spring, while zooplankton community seems to be regulated mainly by fish predation from summer to fall.  相似文献   

Summer dynamics of the deep chlorophyll maximum in Lake Tahoe   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Vertical profiles of chlorophyll and phytoplankton biomass weremeasured in Lake Tahoe from July 1976 through April 1977. Adeep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) persisted during summer and earlyautumn (July—October) near 100 m, well below the mixedlayer and at the upper surface of the nitracline. The DCM coincidedwith the phytoplankton biomass maximum as determined from cellcounts. In addition, the composition of the phytoplankton assemblagewas highly differentiated with respect to depth. Cyclotellastelligera was the predominant species in the mixed layer whilethe major species in the DCM layer included C. ocellata andseveral green ultraplanktonic species. In situ cell growth playsa substantial role in maintaining the DCM, but sinking of cellsfrom shallower depths and zooplankton grazing above the DCMmay contribute to the maintenance of the DCM. Calculations supportthe interpretation that the summer DCM persists at the boundarybetween an upper, nutrient-limited phytoplankton assemblageand a deeper, light-limited assemblage.  相似文献   

The investigation of the epiphyton associated with Scirpus validus VAHL. in Lake Wabamun commenced in May 1971 and continued until the end of August 1972. Seven stations encompassing heated, partially and non-heated areas of the lake were investigated. From July 1971 until the termination of the investigation water temperature, dissolved oxygen and water chemistry were monitored. There were no large variations in these parameters except for water temperature and dissolved oxygen levels among the stations. However, there were increases in the dissolved silica, nitratenitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus levels during the autumn and winter months at the heated stations while at a partially heated station only dissolved silica and nitrate-nitrogen increased. The epiphyton at all stations showed a spring maximum, a summer minimum, and a maximum in the late summer/early autumn. The spring dominants at all stations were Fragilaria capucina and Diatoma elongatum. During the late summer/early autumn maximum diatoms were dominant at the non-heated stations while chlorophycean species were dominant at the heated stations. The heated water caused a decrease in the number of species and a corresponding increase in the importance of a few species at the heated stations. The major impact of the heated water, however, was an extension of the period of open water and the corresponding increase in mean yearly standing crop size in the heated areas.  相似文献   

The main basins of Lake Winnipeg (52°N 97°E) and Southern Indian Lake (57°N 99°W) had similar phytoplankton cycles during their open water seasons. A brief spring algal maximum was followed by an early summer minimum and, subsequently, an extended autumnal increase when highest biomasses were observed. The maxima were dominated by Melosira spp. The seasonal cycle of Melosira followed closely the seasonal cycle of dissolved Si. These basins exhibited a typical phytoplankton cycle for dimictic lakes even though they did not form a significant thermocline (1°C per meter).The lakes were well-mixed because they were shallow and had large wind fetches. Although thermal stability of the water column was always low, it was positive until maximum heat content was achieved at which time it became nil or negative. These lakes heated and cooled rapidly, and sediment heat storage was a substantial fraction of the total heat budget. Because heating and cooling of water and of sediments were out of phase, heat exchange at the sediment surface could control vertical circulation of interstitial water, nutrient exchange across the sediment-water interface and the seasonality of phytoplankton. Thermal gradients in the sediments during the heating season would be quite pronounced (4°C per meter).It is proposed that positive stability in interstitial waters during the heating season would impose molecular diffusive transport on the sediment column. When the lakes begin to cool, the upper interstitial water column would become thermally unstable and circulation would occur within the sediments. This would result in the observed net flux of dissolved Si, and other nutrients, out of the sediments into the overlying waters. As a consequence, in Lake Winnipeg and Southern Indian Lake the highest phytoplankton biomasses and productivity occurred in the late summer and autumn.  相似文献   

Summary Sedimentation of phytoplankton provides food and energy for zoobenthic communities. In this study the rates, species composition and biomass of phytoplankton input to Frobisher Bay sediments were examined during ice (late November to July) and open water (late July to October) periods from 1982 to 1985. The rates were higher on the sea bed than at 20 m. The minimum rate (3x105 cells·m-2·day-1) of sedimentation occurred during the early part of the ice period. It increased as the ice thickened and reached a maximum of 2.8x108 cells·m-2·day-1 after the phytoplankton bloom at the beginning of the open water period in the first two weeks of August. The sedimented phytoplankton was dominated by diatoms, with a great majority of pennate species during the spring (April to June) and centric forms during the summer (July to August). Green flagellates, dinoflagellates and chrysophytes occurred as a low percentage of the total population in all seasons. Other indicators (chlorophyll a and phaeopigments) showed highest biomass levels in the deepest traps. They were consistently low during the winter (December to March) and reached their maxima during the open-water period of summer. Their abundance was correlated with the seasonal cycle of the phytoplankton in the water column.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in taxonomic structure, dynamics of number, and biomass of phytoplankton in the Izmenchivoye lagoon lake (southeast Sakhalin) were studied. In all, 266 species and intraspecies taxa of microalgae were revealed. The greatest species diversity (according to the Shannon index) was observed in May, August and October (H = 2.76–2.89), the least (H = 0.5–0.86), in April and January of 2006. The monthly average number varied from 997 up to 84 282 cells/l, and biomass from 18.98 up to 878.62 mg/m3. The average annual number of phytoplankton and its biomass were 32 650 cells/l and biomass 172.13 mg/m3 respectively. The maximum number was registered in August, 2005, and maximum biomass was recorded in January, 2006. Winter, spring and summer peaks of number coinciding with those of biomass were registered. For the first time, winter bloom of phytoplankton was registered in inland waters of the Sakhalin Island. In the winter and spring the basic input to formation of the parameters was composed of diatoms; in summer and autumn it was composed of by flagellates (dinophyta and cryptophyta).  相似文献   

In shallow hypertrophic lakes where light availability restricts the growth of macrophytes and benthic phytoplankton, pelagic phytoplankton modulates importantly ecosystem production and the energy transfer to heterotrophic bacteria. Diel and seasonal variations in primary production (PP) were studied in the hypertrophic Albufera de Valencia (Spain). Additionally, the relationship between PP and heterotrophic bacterial production (BP) was assessed. PP was extremely high, exceeding most values reported for hypertrophic lakes to date. PP displayed marked diurnal variations defined by the solar radiation curve. Likewise, PP changed importantly across seasons. Minimum PP coincided with maximum water transparency and short water residence times in winter, whereas maximum PP was observed in late spring associated with high chlorophyll a. The spring PP maximum contrasted with the summer maximum often observed in hypertrophic lakes. When compared to spring PP values, summer PP values were lower as a result of strong nitrogen limitation. In contrast to PP, BP remained fairly constant across seasons. Nonetheless, there was a joint diminution during increased water transparency followed by an increase in early spring. Phytoplankton was always the most relevant input to particulate carbon production, but the BP/PP ratio showed clear seasonal variations. The BP/PP ratio was minimum in spring, low in summer and highest in winter. The extracellular dissolved organic carbon released by phytoplankton was sufficient to meet bacterial carbon demand in all experimental dates, suggesting that allochthonous carbon sources play a minor role in sustaining BP, though they cannot be excluded. However, we hypothesize that high availability of dissolved organic carbon might explain the lack of coupling observed between BP and PP.  相似文献   

The effects of nutrients and dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the response of phytoplankton community structure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) was studied using natural phytoplankton assemblages from Lake Giles (Northeastern Pennsylvania), a temperate, oligotrophic, highly UVR-transparent lake. Microcosm experiments were conducted in 1-l bags in the spring and summer. A factorial design was used, with two UVR treatments (ambient and reduced), two nutrient treatments (control with no nutrients added, and nitrogen and phosphorus addition together), and two DOM treatments (control of 1 mg l−1 and doubled). In April, UVR affected the overall phytoplankton community structure, causing a shift in the dominant species. Significant interactive effects of UVR × nutrients and UVR × DOM were found on total phytoplankton biovolumes. In July, all taxa responded positively to the N + P addition, and were affected differentially by the UVR treatments. The initial communities varied in April and July, but Synura sp. and Chroomonas sp. were present in both seasons. Synura sp. responded positively to the addition of DOM in April and the reduction of UVR in July. Chroomonas sp. responded positively to the reduction of UVR in April and the addition of nutrients in July. The differential sensitivity of these two species suggests that changing environmental factors between spring and summer promoted differences in the relative importance of UVR in changing phytoplankton community structure. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

In the Nervion River estuary surface samples were taken from March to September 2003 at six sites covering most of the salinity range with the aim to know the biomass and taxonomic composition of phytoplankton assemblages in the different segments. Nine groups of algae including cyanobacteria, diatoms, dinoflagellates, chlorophytes, prasinophytes, euglenophytes, chrysophytes, haptophytes, raphidophytes and cryptophytes were identified by means of a combination of pigment analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and microscopic observations of live and preserved cells. Diatoms, chlorophytes and cryptophytes were the most abundant algae in terms of cells number, whereas fucoxanthin, peridinin, chlorophyll b (Chl b) and alloxanthin were the most abundant auxiliary pigments. Based on multiple regression analysis, in the outer estuary (stations 0, 1, 2 and 3) about 93% of the chlorophyll a (Chl a) could be explained by algae containing fucoxanthin and by algae containing Chl b, whereas in the rest of the estuary most of the Chl a (about 98%) was accounted for by fucoxanthin, Chl b and alloxanthin containing algae. The study period coincided with that of most active phytoplankton growth in the estuary and fucoxanthin was by far the dominant among those signature pigments. Several diatoms, chrysophytes, haptophytes and raphydophytes were responsible for fucoxanthin among identified species. Besides, dinoflagellates with a pigment pattern corresponding to chrysophytes and type 4 haptophytes were identified among fucoxanthin-bearing algae. Cryptophytes were the most abundant species among those containing alloxanthin. The maximum of Chl b registered at the seaward end in April coincided with a bloom of the prasinophytes Cymbomonas tetramitiformis, whereas the Chl b maxima in late spring and summer were accounted for by prasinophytes in the middle and outer estuary and by several species of chlorophytes in the middle and inner estuary. Other Chl b containing algae were euglenophytes and the dinoflagellate Peridinium chlorophorum. Dinoflagellates constituted generally a minor component of the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton population near Davis, Vestfold Hills, Antarctica was monitored throughout 1982. Chlorophyll-a determinations and counts of living cells in both the water column and sea ice demonstrated a marked seasonality in phytoplankton abundane and species composition. From April to October nanoplanktonic organisms contributed most of the chlorophyll-a in both the sea ice and water column. Blooms of diatoms occurred in May, November and December in the bottom of the sea-ice and in January and February in the water column. Phaeocystis pouchetii was dominant during December in the water column. Large numbers of dead diatoms were found in winter. The concentrations of nitrate, dissolved inorganic phosphate and dissolved silicate increased throughout the year until December, when the concentrations of nitrate and silicate fell sharply, followed a month later by a reduction in phosphate concentration. The diversity of phytoplankton was greatest during the summer months.  相似文献   

The Patagonian fjords have been recognized as a major region of relatively high primary productivity systems during spring–summer bloom periods, where iron‐organic matter forms may be essential complexes involved in key growth processes connected to the carbon and nitrogen cycles. We used two dissolved organic matter (DOM) types, marine polysaccharide and siderophore, as a model to understand how they affect the bioavailability of Fe to phytoplankton and bacteria and to assess their ecological role in fjord systems. A 10‐day microcosm study was performed in the Comau Fjord during summer conditions (March 2012). Pico‐, nano‐, and microphytoplankton abundance, total chlorophyll‐a and bacteria abundance, and bacterial secondary production estimates were analyzed in five treatments: (i) control (no additions), (ii) only nutrients (NUT: PO4, NO3, Si), (iii) nutrients + Fe(II), (iv) polysaccharide (natural diatoms extracted: 1–3 beta Glucan), and (v) Hexandentate Desferroxiamine B (DFB, siderophore). Our results showed that while DFB reduced Fe bioavailability for almost all phytoplankton assemblages in the fjord, polysaccharide did not have effects on the iron bioavailability. At Nutrients + Fe and Polysaccharide treatments, chlorophyll‐a concentration abruptly increased from 0.9 to 20 mg m?3 during the first 4–6 days of the experimental period. Remarkably, at the Nutrients + Fe treatment, the development of the bloom was accompanied by markedly high abundances of Synechococcus, picoeukaryotes, and autotrophic nanoflagellates within the first 4 days of the experiment. Our study indicated that small plankton (phytoplankton <20 μm and bacteria) were the first to respond to dissolved Nutrients + Fe compared to large sized micro‐phytoplankton cells (>20 μm). This could be at least partially attributed to biological utilization of Fe (2 to 3 nM) by <20 μm phytoplankton and bacteria through the interaction with organic ligands released by bacteria that eventually could increase solubility of the Fe dissolved fraction thus having a positive effect on the small‐sized phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

Ingestion of fluorescent particles by natural protozoan assemblage was studied in the Řimov Reservoir (Southern Bohemia) from April to October, 1987. Attached and free-living bacterial abundance, proportion of active bacteria, density of suspended particles and biomass of cladocerans were also monitored. Heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF; 5–12.8 102ml−1) were the dominant bacterial micrograzers during the spring period and consumed 3 to 9% of the total bacteria per day. After the spring phytoplankton bloom maximum densities of suspended particles and attached bacteria (up to 28% of the total counts) were found. Development of cladocerans in May sharply decreased the proportion of attached bacteria and kept them below 5% of the total counts. All the studied components of plankton except Cladocera decreased during the clearwater phase. The most significant drop was observed in the numbers of protozoans, and they were negligible for bacterial elimination. Bacterial losses during that time apparently were due to cladoceran grazing. During the summer period, ciliates (15–142 ml−1) were mostly dominant micrograzers, and protozoan community grazing increased up to 21% of bacterial standing stock per day. The proportion of active bacteria was strongly correlated with protozoan grazing (r=0.83).  相似文献   

Microbial planktonic communities (i.e. bacteria and protozoa), phytoplankton, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) were seasonally examined at Medes Islands (Northwestern Mediterranean) to assess their variation in abundance and composition throughout the year in a near-bottom littoral ecosystem. From October 1995 to November 1996, samples were collected between two and six times per month at 0.5 m above the bottom. Mean DOC and POC values throughout the year were 2560 180 (SE) and 387 ± 35 g C l-1, respectively. All year, detrital organic carbon (detrital=total POC - live carbon) represented the main POC fraction, and mean live carbon was 24 ± 9 g C l-1. Winter and spring had maximum values of POC, and spring and summer had maximum values of DOC. Heterotrophic bacteria, with a mean abundance of 5.16 ± 0.08 x 105 cells ml-1, were the main contributor to live carbon (26 ± 7%). During winter, heterotrophic bacterial biomass decreased 40% due to a decrease in mean biovolume per cell. Synechococcus sp. and Prochlorococcus sp. abundance were 2.24 ± 0.09 x 104 and 1.05 ± 0.07 x 104 cells ml-1, respectively. However, while Synechococcus sp. were present all year, Prochlorococcus sp. were not observed from April to July. Mean phytoplankton (i.e. diatoms and dinoflagellates) abundance was 2.06 ± 0.40 x 104 cells l-1 with biomass at a maximum during the winter months, the period with the lowest temperature and the highest nutrient concentration. The size composition of live carbon showed two clearly distinct periods: from December to March, live carbon was dominated in biomass by microplankton, while from April to November, pico- and nanoplankton cells were dominant. Overall, the dynamics of the near-bottom planktonic communities was characterized by a low biomass of heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria, phytoplankton and ciliates in contrast to previous water column studies. This pattern and the high temporal heterogeneity of the different planktonic communities are discussed in relation to the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment, as well as to the potential role that benthic communities may be exerting in the control of the near-bottom planktonic communities.   相似文献   

The present study is based on 153 Schlieffen's bats collected over a 2-year period from September 1983 to September 1985. Spermatogenesis extends over a 10-month period with the first signs of spermatozoa in the epididymides by the end of April. Spermatozoa were present in the epididymides from the end of April until the beginning of September. Copulation begins during June (early winter) and the females have spermatozoa in the uterine horns from then until the end of August (late winter) when ovulation occurs. These bats are seasonally monoestrous with the great majority of births occurring during November. The number of conceptuses varied; a maximum of 5 pre-implanted embryos was recorded, but the maximum number of fetuses observed was 3.  相似文献   

Shell growth in Yoldia eightsi was measured over an austral summer and winter in 1992. In specimens < 12 mm length, growth was not significantly different between summer and winter periods, and the fastest recorded rate, 6.3 μm day−1 was for 5-mm individuals during the winter. In summer, specimens of all lengths grew significantly, but in winter bivalves > 27 mm length did not increase in length. Tissue dry and ash-free dry mass (AFDM) cycles were assessed at monthly intervals between December 1988 and January 1991. ANCOVA indicated significant interannual and seasonal effects on this cycle. Tissue mass increased in the summer, coinciding with the phytoplankton bloom and the period of maximum sedimentation of organic material from the water column. A standard 20-mm-length animal reached a maximum AFDM of 114 mg in February 1990. The minimum value (68 mg AFDM) throughout the 2 years of measurements was in early December 1988, at the end of the austral winter. Periods of tissue mass increase were, therefore, decoupled from shell growth, at least in juveniles. Tissue mass was significantly higher in 1990 than 1989, which was mainly due to high organic contents in the summer (January to May). This was not consistent with the pattern of organic content in the sediments at the study site, but was in phase with the cycle in sediment chlorophyll a content. Tissue mass increase depended on major resource input during the summer, but Y. eightsi was capable of maintaining winter condition from stocks of benthic microalgae in years of poor ice cover. Tissue mass declined between April and July each year. This was accompanied by large falls in tissue ash content, and coincided with the spawning period in early June. These are the first monthly tissue mass data collected over a 2-year period for an Antarctic mollusc. They are the first such data indicating seasonal variation in tissue mass and showing a decoupling of shell and tissue growth in a polar bivalve. The P/B ratio calculated from these data was 0.106, which is slightly lower than previous values found for this species, but is in line with general values for Antarctic marine benthos. Accepted: 6 December 1999  相似文献   

The relationships of the halocline to both water quality and phytoplankton composition in Lake Obuchi, a shallow brackish lake in northern Japan, were investigated from April 2001 to December 2004. The halocline in this lake became stronger in summer (July–September, mean maximum density gradient 4.3–5.8 ρtm−1) but weaker in spring, fall, and winter (1.9–3.3 ρtm−1). Although the difference in water quality between the upper and lower layers separated by the halocline was high in summer, nutrients (PO43−-P and NH4+-N) were eluted from the bottom sediment as levels of dissolved oxygen decreased in the bottom layer because of the strong stratification caused by the halocline formed over the long term. Moreover, phytoplankton taxa composition also differed between the upper and lower layers in summer, but was similar in other seasons. The dominant phytoplankton taxa in the upper layer in summer were Skeletonema costatum and Cyclotella spp., whereas in the lower layer, Gymnodinium spp. (Dinophyceae) and Chlorophyceae, which prefer eutrophic and low dissolved oxygen conditions, dominated. This suggests that the halocline was related to differentiations in both water quality and ecosystem components between the upper and lower layers in the brackish lake water.  相似文献   

Particulate material recovered over an 18-month period from sediment traps deployed at a shallow-water nearshore Antarctic site was analysed for photosynthetic pigments, aliphatic hydrocarbons and fatty acids. All components showed a distinct seasonal variation, with high recovery rates during the summer open-water phytoplankton bloom and low rates under winter fast ice. The amount of trapped material differed between the two summers, indicating inter-annual variability of vertical flux associated with differences in the intensity of the summer phytoplankton bloom. Particulate material trapped in summer was dominated by that which originated in diatoms. High recoveries of chlorophyll a, fucoxanthin, n-C21:6 hydrocarbon, 20:5(n-3) fatty acid and shorter chain (C15–C24) aliphatic hydrocarbons all pointed to a significant summer flux of ungrazed diatoms. There were, however, also signals of zooplankton grazing activity (notably pyrophaeophorbide a), and the presence of C18:4(n-3) and C22:6(n-3) fatty acids suggested a small flux of material from flagellates and other sources. Longer chain n-alkanes (C25–C34) indicative of nanoplankton were detected all year, but there was no significant deposition of zooplankton material in any sample. The major recovery rate of photosynthetic pigments was in late summer (February to April), and the major grazing signal occurred after the peak of the summer diatom bloom. Most of the diatom bloom appeared to settle out from the water column without being grazed. The major seasonal contrast in the biochemistry of the trapped material was the dominance of the diatom signature in summer, and in winter the predominance (but at much lower recovery rates) of material from nanoplankton. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

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