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Summary Two spore genes, spoOB and spoIIG have been cloned from the B. subtilis genome library, constructed by ligating Sau3A partially digested DNA to the dephosphorylated pHV33 plasmid vector at its BamH1 site.An hybrid plasmid pGsOB2, carrying a 1.7 Kb insert of B. subtilis DNA amplifiable in E. coli was cloned. This recombinant plasmid was capable of transforming the appropriate B. subtilis Rec+ and Rec- recipients to Spo+ at very high efficiency. The pGsOB2 was further subcloned and four hybrid plasmids, pGsOB8, pGsOB9, pGsOB10 and pGsOB11 were selected and their restriction enzyme maps established. The four subcloned hybrid plasmids retained their entire transforming activity in both Rec+ and Rec- recipients although two of them carry the insert in an inverse orientation, indicating thus, that the spoOB gene in these plasmids is being transcribed by the B. subtilis RNA polymerase using an internal promotor of the cloned DNA fragment. The adjacent genes spoIVF and pheA, mapped respectively to the right and left of the spoOB locus, that normally show 90% cotransformation, are absent on the cloned DNA fragments. The cloned hybrid plasmids have been expressed in E. coli minicells and it was shown that the spoOB locus encoded a polypeptide of 24 K.We have also cloned the spoIIG gene in two hybrid plasmids, pGsIIG24 and pGsIIG26, carrying respectively inserts of 2 and 3 Kb. From the transforming activity and the endonuclease cleavage maps it was shown that these two hybrid plasmids do not carry the entire spoIIG locus. The use of these plasmids for further cloning of this gene is discussed.  相似文献   

Primary structure of the tms and prs genes of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The nucleotide sequence was determined of a 3211 nucleotide pair EcoRI-PvuII DNA fragment containing the tms and prs genes as well as a part of the ctc gene of Bacillus subtilis. The prs gene encodes phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) synthetase, whereas the functioning of the tms and ctc gene products remains to be established. The prs gene contains an open reading frame of 317 codons resulting in a subunit Mr of 34828. An open reading frame comprising the tms gene contained 456 codons resulting in a putative translation product with an Mr of 49554. Comparison of the deduced B. subtilis PRPP synthetase amino acid sequence with PRPP synthetases from Escherichia coli and rat liver showed extensive similarity. The deduced Tms amino acid sequence was found to be 43% similar to the deduced amino acid sequence of ecourfl, a gene of E. coli with unknown function.  相似文献   

Summary A group of vectors for luciferase expression in Bacillus subtilis was constructed. So far, only bacterial luciferases have been expressed in Bacillus, but in this study we wanted also to express genes encoding eukaryotic luciferases to perform direct comparisons of the light levels produced by the two different systems in B. subtilis. The vectors constructed can replicate both in Escherichia coli and B. subtilis, and the luciferase expression is strictly regulated due to the dual plasmid system used. Nearly a 100-fold increase in light production compared to previous results was achieved when genes encoding bacterial luciferase were inserted into the constructs and transformed into B. subtilis. An additional tenfold increase in light production was obtained when luciferase genes from the North American firefly (Photinus pyralis) or a click beetle (Pyrophorus plagiophtalamus) were introduced in a similar fashion into B. subtilis. Measurement of the light emission was performed without disruption of bacterial cells in a real-time manner, which is a common feature when working with all of these constructions. Structures of the shuttle vector constructs and results from light emission measurements are presented.  相似文献   

The sequence homologies of the glucose dehydrogenase subunits of B. megaterium and B. subtilis are compared. From the known B. megaterium aminoacid sequence and the base sequence of the cloned B. subtilis structural gene we predict the B. megaterium structural glucose dehydrogenase gene. Assuming the minimal mutational changes to convert one gene into the other 23 transitions, 30 transversions, 1 inversion, 3 insertion-deletions, but no frameshifts are postulated necessary to interconvert the structural genes. The homology of both enzyme subunits of 85% reflects the close evolutionary distance between B. subtilis and B. megaterium.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israliensis plasmids pTX14-1 and pTX14-3 were cloned and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization for their replication mechanism in Bacillus subtilis. The cloning of pTX14-1 into the replicon deficient vector pBOE335 showed the usual characteristics of single-stranded DNA plasmids, i.e., it generated circular single-stranded DNA and high molecular weight (HMW) multimers. The other plasmid, pTX14-3, behaved differently; it generated neither single-stranded DNA nor HMW multimers. Treatment with rifampicin did not result in the accumulation of single-stranded DNA. However, deletion of an EcoRI-PstI fragment resulted in the accumulation of both single-stranded DNA and HMW multimers. From various deletion derivatives, we have mapped the minus origin and the locus responsible for suppression of HMW multimer formation. Full activity of the minus origin and of the locus suppressing HMW formation was only observed on the native replicon, indicating a coupling to the plus strand synthesis.  相似文献   

Since alkaline phosphate activity increases in sporulation medium during the developmental period, in spite of the presence of inorganic phosphate, the uptake and intracellular concentration of phosphate were measured. While the uptake of inorganic phosphate decreases and the concentration of acid-soluble organic phosphate remains constant, the intracellular concentration of inorganic phosphate increases to about 30 mM after the end of growth. Some compound other than inorganic phosphate must therefore repress alkaline phosphatase. Other experiments showed that addition of glucose delays both the alkaline phosphatase increase and sporulation by about the same time.  相似文献   

研究生物量、pH、毒死蜱浓度和温度对枯草芽胞杆菌3374菌株(编号为GU086422)在水溶液中降解毒死蜱特性,考察该菌株对白菜上毒死蜱残留的降解特性。结果表明,在毒死蜱质量浓度为240 mg/L、pH7.0、温度30℃的适宜条件下,枯草芽胞杆菌3374菌株对毒死蜱的降解率达到92.48%。该菌株能够有效提高白菜叶面上毒死蜱残留的降解速度,表明其在白菜上具有有效降解毒死蜱的能力,在无公害农产品生产中具有广阔的应用潜力。  相似文献   

聚谷氨酸(polyglutamic acid,PGA)作为一种天然多功能的聚合物,近年来成为研究的热点。由于很难通过化学方法合成,微生物发酵是目前生产聚谷氨酸的有效途径。【目的】从基因水平探究枯草芽孢杆菌聚谷氨酸合成途径中degS、degQ、degU、swrA、rocA、putM基因的功能,通过分子改造实现对代谢途径的调控。【方法】以枯草芽孢杆菌为出发菌株,通过对代谢途径中相关基因进行敲除或过表达,分别构建degS、degQ和degU基因缺失的重组菌,swrA、rocA和putM基因过表达的重组菌,借助菌株胞外聚谷氨酸积累的变化分析影响途径的关键节点。【结果】在摇瓶发酵条件下,重组菌Bacillus subtilis 168-swrA、Bacillus subtilis 168-rocA、Bacillus subtilis 168-putM的胞外聚谷氨酸含量分别是原始菌株的1.28倍、1.47倍和1.37倍。重组菌Bacillus subtilis 168-ΔdegS、Bacillus subtilis 168-ΔdegQ、Bacillus subtilis 168-ΔdegU的胞外聚谷氨酸含量分别是原始菌株的1.01倍、0.98倍和0.94倍。在静态培养时,BS168-ΔdegU不能形成完整的生物膜,Bacillus subtilis 168-ΔdegS、Bacillus subtilis 168-ΔdegQ、Bacillus subtilis 168-swrA、Bacillus subtilis 168-rocA和Bacillus subtilis 168-putM菌株的生物膜形成量分别是原始菌株的1.48倍、1.31倍、1.77倍、2.59倍和2.16倍,且胞外蛋白含量与生物膜的形成量呈正相关。【结论】degS、degQ和degU基因的缺失不会明显影响聚谷氨酸的合成,swrA、rocA和putM基因的过表达均能显著提升细胞合成聚谷氨酸的能力,rocA和putM基因的表达量增强能提高胞内谷氨酸的积累,从而增加聚谷氨酸的合成。  相似文献   

Summary Six streptomycin-dependent mutants of Bacillus subtilis, two of which were asporogenous, were isolated. All six mutants, SD1, SD2, SD6, SD7, SD9 and SD10, contained a single mutation causing streptomycin dependence and asporogeny, but four of these mutants (SD6, SD7, SD9, SD10) contained a second mutation which phenotypically suppressed the asporogenous character of the streptomycin dependence mutation. All six mutants grew more slowly than the wild type strain BR151, but those defective in sporulation grew the slowest. The streptomycin dependence mutations of SD9 and SD10B (a sporeplus transformant from SD10 carrying both the dependence mutation and the phenotypic suppressor) lie near or possibly within the strA locus. Ribosomes from SD9, SD10A (a spore-minus transformant from SD10 carrying only the dependence mutation), and SD10B were stimulated in vitro by concentrations of streptomycin that inhibit the activity of wild type strain BR151 ribosomes. The level of misreading as measured by poly(U)-directed isoleucine incorporation was greatly enhanced by streptomycin in wild type strain BR151 ribosomes, but misreading of mutant SD9, SD10A, and SD10B ribosomes, irrespective of the sporulation phenotype, was little affected by streptomycin. There were no apparent differences in the patterns obtained by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the 70S ribosomal proteins of the mutants SD9, SD10A, SD10B, and wild type strain BS151.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty nine uvr mutations of Bacillus subtilis Marburg have been classified into two groups by mutual transformation crosses. One, uvrA, contained 20 mutations and involved uvrAl which had been isolated by Reiter and Strauss (1965) and linked to the hisA gene by Hoch and Anagnostopoulos (1970). Another group, uvrB, contained 9 mutations and the linkage relationship has been established as argA-polA-uvrB-leu-pheA. Both of them seemed to govern the incision reaction upon DNA containing pyrimidine dimers or spore photoproducts. It thus seems that in B. subtilis, as in Escherichia coli, the process of excision repair is controlled by the products of two or more genes not closely linked in the chromosome.  相似文献   

Recent work on cell division and chromosome orientation and partitioning in Bacillus subtilis has provided insights into cell cycle regulation during growth and development. The cell cycle is an integral part of development and entrance into sporulation is modulated by signals that transmit the status of DNA integrity, chromosome replication and segregation. In addition, B. subtilis modifies cell division and DNA segregation to establish cell-type-specific gene expression during sporulation.  相似文献   

A Bacillus amyloliquefaciens neutral protease gene was cloned and expressed in Bacillus subtilis.The chromosomal DNA of B. amyloliquefaciens strain F was partially digested with restriction endonuclease Sau3AI, and 2 to 9 kb fragments isolated were ligated into the BamHI site of plasmid pUB110. Then, B. subtilis strain 1A289 was transformed with the hybrid plasmids by the method of protoplast transformation and kanamycin-resistant transformants were screened for the formation of large halo on a casein plate. A transformant that produced a large amount of an extracellular neutral protease harbored a plasmid, designated as pNP150, which contained a 1.7 kb insert.The secreted neutral protease of the transformant was found to be indistinguishable from that of DNA donor strain B. amyloliquefaciens by double immunodiffusion test and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The amount of the neutral protease activity excreted into culture medium by the B. subtilis transformed with pNP150 was about 50-fold higher than that secreted by B. amyloliquefaciens. The production of the neutral protease in the transformant was partially repressed by addition of glucose to the medium.  相似文献   

Summary The relative yield (N m/N) of fluorescent mutants Ind- after the transformation of Bacillus subtilis cells by means of UV-irradiated DNA is much higher in an uvr - recipient than in an uvr + strain, when compared at equal fluence, but practically identical at equal survival. Ind- mutations are induced by UV-irradiation of separated single strands of transforming DNA. The H-strand is much more sensitive to the mutagenic action of UV light. Preliminary irradiation of competent recipient cells by moderate UV fluences increases the survival of UV-or -irradiated transforming DNA (W-reactivation) and the frequency of Ind- mutations (W-mutagenesis). During transfection of B. subtilis cells by UV-irradiated prophage DNA isolated from lysogenic cells B. subtilis (Ø105 c +) c-mutants of the phage are obtained in high yield only in conditions of W-mutagenesis, i.e. in UV-irradiated recipient cells. These data show that there is no substantial spontaneous induction of error-prone SOS-repair system in the competent cells of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

【目的】从基因水平探究枯草芽孢杆菌渗透压调节因子L-脯氨酸合成途径中glnA、proB、proA基因的功能,通过分子改造实现对代谢途径的人工扰动。【方法】从枯草芽孢杆菌WB600出发,通过向胞内引入一系列基因敲除或过表达,分别构建了proB和proA基因过表达的重组菌WB601和WB602、glnA基因缺失的重组菌WB603以及在此基础之上过表达proB基因的重组菌WB604。借助菌株胞外和胞内游离脯氨酸积累的表型分析影响途径的关键节点。【结果】在非胁迫条件下,重组菌WB601和WB602胞外脯氨酸含量分别是原始菌的2.21倍和2.82倍,单位细胞胞外脯氨酸得率分别是原始菌的4.09倍和9.80倍,胞内游离脯氨酸含量分别是原始菌的1.91倍和3.34倍;重组菌WB603胞外脯氨酸含量上升至1221.43 mg/L,是原始菌的6.28倍,单位细胞胞外和胞内游离脯氨酸得率分别为原始菌的9.13倍和3.66倍;而重组菌WB604胞外脯氨酸含量最高达1391.65 mg/L,相比菌株WB603,其胞外脯氨酸含量及单位细胞得率分别提高了13.94%和14.10%,且胞内游离脯氨酸含量提高了32.60%。在5%Na Cl胁迫条件下,重组菌WB601和WB602的胞外脯氨酸含量分别是原始菌的1.94倍和1.54倍,单位细胞胞外脯氨酸得率分别是原始菌的2.15倍和2.19倍;重组菌WB603胞外脯氨酸含量及其单位细胞得率分别是原始菌的4.16倍和7.29倍;相同条件下,相比于重组菌WB603,重组菌WB604的胞外脯氨酸含量及其单位细胞得率分别提高了32.61%和5.54%。此外,实验组菌株的胞内游离脯氨酸含量均高于非胁迫时,并达到相对平衡状态。【结论】proB和proA基因的过表达均能显著提升细胞合成脯氨酸的能力,并且能增强细胞的耐盐性;glnA基因的缺失能增强脯氨酸合成途径,提高脯氨酸的积累;两种效应的正向叠加可进一步提升细胞脯氨酸合成能力。  相似文献   

Summary Addition of spermidine in millimolar concentrations to Bacillus subtilis cells during competence development increases transformability. The spermidine must be added at least 30 min before DNA for maximum stimulation. An incubation period of about 30 minutes is also required for the maximum uptake of labeled spermidine. The amount of DNA initially attached and the rate of DNA uptake are increased to the same extent as transformation. The rate of protein synthesis is also equivalently increased. These observations are consistent with an increase in the number of competent cells in the cell population; this increase is mediated by a spermidine-stimulated protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Guanyl-specific ribonucleases from Bacillus intermedius and Bacillus pumilus are actively secreted under phosphate starvation by recombinant strains of Bacillus subtilis with native regulatory systems and by strains defective in some proteins of the Spo0A phosphorylation pathway. The level of expression of ribonuclease genes has been shown to increase approximately sixfold in recombinant strains with mutation in the spo0A gene and threefold in the spo0A/abrB mutants, as compared with native strains. These results demonstrate that the Spo0A protein regulates the production of ribonucleases and thus acts as a repressor, while the AbrB protein is an activator of expression of the genes encoding ribonucleases from Bacillus intermedius and Bacillus pumilus in Bacillus subtilis cells. Original Russian Text ? V.V. Ul’yanova, V.I. Vershinina, M.A. Kharitonova, M.R. Sharipova, 2007, published in Mikrobiologiya, 2007, Vol. 76, No. 5, pp. 639–644.  相似文献   

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