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Functional and structural changes that occurred in the small intestine and liver of rabbits with alimentary hypercholesterolemia have been studied. Maximal rise of peripheral blood cholesterol after a single exposure to cholesterol was coupled with an increased penetration of chylomicrons and low and very low density lipoproteins from the intestine to the circulation. The decrease of cholesterol excretion along the whole length of the small intestine was accompanied by activation of the release of high density lipoproteins into the blood outflowing from the intestine. The decay of chylomicrons in the liver was restricted during the first days of hypercholesterolemia. Cholesterol concentration in the bile was decreased. The microvessels of the small intestine demonstrated the dilatation of the postcapillary-venular component erythrocyte aggregates and capillarostases.  相似文献   

In this study, the histopathological and histochemical changes due to chronic usage of morphine sulphate in liver were assessed in rats with both light and electron microscopes. Twenty male albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) (130-150 g) were included and divided into four groups. Normal saline (5 ml) was given orally as placebo in the control group (N = 5). Morphine groups (N = 5) received morphine orally at a single dose of 5 ml/kg/day for 10, 20 and 30 days (groups II, III and IV), respectively. Liver specimens from all groups were evaluated for histopathological and histochemical changes. Light microscopy revealed severe centrilobular congestion, portal fibrosis with bile ductal proliferation and an increased inflammatory infiltration and focal parenchymal necrosis. Histochemical study revealed a progressive depletion of general carbohydrates and an increase in total protein contents. These changes were confirmed at ultrastructural level, including the presence of accumulated lipid in the hepatocytes; deposits of a collagen-like fibrous material were seen in the space of Disse and a reduction in the number of endothelial cell fenestrations. Our findings pointed out the risk of increased lipid fibrosis and hepatic damage due to long-term use of morphine. Although opioids are reported to be effective in pain management, their toxic effects should be kept in mind during chronic usage.  相似文献   

In 33 puppies 2-4 months of age the model of a congenital heart disease was made as coarctation of the aorta. In 6-12 months 18 animals were taken to study, and in 15 animals the coarctation was removed. The latter animals were observed for other 6-12 months. The hearts of both groups were separately weighed, and the vessels of the coronary system were studied by means of a complex of histological and morphometric methods. Simultaneously, the number of smooth muscle cells, as well as the area and volume of their nuclei in media of small coronary arteries were estimated. At the experimental coarctation of the aorta certain hypertrophic-hyperplastic changes in coronary arteries at all branching levels take place. They are of a compensatory-adaptive character and reflect certain reactions of the vascular wall to an increased coronary hemodynamics under conditions of hyperfunction and hypertrophy of the cardiac muscle. Surgical removal of the coarctation is accompanied with a reduce of the hemodynamic loading of the heart, diminished degree of hypertrophy of the organ and a marked decrease of the hypertrophic-hyperplastic changes in its vessels. At the same time, the cardiac vascular system is adapting to the new conditions of circulation: rearrangement of some coronary arteries and arterioles according to the closed type and reduction of circulation in the vascular branches which have lost their importance in feeding the myocardium.  相似文献   

Changes in the structure of the artery wall commence shortly after exposure to cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypercholesterolemia (HC), but may be difficult to detect. The ability to study vascular wall structure could be helpful in evaluation of the factors that instigate atherosclerosis and its pathomechanisms. The present study tested the hypothesis that early morphological changes in coronary arteries of hypercholesterolemic (HC) pigs can be detected using the novel X-ray contrast agent OsO(4) and three-dimensional micro-computed tomography (CT). Two groups of pigs were studied after they were fed a normal or an HC (2% cholesterol) diet for 12 wk. Hearts were harvested, coronary arteries were injected with 1% OsO(4) solution, and cardiac samples (6-mum-thick) were scanned by micro-CT. Layers of the epicardial coronary artery wall, early lesions, and perivascular OsO(4) accumulation were determined. Leakage of OsO(4) from myocardial microvessels was used to assess vascular permeability, which was correlated with immunoreactivity of vascular endothelial growth factor in corresponding histological cross sections. OsO(4) enhanced the visualization of coronary artery wall layers and facilitated detection of early lesions in HC in longitudinal tomographic sections of vascular segments. Increased density of perivascular OsO(4) in HC was correlated with increased vascular endothelial growth factor expression and suggested increased microvascular permeability. The use of OsO(4) as a contrast agent in micro-CT allows three-dimensional visualization of coronary artery wall structure, early lesion formation, and changes in vascular permeability. Therefore, this technique can be a useful tool in atherosclerosis research.  相似文献   

To evaluate the immunogenicity of inactivated SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV), three groups of rabbits were immunized three times at 2-week intervals with inactivated vaccine + adjuvant, adjuvant, and normal saline respectively. Eight batchs of serum were sampled from the auricular vein at day 7 to day 51, and specific IgG antibody titers and neutralizing antibody titers were detected by indirect ELISA and micro-cytopathic effect neutralizing test. Antibody specificity was identified by proteinchip assay. Histopathological changes were detected by H&E staining. The results showed that, rabbits in the experimental group immunized with inactivated SARS-CoV all generated specific IgG antibodies with neutralizing activity, which suggested the inactivated SARS-CoV could preserve its antigenicity well and elicit an effective humoral immune responses. The peak titer value of specific IgG antibody and neutralizing antibody reached 1:40960 and 1:2560 respectively. In the experimental group, no obvious histopathological changes was detected in the H&E stained slides of heart, spleen, kidney and testis samples, but the livers had slight histopathological changes, and the lungs presented remarkable histopathological changes. These findings are of importance for SARS-CoV inactivated vaccine development. Foundation item: Joint funds of National Natural Science Foundation of China (U0632010); Program of Guangdong Provincial Key Lab of Bioengineering Medicine (51207026).  相似文献   

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