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Loss of seed viability in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) duringstorage is associated with an increase in the frequency of cellsin the surviving seeds showing chromosome damage during firstmitoses. The relation is linear when probit of the frequencyof aberrant cells is plotted as a function of probit percentagenormal germination. The slope of the relation, however, variesaccording to moisture content so that the proportion of aberrantcells for any given loss of germination increases with decreasein moisture content over the range 13.0–5.5 per cent.At 3.3 per cent moisture content, however, the proportion ofaberrations was no greater than at 5.5 per cent moisture content;and at 18.1 per cent moisture content the proportion was noless than at 13.0 per cent moisture content. Despite these differences,the increase in chromosomal aberrations per unit time for agiven temperature was always less the lower the moisture content.Diplontic selection markedly reduced the frequency of chromosomalaberrations and eliminated the differences in these frequenciesbetween the different storage treatments. But even after fiveweeks' growth, root tips from aged seed still contained abouttwice as many aberrant cells as compared with similar root tipsderived from the original seed stock. Studies on the frequencyof recessive mutations indicated that excessive amounts of heritablemutations were not present in the progenies of aged seed, evenwhen stored at moisture contents as low as 5.5 per cent. Allthis and other evidence reinforces the view that orthodox seedsfor genetic conservation should be stored at not more than about5 per cent moisture content, and that even lower moisture contentsare worth considering. The results also emphasise the need formaintaining a high regeneration standard, i.e. the percentageto which seed viability is allowed to fall during storage beforethe seed stock is regenerated. Lactuca sativa, lettuce, seed storage, seed viability, chromosomal aberrations, phenotypic mutations  相似文献   

Previous work on chlorophyll-deficiency mutations in pea andbarley has shown that a significant increase in mutations isinduced by storing seeds under various conditions which leadto losses of viability to about 50 per cent. The work here showsthat a detectable increase in mutation frequency is also associatedwith much smaller losses of viability. Pea seeds were storedat 35 °C and 16.5 per cent moisture content for 40 and 57d when viability fell from 99 to 93 and 82 per cent, respectively.At the same time mutation frequency (percentage of seeds containingrecessive point mutations) increased from 1.62 per cent in thecontrol treatment to about 3 to 4 per cent. Barley seeds at15.5 per cent moisture content were stored at 50 °C for42 and 54 h, and at 35 °C for 28 and 39 d. During theseageing treatments viability fell from 98 to 75, 26, 93 and 48per cent respectively and the mutation frequency increased fromzero to between about 0.3 to 0.9 per cent. In both species theinduction of mutation by ageing treatments was significant butthe differences between the various ageing treatments were not.It is concluded that there is probably no safe threshold lossof viability which completely avoids mutation, and these resultssupport the view that for genetic conservation seeds shouldbe stored under conditions which minimise loss of viability. Pisum sativum L., pea, Hordeum distichum L., barley, mutation frequency, seed storage, seed viability  相似文献   

TOMPSETT  P. B. 《Annals of botany》1986,57(6):875-883
Seeds of the Smooth-leafed Elm (Uimus carpinifolia) and of thetropical forest tree Terb (Terminalia brassii) were stored hermeticallyand sampled at intervals for periods of up to two years. Bothspecies possess ‘orthodox’ seed (increasing longevityis observed as either moisture content or temperature are reduced)within the temperature ranges from — 13 to 52°C (Elm)and from —4 to 42°C (Terb) and within the moisturecontent ranges from 3 to 19 per cent (Elm) and from 5 to 14per cent (Terb) on a fresh weight basis. Elm seed stored at—75°C showed the expected relationship between longevityand moisture content, but did not differ significantly in longevityfrom seed kept at — 13°C when moisture contents wereheld constant. Probit analysis of the relationship between germinationpercentage and time was performed for each storage environment,yielding a slope from which the standard deviation of the distributionof seed deaths over time () was calculated. Standard deviationvalues were used in turn to determine the values of constantsin a viability equation which had previously been applied toseed of barley, chickpea, cowpea and soybean. The equation,which gave a good fit to the results obtained, can be used topredict viability for seed in storage over a wide range of environmentalconditions. Some limitations to the applicability of the viability equationwere defined. At 22 per cent and higher moisture contents Elmseed survived longer than predicted. Furthermore, all Elm andTerb seed was killed quickly on placing in —75°C at22 and 20 per cent moisture content respectively, but high viabilitywas retained for several days at 19 and 17 per cent respectively.Practical implications of the results are discussed. Uimus carpinifolia Gleditsch, Smooth-leafed Elm, Terminalia brassii Exell, Terb, seed longevity, seed storage, moisture content, temperature  相似文献   

TOMPSETT  P. B. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(5):693-704
Seeds of Araucaria hunsteinii K. Schum. dried quicker at 29°Cthan at 19°C and quicker with the seed-coat removed thanwhen intact; seeds enclosed in polyethylene bags increased inmoisture content. At 15°C, seeds in a flow of air driedquicker than seeds in a box with silica gel, which in turn driedquicker than seeds in a box with no desiccant. No loss of germinationability occurred on drying fresh seed from 53 to about 32 percent moisture content (fresh weight basis); during further desiccationthe percentage germination was related to percentage moisturecontent in the form of a sigmoid curve, culminating in a completefailure to germinate at approximately 14 per cent moisture content.A consistent relationship was observed for all treatments andthe mean critical moisture content for seed death (failure togerminate) was near 23 per cent. Excised embryos grew on 1 percent agar but died if previously subjected to 14 h of desiccationat 15°C. In contrast, no relationship was found between germination andmoisture content of A. cunninghamii D. Don on desiccation from21 to 7 per cent moisture content. Possible causes for the observeddifference in response to desiccation are discussed and methodsfor seed storage are considered. Araucaria hunsteinii, Klinkii pine, Araucaria cunninghamii, Hoop pine, desiccation, seed longevity, storage of seeds  相似文献   

The Dry Storage of Citrus Seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The survival of seeds of lemon (Citrus limon L.), lime [C. arantifolia(Christm.) Swing.] and sour orange (C. aurantium L.) was examinedunder a wide range of constant moisture contents and temperatures.Seed longevity was increased by decreasing the moisture contentand temperature of the storage environment. Maximum viabilitywas maintained in the combination of storage conditions includingthe lowest moisture content (5 per cent) and lowest temperature(–20 °C) investigated. The practicality of dry storageof citrus seed for genetic conservation is discussed. Citrus limon L., lemon, Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.), Swing, lime, Citrus aurantium L., sour orange, dry storage, moisture content, temperature, seed viability, seed longevity  相似文献   

Seeds of Hancornia speciosa germinated best at a temperatureof 20–30 °C. The viability of the seeds during storagewas short and the best storage conditions for viability entailedkeeping the seeds in polyethylene bags. Seed viability was maintainedonly when the seeds were stored at a moisture content above30%; storage conditions which allowed dehydration resulted ina rapid loss of viability (the seeds showed recalcitrant behaviour). Low temperature during storage did not improve longevity. Arelationship between germination and moisture content was established,but when the moisture content fell below 25% there was a drasticreduction of germination. After 9 weeks of storage, even athigh moisture content, seeds lost viability. Loss of seed viability during seed dehydration was associatedwith increased leakage of electrolytes and organic solutes,and reduced tetrazolium staining during subsequent imbibition. Hancornia speciosa, germination, recalcitrant seeds, storage, moisture  相似文献   

Over 50 per cent germination has been obtained from Elaeis guineensisform pisifera seeds stored in unaerated sterile distilled waterfor 6 months. The moisture levels of the seeds and excised embryoswere of the same order (20–30 and 60–70 per cent,respectively) as those of fully imbibed fresh seeds. The implicationsof an apparent lower oxygen requirement by seeds stored underwater as against germinating seeds are discussed in the contextof the successful storage. Elaeis guineensis, pisifera, germination, seed dormancy, embryo  相似文献   

KRAAK  H. L.; VOS  J. 《Annals of botany》1987,59(3):343-349
Seeds of two lettuce cultivars (Lactuca sativa L., cv. Meikoninginand cv. Grand Rapids) were hermetically stored with constantmoisture contents ranging between 3.6 and 17.9 per cent (freshweight basis) at constant temperatures ranging between 5 and75 °C. The decline with time in percentage germination andpercentage normal seedlings was determined for each storagetreatment. The data were fitted to an equation which containsthe constants: K1, the probit of the initial percentage germinationor normal seedlings; KE, a species constant; CW, the constantof a logarithmic moisture term; CH, the constant of a lineartemperature term and CQ, the constant of a quadratic temperatureterm. Regression analysis of data from storage periods up to5.5 years at temperatures of 5–75 °C and seed moisturecontents of 3.6–13.6 per cent yielded the following values:KE= 8.218, CW=4.797±0.163, CH=0.0489±0.0050 andCQ=0.000365±0.000056. Although this equation consistentlyprovided a better fit, simplified equations, assuming eithera log-linear relationship between seed longevity and temperature,or a log-linear relationship between seed longevity and bothmoisture content and temperature, accounted for more than 94per cent of the variation at the restricted temperature rangeof 5–40 °C. Longevity of the same seed lots at sub-zero temperatures (–5,–10 and –20 °C) was studied in separate tests.Freezing damage, resulting in abnormal seedlings in the germinationtest, occurred at –20 °C when the moisture contentof the seeds exceeded 12 per cent. No decline in percentagenormal seedlings was observed after a storage period of 18 monthsor longer at –20 °C, provided the seed moisture contentdid not exceed 9.5 per cent. For seeds stored at –5 and–10 °C with 9.6–12.5 per cent moisture content,the observed rate of decline of percentage normal seedlingswas adequately predicted by the viability equation, using theabove values for the constants. This suggests that for low moisturecontents the viability equation can be applied to estimate longevityat sub-zero temperatures. Lettuce, Lactuca sativa (L.), seed longevity, seed storage, viability constants, storage conditions  相似文献   

In previous work, we demonstrated that there was an optimummoisture level for seed storage at a given temperature (Vertucciand Roos, 1990), and suggested, using thermodynamic considerations,that the optimum moisture content increased as the storage temperaturedecreased (Vertucci and Roos, 1993b). In this paper, we presentdata from a two year study of aging rates in pea (Pisum sativum)seeds supporting the hypothesis that the optimum moisture contentfor storage varies with temperature. Seed viability and vigourwere monitored during storage under dark or lighted conditionsat relative humidities between 1 and 90%, and temperatures between-5 and 65°C. The optimum moisture content varied from 0·015g H2O g-1 d.wt at 65°C to 0·101 g H2O g-1 d.wt at15°C under dark conditions and from 0·057 at 35°Cto 0·092 g H2O g-1 d.wt at -5°C under lighted conditions.Our results suggest that optimum moisture contents cannot beconsidered independently of temperature. This conclusion hasimportant implications for 'ultra-dry' and cryopreservationtechnologies.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Seed storage, seed aging, seed longevity, water content, temperature, glass, desiccation damage, ultradry, Pisum sativum L., pea, cryopreservation  相似文献   

HYDE  E. O. C. 《Annals of botany》1954,18(2):241-256
In seeds of Trifolium repens, T. pratense, and Lupinus arboreus,the hilum is a hygroscopically activated valve in the impermeableepidermis of the testa. When relative humidity was low the fissurein the hilum opened permitting the seed to dry out; when therelative humidity was high the fissure closed obstructing theabsorption of moisture. During seed-ripening the moisture contentfell readily to approximately 25 per cent., and thereafter moreslowly until the epidermis became impermeable at approximately14 per cent, moisture content. Further drying of the seed tookplace only by diffusion of water vapour through the hilum. ‘Hard’seeds tended to have a moisture content in equilibrium withthe lowest relative humidity to which they had been exposed.They absorbed moisture under conditions of gradually increasingrelative humidity such that the hilar fissure remained open.The duration of the impermeable condition increased with thedegree of desiccation brought about by loss of water throughthe hilum.  相似文献   

The moisture content of newly germinated cabbage seed (radicles1 05 mm long) was reduced to 14% of f.wt without loss of viability.As the moisture content was reduced below 45%, the temperatureat which the germinated seeds froze, and therefore died, decreasedprogressively to a minimum of –34 C at 19% moisture content.No freezing exotherms were recorded in seeds with moisture contentsbelow 19%. Seeds with a moisture content between 14 and 16%maintained viability for at least 1 week when cooled at 26C.min–1to –20 C and held at this temperature, indicating thepotential for prolonged storage of these low-moisture-contentgerminated (LMCG) seeds. Brassica oleracea, cabbage, germinated seed, seed storage, fluid drilling, freezing exotherm, thermal analysis  相似文献   

Lettuce seeds were stored under aerobic conditions at varioustemperatures from 20 ?C to 35 ?C, under anaerobic conditionsat 35 ?C, and at various moisture contents ranging from 17%to 44%, controlled osmotically by polyethyleneglycol. Survivalof these seeds was compared with others maintained over a similarrange of temperatures and moisture contents but in which themoisture contents were controlled by hermetic storage. Irrespectiveof the method of controlling moisture content, under anaerobicconditions the trend (shown previously in drier seeds) of decreasein longevity with increase in hydration continued up to about27% moisture content, but above this value there was no furtherchange in longevity. In contrast, under aerobic conditions longevityincreased exponentially up to 44% moisture content, this increasestarting at about 15% moisture content at 20 ?C and at about24% at 35 ?C. Under all circumstances longevity was less athigher temperatures. On a water substrate, thermodormant seeds showed a rapid increasein rate of oxygen uptake, followed by a rapid decline, and thena slower decline to a steady state. Similar phases were shownin seeds of various moisture contents controlled osmoticallydown to 17%, although the corresponding rates were lower withdecrease in moisture content and temperature, and the phaseswere extended at lower temperatures. The implications of these results are discussed in relationto the conditions needed to sustain sub-cellular repair andturnover as postulated by Villiers. Key words: Lettuce, Lactuca sativa L, Seed viability, Seed storage, Respiration  相似文献   

Biochemical properties, i.e. endogenous abscisic acid, proline,sugars, respiration, adenosine phosphates and adenylate energycharge, and growth and moisture content were measured duringthe development of seeds of Machilus thunbergii. As dry matteraccumulated in the embryo during development, moisture content,ABA, proline, respiration and sugars all declined. At maturity,the dry mass of the seeds failed to attain a plateau beforethe period of natural seed shedding; the axis and cotyledonsreached moisture contents of 58 and 45%, respectively. Dryingof immature seeds at 73% relative humidity and 25 °C for30 d resulted in a complete loss of viability at all developmentalstages tested with the exception of mature seeds that were ableto tolerate a 5% decrease in moisture content before germinationdeclined. ABA was detected in all embryos tested, with a maximum value16.·16 µg g-1 d. wt about midway through development.Although the presence of ABA induced no tolerance to desiccationof mature seeds, it did coincide with decreased content of waterin the developing seeds and decreased respiration. Desiccationdamage of M. thunbergii seeds occurred when moisture contentwas still high (45%) and this damage was not related to theabsence of oligosaccharides in the mature seeds. We concludethat developing embryos and mature seeds of M. thunbergii haveproperties common to many recalcitrant seeds, with seeds beingsensitive to desiccation at all stages, having a prominent ABApeak, little proline, lacking oligosaccharides, and specifically,little dormancy and a moderate rate of respiration of matureseeds (0·9 µmol O2 min-1 g-1 f. wt). Adenosinetriphosphate content and energy charge decreased from stagefour to stage eight of seed development, then increased againto 103 nmol g-1 d. wt and 0·73, respectively, in matureseeds. The moderate energy charge observed in mature seeds indicatesthat continuous metabolism is also a characteristic of recalcitrantseeds.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Machilus thunbergii, seed development, recalcitrant seed, abscisic acid, energy charge  相似文献   

TOMPSETT  P. B. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(2):229-237
The effect of various gas mixtures on the longevity of hydratedseeds of Araucaria hunsteinii K. Schum. was assessed under controlledconditions. The length of storage life decreased as oxygen concentrationwas reduced from 21 to zero per cent. No effect of carbon dioxideon seed longevity was detected within the range 1–50 percent when combined with 10 or 21 per cent oxygen. Ethylene at0.01 per cent, and sealed foil or polyethylene bag storage reducedthe period of seed germinability compared with that for 21 percent oxygen. Ethanol accumulation took place in stored seedswhen the environmental oxygen concentration was below a thresholdvalue which lay between 1 and 5 per cent. It is proposed that the observed effects of gases on longevityof hydrated seeds may be mediated through an influence on aerobicrespiration rate. Practical implications of the results areconsidered. Araucaria hunsteinii, Klinkii pine, seed longevity, seed storage, gas environments, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethanol accumulation  相似文献   

A 2 h soaking treatment in distilled water, or in aqueous solutionsof cysteine, potassium iodide, or sodium thiosulphate, had nosignificant effect (P > 0.25) on the subsequent longevityof lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) in two different storageenvironments. Neither did these treatments influence relationsbetween loss in germination and the frequency of chromosomalaberrations observed during first mitoses after storage. Incontrast partial hydration of lettuce seeds after storage byexposure to moist air (humidification) or to an osmoticum (priming)reversed some of the damage which resulted from ageing. Mostof the benefits occurred during the first 3 d of humidificationduring which seed moisture content rose to 34 per cent, or duringthe first 7 d of priming when seed moisture content increasedto 44 per cent. Both post-storage hydration treatments reducedthe frequency of chromosomal aberrations, increased the rateof root growth, and decreased the frequency of morphologicallyabnormal seedlings. Either treatment could be of practical use,but it is suggested that humidification is more convenient.Consideration should be given to adopting a humidification treatmentas standard practice following long-term seed storage for geneticconservation. Lactuca sativa, lettuce, seed storage, seed viability, chemical pre-treatment, seed longevity, seed humidification (conditioning), seed priming, chromosome repair, seedling abnormalities  相似文献   

‘Physiological maturity’, i.e. the time when seedsreach their maximum dry weight during development, occurredwhen maturation drying on the parent plant in the field hadreduced seed moisture content to approximately 60 per cent infaba bean (Vicia faba L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.), chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.), white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), soya bean(Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) The onsetof desiccation-tolerance, i.e. the ability of seeds to germinatefollowing harvest and rapid artificial drying, coincided withphysiological maturity, except in pea where it occurred a littleearlier at about 70 per cent moisture content. Maximum seedquality as determined by maximum viability, minimum seedlingabnormalities and maximum seedling size occurred in pea, chickpeaand lupin when seeds were harvested for rapid drying at physiologicalmaturity; but for maximum seed quality in the other speciesmaturation drying had to proceed further - to about 45 per centmoisture content in soya bean and to about 30 per cent moisturecontent in lentil and faba bean seed crops. Much of this variationamongst the six species, however, was due to differences inthe variation in maturity within each seed crop. Results forindividual pods showed that peak maturity, i.e. maximum seedquality following harvest and rapid artificial drying, was achievedin all six species once maturation drying had reduced the moisturecontent of the seeds to 45–50 per cent. In pea, faba beanand soya bean there was a substantial decline in viability andan increase in seedling abnormalities when harvest was delayedbeyond the optimal moisture content for harvest.  相似文献   

The relationship between seed moisture content and seed longevityin sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in hermetic storage at 50 °Cis logarithmic. The logarithmic relationship is maintained from15 per cent down to 2 per cent – the lowest moisture contenttested — but above 15 per cent this ‘air-dry’relationship no longer holds since further increase in seedmoisture content does not reduce longevity. Tentative estimatesof constant values for the improved seed viability equationare provided, and implications for long-term storage are discussed. Sesame, Sesamum indicum L., seed storage, improved viability equation, seed moisture content, seed longevity prediction  相似文献   

Seeds of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and sunflower (Helianthusannuus L.) were stored hermetically at 35 °C with 11 differentmoisture contents between 1·3 and 6·9%, and between1·3 and 7·1% of fresh mass, respectively. Germinationand vigour (mean germination time, root length, seedling dryweight) were determined after storage for 0, 8, or 16 weeks(sunflower) or 0, 8, 16, or 48 weeks (lettuce) in these environmentsfollowed by various humidification treatments (to avoid imbibitioninjury). The range of seed storage moisture contents over whichdeterioration was minimized depended upon the criterion of deteriorationused, and varied somewhat between species. Comparison of theseranges for seeds stored for the longest durations showed thatfor some criteria seed performance was poorer (P < 0·05)at both the lowest and highest moisture contents investigatedthan at certain of the intermediate storage moisture contents(e.g, most rapid germination occurred in sunflower followingstorage at 2·2-4·7% moisture content), whereasfor other criteria all the drier storage moisture contents weresuperior to the more moist (e,g. greatest seedling growth occurredin sunflower following storage at 1·3-5·1% moisturecontent). But none of these results suggested that lettuce andsunflower seeds stored hermetically at 2·5-3·0%or 2·2-2·5% moisture content, respectively, wereless vigorous than at any other moisture content tested. Inboth species, these storage moisture contents are in equilibriumwith about 8-10% relative humidity (r.h.) at 20 °C, whichis similar to and indeed marginally less than the 10-13% r.h.recommended following earlier studies on the longevity of seedsin hermetic storage at much warmer temperatures. Thus, theseresults show no evidence that the optimum seed moisture contentfor storage increases with decrease in temperature, at leastover the range 35-65 °C, as has been suggested elsewhere.We conclude that the international recommendation for the long-termseed storage for genetic conservation at 5 ± 1% moisturecontent should not be revised upwardly, and that in situationswhere refrigeration cannot be provided storage at even lowermoisture contents is worthy of further investigation for thoseseeds in which desiccation at 20 °C to equilibrium at 10%r.h. results in moisture contents well below 5%.Copyright 1995,1999 Academic Press Helianthus annuus L., sunflower, Lactuca sativa L., lettuce, desiccation, seed storage, seed vigour  相似文献   

Soya Bean Seed Growth and Maturation In vitro without Pods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Immature Glycine max (L.) Merrill seeds, initially between 50and 450 mg f. wt, were grown and matured successfully in vitro.Excised seeds were floated in a liquid medium containing 5 percent sucrose, minerals and glutamine in flasks incubated at25 °C under 300 to 350 µE m–2 s–1 fluorescentlight. During 16 to 21 d in culture, seeds grew to a matured. wt of 100 to 600 mg per seed at an average rate of 5 to 25mg d. wt per seed d–1 depending on initial size. Growthrates were maximal during the first 8 to 10 d in vitro but declinedwith loss of green colour in the cotyledons. Seed coats rupturedwith rapid cotyledon expansion during the first 2 d in culture.Embryos were tolerant to desiccation and 80 to 90 per cent germinatedif removed from culture before complete loss of green colour.The growth of excised seeds in vitro exceeded the growth ofseeds in detached pods, but when windows were cut in pods topermit direct exposure of seeds to the medium, seed growth wascomparable. Glycine max (L.) Merrill, soya bean, seed culture, seed growth, seed maturation, germination  相似文献   

Effects of dehydration, storage temperature and humidificationon germination of Salix alba andS. matsudana seeds were studied.Newly released seeds showed 100% germination before and afterdehydration to 11–12% moisture content. Germination ofthe high vigour lot (100% initial normal germination) was notaffected by dehydration to 6.7% moisture content but germinationdecreased with further dehydration to 4.3%. The lower vigourlot (75% initial normal germination) was more susceptible todehydration and germination decreased following dehydrationto 6.7% moisture content. Dry seeds of both species survivedimmersion in liquid nitrogen without loss of viability. Thegermination of seeds stored with 9% moisture content decreasedto 35–40% in 5 months at -20°C or in 2 months at 5°C.However, at 25°C seeds entirely lost viability within 2weeks. Seeds showed improved performance when stored at -70°C> - 20°C > 5°C > 25°C and tolerated dehydrationto a moisture content in equilibrium with 15% relative humidity.Results suggest that they are orthodox in storage behaviouralthough they are short-lived. Humidification treatment of lowvigour seed lots resulted in a remarkable increase in germinationpercentage. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Salix alba, Salix matsudana, willow, seed storage behaviour, dehydration, humidification, cryopreservation  相似文献   

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