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Hydrolysis of intracellular cholesteryl ester (CE) is the rate-limiting step in the efflux of cholesterol from macrophage foam cells. In mouse peritoneal macrophages (MPMs), this process is thought to involve several enzymes: hormone-sensitive lipase (Lipe), carboxylesterase 3 (Ces3), neutral CE hydrolase 1 (Nceh1). However, there is some disagreement over the relative contributions of these enzymes. To solve this problem, we first compared the abilities of several compounds to inhibit the hydrolysis of CE in cells overexpressing Lipe, Ces3, or Nceh1. Cells overexpressing Ces3 had negligible neutral CE hydrolase activity. We next examined the effects of these inhibitors on the hydrolysis of CE and subsequent cholesterol trafficking in MPMs. CE accumulation was increased by a selective inhibitor of Nceh1, paraoxon, and two nonselective inhibitors of Nceh1, (+)-AS115 and (−)-AS115, but not by two Lipe-selective inhibitors, orlistat and 76-0079. Paraoxon inhibited cholesterol efflux to apoA-I or HDL, while 76-0079 did not. These results suggest that Nceh1 plays a dominant role over Lipe in the hydrolysis of CE and subsequent cholesterol efflux in MPMs.  相似文献   

Rabbit polyclonal antibodies were raised against rat liver bile salt-independent neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase (CEH) and used for subcellular localization and immunological comparison with isoforms from other tissues. Antibodies exhibited a high degree of specificity for the liver CEH through all stages of purification and neutralized 70-80% of the activity of liver cytosolic CEH. They exhibited various levels of cross-reactivity with cytosolic proteins from other tissues, but reacted weakly with pancreatic and intestinal proteins and did not inhibit pancreatic CEH. Cytosol contained 78% of total cellular CEH activity and 75% of CEH immunoreactive protein. Washed microsomes contained 3% of CEH activity and 5% of CEH protein.  相似文献   

Rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells in culture were incubated with 0.04-500 M esterastin. Acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase (ACEH) and neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase (NCEH) activities were inhibited to a comparable degree, with 50% inhibition occurring in the range of 0.4 M esterastin. Cells incubated with cholesteryl oleyl ether showed 50% inhibition of NCEH at 5.0 M, but no inhibition of ACEH over a concentration range of 0.2-20 M. This relative specificity of cholesteryl oleyl ether for NCEH can be employed to study the relative roles of ACEH vs. NCEH in preventing cellular cholesteryl ester accumulation.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester laden foam cells in atherosclerotic lesions derive, in part, from macrophages. Mobilization of stored cholesteryl esters involves hydrolysis by a neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase. Incubation of intact P388D1 macrophages with dibutyryl cAMP in the presence of 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine resulted in a dose-dependent increase in neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase activity of up to 50% (ED50 = 0.1 mM). Incubation with prostaglandin E1 in the presence of 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine also increased neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase activity by about 50%. In cell-free preparation, cAMP-dependent protein kinase caused about a 2-fold activation of the neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase. Activation was blocked by protein kinase inhibitor. These data suggest that the P388D1 macrophage may be a useful model for studying the hormonal regulation of cholesteryl ester mobilization in macrophage-derived foam cells.  相似文献   

The characteristics of neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase activities found in the microsomal and cytosolic subcellular fractions of rat lactating mammary tissue were investigated. The enzymes were assayed using cholesteryl oleate dispersed as a mixed micelle with phosphatidylcholine and sodium taurocholate (molar ratio 1:4:2) as substrate. This method gave activities approx. 20-fold higher than those seen when cholesteryl oleate was added in ethanol. Addition of phosphatidylcholine and sodium taurocholate to the assays using the ethanol-dissolved substrate did not increase the activities observed. When the cholesteryl oleate was dispersed with phosphatidylcholine only (molar ratio, 1:4) the activity of the two neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolases was also decreased considerably compared to that found with mixed micelles. In this case, however, approx. 60% of the cytosolic, but only 10% of the microsomal activity, was restored by separate addition of sodium taurocholate. The activities of both the microsomal and the cytosolic neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolases were inhibited by MgCl2, and this inhibition was almost completely reversed by the addition of an equimolar concentration of ATP. At a fixed concentration of MgCl2 increasing concentrations of ATP increased the enzyme activities in a dose-dependent way. The activity of the microsomal, but not the cytosolic enzyme was enhanced by a cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and both activities were inhibited by alkaline phosphatase (bovine milk). These results provide evidence for the regulation of neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolases in the rat lactating mammary gland by mechanisms involving phosphorylation-dephosphorylation and therefore suggest that these enzymes may be under hormonal control.  相似文献   

This report describes a purification procedure for a cholesteryl ester hydrolase (CEH) from female rat liver microsomes, and some structural, immunological, kinetic, and regulatory properties of the enzyme that distinguish the microsomal CEH from other hepatic cholesteryl ester-splitting enzymes. CEH was purified 12.4-fold from reisolated microsomes using sequential solubilization by sonication, polyethylene glycol precipitation, fractionation with hydroxyapatite, anion exchange chromatography, and chromatography on hydroxyapatite, with an overall yield of 3.2%. CEH activity was purified 141-fold over nonspecific esterase activity and 56-fold over triacylglycerol lipase activity. In sharp contrast with most esterases and lipases, CEH did not bind to concanavalin A-Sepharose and heparin-Sepharose. After polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified enzyme exhibited two silver-stained bands, but only the protein electroeluted from the low mobility band had CEH activity. Affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies raised to electroeluted CEH inhibited 90% of the activity of liver microsomal CEH and reacted with a 106 kDa protein band on Western blot analysis. This 106 kDa CEH contains a unique N-terminal amino acid sequence. The purified enzyme had optimal activity at pH 6 and no taurocholate requirements, and was inhibited by the serine active site inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and by free sulfhydryl specific reagents. It hydrolyzed cholesteryl oleate much more efficiently than trioleine, and hydrolytic activity with p-nitrophenyl acetate was higher than with p-nitrophenyl butyrate. These results indicate that rat liver microsomes contain a bile salt-independent catalytic protein that is relatively specific for cholesteryl ester hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Cholesterol ester hydrolase (EC activity from the 104,000 X g supernatant of rat testis was fractionated into 28-kDa, 72-kDa, and 420-kDa molecular mass forms by high performance size exclusion chromatography. The 72-kDa and 420-kDa forms (temperature-labile) were completely inactivated by elevation of temperature from 32 to 37 degrees C. Apparent disaggregation of the 420-kDa form suggested that the 72-kDa and 420-kDa enzymes are monomeric and multimeric forms of the same enzyme. The 28-kDa form was shown to be a different enzyme (temperature-stable) which retained activity at 37 degrees C. In contrast, cholesteryl ester hydrolase activities from 104,000 X g supernatants of liver or adrenal gland were unaffected and increased 4-fold, respectively, by elevation of temperature from 32 to 37 degrees C. Both testicular enzymes exhibited pH optima at about 7.3, and were activated by sodium cholate at concentrations near the critical micellar concentration (0.03-0.07%), but inhibited by higher concentrations. The temperature-labile cholesteryl ester hydrolase exhibited a high specificity for cholesteryl esters of monoenoic fatty acids of 18-24 carbons, especially nervonate (24:1), whereas the temperature-stable cholesteryl ester hydrolase exhibited highest specificity for cholesteryl oleate and arachidonate. Neither enzyme hydrolyzed cholesteryl acetate, myristate, palmitate, linoleate, or docosahexaenoate . Both enzymes reached maximum rates of hydrolysis at 150 microM substrates, with each substrate and at both reaction temperatures. Substrate inhibition was observed at higher concentrations (200 microM). The temperature-labile cholesteryl ester hydrolase was induced 20-fold in hypophysectomized rats by injection of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and was localized in Sertoli cells, the target cells for FSH, but was not induced by luteinizing hormone. The temperature-stable cholesteryl ester hydrolase was induced by both FSH and LH and was found in both Sertoli cells and Leydig cells, the respective target cells for FSH and luteinizing hormone. Neither form of the enzyme was present at detectable levels in the germinal cells. The unique properties, localization, and hormonal regulation of both temperature-labile and temperature-stable cholesterol ester hydrolases suggest important roles for these enzymes in the testis.  相似文献   

Secretion of hepatic apoB lipoproteins removes excess triglyceride from the liver. However, the mechanism by which synthesis of apoB, which occurs on the rough endoplasmic reticulum, is coordinated with synthesis of triglyceride, which takes place in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, is not known. To examine this question, we have manipulated intracellular synthesis of triglyceride and cholesteryl ester in HepG2 cells and determined the impact of these maneuvers on apoB secretion. Since cholesteryl ester is the only major lipid class synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, our hypothesis was that, in response to a fatty acid challenge, synthesis of cholesteryl ester rather than synthesis of triglyceride would be the immediate trigger to apoB secretion. Oleate complexed to bovine serum albumin caused intracellular triglyceride synthesis to increase 6-fold and cholesteryl ester synthesis to increase almost 3-fold, while apoB secretion into the medium increased by 2.5-fold (P less than 0.0125) at all time points between 4 and 24 h. Addition of acylation stimulating protein to the medium further stimulated both triglyceride and cholesteryl ester synthesis (58% and 108%, respectively) above oleate alone and this resulted in a 50% increase in apoB secretion (P less than 0.0025). By contrast, both progesterone and 2-bromooctanoate inhibited triglyceride and cholesteryl ester synthesis and these effects were associated with reduced apoB secretion. Lovastatin inhibited cholesteryl ester synthesis (45%, P less than 0.0025); however, at the doses used, triglyceride formation was unaffected. Under these circumstances, apoB secretion was reduced by 25% (P less than 0.05). Similarly, 58-035 (an inhibitor of acyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase) on the one hand reduced cholesteryl ester synthesis markedly (59%, P less than 0.005), but on the other increased triglyceride synthesis though not statistically significantly (65%, P NS), and again this resulted in decreased apoB secretion (25%, P less than 0.005). Control experiments established that changes in low density lipoprotein catabolism did not contribute importantly to the quantity of apoB in the medium. Taken together, the data indicate that, at least in HepG2 cells, there are parallel changes in cholesteryl ester synthesis and apoB secretion and suggest that it is cholesteryl ester synthesis, not triglyceride synthesis, that is the immediate regulator of apoB secretion when these cells are exposed to an increased influx of fatty acids. However, alternative or additional regulatory mechanisms, such as, for example, a role for acylation of apoB, are not excluded by these studies.  相似文献   

Cholesterol exists within the hepatocyte as free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester. The proportion of intrahepatic cholesterol in the free or ester forms is governed in part by the rate of cholesteryl ester formation by acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) and cholesteryl ester hydrolysis by neutral cholesterol ester (CE) hydrolase. In other cell types both ACAT and CE hydrolase activities are regulated in response to changes in the need for cellular free cholesterol. In rats, we performed a variety of experimental manipulations in order to vary the need for hepatic free cholesterol and to examine what effect, if any, this had on the enzymes that govern cholesteryl ester metabolism. Administration of a 20-mg bolus of lipoprotein cholesterol or a diet supplemented with 2% cholesterol resulted in an increase in microsomal cholesteryl ester content with little change in microsomal free cholesterol. This was accomplished by an increase in cholesteryl esterification as measured by ACAT but no change in CE hydrolase activity. An increased need for hepatic free cholesterol was experimentally induced by intravenous bile salt infusion or cholestyramine (3%) added to the diet. ACAT activity was decreased with both experimental manipulations compared to controls, while CE hydrolase activity did not change. Microsomal cholesteryl ester content decreased significantly with little change in microsomal free cholesterol content. Addition of exogenous liposomal cholesterol to liver microsomes from cholestyramine-fed and control rats resulted in a 784 +/- 38% increase in ACAT activity. Nevertheless, the decrease in ACAT activity with cholestyramine feeding was maintained. These studies allowed us to conclude that changes in hepatic free cholesterol needs are met in part by regulation of the rate of cholesterol esterification by ACAT without a change in the rate of cholesteryl ester hydrolysis by CE hydrolase.  相似文献   

The effects of the substrate properties on the catalytic activity of lysosomal cholesteryl ester hydrolase from rat liver have been examined with three standard substrate types: vesicle, micelle and emulsion. The pH optimum of the enzyme coincided to 4.5--5.0 with the substrate types employed. The apparent Km values were 15.3, 14.3 and 7.3 microM for vesicle, micelle and emulsion substrates, respectively. In the systems used in this study reaction products, cholesterol and oleic acid, and the nonionic surfactant Tween 80 and Triton X-100 Had an inhibitory effect. The emulsifier phosphatidylcholine and the charged phospholipid phosphatidic acid stimulated the activity. The mixed micelle of sodium taurocholate and phosphatidylcholine was the most potent substrate vehicle. With dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles the enzyme showed maximal activity at the gel-liquid-crystalline transition temperature of the phospholipid. The possible physiological significance of the lysosomal cholesteryl ester hydrolase is discussed with special reference to the form of the substrate.  相似文献   

The nature of cytosolic factors which modulate the activity of rat liver phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) methyltransferase was investigated. The combined additions of cytosol, Mg X ATP, and NaF to incubations with rat liver microsomes produced a 1.6-fold activation of the methyltransferase at pH 9.2 and a 1.3-fold stimulation at pH 7.0. Nonhydrolyzable 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate could not substitute for ATP, although GTP could. The activation was time dependent, stable to reisolation of the microsomes by ultracentrifugation, and partially preventable by other cytosolic components. Despite these indications that PE methyltransferase might be a substrate for cytosolic protein kinases, cAMP and Ca2+-calmodulin exerted little influence on the activation reaction. Furthermore, microsomal PE methyltransferase activity was unaffected by purified preparations of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, and casein kinase II, nor was methyltransferase activity influenced by the purified catalytic subunits of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A. Cytosol also contained inhibitors of PE methyltransferase which could overcome the Mg X ATP X NaF-mediated activation of the enzyme, but were not affected by the thermostable phosphatase inhibitors 1 and 2. Part of this inhibitory activity (apparent molecular mass of 15 X 10(3) daltons) was insensitive to trypsin and chymotrypsin, stimulated by Mn2+, and partly inhibited by NaF. Therefore, regulation of methyltransferase by reversible phosphorylation, while still a tenable hypothesis, is apparently more complex than previously proposed.  相似文献   

The lysosomal enzyme responsible for cholesteryl ester hydrolysis, acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase, or acid lipase (E.C. plays an important role in cellular cholesterol metabolism. Loss of the activity of this enzyme in tissues of individuals with both Wolman disease and cholesteryl ester storage disease is believed to play a causal role in these conditions. The objectives of our studies were not only to directly compare and contrast the clinical features of Wolman disease and cholesteryl ester storage disease but also to determine the reasons(s) for the varied phenotype expression of acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase deficiency. Although both diseases manifest a type II hyperlipoproteinemic phenotype and hepatomegaly secondary to lipid accumulation, a more malignant clinical course with more significant hepatic and adrenal manifestations was observed in the patient with Wolman disease. However, the acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase activity in cultured fibroblasts in both diseases was virtually absent. In addition, fibroblasts from both Wolman disease and cholesteryl ester storage disease were able to utilize exogenously supplied enzyme, suggesting that neither disease was due to defective enzyme delivery by the mannose-6-phosphate receptor pathway. Coculture and cell fusion of fibroblasts from Wolman disease and cholesteryl ester storage disease subjects did not lead to correction of the enzyme deficiency, indicating that these disorders are allelic. However, the activities of the hepatic acid and neutral lipase in these two clinical variants were quite different. Hepatic acid lipase activity was only 4% normal in Wolman disease, but the activity was 23% normal in cholesteryl ester storage disease. The hepatic neutral lipase activity was normal in Wolman disease but increased more than twofold in cholesteryl ester storage disease. These combined results indicate that the clinical heterogeneity in acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase deficiency can be explained by a varied hepatic metabolic response to an allelic mutation.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester uptake by the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 was studied in vitro by using radiolabeled cholesteryl ester as a tracer. After the cells were incubated in a lipoprotein deficient condition, the rate of radio labeled cholesteryl ester uptake from low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was estimated to be some 25-times higher than that from high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL-cholesteryl ester uptake was suppressed by preincubation of the cells with LDL, but pretreatment of the cells with HDL did not show significant effect. HDL-cholesteryl ester uptake was only slightly suppressed by pretreatment of the cells with LDL, and there was no effect with HDL pretreatment. HDL-cholesteryl ester uptake was not affected either by the presence of LDL or human plasma lipid transfer protein alone in the medium under our experimental conditions. Lipid transfer protein enhanced the uptake of radiolabeled cholesteryl ester originating from HDL by the cells only in the presence of LDL. Thus, lipid transfer protein catalyzes a bypass to LDL for the uptake by HepG2 cells of cholesteryl ester molecules which originate in HDL, and this pathway is much more efficient than direct uptake of cholesteryl ester originating in HDL by these cells.  相似文献   

The removal from the blood and the uptake by the liver of injected very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) preparations that had been radiolabelled in their apoprotein and cholesteryl ester moieties was studied in lactating rats. Radiolabelled cholesteryl ester was removed from the blood and taken up by the liver more rapidly than sucrose-radiolabelled apoprotein. Near-maximum cholesteryl ester uptake by the liver occurred within 5 min of the injection of the VLDL. At this time, apoprotein B uptake by the liver was only about 25% of the maximum. Maximum uptake of the injected VLDL apoprotein B label was not achieved until at least 15 min after injection, by which time the total uptakes of cholesteryl ester and apoprotein B label were very similar. The results suggest that preferential uptake of the lipoprotein cholesteryl ester by the liver occurred before endocytosis of the entire lipoprotein complex. The fate of the injected VLDL cholesteryl ester after its uptake by the liver was also monitored. Radiolabel associated with the hepatic cholesteryl ester fraction fell steadily from its early maximum level, the rate of fall being faster and more extensive when the fatty acid, rather than the cholesterol, moiety of the ester was labelled. By 30 min after the injection of VLDL containing [3H]cholesteryl ester, over one-third of the injected label was already present as [3H]cholesterol in the liver. When VLDL containing cholesteryl [14C]oleate was injected, a substantial proportion (about 25%) of the injected radiolabelled fatty acid appeared in the hepatic triacylglycerol fraction within 60 min: very little was present in the plasma triacylglycerol fraction at this time.  相似文献   

The O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) is a unique nuclear and cytosolic glycosyltransferase that contains multiple tetratricopeptide repeats. We have begun to characterize the mechanisms regulating OGT using a combination of deletion analysis and kinetic studies. Here we show that the p110 subunit of the enzyme forms both homo- and heterotrimers that appear to have different binding affinities for UDP-GlcNAc. The multimerization domain of OGT lies within the tetratricopeptide repeat domain and is not necessary for activity. Kinetic analyses of the full-length trimer and the truncated monomer forms of OGT suggest that both forms function through a random bi-bi kinetic mechanism. Both the monomer and trimer have similar specific activities and similar K(m) values for peptide substrates. However, they differ in their binding affinities for UDP-GlcNAc, indicating that subunit interactions affect enzyme activity. The findings that recombinant OGT has three distinct K(m) values for UDP-GlcNAc and that UDP-GlcNAc concentrations modulates the affinity of OGT for peptides suggest that OGT is exquisitely regulated by the levels of UDP-GlcNAc within the nucleus and cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Lysosomal acid lipase was purified to near homogeneity in a yield of 25-30% from secretions of human fibroblasts grown on microcarriers in spinner culture. Ammonium chloride was added to the serum-free medium to stimulate production of extracellular enzyme and minimize modifications, including proteolytic processing and destruction of the mannose 6-phosphate recognition marker, that have been associated with packaging and maturation of acid hydrolases in lysosomes. Chromatography of secretions by decyl-agarose, hydroxylapatite, phenylboronate-agarose, and gel filtration resulted in greater than 1500-fold purification of the lipase, representing a 10,000-fold increase above the specific activity of intracellular enzyme. The apparent molecular weight of approximately 49,000, estimated for the lipase by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, was similar to that determined for the native enzyme by gel filtration (Mr approximately 47,000). By contrast, a smaller molecular weight (Mr approximately 41,000) was estimated for the intracellular enzyme. The purified enzyme was susceptible to hydrolysis by endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H, which resulted in at least two new forms, reduced in apparent molecular weight by approximately 4,000-6,000. Treatment with the endoglycosidase did not alter the catalytic activity or heat stability of the acid lipase. However, the treated enzyme was no longer internalized by fibroblasts via the mannose 6-phosphate receptor and thereby had lost the capacity to correct cholesteryl ester accumulation in cultured lipase-deficient cells. Acid fatty acyl hydrolase activity for cholesteryl oleate, triolein, and methylumbelliferyl oleate co-purified. All three esters were hydrolyzed optimally at pH 4.0, but the pH profile was altered by addition of salts or albumin to the phospholipid-bile salt substrate mixtures. In a series of saturated fatty acyl esters of 4-methylumbelliferone, a derivative with an intermediate chain length (9 carbons) was the best substrate and was hydrolyzed at a rate comparable to that of the oleate ester at pH 4. The optimal pH for hydrolysis of the intermediate and shorter chain length esters was higher by about 2 pH units than that for the longer chain esters (pH approximately 4). The activity of the purified lipase was stimulated by several different proteins. The relationship of this effect to the possible requirement for a natural activator substance has not been determined.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

5 alpha-Cholest-8(14)-en-3 beta-ol-15-one (15 ketosterol) is a potent inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis with significant hypocholesterolemic activity. The results of a recent study (Schroepfer, G.J., Jr., Christophe, A., Chu, A.J., Izumi, A., Kisic, A. and Sherrill, B.C. (1988) Chem. Phys. Lipids 48, 29-58) have indicated that, after intragastric administration of the 15-ketosterol in triolein to rats, most of the compound in intestinal lymph occurs in the form of the oleate ester, which is associated with chylomicrons. Moreover, after intravenous administration of chylomicrons containing the oleate ester of 15-[2,4-3H]ketosterol, rapid and selective uptake of 3H by liver was observed, which was associated with the rapid and substantial appearance of labeled free 15-ketosterol in liver. The present study concerns the capabilities of rat liver fractions to catalyze the hydrolysis of 15-ketosteryl oleate. Efficient hydrolysis was observed at acid pH with a digitonin-solubilized extract of rat liver, with a rate similar to that for the hydrolysis of cholesteryl oleate. The distribution of acid 15-ketosteryl oleate hydrolase of whole liver homogenate on a metrizamide isopycnic density gradient was similar to that of acid cholesteryl oleate hydrolase and acid phosphatase, suggesting that the lysosomal acid lipase is the enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of the 15-ketosteryl oleate at acid pH. At neutral pH, 15-ketosteryl oleate and cholesteryl oleate was hydrolyzed at similar rates by the microsomal fraction of liver homogenate, whereas the 15-ketosteryl oleate was hydrolyzed at a much lower rate than cholesteryl oleate by the cytosolic fraction. The distribution of neutral 15-ketosteryl oleate hydrolase activity of whole liver homogenate on a metrizamide isopycnic density gradient was most correlated to a microsomal esterase, whereas cholesteryl oleate hydrolase activity was most correlated to a cytosolic enzyme. Both 15-ketosteryl oleate and cholesteryl oleate hydrolase activities were correlated to a mitochondrial marker enzyme.  相似文献   

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