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This review presents data on effects of temperature, pH, and organic phosphates on structural-functional characteristics of fish hemoglobins. Special attention is paid to the structure of pigments insensitive to pH as well as those that have the reverse Bohr effect in alkaline range of pH. The role of surface -adrenoreceptors and activity of Na+/H+ exchanger in regulation of the acid-base equilibrium of intraerythrocyte medium are considered. There are compared characteristics of participation of nucleotide triphosphates, 2,3-DPG, and other organic phosphates in correction of fish hemoglobin affinity to oxygen. The values of H for fish respiratory pigments are presented, and their dependence on conditions of erythrocyte microsurrounding is discussed.  相似文献   

Patients with dysphagia due to oropharyngeal disease or cerebrovascular accident require long-term nutritional support via enteral feeding, which often results in microbial overgrowth in the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Gastric acid is the primary innate defense mechanism in the stomach and has been assumed to provide an effective barrier to microbial colonization at pH values of <4. To evaluate the efficacy of gastric acid as a barrier to overgrowth, the microbiota of gastric and duodenal aspirates was assessed by culturing methods. Additionally, a fermentor-based model incorporating enteral nutrition tubing of the gastric microbiota of enteral nutrition (EN) patients was constructed to assess the effect of pH on the microbiota. Results showed that gastric acidity had a relatively small effect on the numbers of microorganisms recovered from intestinal aspirates but did influence microbiota composition. Similarly, at pH 3 in the fermentor, a complex microbiota developed in the planktonic phase and in biofilms. The effect of pH on microbiota composition was similar in aspirates and in the fermentors. Candidas and lactobacilli were aciduric, while recoveries of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae decreased as pH was reduced, although both were still present in significant numbers at pH 3. Only Staphylococcus aureus and Bifidobacterium adolescentis persisted at higher pH values both in vitro and in vivo. Lactate and acetate were the main organic acids detected in both aspirates and fermentors. These data show that the simulator used in this investigation was capable of modeling the effects of environmental influences on the upper GI microbiota of EN patients and that gastric pH of <4 is not sufficient to prevent microbial overgrowth in these individuals.  相似文献   

目的:随着人参药用和保健价值的不断发掘,人参皂苷引起人们越来越多的关注,但有关人参皂苷与肠道菌群之间相互作用的研究仍为空白领域,本实验旨在探明人参皂苷对小鼠肠道菌群的影响,以期为人参皂苷的推广应用提供理论基础和实验依据。方法:有机溶剂法提取人参皂苷,将正常BALB/c小鼠按2 mg/0.1 kg人参皂苷进行连续灌胃饲养,分别在灌胃第10 d和第13 d无菌收集小鼠粪便,提取肠道细菌基因组总DNA,应用PCR-DGGE技术获得肠道菌群分子指纹图谱,进行菌群结构相似性、多样性分析,并将感兴趣的优势条带进行切胶、测序分析,对获得的序列在Gene Bank数据库比对。结果:灌胃人参皂苷后小鼠肠道菌群结构发生改变,荧光假单胞菌和丁酸梭菌数量明显增加。结论:人参皂苷使小鼠肠道的菌群结构和数量发生明显改变,天然的人参皂苷口服很难被直接吸收利用,因此推测人参皂苷可能以肠道菌群作为发挥生物学作用的靶点,进而行使提高健康水平等保健功能。  相似文献   

温度和pH对橄榄蚶消化酶活性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用酶学分析方法,测定了温度和pH对橄榄蚶蛋白酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶活力的影响。结果表明:温度和pH显著影响橄榄蚶蛋白酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶的活力;蛋白酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶的最适温度分别为60℃、40℃和30℃~40℃,最适pH分别为3.6、5.2和6.0。橄榄蚶3种消化酶活性大小为淀粉酶>蛋白酶>纤维素酶。  相似文献   

A novel optical activity of lutein was studied in dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) solution by the measurement of circular dichroism and absorbance. The surfactant was found to bring about the circular dichroism activity of the lutein below the critical micelle concentration (CMC) in a different way from that by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). This phenomenon was interpreted by the card-pack model of the lutein aggregate in which lutein molecule was slightly shifted each other. The above optical activity abruptly became strong just before the CMC of DTAB. This seems to correspond to the transition from the polymeric aggregate of the lutein to the oligomeric one. Such an optical activity disappeared beyond the CMC on the incorporation of the lutein molecules into the surfactant micelles. The molar binding ratios of DTAB to the lutein were determined to be 130 to 210 on the basis of the lutein concentration dependence of the DTAB concentration showing the arbitrary ellipticity. These ratios were clearly larger than those for SDS. On the other hand, filtration measurement showed that the size of the lutein-DTAB complex was larger than 2 μm in diameter. These phenomena were discussed assuming the possible model of the aggregate as a comparative study of the anionic and cationic surfactants causing the novel optical activity of this aggregate.  相似文献   

Crocodylus siamensis hemoglobin (cHb) was purified by gel filtration chromatography and visualized by SDS-PAGE. Effects of temperature and pH on secondary structure and conformation changes of cHb were studied using circular dichroism spectropolarimeter and fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer. The secondary structure of intact cHb was mainly α-helices. cHb was not heat stable when heated at 65 °C and cooled down to original temperature, indicating the irreversible unfolding process. The stability of cHb at different pH ranging from 2.5 to 10.5 was determined. The maximum value of the α-helix content was found at pH 3.5 and tended to decrease at strong acid and strong base. The antioxidant activities of heat treated cHb and cHb in solution with pH range 2.5 to 10.5 were tested by DPPH radical scavenging assay. cHb at pH 4.5, having highest β-turn structure, showed highest radical scavenging activity. In contrast to pH, heat had no effect on antioxidant activity of cHb.  相似文献   

The interaction of temperature (4, 10, 18, and 30°C), pH (6, 7, and 8), and NaCl (0, 2.5, and 5%) and their effects on specific growth rate, lag phase, and pectinolytic enzymes of Pseudomonas marginalis were evaluated. Response surface methodology was adapted to describe the response of growth parameters to environmental changes. To obtain good conditions of storage, the combined action of salt and temperature is necessary. At 4°C with an NaCl concentration of 5% and a pH of 7, the lag time was 8 days and no growth was observed at 4°C with 5% NaCl and a pH of 6. In the absence of salt, P. marginalis could grow regardless of temperature and pH. Pectate lyase and pectin lyase were produced by P. marginalis, while pectin methyl esterase activity was not observed in our culture conditions. The enzyme production depended on temperature, pH, and salt concentration but also on the age of the culture. Pectinolytic enzymes were abundantly excreted during the stationary phase, and even at 4°C, after 2 weeks of storage, enzyme activities in supernatant culture were sufficient to damage vegetables. Both bacterial growth and enzymatic production have to be taken into account in order to estimate correctly the shelf life of vegetables.  相似文献   



Intestinal proteases carry out a variety of functions in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Studies have reported that elevated enteric proteases in patients with GI disease can alter intestinal physiology, however the origin (human vs. microbial) of elevated proteases in patients with GI disease is unclear.


The aim of this study was to investigate the association between protease activity and the microbiota in human fecal samples.


In order to capture a wide range of fecal protease (FP) activity stool samples were collected from 30 IBS patients and 24 healthy controls. The intestinal microbiota was characterized using 454 high throughput pyro-sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. The composition and diversity of microbial communities were determined and compared using the Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (QIIME) pipeline. FP activity levels were determined using an ELISA-based method. FP activity was ranked and top and bottom quartiles (n=13 per quartile) were identified as having high and low FP activity, respectively.


The overall diversity of the intestinal microbiota displayed significant clustering separation (p = 0.001) between samples with high vs. low FP activity. The Lactobacillales, Lachnospiraceae, and Streptococcaceae groups were positively associated with FP activity across the entire study population, whilst the Ruminococcaceae family and an unclassified Coriobacteriales family were negatively associated with FP activity.


These data demonstrate significant associations between specific intestinal bacterial groups and fecal protease activity and provide a basis for further causative studies investigating the role of enteric microbes and GI diseases.  相似文献   

The protein content and the activities of alkaline phosphatase, maltase, and sucrase were measured at 0800, 1000, 1200, 1400, and 1600 in saline extracts of the proximal small bowels of germfree and of ex-germfree mice colonized with an indigenous microbiota. In extracts prepared from germfree mice, the total activities of all of the enzymes were relatively constant throughout the sampling period. Likewise, the total activity of alkaline phosphatase in extracts prepared from associated mice varied little as a function of time. By contrast, the total activities of maltase and sucrase in the extracts from these latter animals varied significantly from sample to sample. The total activity levels in extracts from germfree mice were approximately twofold greater than the levels in extracts from associated mice. The specific activities of alkaline phosphatase and sucrase did not vary from sample to sample in extracts prepared from either type of mouse. In contrast, the specific activity of maltase in extracts prepared from both germfree and associated mice differed significantly from sample to sample. The specific activities of all three enzymes were greater in extracts from germfree animals than in those from associated animals. The protein content of extracts prepared from germfree mice also was greater than that of extracts prepared from associated animals at every sampling time. The amount of protein extractable from the mucosa of the small bowels of the former animals varied significantly at different sampling times during the day, whereas the amount of protein extractable from the tracts of associated animals remained relatively constant throughout the day. The indigenous microbiota apparently stabilizes in some way the amount of protein extractable from the mucosa of the mouse small bowel.  相似文献   

This study examined the ability of (i) pure nisin, (ii) nisin-producing Lactococcus lactis strain CHCC5826, and (iii) the non-nisin-producing L. lactis strain CHCH2862 to affect the composition of the intestinal microbiota of human flora-associated rats. The presence of both the nisin-producing and the non-nisin-producing L. lactis strains significantly increased the number of Bifidobacterium cells in fecal samples during the first 8 days but decreased the number of enterococci/streptococci in duodenum, ileum, cecum, and colon samples as detected by selective cultivation. No significant changes in the rat fecal microbiota were observed after dosage with nisin. Pearson cluster analysis of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles of the 16S rRNA genes present in the fecal microbial population revealed that the microbiota of animals dosed with either of the two L. lactis strains were different from that of control animals dosed with saline. However, profiles of the microbiota from animals dosed with nisin did not differ from the controls. The concentrations of nisin estimated by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were approximately 10-fold higher in the small intestine and 200-fold higher in feces than the corresponding concentrations estimated by a biological assay. This indicates that nisin was degraded or inactivated in the gastrointestinal tract, since fragments of this bacteriocin are detected by ELISA while an intact molecule is needed to retain biological activity.  相似文献   

S ummary . An arbitrary parameter 'rejection time', i.e. the time required for a fungal inoculum to form a 2 mm diam. colony, was used to express the shelf life of jam after unsealing and exposure of the contents to airborne contamination. Individual and combined effects of water activity ( aw ), pH value and temperature on rejection time of low sugar jam were estimated from the radial growth on agar of colonies of 9 fungi. The decreases in aw (0·94–0·90) and temperature (25–15°) practicable for low sugar jam were more effective in increasing rejection time than the feasible decrease in pH value (3·7–2·9). The interaction between aw and temperature was significant. The effect of the changes in aw , temperature and pH on rejection time was broadly similar for media adjusted by either sucrose or glycerol. At a given aw , moulds were slightly more tolerant of glycerol than sucrose but yeasts, except for the osmophile Saccharomyces rouxii , were markedly more tolerant of glycerol than sucrose.  相似文献   

纯化的高粱PEP羧化酶活性随pH升高(pH6.6~8.0)而增大。在G6P和Mal存在下,酶活性仍有随pH升高而增大的趋势,但G6P对酶的激活百分率和Mal的抑制百分率随pH升高而降低。高粱PEP羧化酶活性的最适温度高于40℃、酶的催化效率(V_(max)/K_m)随温度升高而增大。高温下,反应激活能降低,Mal对酶活性抑制百分率亦随温度升高而下降,I_(0.5)值增大,Mal增大K_m(PEP)的效应变小。  相似文献   

白介素-11对肠粘膜损伤的防治作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白介素11(IL11)是一种多功能的细胞因子,IL11及其受体的广泛组织分布特点,提示它可能具有多种重要生理功能。最初有关IL11生理作用的研究主要集中在其对造血功能、B细胞免疫功能及神经系统发育的调节作用等方面。近年的一些研究资料表明,IL11对肠粘膜损伤具有明显的防治作用,初步显示IL11在肠粘膜损伤防治的临床方面具有潜在的应用价值。肠粘膜由于其快速增殖、不断自我更新的特点,化疗药物、射线和烧伤等因素极易引起肠粘膜损伤,破坏肠粘膜的正常屏障功能,导致肠源性感染机会增加。Du等[1]发现,IL11可显著提高接受放化疗联…  相似文献   

A method based on hydrophobic chromatography is described for the purification of a lysophospholipase from the mucosa of rat small intestine. Under the conditions used, one single chromatographic run on phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B yielded a 582-fold purification with a 79% overall recovery of enzyme activity. A sub-unit molecular weight of 56,000 was deduced from sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis; its isoelectric point is 5.6.  相似文献   

Pleuronectiforms are an important group of fish, and one of their species, Solea senegalensis (Kaup 1858), has been extensively studied at different levels, although information about its intestinal microbiota and the effects of different factors on it is very scarce. Modern aquaculture industry demands strategies which help to maintain a microbiologically healthy environment and an environmentally friendly aquaculture. In this context, probiotics seem to offer an attractive alternative. The intake of probiotics could modify the composition of the intestinal microbiota, which is a key component in excluding potential invaders and maintaining health. The aim of this study was to evaluate by 16S rRNA gene analysis using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis the effect of administering fresh or lyophilized cells of Pdp11 on the intestinal microbiota of farmed Senegalese sole, using sodium alginate to facilitate the incorporation of bacterial cells to the feed. The results obtained showed that the composition of fish intestinal microbiota was affected when fish received a diet supplemented with sodium alginate and fresh or lyophilized probiotic cells. In all cases, the dominant bacterial groups belonged to γ-Proteobacteria and mainly the Vibrio species. The use of sodium alginate reduced the incidence of populations with <97% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity to uncultured microorganisms in the intestinal microbiota until non-detected limits. On the other hand, the supplementation of the diet with probiotics produced an increase of the predominant species related to Vibrio genus.  相似文献   

Three proteinases (P1, P2, and P3) were isolated from the gastric mucosa of European sheatfish (Silurus glanis L.) by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, gel chromatography on Sephadex G-75, and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE cellulose. Isoelectric focusing was used for determining the values of pI of the isolated proteinases, which were equal to 1.9, 3.2, and 4.75 (for P1, P2, and P3, respectively). The molecular weight of P1 was 39800 Da; P2 and P3 had equal molecular weights of 30200 Da each. The optimum pH for the three peptidases isolated from sheatfish gastric mucosa and the maximum stability of these enzymes were found to be at acidic pH. This allowed identification of these proteinases as pepsin-type enzymes of fish.  相似文献   

The purpose of this 42-day study was to examine the effect of dietary vanadium on intestinal microorganism diversity in the duodenum, ileum, cecum, and rectum segments of broilers by the plate count and polymerase chain reaction?Cdenaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). A total of 420 1-day-old avian broilers were divided into six groups and fed on a control diet or the same diet supplemented with vanadium at the doses of 5, 15, 30, 45, and 60?mg/kg in the form of ammonium metavanadate. In comparison with control group, the dietary vanadium at the doses of 45 and 60?mg/kg could decrease the counts of Bifidobacterium spp. in the intestinal tract at 21 and 42?days of age. With increasing level in dietary vanadium, the counts of Escherichia coli were significantly increased in the ileum, cecum, and rectum and were decreased in the duodenum at 21 and 42?days of age. However, the counts of Lactobacilli were decreased in the cecum and rectum and increased in the ileum of 45 and 60?mg/kg groups. The colonization of these three bacteria could be affected by dietary vanadium. DGGE analysis showed that the number of bands in duodenum, ileum, cecum, and rectum were obviously decreased in the 30, 45, and 60?mg/kg groups at 21 and 42?days of age. In conclusion, the dietary vanadium in excess of 30?mg/kg could alter the amount and diversity of intestinal bacteria in broilers, implying that the structure and initial balance in the intestinal microbiota were disrupted.  相似文献   

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