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本文主要介绍了动物求偶行为的几个功能:1.吸引配偶;2.防止同异种个体杂交;3.刺激对方性欲望;4.有助于选择生殖潜力大的个体做配偶。  相似文献   

【目的】明确斑翅果蝇Drosophilasuzuki求偶行为的特征及过程、视觉因素与信息素粗提物在求偶行为中的作用。【方法】在室内条件下[温度(24±1)℃、相对湿度65%±5%,光周期14L∶10D],通过一系列的行为实验观察斑翅果蝇的求偶行为特征及过程。【结果】雄虫的求偶特征为当雌雄虫相遇前或相遇时,雌虫腹部末端翘起,雄虫转向追逐雌虫且翅膀展开;当雌虫静止时,雄虫在雌虫前方展开翅膀并伴随翅膀振动,之后雄虫绕到雌虫侧面,使用前足触碰雌虫并很快返回雌虫前方展开翅膀,随后绕到雌虫尾部弯曲腹部试图进行交配。3日龄雌虫的求偶行为次数最多,为(127.4±10.0)次,且求偶高峰期出现在进入光照期后的3-4 h时段内,为(59.2±5.4)次。与单一因素相比,未交配雌虫卵巢粗提物与死亡虫体共同作用时能够显著激发雄虫的求偶行为。进一步观察结果显示,卵巢粗提物对斑翅果蝇未交配雄虫具有显著的引诱效果,但仅有卵巢粗提物出现时并不能显著增强雄虫求偶行为。【结论】能引起斑翅果蝇雄虫求偶的化学物质(性信息素)存在斑翅果蝇雌虫卵巢中,视觉因素和性信息素联合作用才能显著增强雄虫的求偶行为。  相似文献   

本文报道中国大陆的蛮麦蛾属Hypatima5个种和拟蛮麦蛾属Homoshelas2个种,其中各有1个新种。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

本文记载了希奇;宁条的麦蛾一新种,即锦鸡儿条麦蛾Anarsia caragana Yang et Li,sp.nov.。该种与Anarsia sibireca Park et Ponomarenko外部特征相似,但雄性外生殖器左抱器腹有一个出血内面的细长突起,盐池县,以幼虫叶丝缀叶危害柠条。一年发生两代,第1代发生在6、7月份,株被害率在40%~60%,第2代出现在8、9月份,以蛹越冬。文中提供了  相似文献   

中国发麦蛾属分类学研究(鳞翅目:麦蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发麦蛾属Faristenia Ponomarenko最近由蛮麦蛾属Hypatima Huner分出,已记载15种。其中的10种分布于俄罗斯远东地区和朝鲜半岛,在我国已知1种,其余分布于南非。本文记述我国发麦蛾属15种,包括9个新种和5个中国新种,其名录及分布发如下:1.圆属发麦蛾Faristenia circulicaudata sp.nov.新种,分布:陕西。2.窄瓣发麦蛾Faristenia  相似文献   

韩宗先 《四川动物》2001,20(3):167-167,122
鸟类的繁殖具有明显的季节性。每当进入繁殖季节以后 ,随着鸟类性腺的发育 ,会出现一系列的繁殖活动。其中第一步常常是通过求偶行为而形成一定的配偶关系。求偶行为是鸟类通过婉转鸣唱 ,展示华丽多彩的婚羽或色彩斑斓的冠囊、角、裙等附属物 ,进行婚飞、戏飞或其它行为姿态吸引异性的一种活动。1 求偶行为的主动性雌鸟和雄鸟由谁先出现求偶行为呢 ?谁在求偶行为中表现主动呢 ?这是由鸟类的外貌决定的。我们知道 ,多数鸟类的雌雄鸟外貌之间存在着明显的差别。一般雄鸟具有色彩艳丽的羽毛或“婚装” ,而雌鸟的羽色较为平淡。所以 ,大多数鸟…  相似文献   

昆虫的求偶行为多种多样,从几个方面概括了昆虫的求偶行为.它可以吸引配偶.维持种群的生存和繁衍,保持生殖隔离等等.  相似文献   

2003年及2004年3~6月在河南郑州市区对夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)的求偶行为进行了观察。结果表明,3月中旬至5月底雄性夜鹭表现出占区及固定的仪式化求偶行为,主要包括伸展炫耀、扬举炫耀、炫耀羽毛和配偶形成后的相互爱抚4个方面,其中前两种行为是夜鹭主要的求偶行为。在营巢地,求偶行为从早上日出之前夜鹭觅食归来开始,一直持续至日落前后。夜鹭的配偶选择包括雄性之间对巢区的竞争、雄鹭与雌鹭的相互选择等一系列过程。  相似文献   

整理了茄麦蛾属Hedma世界已知种的名录及寄主和分布资料 ,记述了分布中国的一新种 :枸杞茄麦蛾Hedmalyciasp .nov .,危害宁夏枸杞LyciumbarbarumLinn .,模式产地为陕西省西安市。文中给出了新种雌雄外生殖器特征图。该属为中国新记录  相似文献   

李后魂  惠彦文 《昆虫学报》2001,44(2):227-230
整理了茄麦蛾属Hedma世界已知种的名录及寄主和分布资料,记述了分布中国的一新种:枸杞茄麦蛾Hedma lycia sp. Nov., 危害宁夏枸杞Lycium barbarum Linn.,模式产地为陕西省西安市。文中给出了新种雌雄外生殖器特征图。该属为中国新记录。  相似文献   

Powder and extract from four plants were evaluated for their insecticidal efficacy against the Angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) in the laboratory at a temperature of 28 ± 2°C and a relative humidity of 75 ± 5%. The plants included Aristolochia ringens L., Khaya ivorensis (K.), Strophanthus hispidus (D.C.) and Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides Lam. The powder was applied at the rate of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 g/20 g of paddy rice, while the extract was applied at the rate of 1%, 2% and 3%/20 g of paddy rice. Parameters evaluated were adult moth mortality, adult emergence and weight loss in treated paddy after infestation. Results shows that adult moth mortality increased as concentration of powder increased. Significant differences (p < 0.05) existed among the plant powders andthe concentration. A 100% mortality rate was obtained within 7 days when A. ringens was applied at 0.4 and 0.6 g/20 g of paddy. S. hispidus was able to effect 100% mortality only at 0.6 g. This shows that A. ringens had the greatest insecticidal activity while the least effective was K. ivorensis. Adult emergence shows that more adult S. cerealella emerged from the control (40.3) which was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than others. Fewer adults emerged from paddy treated with plant powder with the least in A. ringens. Generally, adult emergence reduced with an increase in the concentration of powder. The extract from all the four plants tested against S. cerealella was able to effect 100% mortality of the adult moths within 24 h of application at all concentrations. Significant differences (p < 0.05) existed among all the different plant powders in terms of weight loss. The weight loss in paddy was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the control (57.7%) than others. Weight loss was least in paddy treated with A. ringens at 0.4g/20 g of paddy with 2.2%. Generally, weight loss decreased with increase in powder concentration. The treatment with the highest adult emergence (control) also had the highest weight loss, while the treatment with the lowest adult emergence (A. ringens) had the lowest weight loss.  相似文献   

果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigen是进行行为遗传学研究的极好材料。果蝇的雄性求偶行为已经被作为行为遗传学研究的模式。文章简要介绍近年来在遗传和分子水平上对果蝇性信息素和求偶行为的研究进展,尤其是突变体在果蝇行为遗传学研究中的应用。通过对果蝇求偶行为的分析,分别介绍果蝇的性信息素及视觉、听觉、嗅觉和味觉相关基因在果蝇求偶和交配行为过程中的作用。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to see the impact of Angoumois grain moth (AGM) on different cultivars of barley so that we must grow resistant variety of barley or improve those which are susceptible to it. Eggs of Sitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) were collected and reared in incubators available in Stored Product Entomology Laboratory, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, under temperature 27 ± 2°C and 60 ± 2% relative humidity. For the experiment, five different cultivars of barley; Sanober-96, Jau-83, Soorab-96, ICBA and Sterling were selected for AGM feed. After an interval of 30, 60 and 90 days of infestation, percentage damage and weight loss in grains were determined. After carrying out laboratory and field germination tests, viability of different cultivars were checked. Damage was maximum in variety Soorab (99.38%), which becomes susceptible while it was minimum in Sanober-96 (90.62%), which becomes resistant. Weight loss was maximum in variety Soorab (49.71%), which becomes susceptible and was minimum in Sanober-96 (45.32%), which becomes resistant. Damage was positively correlated with weight loss and negatively correlated with seed germination. In germination tests, on filter paper, maximum germination was found in variety Sterling (3%) which becomes resistant and it was minimum in ICBA which becomes susceptible (0%). In sand germination test, maximum seeds germinated in variety Sanober-96 (2%), and minimum seeds germinated in ICBA (0%). By calculating the percentage of losses of different cultivars, it was found that none of cultivars proved itself completely resistant or susceptible.  相似文献   

Abstract The angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), is one of the most serious stored grain pests around the world. In attempts to reduce the losses caused by the moth and to suppress its populations, the fumigant activities, behavioral influence and ovipositional inhibition of garlic (Allium sativum) essential oil and its two major components, diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide, were investigated against the adult grain moth. Their effects on reduction in survival of first instar larvae to adult emergence were also evaluated. Results showed that these three materials (garlic essential oil, diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide) had significant fumigant activity with 50% lethal concentration values at 1.33, 0.99, and 1.02 μL/L air space, respectively; meanwhile, the three materials possessed high behavioral deterrent activities against adults in the Y‐tube olfactometer. When applied to rice grains, these materials reduced adult longevity and inhibited oviposition, with ovipositional inhibition above 70% at a concentration of 1.5 μL/25 g in either no‐choice or two‐choice tests. In short, the study showed that both diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide, like garlic essential oil, acted as fumigants, produced behavioral deterrence and inhibited oviposition against angoumois grain moth. Our work here indicates that diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide may serve as potential alternatives for grain protectants since both of them can be prepared easily from readily available chemicals.  相似文献   

南方小花蝽Orius strigicollis作为一种广食性捕食性天敌昆虫,可高效控制蓟马、蚜虫及螨类等多种害虫,极具生防潜能.但目前国内南方小花蝽商业化进程相对滞后,其中未找到适合的饲料来源是主要的限制因素之一.本研究以新鲜麦蛾Sitotroga cerealella卵和紫外线处理的麦蛾卵作为饲养南方小花蝽的替代猎物...  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾交配行为和能力   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
罗礼智  曹卫菊  钱坤  胡毅 《昆虫学报》2003,46(4):494-499
在(27±1)℃,光周期L14∶D10的条件下对甜菜夜蛾I>Spodoptera exigua的交配行为及能力进行了研究。结果表明:成虫在羽化当晚即可进行交配,交配率以羽化后头三个晚上的较高(>82%),但从第4天起则显著下降。成虫一天中的交配时间出现于23:30~05:30之间,交配高峰出现在01:30~02:30和03:00~04:00 之间, 其中以第1高峰的发生频率较高。成虫交配持续时间从22~191 min不等,但以30~60 min的为多(40.8%, n=97), 60~90 min的次之(19.4%),超过180 min的较少(10.2 %)。另外,交配持续时间与蛾龄紧密相关。蛾龄越大,交配持续的时间越长,且差异显著。雄蛾一生的交配能力由1~11次不等,但受性比的影响显著:在性比为1∶1的条件下,雄蛾平均交配次数仅为3.0 次,而在2♀∶1至5♀∶1时,则增加到5.1~6.0 次。雌蛾交配比例及次数受性比的影响也很大:没有交配的雌蛾比例从1∶1时的8.3%增加到5♀∶1时的32%,仅交配一次的比例从16.7%增加到38.7%,而交配≥5 次的比例则从 25%下降到0。最后,对这些结果在甜菜夜蛾防治中应用的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Females of many animal species mate several times with different males (polyandry), whereas females of some species mate with a single male (monandry) only once. Little is known about the mechanisms by which these different mating systems evolve. Females of Drosophila prolongata mate serially, unlike Drosophila melanogaster females that refuse to remate for several days after their first mating (remating suppression [RS]). Nevertheless, interestingly, nonvirgin D. prolongata females refuse to remate with males that are prohibited from performing their species-specific courtship behavior, leg vibration (LV), suggesting that LV overrides RS making it cryptic in D. prolongata. In this study, we examined how long this cryptic RS persists. Surprisingly, it was sustained for at least 2 weeks, showing that RS is substantially augmented in D. prolongata compared to that of D. melanogaster. The two most closely related species to D. prolongata, Drosophila rhopaloa and Drosophila carrolli, do not perform LV and showed augmented RS, supporting the idea that augmented RS could have evolved before LV was acquired. These results suggested that D. prolongata females are intrinsically monandrous, whereas the newly evolved courtship behavior makes them polyandrous. This is a rare case in which a proximate mechanism of polyandry evolution from monandry is demonstrated.  相似文献   

小地老虎的交配行为和能力   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
在温度为(25±1)℃、相对湿度为70%±7%、光周期(L∶D)为14∶10h的条件下对小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)的交配行为和能力进行研究。结果表明:成虫在羽化后1d才进行交配。雄蛾和雌蛾都可以多次交配。交配能力受性比的影响很大,当1头雄蛾仅与1头雌蛾相处时,其交配能力低;当1头雄蛾与多于2头的雌蛾在一起时或1头雌蛾与多于2头的雄蛾在一起时,交配能力则显著增加。还讨论了该研究结果应用的可能性。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The sex pheromone of the female white peach scale, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni-Tozzetti), is released by newly-mature females to correspond with the daily eclosion rhythm of males. As with male eclosion, pheromone release commences relative to the onset of light and is suppressed by increasing temperature. Once pheromone release begins it is maintained until the initiation of the scotophase. Pheromone release does not occur during the scotophase. When sexually mature females remain unmated for 5 days, the release of pheromone begins earlier in the day than it does with newly mature females.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effects of age and mating status on the circadian variations of gland sex pheromone titre in female Spodoptera litura Fabricius. Similar to other nocturnal moths, S. litura females exhibit circadian variations of gland sex pheromone contents, with higher levels during scotophase and lower levels during photophase. The sex pheromone titre in the glands peaks during the first scotophase after eclosion and sharply declines afterwards. Higher pheromone contents during scotophase may facilitate female reproductive activities, and the negative relationship between pheromone titre and female calling is likely the result of pheromone release during female calling. Interestingly, the present study demonstrates that mated S. litura females have significantly higher sex pheromone titre in their pheromone glands (PGs) than virgin females. This finding contrasts with all previous studies of other insect species, in which mating generally reduces the sex pheromone titre in female PGs. In S. litura, mating and male accessory gland fluids can suppress female calling behaviours and re‐matings. These results suggest that the suppression of female calling behaviours by mating and male accessory gland fluids may significantly reduce the release of sex pheromones and thus result in higher sex pheromone titre in the PGs of mated females.  相似文献   

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