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截头堆砂白蚁研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domestictis是世界性蛀木害虫, 也是我国主要危害木材的白蚁之一。本文重点综述了我国截头堆砂白蚁补充型繁殖蚁的形成、生存、繁殖和扩散, 以及成熟群体的分飞, 原始繁殖蚁的形成周期和行为特点, 初建群体的形成、发展发育和取食行为的生物学和生态学研究进展。并且对该种白蚁的控制进行了探讨, 为控制该种白蚁的扩散、传播和为害提供理论依据。  相似文献   

白蚁是危险性社会昆虫,建立安全有效的白蚁防治方法有赖多学科的参与,分子生物学已经成为白蚁研究的重要工具。目前,DNA序列分析方法已应用于白蚁鉴定和分类,其中线粒体基因是最通用的分子标记;基因工程技术成功构建了可用于白蚁防治的白蚁肠道工程菌;Hexamerin、COX Ⅲ、纤维素酶等白蚁功能基因以及白蚁品级分化相关的若干蛋白相继得到了分离和鉴定。文章从白蚁分类、防治、功能基因、品级分化4个方面综述白蚁分子生物学的研究进展,为白蚁的防治提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

三明地区林木白蚁种类、分布及危害的调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在三明全区范围内设点普查,得知共有林木白蚁2科9属22种,其中中华葫白蚁、海南大白蚁、普见家白蚁、大头家白蚁、高山散白蚁为福建省首次发现危害林木。黄翅大白蚁、闽华歪白蚁、大近歪白蚁、歪白蚁、中华葫白蚁、小象白蚁、海南大白蚁、普见家白蚁、大头象白蚁、蛋头蔡白蚁、黄肢散白蚁、高额散白蚁、高山散白仪、细颏散白蚁、武宫散白蚁、尖唇异白蚁为本地区首次发现危害林木。三明地区白蚁优势种有黑翅土白蚁、黄翅大白蚁和家白蚁。黑翅土白蚁等白蚁对林木造成严重危害,已成为当前林业生产中的一大难题。三明地区林木白蚁区系分布有以下特点:1)林木白蚁种类多,分布广泛,危害较为普遍;2)土白蚁、大白蚁是危害林木的主要类别;3)全区范围白蚁发生情况是由北向南蚁种延增,危害趋重。  相似文献   

2012年3月26日在对成都市青羊区青华路37号老成都公馆菜的白蚁危害调查过程中,发现该饭店白蚁危害严重,现场采集白蚁标本,经鉴定为狭胸散白蚁Reticulitermes angustatus He et Qiu.该种此前报道仅分布于贵州省,且只有形态描述.此次在成都地区首次发现狭胸散白蚁,为四川白蚁种类新纪录,还发现该种白蚁对房屋建筑危害严重,应引起白蚁防治工作者的高度重视.  相似文献   

家白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Skiraki和黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Skiraki)在我国是分布广,为害大的二种重要害虫。家白蚁危害建筑材料、房屋、橡胶、塑料、地下电缆、尼龙等有机合成材料,部分金属和农林作物,危害涉及到国民经济各个部门;而黑翅土白蚁严重地为害堤坝,我国南方各省水库堤坝为害率达53—92%,严重地区发生漏水的占20%,为害农林作物亦很严重。对它们的生物学和生态学特性及防治方法,国内外已有不少研究报道,但对它的生殖行为、孵化、脱皮习性,目前尚少有较系统的资料。因此,本试验试图通过家白蚁和黑翅土白蚁初期群体的形成,进行较详细的观察,为深入探讨白蚁的生物学和生态学特性提供真实依据。  相似文献   

截头堆砂白蚁的分飞期研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对不同群体、不同年份截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermesdomesticus(Haviland)的分飞期进行了 3年的观察研究。结果表明 :该种白蚁的分飞期长 ,且 3年的分飞期基本相同。在广州 ,该种白蚁的分飞期一般在每年的 4月中旬至 8月下旬 ,分飞始期的第 1次分飞日最早为 4月 1 5日 ,分飞末期的最后 1次分飞日在 9月 1 6日。 1年中该种白蚁的分飞日数为 5 5~ 80日。其中 ,分飞日数较多的月份为 5~ 7月。其飞出时间一般在傍晚 1 8:3 0~ 1 9:3 0 ,以 1 9:0 0~ 1 9:3 0分飞次数最多 ,占分飞总数的 66 66%。  相似文献   

收集了62种从东南亚进口的不同树种的木材,并作为截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermesdomestictis(Haviland)的食料,让其原始繁殖蚁自行配对钻入这些木料中取食,建立新群体.观察该种白蚁对不同树种木材的取食状况,了解不同树种木材对该种白蚁初建群体的影响.结果表明,该种白蚁食性广泛,能取食多种在分类上差异很大的木材,除坤甸外,均被其取食.试验用的全部木材对该种白蚁原始繁殖蚁配对没有影响,均有原始繁殖蚁配对钻入洞内.在配对3个月后解剖群体发现,除坤甸、樟木、硬榄仁、柚木、子京、虫眼木、暗罗、硬椴、轻胭脂、胭脂、番龙眼外,其余树种的初建群体,雌雄繁殖蚁存活,子代发育正常.  相似文献   

<正> 在我国亚热带地区,家白蚁Coptotermes fo-rmosanus Shiraki是危害木、竹、塑料、橡胶,皮革、棉、麻、化纤等多种材料和产品最有代表性的白蚁种类,因此,它常被用来检验各种天然材料和加药材料的抗白蚁蛀蚀性能的实验群体。在自然条件下,家白蚁群体的品级组成有一定比例,兵蚁平均约占3%,可是在某些特殊情况下,例如某些主巢外围,王室附近或幼龄巢的白蚁,有时会出现兵蚁比例甚高现象。众所周知,兵蚁的食物靠工蚁饲喂,如果各实验群体中兵蚁所占百分比过高或不一致,对生物测定结果的正确性影响很大。本工作试验了家白蚁实验群体中不同工、兵蚁组成对取食和存活的影响,为制定材料抗白蚁蛀蚀的试验标准提供参考依据。  相似文献   

变孔异担子菌Heterobasidion irregulare原产于北美,能引起针叶树根部和根基干部的白色腐朽病,严重时导致树木死亡。目前已扩散至欧洲部分国家,在我国尚未有分布。本研究按照植物检疫的国际标准措施之有害生物风险分析原则(ISPMNo.11),从地理分布、定殖可能性、扩散可能性、经济重要性和管理难度等方面对该病菌进行了定性分析,同时按照有害生物危险性评价指标体系及赋值标准,获得该病菌风险R值。结果显示:变孔异担子菌风险评估R值为2.35,属于高度危险林业有害生物,传入风险较高、危害大,目前尚未列入我国禁止进境检疫性有害生物名录中。因此,建议将该种真菌尽快列入名录中,加强口岸检疫。  相似文献   

一、前言 挖巢消灭家白蚁,是我国民间传统性防治白蚁方法之一。我国防治白蚁的主要方法大致分为浙江方法和广东方法:浙江法以掘取蚁巢而闻名,广东法则以利用砷素剂等化学药品防治为特长。例如浙江省东阳和义乌一带,有不少包治白蚁的土专家,这些土专家每当冬季,常串乡执旗“包捉白蚁”等字样。解放初期仅浙江东阳一县仍留有七、八家专治白蚁的土专家,他们都是以挖巢为主要方法消灭家白蚁的(据蔡邦华报导)。  相似文献   

Thomas O. Crist 《Oecologia》1998,114(3):410-416
The broad-scale distribution of subterranean termites (Reticulitermestibialis) was studied in a shortgrass-steppe ecosystem in northern Colorado, United States. Termite occurrence and abundance was measured over 4 months at 10-m intervals along a 900-m transect that spanned a topographic gradient. Geostatistics were used to model the probability of termite occurrence along the transect, and to identify the distributional extent and potential roles of termites in shortgrass steppe. Semivariance was calculated between sample pairs of differing distances and kriging was used to interpolate the probability of termite occurrence along the transect. The semivariogram showed spatial dependence in termite distribution between samples 10–330 m apart and converged on the population variance at distances >330 m, which suggested that spatial dependence explained much of the broad-scale variation in termite distribution. A relatively large nugget variance, however, indicated there was spatial dependence below the 10-m sampling resolution. Termites were most frequently found on a south-facing slope and in a lowland swale. Four-wing saltbush (Atriplexcanescens) was also common in these areas and is important in the production of woody litter. The distribution of termites was significantly associated with proximity to saltbush, which showed a strong spatial dependence at scales <500 m. Kriged probabilities of occurrence and cross-correlation between termites and shrubs showed that peak termite occurrence was shifted upslope 100 m from areas of closest shrub proximity. Other factors, such as soil temperature, texture, or organic matter, are therefore likely to influence termite distributions in shortgrass steppe. The geostatistical approach used here provides a basis for further study on termites in shortgrass steppe, where their roles in decomposition and nutrient cycling are unknown. Geostatistics could also be used to describe distribution patterns on other soil arthropods sampled from traps or soil cores along transects that span topographic or land-use changes. Received: 4 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 November 1997  相似文献   

In fungus-growing termites, fungi of the subgenus Pseudoxylaria threaten colony health through substrate competition with the termite fungus (Termitomyces). The potential mechanisms with which termites suppress Pseudoxylaria have remained unknown. Here we explore if Actinobacteria potentially play a role as defensive symbionts against Pseudoxylaria in fungus-growing termites. We sampled for Actinobacteria from 30 fungus-growing termite colonies, spanning the three main termite genera and two geographically distant sites. Our isolations yielded 360 Actinobacteria, from which we selected subsets for morphological (288 isolates, grouped in 44 morphotypes) and for 16S rRNA (35 isolates, spanning the majority of morphotypes) characterisation. Actinobacteria were found throughout all sampled nests and colony parts and, phylogenetically, they are interspersed with Actinobacteria from origins other than fungus-growing termites, indicating lack of specificity. Antibiotic-activity screening of 288 isolates against the fungal cultivar and competitor revealed that most of the Actinobacteria-produced molecules with antifungal activity. A more detailed bioassay on 53 isolates, to test the specificity of antibiotics, showed that many Actinobacteria inhibit both Pseudoxylaria and Termitomyces, and that the cultivar fungus generally is more susceptible to inhibition than the competitor. This suggests that either defensive symbionts are not present in the system or that they, if present, represent a subset of the community isolated. If so, the antibiotics must be used in a targeted fashion, being applied to specific areas by the termites. We describe the first discovery of an assembly of antibiotic-producing Actinobacteria occurring in fungus-growing termite nests. However, due to the diversity found, and the lack of both phylogenetic and bioactivity specificity, further work is necessary for a better understanding of the putative role of antibiotic-producing bacteria in the fungus-growing termite mutualistic system.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Throughout the history of studies on cellulose digestion in termites, carboxymethyl-cellulose has been preferably used as a substrate for measuring cellulase activity in termites due to its high solubility. However, carboxymethyl-cellulose degradation is not directly related to digestibility of naturally occurring cellulose because many noncellulolytic organisms can also hydrolyse carboxymethyl-cellulose. To address this issue, a comparative study of microcrystalline cellulose digestion is performed in diverse xylophagous termites, using gut homogenates. For those termites harbouring gut flagellates , the majority of crystalline cellulose appears to be digested in the hindgut, both in the supernatant and the pellet. For Nasutitermes takasagoensis , a termite free of gut flagellates, crystalline cellulose is degraded primarily in the midgut supernatant, and partially in the pellet of the hindgut. The fungus-growing termite Odontotermes formosanus , which also does not possess intestinal flagellates, shows only a trace of crystalline cellulose hydrolysis throughout the gut. Comparison of levels of activity against crystalline cellulose with previously reported levels of activity against carboxymethyl-cellulose in the gut of each termite reveals significant differences between these activities. The results suggest that the hindgut flagellates produce commonly cellobiohydrolases in addition to endo-β-1,4-glucanases, which presumably act synergistically to digest cellulose. Preliminary evidence for the involvement of bacteria in the cellulose digestion of N. takasagoensis is also found.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation by the microorganisms in the gut of termites is one of the crucial aspects of symbiosis, since termites usually thrive on a nitrogen-poor diet. The phylogenetic diversity of the nitrogen-fixing organisms within the symbiotic community in the guts of various termite species was investigated without culturing the resident microorganisms. A portion of the dinitrogenase reductase gene (nifH) was directly amplified from DNA extracted from the mixed population in the termite gut. Analysis of deduced amino acid sequences of the products of the clonally isolated nifH genes revealed the presence of diverse nifH sequences in most of the individual termite species, and their constituents were considerably different among termite species. A majority of the nifH sequences from six lower termites, which showed significant levels of nitrogen fixation activity, could be assigned to either the anaerobic nif group (consisting of clostridia and sulfur reducers) or the alternative nif methanogen group among the nifH phylogenetic groups. In the case of three higher termites, which showed only low levels of nitrogen fixation activity, a large number of the sequences were assigned to the most divergent nif group, probably functioning in some process other than nitrogen fixation and being derived from methanogenic archaea. The nifH groups detected were similar within each termite family but different among the termite families, suggesting an evolutionary trend reflecting the diazotrophic habitats in the symbiotic community. Within these phylogenetic groups, the sequences from the termites formed lineages distinct from those previously recognized in studies using classical microbiological techniques, and several sequence clusters unique to termites were found. The results indicate the presence of diverse potentially nitrogen-fixing microbial assemblages in the guts of termites, and the majority of them are as yet uncharacterized.  相似文献   

We studied the hunting behaviour of Myrmicaria opaciventris (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in order to evaluate if it can be used as a biological control agent against the termites that damage sugarcane plantations. Hunting workers foraged in groups and recruited nestmates at short-range when they encountered large termite soldiers or groups of small termite workers. Differences in prey capture concerned the: (1) means of detection (from a distance or by contact); (2) termite body part seized (small termites seized by the body; large termites by an appendage); (3) percentages of prey abandoned; and (4) use of venom. The sting of the workers is spatulated implying a topical application of the venom on the prey. Large termites were stretched by several workers whose adherence to the substrate is facilitated by well-developed arolia and claws on the legs while others spread venom on the body and carved it up. An adaptation to termite capture was noted with a distribution of tasks between the workers which subdued prey, and those which transported it. In the former case, the workers easily eliminated termite soldiers, successively attacked several termite workers and even captured new individuals while holding the first ones captured between their mandibles before retrieving them all at once. The remaining individuals were retrieved by the transporting workers. Given this particularly effective predatory strategy, we concluded that, under certain conditions, M. opaciventris can be used as a biological control agent against termites.  相似文献   

白蚁诱食信息素研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄求应  薛东  雷朝亮 《昆虫学报》2005,48(4):616-621
白蚁为社会性昆虫,其组织结构和联系方式主要由白蚁外分泌腺产生的起诱导和调节白蚁行为反应作用的信息素来获得。由白蚁下唇腺产生的诱食信息素,能够在白蚁巢体的群体性食物采集中诱使取食白蚁形成聚集,并且取食食物的相同位置,从而提高白蚁巢体采集食物的效率。目前,已确定对苯二酚为白蚁诱食信息素,且认为整个等翅目昆虫都产生和使用对苯二酚作为诱食信息素,与分类地位和生物学特性无关。该文概述了白蚁诱食信息素的分泌器官、种特异性、生物学意义、生物合成途径及其在白蚁防治中的应用等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Caste developmental pathways of the Japanese damp-wood termite Hodotermopsis japonica Holmgren were estimated by measuring body parts. From the size distribution of head-width, seven peaks were recognized in populations of larvae. Of these peaks, the seventh has a wide range and variance, indicating that it represents several instars. The individuals that make up the seventh peak, which take the role of workers (pseudergate), are suggested to enter the nymphal stage(s), which has brachypterous wing buds, prior to becoming alates. The pseudergates appear to be totipotent, that is, capable of differentiating into any caste, including reproductives and soldiers. Sixth instars and pseudergates have the potential to become soldiers via a presoldier stage. Although the evolution of caste systems in termites is controversial, the linear developmental pathway found in this study is thought to be the typical pattern in lower termites. Sexual discrimination was also investigated, males and females being easily distinguished by examining the seventh abdominal sternites of individuals older than fourth instar larvae. Both sexes appear to follow the same caste developmental pathway.  相似文献   

相辉  周志华 《昆虫知识》2009,46(1):32-40
白蚁是热带生态系统重要的木质纤维素降解者。白蚁种类丰富,可分成高等白蚁和低等白蚁,食性也具有各自特点。白蚁自身可以产生纤维素酶,主要是GHF9的内切葡聚糖酶(EG),也有β-葡萄糖苷酶(GB)。低等白蚁共生的原虫中已发现丰富的纤维素酶基因,属于GHF5,7和45。同时还有其他相关功能基因,如木聚糖酶和果胶类物质水解酶。高等白蚁肠道中没有共生原虫。高等培菌白蚁可以利用共生蚁巢伞属真菌促进木质纤维素降解,真菌可以产生纤维素酶,果胶质水解酶类、木聚糖酶,同时还产生可能与木质素分解相关的一种漆酶,但是从分子水平,关于共生真菌纤维素水解酶的研究还较少。白蚁肠道已分离出许多具有木质纤维素降解能力的菌株,最近的研究也发现了大量细菌纤维素酶基因。白蚁-共生系统丰富的木质纤维素水解酶类为发展生物方法开发纤维素乙醇这一思路提供有价值的资源。  相似文献   

Mimicry has evolved in a wide range of organisms and encompasses diverse tactics for defence, foraging, pollination and social parasitism. Here, I report an extraordinary case of egg mimicry by a fungus, whereby the fungus gains competitor-free habitat in termite nests. Brown fungal balls, called 'termite balls', are frequently found in egg piles of Reticulitermes termites. Phylogenetic analysis illustrated that termite-ball fungi isolated from different hosts (Reticulitermes speratus, Reticulitermes flavipes and Reticulitermes virginicus) were all very similar, with no significant molecular differences among host species or geographical locations. I found no significant effect of termite balls on egg survivorship. The termite-ball fungus rarely kills termite eggs in natural colonies. Even a termite species (Reticulitermes okinawanus) with no natural association with the fungus tended termite balls along with its eggs when it was experimentally provided with termite balls. Dummy-egg bioassays using glass beads showed that both morphological and chemical camouflage were necessary to induce tending by termites. Termites almost exclusively tended termite balls with diameters that exactly matched their egg size. Moreover, scanning electron microscopic observations revealed sophisticated mimicry of the smooth surface texture of eggs. These results provide clear evidence that this interaction is beneficial only for the fungus, i.e. termite balls parasitically mimic termite eggs.  相似文献   

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