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变温对昆虫发育速率影响的分析方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘树生 《昆虫知识》1991,28(5):295-298
温度是影响昆虫发育快慢的主要生态因子。昆虫自然种群一般都生活在不断变动的温度条件下,因此,有关变温对昆虫发育速率的影响,一直受到昆虫学者的注意。本文就有关的统计方法进行评述,并提出一种计算简便、效率高的新方法。  相似文献   

昆虫发育过程中的速率累加效应对其日均发育率的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
昆虫发育速率V与温度T之间呈S型曲线关系。在确定适合昆虫发育的变温范围的基础上,利用萝卜蚜的试验数据,通过计算机模拟,探讨了“速率累加”过程通过V与T之间的曲线关系在各种变温条件下对昆虫日均发育速率所产生的影响。结果表明,在排除温度波动本身可改变瞬时发育速率的前提下,这种速率累加效应导致在低温区内变温下的发育比在恒温下快,在高温区内则相反,且温度变幅越广差异就越大。文中指出,由于日均发育速率会依温度的变化方式和幅度不同而发生改变,而依据恒温速率曲线可计算出各种变温下的发育进度,故对于预测昆虫在适温区发育进度而言,恒温试验结果比变温试验结果具有更广泛的适用性。  相似文献   

沙葱萤叶甲为近年来在内蒙古草原猖獗成灾的新害虫,为明确温度对其发育速率的影响,分别设置5个变温组合(8/20℃,11/23℃,14/26℃,17/29℃和20/32℃)和6个恒温(13℃,17℃,21℃,25℃,29℃和33℃),比较了变温和恒温对沙葱萤叶甲幼虫和蛹发育速率的影响。结果表明,不同变温组合和恒温对沙葱萤叶甲幼虫和蛹的发育速率有显著的影响。发育历期随温度的升高而缩短,在变温条件下,1龄幼虫期、2龄幼虫期、3龄幼虫期、总幼虫期和蛹期分别从最低温度组合(8/20℃,平均15℃)的11.00,13.44,23.18,46.42和16.89 d,缩短至最高温度组合(20/32℃,平均27℃)的4.92,4.63,9.17,17.83和5.83 d;在恒温条件下,13℃下幼虫不能发育和存活,1龄幼虫期、2龄幼虫期、3龄幼虫期、总幼虫期和蛹期分别从17℃的14.50,10.75,20.63,45.50和11.00 d,缩短至33℃的6.10,5.47,10.60,22.17和5.33 d。在变温条件下,幼虫和蛹的发育起点温度分别为7.44℃和8.48℃,有效积温分别为344.82日度和113.52日度;在恒温条件下,幼虫和蛹的发育起点温度分别为0.64℃和5.11℃,有效积温分别为714.28日度和147.06日度。变温促进了沙葱萤叶甲幼虫和蛹的发育,本研究结果为沙葱萤叶甲的预测预报及综合防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

变温促进昆虫发育的酶学解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王智翔  陈永林 《生态学报》1989,9(2):106-114
本文关于如何评价变温对昆虫发育速率影响的讨论表明,在比较两点(T_1,T_2)变温与恒温下的发育速率时,相应恒温下的发育速率为R_(con)(T_1,T_2)=(R_(con)(T_1) R_(con)(T_2))/2,而不是T_1、T_2平均值所对应的发育速率R_(con)(T_1,T_2)=R_(con)(T_1 T_2/2)。 在探讨发育速率与温度关系时,认为,(1)发育速率实际上是代谢速率的表现,从本质上说是由昆虫体内无数生化反应所决定的。每步生化反应所需酶不同。(2)不同酶,其活力与温度的关系不同。即使同种昆虫,体内不同种类酶的最大活力温度不同。因此,在不同温度下,代谢链中起限速作用的酶不同。发育速率与温度的关系实质上是代谢链中所有酶与温度关系的综合表现。  相似文献   

陈非洲  刘树生 《生态学报》2003,23(4):688-694
研究了小菜蛾的发育速率在恒温和自然变温下的变化规律。恒温下小菜蛾在 8~ 32℃内能完成整个幼期的发育 ,在 30~ 32℃下发育最快。幼虫能完成发育的温度范围宽于卵和蛹。在模拟恒温下发育速率和温度关系时 ,王 -兰 -丁模型效果较好 ,而 Logistic模型能较好地模拟适温区和低温区的发育速率 ,直线模型只能用于适温区内发育速率的模拟。恒温下的存活率和温度符合二次曲线关系。不同恒温下发育历期的分布符合“同形性质”。变温下 ,小菜蛾能够发育的温度范围比恒温下的广。在适温区 ,Logistic模型、直线模型和王 -兰 -丁模型均能较好地模拟变温下小菜蛾的羽化进度 ,但在低温区 ,Logistic模型和王 -兰 -丁模型模拟的效果优于直线模型。  相似文献   

用非线性模型估测恒温和变温下棉铃虫蛹的发育率   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了深入分析和探讨昆虫发育与环境温度的关系, 在恒温(15~37℃)和交替变温(12/18~34/40℃)下测定了棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera蛹的发育历期(d),分别用线性模型和非线性模型(Logan模型﹑Lactin模型和王氏模型)拟合其发育率(1/d)数据。结果表明,这3个非线性模型能更准确地描述发育率与温度之间的曲线关系,判定系数(R2)在0.9878~0.9991之间。对全部观测数据的进一步研究表明,只要有6个分布合适的观测数据,就可以用这些非线性模型获得相当满意的估测效果。如果缺乏高温下的测定数据,用非线性模型预测的昆虫发育率可能失真。分析了蛹在恒温和变温下发育率差异的可能原因,讨论了应用这3个非线性模型预测蛹期发育的优点和缺点,指出用非线性模型取代线性日·度模型进行害虫发生预测和益虫饲养管理的合理性和必要性。  相似文献   

赤眼蜂发育速率对梯度恒温的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈洪凡  岑冠军  黄寿山 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6669-6673
赤眼蜂发育速率对梯度恒温的响应关系到生物防治效果问题,以稻螟赤眼蜂与玉米螟赤眼蜂为例,研究了两种赤眼蜂分别在10、15、20、25、30、35、37℃梯度恒温下的相应世代发育历期,并运用直线回归模型与王-兰-丁模型两种拟合法,对温度与发育速率的关系进行了拟合。研究结果表明:温度对两种赤眼蜂的世代发育历期有明显的影响,在试验梯度温度10-37℃范围内,两种赤眼蜂的世代发育历期随温度升高而逐渐缩短。在10℃至30℃范围内,两种赤眼蜂的发育历期迅速缩短。在30℃到37℃范围内,两种赤眼蜂的发育历期变化进入一个相对平稳时期。在试验温度为30、35、37℃,稻螟赤眼蜂与玉米螟赤眼蜂的发育历期分别为7.75、7.45、7.95d和8.05、7.50、7.90d,差异不显著。通过直线回归法,可得稻螟赤眼蜂与玉米螟赤眼蜂的发育起点温度分别为5.23℃和5.24℃,有效积温分别为212.77d·℃和217.39d·℃;利用王氏模型法,得到两种赤眼蜂的发育最低温、发育最适温和发育最高温分别为7.96、18.91、38.99℃和6.97、18.87、38.99℃。稻螟赤眼蜂与玉米螟赤眼蜂在10-37℃的试验温度范围内,发育速率随温度升高而相应增大。在10-30℃范围内,两种赤眼蜂的发育速率迅速增长;在30-35℃范围内,两种赤眼蜂的发育速率进入一个相对平稳时期,超过临界高温TH后,随温度升高发育速率最终降为0。讨论了赤眼蜂发育速率对梯度恒温响应研究中应注意的梯度恒温设计和数学模型选择问题。  相似文献   

棉铃虫在变温环境中发育起点温度的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文提出一个估计在变温环境中昆虫发育起点温度的新方法.该法能充分利用生物学资料中的信息.它通过运用优选法来减少搜索过程中发育起点温度T0的变化次数, 而它的目标函数是方差.该法还通过引入如下一个当T0变化时累计日度的变换方法来减少计算工作量.(1)当TsTmax时, Ks=0;(2)当TsTmin时, Ks=K0-(Ts-T0)·N;(3)当Tminsmax时, Ks=[K0-(Tmin-T0)·N)(1-N·Q), 其中Q=0.00669024+1.70477P-0.701654P2, P=(Ts-Tmin)/(Tmax-Tmin).这里TsKs是变换后相应的发育起点温度和累计日度, TmaxTmin是最高和最低温度, N是发育阶段的平均历期. 我们用该法估计了棉铃虫的发育起点温度.结果表明卵期的发育起点温度是9.42674℃幼虫期是12.2702℃, 蛹期为14.2365℃.相应的累计积温是31.5416, 200.782和129.61日度.  相似文献   

研究了桃蚜、松毛虫赤眼蜂两种昆虫发育快慢、出生先后与其它几项特征之间的关系。结果表明,同时出生的一批个体,虽在几乎一致的生境中,发育快慢也不一,而发育快慢不一又与其个体大小、生植力等特征呈正相关;同一母体的后代,出生先后不一,其个体大小、发育速率、生殖力等特征可有显著差异。  相似文献   

为了探究恒温和变温培养对羊肚菌菌丝生长和菌核形成的影响,设置-9℃-30℃的7个恒温处理,3个变温处理,通过观察和记录在两种不同培养方式下菌丝的长势、生长速度、菌落干重、产核时间、菌核数量等内容,从而比较出恒温和变温培养对羊肚菌菌丝生长和菌核形成的影响效果。结果表明,在恒温条件下羊肚菌菌丝生长和菌核发育比变温好,20℃最适宜菌丝生长,菌丝生长速度较快,菌落干重最大;25℃最适宜菌核生长发育,产核最早。菌核数量最多。  相似文献   

The effect of minimum, maximum and mean ambient air temperatures and the temperature-humidity index (THI) of the same and the previous day on morning (a.m.) and afternoon (p.m.) rectal temperatures (RT), respiration rates (RR) and pulse rates (PR) were studied in 17 Holstein-Friesian cows over the first 125 days in the 3rd and 4th lactations. Physiological responses showed a diurnal pattern, being lower in the mornings than the afternoons: 38.6 vs 39.0° C for RT, 52.2 vs 60.7 breaths/min for RR and 58.1 vs 64.1 beats/min for PR. Correlations between RT and RR (r = – 0.043 to –0.046) and RT and PR (r = –0.178 to –0.261) were low (P> 0.05). Correlations between RR and PR (r = 0.353 to 0.365) were moderate (P<0.05). Weather variables, especially ambient temperature of the previous day, were more important and influenced physiological responses to a greater extent than other thermal factors the same day. Generally, physiological responses were influenced to a greater extent by ambient temperature than THI. Weather variables explained variations in RT (5.1–59.6%), in RR (13.0–17.8%) and in PR (22.1–25.4%). Relationships between weather variables the previous day and physiological responses were contradictory, with minimum and maximum values showing a negative relationship in contrast with a positive relationship for mean values.  相似文献   

在 1 6~ 3 1℃范围内设置了 6个温度对麝凤蝶ByasaalcinousKlug卵、幼虫、蛹的发育速率进行了测定。结果表明 ,卵、幼虫、蛹在 1 6~ 3 1℃范围内均能正常生长发育 ,尤以 2 5~ 2 8℃条件下最适宜于该蝶的生长发育 ,发育速率与温度呈直线关系。用直线回归法得到卵、幼虫、蛹的发育起点温度分别为 9 3 ,7 1 ,6 8℃ ,有效积温分别为 90 2 ,3 87 4,2 2 7 9日·度。  相似文献   

光周期和温度对枯叶蛱蝶幼虫生长发育的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在人工气候箱中研究不同光周期和温度条件下枯叶蛱蝶Kallima inachus Doubleday幼虫的生长发育情况。结果表明,20℃时,光周期对枯叶蛱蝶幼虫发育历期影响明显,25℃和30℃时无明显影响。20,25和30℃,12.5~14h光照下,幼虫发育历期分别为31.7~36.0,26.3~27.4和21.0~21.5d,最长和最短历期分别相差4.3,1.1和0.5d。随着温度升高,在相同光照下,幼虫发育历期缩短。20,25和30℃12.5~14h光照下幼虫存活率分别为80%~92%、75%~95%和55%~85%,随温度上升,不同光周期下幼虫存活率差异加大。30℃时大部分光周期下存活率较低,已对幼虫生长发育不利,人工养殖时温度不宜超过30℃。  相似文献   

The seasonal timing mechanism of egg hatching was examined in two cicadas, Cryptotympana facialis and Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata, with different but overlapping geographical distributions. These species lay eggs in summer, and nymphs hatch in the summer of the following year after egg durations of 10-12 months. When eggs were maintained at 25 °C from oviposition, both the species entered embryonic diapause within 60 days irrespective of photoperiod, but at different developmental stages between the two species. The optimal temperature for diapause development was approximately 15 °C in both the species. The development rate for postdiapause morphogenesis increased linearly with temperature in the range of 20-27.5 °C in C. facialis, and of 15-25 °C in G. nigrofuscata. The lower development threshold and the sum of effective temperatures were computed as 14.3 °C and 715.3 day-degrees in C. facialis and 12.1 °C and 566.6 day-degrees in G. nigrofuscata, respectively. The hatching dates predicted by these large thermal constants accorded with the hatching dates observed in the field, i.e., late June and mid-July in G. nigrofuscata and C. facialis, respectively. Therefore, the high thermal requirements for postdiapause development compel the cicadas to hatch in summer.  相似文献   

1. One temperature shift from 20 to 30°C in darkness induces 30–40% germination in Rumex obtusifolius seeds. The same germination percentages are found with heat treatment varying between 1 and 6h duration, indicating that the total heat sum of the temperature shift is not important.
2. Germination is greatly enhanced by three consecutive heat shifts of 1h at 30°C separated by 1h periods at 20°C.
3. The seeds are activated to a small extent after a slow warming (+2°Ch–1) from 20 to 30°C, followed by incubation for 1h at 30°C. Germination is much higher after rapid heating (+10°Ch–1) to 30°C, followed by 1h incubation at this temperature. Repeated fast heating treatments on four consecutive days enhances germination. Moderately rapid heatings (+3·3°Ch–1) give intermediate results.
4. The rate of cooling does not influence the germination percentage. Cooling alone cannot induce germination.
5. Heating alone from 15 to 25°C without cooling also activates germination. In this temperature range the seeds are more activated by rapid warming than by slow warming.
6. The ecological relevance of the response to different warming rate is discussed. The insensitivity of seeds to a slow warming might keep deeply buried seeds in a dormant stage.  相似文献   

The developmental periods from egg to adult of two stocks of the aphid parasite, Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), were determined under various constant and alternating temperature regimes. The relationship between temperature and rate of development for each of the two stocks under constant conditions was described satisfactorily by the logistic curve. Based on the constant temperature curves, comparisons showed that temperature alternations did not accelerate or decelerate rate of development in either stock. Further analysis indicated that rates of development at extreme temperatures were well described by the logistic curve.The data and subsequent analyses showed that (1) because of the curvilinear form of the relationship, durations of development can differ considerably between constant and varying conditions if comparisons are made using daily mean temperatures; (2) as a result, the development threshold and thermal constant estimated by a hyperbolic transformation of data referred to daily mean temperatures will vary with the amplitude and pattern of fluctuations; and (3) temperature relationships derived from laboratory data can be used safely to predict the development of insects in the field.
Résumé La durée du développement de l'oeuf à l'adulte de deux lignées d'A. sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) a été déterminée en températures constantes et avec des thermopériodes. La courbe logistique a décrit correctement la relation entre la température et la vitesse de développement pour chacune des deux lignées en conditions constantes. En se basant sur les courbes à température constante, les comparaisons ont montré que l'alternance thermique n'accélère, ni ne ralentit le développement des lignées. Une analyse complémentaire a montré que le développement aux températures extrêmes était correctement décrit par la courbe logistique. Les données et les analyses consécutives ont montré: (1) que par suite de l'aspect curviligne de la relation, les durées de développement en conditions constantes et thermopériodiques peuvent différer considérablement si les comparaisons portent sur les températures quotidiennes moyennes; (2) qu'en conséquence, le seuil de développement et la constante thermique estimés par une transformation hyperbolique des données concernant les températures quotidiennes moyennes varieront avec l'amplitude et le mode de fluctuation; et (3) que les relations thermiques obtenues à partir des données de laboratoire ne peuvent être utilisées en confiance pour prédire le développement des insectes dans la nature.

The cultivation temperature-dependent rate of multiplication in amoebae was studied using three strains of Amoeba proteus and another amoeba strain of unknown specific and generic position.

1. 1. The multiplication rates are characterized by optima that vary with strains.

2. 2. The temperature-induced changes in the multiplication rate of a given strain are non-hereditary; they are common modifications.

3. 3. Hereditary interstrain differences in the multiplication rate have also been shown at constant temperatures.

4. 4. The range of modificational changes with increase or decrease of cultivation temperature appears to be greater than interstrain differences in multiplication rate.

Author Keywords: Amoeba proteus; multiplication rate; temperature  相似文献   

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