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豆天蛾Clanis bilineata tsingtauica Mell幼虫,是一种食用昆虫,富含蛋白质、维生素和矿质元素,具有很高的营养、药用和经济价值。了解适宜豆天蛾幼虫生长发育的大豆品种(品系)和种植密度,可为豆天蛾幼虫规模化饲养提供理论基础。研究通过设置两因素裂区实验,在10个品种(品系)大豆和2个种植密度水平下,测定豆天蛾幼虫生物学参数,明确适宜豆天蛾幼虫养殖的大豆品种(品系)和种植密度。结果表明,不同大豆品种(系)和种植密度对豆天蛾幼虫存活及生长发育均有显著影响;其中使用连151、淮豆9号、东辛3号和H0573大豆饲养的豆天蛾幼虫产量和存活率较高,虫体长度较长,发育历期较短;大青豆饲养的豆天蛾幼虫产量较低,幼虫发育整齐度较差,发育历期长。当种植密度为40 cm×30 cm时,豆天蛾幼虫存活和发育历期整齐度均显著高于种植密度40 cm×15 cm。综上所述,较适宜豆天蛾幼虫养殖的大豆品种(品系)为连151、淮豆9号、东辛3号和H0573,种植密度为40 cm×30 cm。  相似文献   

棉红铃虫为害棉铃的损失估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨樟法  吕仲贤 《昆虫知识》1990,27(4):208-209
棉红铃虫 Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders)幼虫为害棉铃所造成的损失估计,曹赤阳等曾作过报道。但用该逻辑斯蒂公式只能估计天气干旱、僵瓣很少的年份才接近实际损失。而红铃虫为害棉铃所造成的损失包括两个方面,其一幼虫侵入籽棉,使棉纤维的发育受  相似文献   

<正>甘薯蚁象隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera锥象科Brenthidae,是危害甘薯的重要害虫,成虫和幼虫均危害甘薯,而以幼虫在薯块内取食危害最为严重,常造成甘薯产量损失达20%以上。成虫体长5~8 mm,体形类似蚂蚁,所以也叫甘薯蚁象。前胸、触角末节和足桔红色,身体其余部门为蓝黑色有金属光泽。头部延伸成喙,触角10节;前胸长为宽的2倍,基部1/3处缢缩成颈状;腹部长卵形,鞘翅隆  相似文献   

【目的】为了摸清贵州稻水象甲Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel危害与水稻产量损失的关系,明确贵州稻水象甲的防治指标。【方法】采用田间笼罩接虫法系统的研究了不同密度的稻水象甲成虫与水稻被害叶率、幼虫密度、水稻分蘖数、穗数、穗粒数、千粒重、产量损失等的关系。【结果】稻水象甲成虫密度与水稻被害叶率和幼虫密度呈正相关关系;稻水象甲的危害明显减少水稻分蘖数和穗数,但对穗粒数和千粒重的影响不大。建立了产量损失率与被害叶率、成虫密度、幼虫密度的回归方程,计算获得了插秧后的第5天、第10天、第15天、第20天的叶片被害率的防治指标为59.65%、52.97%、50.96%、48.52%,成虫的防治指标为20头/m~2(1头/丛),幼虫的防治指标为130头/m~2(6.5头/丛)。【结论】该结果对贵州省稻水象甲的预测预报及防治具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

思茅松微红梢斑螟生物学和生态学特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
童清  孔祥波 《昆虫知识》2010,47(2):331-334
思茅松微红梢斑螟Dioryctria rubella Hampson在云南省普洱市1年发生3代,世代重叠现象严重。幼虫具有转梢、转枝、转株为害习性,这与气候因素和寄主思茅松的生长状态密切相关。雨季幼虫以转株危害为主,危害率为35%~40%;旱季幼虫以转梢危害为主,危害率为90%~100%。第3代微红梢斑螟发生严重,造成的损失最大。这为综合控制微红梢斑螟对思茅松的危害提供重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

对福建五一林场马尾松(PinusmasonianaLamb.)种子园20个无性系的种子品质及单株球果产量进行了统计分析,结果表明:无性系间在种子品质上存在着极显著差异,而无性系内除种子千粒重差异不显著外,其他性状(果径、果长、单果重和单果出籽数)差异极显著。20个无性系的单株球果产量大多逐年上升。同时对不同年份无性系结实的稳定性进行分析,划分出较稳定的无性系和较不稳定的无性系,评选出了种子高产品质优良的无性系。  相似文献   

玉米螟为害玉米对产量损失的影响经邱式邦、吴维均、李国柱等(1964)研究,认为心叶末期被害较穗期影响产量显著为大,在穗期或乳熟期为害的幼虫对产量影响不大或甚至没有影响。所以认为当前应用颗粒剂防治玉米螟,提倡在心叶末期施药一次,不仅从防治效果(减少虫数)上看是适当的,从保证产量的角度来看也是有利的。因此,要正确检定防治效果,必须在抽雄后或开花期进行虫口密度检查,此时幼虫密度能代表心叶末期的为害,可以作为检定防治质量的标准,而在抽穗以后进行检查,则不能正确反映对产量的影响。 但是,在抽雄或开花期调查虫口密度,必须剖开植株才能检查。根据作者的研究,玉米螟幼虫的田间分布是不均匀的(经测定符合核心分布和负二项式分布),要较准确的进行抽样调查,必须剖查大量的玉米植株才能达到目的,这样对生产不但带来较大损失,而且又很费工,不易推行。因此,如何精确而又节约的检定防治效果是否符合要求,这是在大面积防治玉米螟  相似文献   

通过试验测定在武育粳2号上水稻拔节期正处于幼穗形成阶段,受褐稻虱危害实粒数减少,产量下降;孕穗期较耐褐稻虱危害,有明显的补偿作用;孕穗末期至灌浆初期为水稻受害最敏感的时期,危害后使结实率和千粒重均明显下降,水稻显著减产;灌浆后期至乳熟期受褐稻虱危害主要导致干粒重降低,且越接近成熟产量损失越低。  相似文献   

<正> 对水稻受害形成过程的研究和模型化,是害虫综合防治体系中的必要程序。分析二代二化螟的危害结构,是进一步认识其对产量损失形成过程,制定防治对策和产量损失度量的根据。鉴于此,作者用通径分析方法,测定了第二代二化螟对杂交稻的危害损失结构和三种被害对产量损失影响的作用。进而建立起危害与产量损失间的回归关系,提供进一步调查和应用的参考。  相似文献   

长距茧蜂生物学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 玉米螟不但危害玉米,而且还危害棉花,是上海地区玉米和棉花上的主要害虫,受害严重的田块,产量损失均可达二成以上。玉米螟幼虫有钻蛀为害的习性,药剂防治效果一般只达70%左右,上海郊区还有一定数量青饲料玉米田不能进行化学防治,第二代的虫口基数较高,因此采用生物防治等方法压低虫口基数,减少玉米螟对棉花的为害就显得更为重要。  相似文献   

小麦吸浆虫滞育幼虫甘油含量的季节变化(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用比色分析方法测定了小麦吸浆虫Sitodiplosis mosellana滞育期间幼虫甘油含量的季节变化。结果表明,幼虫离穗入土以前,甘油含量很低,仅为2.96±1.19μg/mg。幼虫离穗入土后,甘油含量急剧升高。入土后5d,甘油含量即上升为6.58±1.11μg/mg;至入土后17d,甘油含量达到高峰,12.21±2.21μg/mg。以后随时间的短期变化其含量变化不大,但随季节变化表现了一定的规律性,呈现了上升——下降——再上升——再下降的变化趋势,即夏季和冬季含量较高,秋季和春季含量较低。结茧幼虫和裸露幼虫比较,结茧幼虫的甘油含量在盛夏和冬季略高于裸露幼虫,秋季和春季时二者含量相当,两者在统计学上并无显著的差异。同一季节的当年滞育幼虫和进入第2年滞育幼虫的甘油含量无明显差异。由此可见,小麦吸浆虫幼虫滞育期间,甘油含量受季节或滞育深度的影响较大。  相似文献   

Abstract  The glycerol contents in diapause larvae of the orange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin), collected from various seasons, were measured. The results showed that there was less glycerol content in larvae during living on the wheat head. Content of glycerol began to increase significantly when the larvae left the wheat head and entered the soil. A change trend of upper- lower- upper- lower in larvae glycerol contents during diapause in soil was observed from June to April of next year. More glycerol could be examined in larvae collected in summer and winter than in spring and autumn. There was not more glycerol in cocooned larvae than that in non-cocooned larvae during various seasons from the point of statistics. Comparing the glycerol content of larvae being diapause in the first year with that of larvae in the second year, there was yet no obvious difference when larvae were collected in the same season belonged to different years. Therefore, it is shown that the content of glycerol in larvae of the wheat midge in diapause is affected mainly by the seasons or diapause intensity.  相似文献   

Progress in Wheat Resistance to Spot Blotch in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spot blotch, caused by Cochliobolus sativus, is considered one of the most destructive diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in the warm areas of South Asia. Over the past 20 years, wheat breeding efforts in the region have improved spot blotch resistance in susceptible commercial cultivars. This study assessed resistance and spot blotch‐induced yield losses in newly released wheat cultivars developed in Bangladesh since the release of the landmark wheat variety ‘Kanchan’. Replicated field studies were conducted during the 2003 and 2004 wheat seasons at two sites: a farmer's field and a research station in a warm region of Bangladesh where spot blotch has been a serious problem. Spot blotch affected 60% of the crop and caused yield losses of from 2% to 22%. Disease severity and disease‐induced grain yield reductions were less in wheat genotypes developed since 1983, with a corresponding trend towards higher yield in newly developed varieties. The level of resistance to spot blotch in the new cultivars and advanced breeding lines represents considerable progress in breeding for resistance over the past two decades.  相似文献   

麦红吸浆虫幼虫滞育期间糖类物质变化   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:20  
仵均祥  袁锋  苏丽 《昆虫学报》2004,47(2):178-183
分析研究了麦红吸浆虫Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin) 幼虫滞育期间总糖、海藻糖和糖原含量的变化。结果表明: 不同滞育年限幼虫的总糖含量无显著差异。在滞育年周期中,不同时期的滞育幼虫总糖含量明显不同。幼虫老熟入土滞育以前的总糖含量明显高于入土滞育期间。入土滞育过程中,越冬期和春季的总糖含量明显高于夏季和秋季。同期的裸露幼虫与结茧幼虫的总糖含量仅在秋季有一定的差异,其他时间基本相似。结茧幼虫滞育期间的海藻糖含量一直维持较高的水平,说明其滞育期间的糖醇积累型属于海藻糖积累型;秋季与春季糖原含量的增加可能与麦红吸浆虫的滞育解除或滞育强度的变化有一定的关系。  相似文献   

Four modern cultivars of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown under elevated ozone concentration (E‐O3) in fully open‐air field conditions in China for three consecutive growth seasons from 2007 to 2009. Results indicated that a mean 25% enhancement above the ambient ozone concentration (A‐O3, 45.7 p.p.b.) significantly reduced the grain yield by 20% with significant variation in the range from 10% to 35% among the combinations of cultivar and season. The varietal difference in the yield response to E‐O3 became nonsignificant when the anova was done by omitting one cultivar which showed unstable response to E‐O3 among the seasons. The reduction of individual grain mass accounted mostly for the yield loss by E‐O3, and showed significant difference between the cultivars. The response of relative yield to E‐O3 was not significantly different from those reported in China, Europe and India on the basis of experiments in open‐top chambers. Our results thus confirmed the rising threat of surface O3 on wheat production worldwide in the near future. Various countermeasures are urgently needed against the crop losses due to O3 such as mitigation of the increase in surface O3 with stricter pollution control, and enhancement of the wheat tolerance against O3 by breeding and management.  相似文献   

Cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus (L.), invaded northern Alabama and Georgia more than a decade ago and since has become an economic pest of winter wheat and other cereal crops in the southeastern United States. A series of trials was conducted beginning in 1995 to determine optimal rate and timing of applications of selected foliar insecticides for managing cereal leaf beetle in soft red winter wheat. These trials, cage studies with larvae, and a manual defoliation experiment were used to provide information on cereal leafbeetle yield loss relationships and to develop economic decision rules for cereal leaf beetle in soft red winter wheat. Malathion, methomyl, carbaryl, and spinosad effectively controlled larval infestations when treatments were applied after most eggs had hatched. Encapsulated endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis, methyl parathion, and disulfoton applied at the lowest labeled rates were not effective treatments. Organophosphate insecticides generally were not effective when applied before most eggs had hatched. The most effective treatments were the low rates of lambda cyhalothrin when applied early while adults were still laying eggs and before or near 50% egg hatch. These early applications applied at or before spike emergence virtually eliminated cereal leaf beetle injury. The manual defoliation study demonstrated that defoliation before spike emergence has greater impact on grain yield and yield components than defoliation after spike emergence. Furthermore, flag leaf defoliation causes more damage than injury to lower leaves. Grain test weight and kernel weight were not affected by larval injury in most trials. Regression of larval numbers and yield losses calculated a yield loss of 12.65% or 459 kg/ha per larva per stem, which at current application costs suggested an economic threshold of 0.4 larvae per stem during the spike emergence to anthesis stages.  相似文献   

In three sets of data pooled over spring wheat varieties and lines a number of grain quality measurements were related to the levels of infestation by Sitodiplosis mosellana larvae. The Hagberg falling number value was negatively correlated with the proportion of damaged grains. The 1000-grain weight, protein content and gluten content were not affected. Differences between cultivars in infestation and damage level were found to depend on the development phenology (timing of ear emergence) and on the percentage of damaged grains remaining in the yield after harvest. The falling number values were reduced most when the attainable values remained low in cultivars prone to sprouting damage, and in seasons with unfavourable weather conditions for quality maintenance. The proportion of damaged grains in relation to the number of larvae was well described by a logit-transformed regression. Sampling for infestation level and preventive measures against quality loss are discussed.  相似文献   

Frequent waterlogging increases the risk of possible harvest losses in winter wheat. The aim of this study was to analyse which developmental stage of wheat was impaired by waterlogging and whether yield losses can be explained by nutrient deficiences. A large‐scale container experiment was designed to evaluate growth, yield and nutrient status of two wheat cultivars after 14 days of waterlogging at two different developmental stages: DC 31 (first node visible) and DC 51 (beginning of ear emergence). Early waterlogging treatment impaired vegetative growth stages of winter wheat and nutrient uptake, leading to transient nutrient deficiencies, but yield was not significantly reduced. Late waterlogging at the beginning of ear emergence mainly affected generative growth stages and caused yield reductions ranging up to 61%. The main reason for yield loss was the significantly decreased thousand kernel weight in combination with a decreased number of grains per spike. Yield depressions in winter wheat depend on the timing of waterlogging. Early waterlogging transiently reduces vegetative growth through nutrient deficiencies, whereas late waterlogging results in an impaired grain development and associated therewith, yield losses.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to quantify the yield loss attributable to soya bean rust, a relatively new disease in Uganda. This was carried out for three consecutive seasons in the central, eastern, northern and western parts of the country, using three commercial varieties (Nam 1, Nam 2 and Namsoy 3) and two elite varieties (UG‐5 and GC‐00138‐29). The commercial varieties recorded higher yield losses (26.9–36.3%) and higher rust severities >50%, whereas the elite varieties recorded lesser yield losses of <10% and rust severities of <30%. Yield losses were highest in the central region (22.9%), and lowest in the northern region (15.1%). Yield losses differed significantly between seasons and were associated with reduction in seed weight and filled pod per plant.  相似文献   

The effects of Meloidogyne incognita on the Big Jim, Jalapeno, and New Mexico No. 6 chile (Capsicum annuum) cultivars were investigated in microplots for two growing seasons. All three cultivars were susceptible to M. incognita and reacted similarly to different initial populations of this nematode. Severe stunting and yield suppressions occurred at all initial M. incognita densities tested ranging from 385 to 4,230 eggs and larvae/500 cm³ soil. Regression analysis of the microplot data from a sandy loam soil showed yield losses of 31% for the 1978 season and 25% for the 1979 season for the three cultivars for each 10-fold increase in the initial population of M. incognita.  相似文献   

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