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烟青虫Helicoverpa assulta(Guenée,1852)现今分布于东亚、东南亚、大洋洲和非洲等地,但其起源地尚不清楚。本文在梳理烟青虫分类地位和系统发生资料的基础上,根据其食性、习性、地理分布及其与重要寄主植物烟草分布格局关系等资料,推断其起源地很可能是热带雨林地域。同时从烟青虫种群特性以及人类活动、大陆漂移理论等因素的作用对该推断进行解析。  相似文献   

烟青虫人工饲料的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
吴坤君  龚佩瑜 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):301-308
本文报道烟青虫Heliothis assulta的一种人工饲料,其主要成分是麦胚、酵母粉、番茄酱和辣椒粉.与自然食料相比,用这种人工饲料饲养的烟青虫生长快、发育整齐、存活率高,得到的蛹大,成虫繁殖力强.饲料中含0.1—0.2%的NaCI对幼虫的生长发育有促进作用.6龄幼虫对该饲料中干物质、能量和氮的同化效率分别是38.5%、43.9%和48.5%.在连续12代饲养期间,幼虫期存活率在57—92%之间,平均76%.  相似文献   

烟青虫种群动态模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢立群  张孝羲 《生态学报》1999,19(4):458-463
在对烟青虫Helicoverpaassulta实验种群研究的基础上,应用变维矩阵综合差分方程,建立了烟青虫种群动态模拟模型,模型采用分块矩阵的方式,以实际日龄为步长,通过适当增加矩阵维数,对虫期(态)向量实行按矩阵维数的变化而伸缩的形式,使模型不但适合于变温条件,而且能够表示烟青虫个体发育的差异,该理论模型有待于地方化。  相似文献   

在原有饲料配方的基础上,通过添加适宜浓度的辣椒粉作为取食刺激剂及去除原饲料配方中的番茄酱组分,作者对烟青虫Helicoverpa assulta(Guenée)幼虫的人工饲料进行了改进研究。测定了6种人工饲料对烟青虫生物学参数、营养指标和生命表参数的影响。结果表明,与取食对照饲料相比,取食添加3%番茄酱的饲料后,烟青虫的幼虫历期、蛹重和生殖力无显著差异。在试验浓度内,取食添加辣椒粉的饲料后烟青虫幼虫存活率、幼虫相对取食量和蛹重均显著高于取食对照饲料的相应指标。但饲料中辣椒粉浓度达到或超过2%时烟青虫幼虫的消化能力降低,达到4%时成虫交配力显著降低。在6种供试饲料中,配方Ⅱ即添加1%辣椒粉的饲料为最佳配方饲料,与取食其他饲料相比,取食配方Ⅱ饲料后烟青虫生殖力和内禀增长率均显著提高。改进的人工饲料可大量饲养烟青虫以满足室内试验及工厂化生产核多角体病毒的需要。  相似文献   

上海地区悬铃木方翅网蝽的生活史及发生情况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观察悬铃木方翅网蝽Corythucha ciliata(Say)在上海的生活史和生活习性,并对其在上海的发生情况进行调查。悬铃木方翅网蝽在上海1年发生5代,第5代成虫于10月中下旬主要在悬铃木主干和支干的树皮下越冬,4月上旬越冬成虫上树为害,4月下旬开始产卵,5月上旬始见第1代若虫,第1代若虫期17~18d,世代历期约30d,7~8月间世代重叠现象明显。悬铃木方翅网蝽在上海11个区均有发生,株被害率最高的4条道路分别为徐汇区龙华西路、肇嘉浜路、松江区人民北路及长宁区延安西路,为害率达100%。为害程度最严重的的3条道路分别为松江区人民北路、长宁区延安西路和水城南路,虫情指数分别达95.6%、76.7%和72.2%。  相似文献   

对烟青虫Helicoverpa assulta(Guenee)在不同温湿度条件下的发育历期、生存率、繁殖力进行了研究.在20℃、24℃、28℃、32℃和36℃恒温下,世代存活率分别为23.28%、 37.04%、44.22%、30.21%和8.28%,种群趋势指数分别为3.45、65.68、72.57、30.69 和0.卵期、1-6龄期幼虫、预蛹和蛹的发育起点温度分别是12.03℃,10.39℃、8.97℃、 8.96℃、10.87℃、11.23℃、9.16℃、11.40℃和10.69℃,有效积温分别是47.62日度、56.46 日度、44.30日度、40.57日度、26。26日度、33.94日度、64.61日度、34.50日度和202.45日度。每天4h 39℃以上高温对烟青虫的存活和繁殖不利。在28℃和32℃下,湿度可影响初龄幼虫、预蛹和蛹的存活,但对历期的影响不大。  相似文献   

温湿度对烟青虫实验种群的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对烟青虫Helicoverpa assulta(Guenee)在不同温湿度条件下的发育历期、生存率、繁殖力进行了研究.在20℃、24℃、28℃、32℃和36℃恒温下,世代存活率分别为23.28%、 37.04%、44.22%、30.21%和8.28%,种群趋势指数分别为3.45、65.68、72.57、30.69 和0.卵期、1-6龄期幼虫、预蛹和蛹的发育起点温度分别是12.03℃,10.39℃、8.97℃、 8.96℃、10.87℃、11.23℃、9.16℃、11.40℃和10.69℃,有效积温分别是47.62日度、56.46 日度、44.30日度、40.57日度、26。26日度、33.94日度、64.61日度、34.50日度和202.45日度。每天4h 39℃以上高温对烟青虫的存活和繁殖不利。在28℃和32℃下,湿度可影响初龄幼虫、预蛹和蛹的存活,但对历期的影响不大。  相似文献   

番茄是烟青虫的寄主植物吗?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,国内有关文献一直将番茄列为烟青虫Helicoverpa assulta的寄主植物,但田间调查结果往往与此矛盾,本研究的目的是阐明番茄是否为烟青虫的寄主植物。室内试验表明,虽然烟青虫成虫在盆栽番茄植株上产卵较多,但无论是用番茄离体嫩叶还是用盆栽植株饲养,初孵幼虫绝大部分在1龄死亡,平均存活时间很短,不会对番茄造成有经济意义的危害;即使用番茄青果饲养的3龄幼虫也不能活到6龄。根据人工饲料饲养结果估测,番茄苷对初孵幼虫的致死中浓度LC50为0.0744%,叶和青果中报道的番茄苷含量已接近或超过此水平,这是幼虫不能存活的主要原因之一。田间调查也表明,烟青虫并不危害番茄。因此,番茄不是烟青虫的寄主植物。文献中的记载很可能是将棉铃虫误判为烟青虫。  相似文献   

为了深入了解胡杨春尺蠖(Populus euphratica Apochemia cineraius Erschoft)虫害的发生期规律, 以新疆叶尔羌河流域胡杨林分布区为研究区, 结合2001-2015年的胡杨春尺蠖活动期遥感数据温度和实地调查虫情信息, 基于有效积温法则, 预测春尺蠖发生期, 从而确定最佳防治时间。结果表明: (1)春尺蠖羽化之后各虫态发生时, 环境温度远远超过发育起点温度, 因此各虫态的发生时间大大缩短, 符合新疆春尺蠖发生时间周期短的现象; (2)借助有效积温模型, 可知二龄虫发生时春尺蠖虫卵孵化进入始末期, 且春尺蠖四龄食叶虫基本没有发生, 因此春尺蠖最佳防治时间是幼虫的二龄虫。  相似文献   

黄连木种子小蜂的生物学特性和发生规律   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
柴立英  吕文彦  杜开书  谢金良 《昆虫知识》2006,43(4):567-570,F0004
通过田间及室内饲养观察,黄连木种子小蜂EurytomaplotnikoviNikolskaya在河南省太行山区为1年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在被害果内过冬。翌年4月中旬开始化蛹,5月下旬至6月上旬为成虫羽化产卵的盛期。幼虫5月中旬开始孵化,在果内取食至8月中、下旬老熟越冬。成虫在果壳内停留4~5d,出壳后成虫寿命:雄虫3~7d,雌虫4~17d,产卵前期3.7d。平均产卵量35.4粒,卵期3~4d。幼虫共5龄,预蛹期4~5d,蛹期8~10d,蛹期发育过程中形态变化的阶段性分为4级。成虫交尾产卵的最适温度为23~25℃,化蛹、羽化较适宜的湿度为65%~70%。  相似文献   

The kori bustard (Ardeotis kori struthiunculus) is indigenous to grasslands and lightly wooded savannahs of southern and eastern Africa. The species is categorized as near threatened in its entire range due to anthropogenic factors and low reproductive rates. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of grass colour, grass height, season and location on the density/occurrence of this bird species in the Serengeti grass plains, Tanzania. Data were collected from January 2014 to June 2015 using transect counts in four seasons: (i) short dry, (ii) long rain, (iii) long dry and (iv) short rain seasons, respectively. The mean density of kori bustard in the grass plains was 0.25 ± 1.01 per 0.2 km2 with near‐significant differences among the study sites. The occurrence of kori bustard was high in the medium height (11–30 cm) during the long rain and short dry seasons. The kori bustard density is relatively low, and the distribution varies with grass height and season. We suggest that conservation efforts should be directed at preventing its local extinction by protecting the habitat from excessive human activities, such as livestock grazing and illegal offtake.  相似文献   

哈尔滨地区大猿叶虫发育历期与生物学特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在哈尔滨对白菜上的大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly的生活史和生物学习性进行观察研究。结果表明,大猿叶虫在哈尔滨地区绝大多数个体1年发生1代,少部分个体1年发生2代。主要以成虫入土在2~27cm土层中滞育越冬。越冬成虫翌年4月下旬开始出土活动。第1代发生在5上旬至7月上旬,第2代发生于6月中旬至7月中旬。所有成虫在7月下旬以后均滞育越冬。在25℃条件下,雌虫产卵期为6~55d,平均为30.95d,单雌平均产卵量为454.9粒。在25℃各虫态的发育历期为:卵(4.46±0.33)d,幼虫(8.22±0.26)d,蛹(4.17±0.22)d。各虫态发育起点温度卵为10.80℃,幼虫为10.95℃,蛹为9.79℃;有效积温卵为64.82日.度,幼虫为117.37日.度,蛹为64.36日.度。  相似文献   

甜果螨是一种仓储害螨,个体微小,分布广泛,在适宜的条件下容易大量孳生。不仅危害污染含原糖、糖制品、药材等,还会引起人类皮肤螨病、肺螨病、十二指肠溃疡以及其它肠螨病等。本文阐述甜果螨的发生与危害,并相应提出了防治措施。  相似文献   

We sequenced the control region of the mitochondrial DNA from a sample of six European blue tit populations to investigate the phylogeography of Parus species. Along a transect from Barcelona, Spain to Oulu, Finland, the blue tit showed a different phylogeographic structure than the great tit and the willow tit. The southernmost sample from Barcelona consisted of two widely divergent maternal lineages (nucleotide divergence, π = 0.30%), a situation also found earlier in the French Alps. The more northern populations had a relatively uniform structure (π = 0.19%) with distinctive marks of a growing population, thus resembling the great tit populations (π = 0.19%). The amount of genetic variation among blue tits is lower than in the willow tit (π = 0.53%). This probably reflects a smaller long-term effective population size in the great tit and the blue tit than in the willow tit. The different genetic structure of the Barcelona population vs. the rest had an influence on the estimated population parameters, which are calculated based on the assumptions of genetic equilibrium of the populations.  相似文献   

The temperature and soil moisture conditions as well as vegetation patterns were studied to describe the habitat and to model the life cycle of Melanoplus frigidus, a true alpine grasshopper of the Scandes. In the low alpine belt of the Norwegian Scandes the species colonizes only the warmest microhabitats with maximum soil surface temperatures of 31°C. Vegetation of these habitats consists of shrub‐rich heath dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus and Calluna vulgaris. Using continuously measured temperature data, the development times for four different seasons were modeled and related to field observations. The maximum delay of adult molt was estimated to amount to 3 weeks, the delay being determined by the variation in spring temperature conditions between different years. The possibilities of using M. frigidus as an indicator organism of climate change effects on alpine zoo‐coenoses of the Scandes are discussed.  相似文献   

Cheumatopsyche brevilineata (Iwata, 1927 Iwata, M. (1927), ‘Trichopterous Larvae from Japan’, Zoological Magazine, 39, 209272. (In Japanese) [Google Scholar]) is a filter-feeding caddisfly without distinct separable generations. We conducted a life history survey of C. brevilineata under a natural thermal regime. This caddis species had a multivoltine life history and their generations partially overlapped each other. From the seasonal change of larval and pupal density, we recognized one overwintering generation and three non-winter generations. We propose a new method to estimate the population size of fourth instar larvae from each generation by using the ‘development zero’ and ‘effective degree-days’ methods. The second non-winter generation, developing under the hottest water temperature regime, had the largest population size and highest observed density. The overwintering generation, which developed under the coolest thermal regime, showed the smallest population size but its observed density was not the smallest.  相似文献   

Mura  Graziella  Cottarelli  Vezio 《Hydrobiologia》1998,367(1-3):15-19
The presence of Streptocephalus torvicornis on one coastal island off Italy (Cottarelli & Mura, 1995) is confirmed. Two years of sampling revealed an erratic pattern of occurrence, however, likely related to the unstable nature of the environmental characteristics. Such an unpredictability might be alternatively explained by a colonization-extinction process, or by adaptation to variations in annual weather (Donald, 1983). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Paduano  Gina M.  Fell  Paul E. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,350(1-3):123-125
Examination of spicules from a living sponge confirmed thepresenceof Corvomeyenia carolinensis in Mohawk Pond, LitchfieldCounty, Connecticut. Until recently this species had only beenreported from one locality in South Carolina. Based uponspiculeobservations in dated sediment samples this species appears tohaveexisted within Mohawk Pond throughout the past 100+years.  相似文献   

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