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The pollination biology ofSymphonia globulifera was studied in Central Amazonia, Brazil. As suggested by the bird syndrome of the flowers, these are mainly pollinated by hummingbirds. Occasional visits by other birds, butterflies and more rarely bees, as well as tamarin monkeys were also observed.Trigona bees partly destroy the flower tube to rob nectar. The possibility thatS. globulifera may not be primarily adapted to hummingbird pollination is discussed. The pollen is intermixed in an oily fluid secreted by the anthers (antheroil). Each of the five stigmas consists of a pore-like opening at the apex and a small chamber behind it. The antheroil mixed with pollen is absorbed by capillarity into the chamber when deposited on the pore. the pollen germinates inside the stigma. The presence of antheroil and pore-like stigmas in the flowers of the closely relatedPlatonia insignis indicate a similar mode of pollination. The results of this study are compared with observations in some otherClusiaceae (Caraipa, Clusia, Garcinia, Mahurea), where floral oils or floral resin occur. The role of these substances in the pollination process and their relation to the evolution of flower biology inClusiaceae are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The mature flower ofHarungana madagascariensis (Choisy)Poir. has an androecium of five antipetalous fascicles, consisting of four stamens each. The stamen fascicles alternate with five indented nectary scales. A SEM-study of the floral development, as well as a study of the floral anatomy was carried out to understand whether the nectariferous scales represent staminodia or are receptacular in nature and consequently whether or not the androecium ofHarungana, and theClusiaceae in general, is originally diplostemonous. The five petals originate by the splitting of petal-stamen complexes. Next the upper part of each complex differentiates basipetally in four stamens. The stamens remain fascicled and are lifted on a long stalk at maturity. Five carpel primordia are initiated united in a low ringwall. The five nectary scales appear after carpel inception and develop an external morphology reminiscent of anthers. The floral anatomy reveals an independent origin of sepal median traces and common sepal lateral traces, free petal traces, stamen fascicle traces and alternating vascular tissue which supplies the nectaries. The petal-stamen complexes are the result of a retardation in petal inception, linked with the absorption of petal tissue into the stamen primordia. The development of the stamen fascicles is discussed; it is suggested that they are of a secondary nature and do not appear as a reduction from a multistaminate androecium. The external morphology and vascular anatomy of the scales speaks in favour of a staminodial nature. The comparison with some other species of theClusiaceae gives evidence of a diplostemonous ancestry of the androecium.  相似文献   

The subfamilyPhytelephantoideae comprises three genera (Ammandra, Aphandra, andPhytelephas) and seven species of dioecious palms. The floral scents ofAmmandra dasyneura, A. decasperma, Aphandra natalia, Phytelephas aequatorialis, P. macrocarpa, andP. seemannii were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We studied the pollination biology ofA. natalia, P. aequatorialis, andP. macrocarpa, and tested how the synthetically produced main constituents of the floral scents ofAphandra andPhytelephas attracted insects in two natural populations ofPhytelephas. The genera are distinct in terms of floral scents.Ammandra has sesquiterpenes,Aphandra (+)-2-methoxy-3-sec-butylpyrazine, andPhytelephas p-methyl anisol. These constituents dominated the scents quantitatively and qualitatively. The similarity between scents of male and female inflorescences was 76.5% inAmmandra, 84.2% inAphandra, and >99% inPhytelephas. Different species ofAleocharinae (Staphylinidae) pollinateAphandra natalia andPhytelephas species and reproduce in their male inflorescences.Derelomini (Curculinoidae) andMystrops (Nitidulidae) only visit and pollinatePhytelephas in which male inflorescences they reproduce. A species ofBaridinae (Curculionidae) only visits and pollinatesAphandra natalia, and reproduces in its female inflorescence. The apparent reliance on one or a few floral scent constituents as attractants and few and specific pollinators may indicate co-evolution. Sympatric species ofPhytelephantoideae have different scents. We suggest that species with similar scents have allopatric distributions due to the absence of a pollinator isolation mechanism.  相似文献   

The flowers of Mammea (Clusiaceae) have been reported to be androdioecious, a rare condition in the angiosperms. Pollen from eight taxa from most of the geographic range of the genus was examined to clarify the type of flowers, and thus the breeding system, of the genus. In six of these taxa pollen from both morphologically perfect and male flowers was examined, while in the other two, only pollen from the perfect flowers was used. In all cases pollen from perfect flowers was inaperturate, while that from the staminate flowers was aperturate. Since the inaperturate pollen probably cannot germinate, it is concluded that the perfect flowers are functionally female. Therefore, Mammea has a cryptic dioecious breeding system.The author would like to thank Peter Endress, Michael Hesse, Toby Kellogg, P. Mick Richardson, and Peter F. Stevens for editorial comments and advice. Andrew Doust, Sara Fuentes and Ken Hiser helped on the SEM. Much thanks goes to Peter F. Stevens for his helpful support throughout this project.  相似文献   

Osyris alba L. is a widespread dioecious hemiparasitic shrub of S Europe, N Africa, and SW Asia. Male inflorescences are multiflowered whereas each female inflorescence is reduced to a single flower with persistent enlarged bracts. Pollination is a prerequisite for fruit and seed development and wind is unlikely to be an effective means of pollen spread. In southern Italy pollen is transported by small unspecialized flies and beetles. Both male and female flowers produce an indistinguishable sweet odour. Male flowers are produced in large numbers and over a larger period than the females and provide pollen, nectar, and staminal hairs as rewards for pollinators. The presence and function of staminal hairs with tip cells inOsyris alba has been reported for the first time. Female flowers are rewardless, producing neither mature pollen, nectar nor staminal hairs, but possess three modified yellow indehiscent anthers containing no viable pollen which may provide a strong visual feeding stimulus for pollinators. It is suggested that pollinators are attracted by deceit to female flowers by mimicry of the males and the floral mimicry is, therefore, intraspecific and intersexual. The floral characteristics and flowering phenology of male and female plants are consistent with this kind of mimicry. The female flower possesses a tricarpellary ovary with three ovules of which only one develops. The single seed, containing a small embryo and a large, rich endosperm, is borne in a red fleshy bird-dispersed fruit. The reduction in seed number per flower to one highly nutrient-invested seed, together with a reduction of the multiflowered inflorescence to a solitary flower and the sequential production of ripe fruits over an extended fruiting season, suggest that the female function is markedly resource-limited. It is suggested that, although all the reproductive characteristics present inOsyris alba, as well as hemiparasitism, had probably evolved before the end of the tropical Tertiary, they are of adaptive advantage in the nutrient and water-limited environment of the Mediterranean maquis.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology of three sympatric Araceae species, Anthurium sagittatum, A. thrinax and Spathiphyllum humboldtii in French Guiana. The plants flowered simultaneously and were visited by scent‐collecting male euglossine bees, which were apparently their major pollinators. In total, each species was visited by 3–7 euglossine species, and 2–3 euglossine species accounted for at least 80% of all flower visits, with visits being plant species‐specific. Floral scent consisted of 6–10 main compounds, which made up 76–94% of the total amount of volatiles and were specific in these high amounts to each plant species. We suggest that the different floral scents lead to clear separation of the main pollinating euglossine species, providing a directed and efficient intraspecific pollen flow that results in high reproductive success. Since the simple floral (inflorescence) morphology of the studied plants does not support any morphological mechanisms to exclude visitors, as for example in euglossine‐pollinated perfume orchids, floral scent might be of major importance for the reproductive isolation and sympatric occurrence of these plants.  相似文献   

The perfume syndrome and pollination by fragrance-collecting euglossine bees in the neotropic solanaceous genusCyphomandra was confirmed by field observations. In SE Brazil,C. sciadostylis was visited byEufriesea violaceae, andC. diploconos byEuglossa mandibularis; C. hartwegii was pollinated byEulaema meriana in Costa Rica. The primary attractant, fragrant droplets that ooze from the dorsally bulged connectives, is mopped up by the males with the forebasitarsi. Thereby, the poricidal thecae are inadvertently pushed causing the dry pollen to dust the bee's sternum. The number and direction of the pollen jets are related to pollinator size and stigma structure. The flowers are homogamous, selfsterile, and last three days. The androecium is optically non-contrasting or has cryptic colour. Flowers ofC. sciadostylis andC. diploconos undergo a colour change and an almost three-fold increase in corolla size when scent production and visits cease. The dorsal papillar epidermis of the connective is underlain by a glandular parenchyma typical of osmophores. GC techniques revealed germacrene D as the main component in the mentholic scent ofC. sciadostylis, ipsdienol, heneicosane, and tricosane as dominant in the nutmeg-like scent ofC. diploconos, and benzyl acetate and benzyl alcohol in the sweet fragrance ofC. hartwegii. In all cases, these were accompanied by numerous minor components of heterogeneous chemical nature.—Pollen release by means of a peculiar pneumatic bellows mechanism appears as a necessary and probably ubiquitous feature ofCyphomandra. Even a slight pressure exerted upon the thin, elastic thecal walls blows pollen jets through the pores. Unusual anatomic changes accompany anther maturation. Initially voluminous parenchymatic locular intumescences (placentoids) contract completely during meiosis, then expand once more when the pollen is ripe, pushing the grains against the locular wall, and contract a second time, allowing air to enter the thecae.—Cyphomandra pinetorum was found to be exceptional in exhibiting a pollen flower syndrome, and not cryptical but optically contrasting yellow anthers, as known forSolanum.  相似文献   

Penland's beardtongue, a rare endemic plant of the Colorado Plateau, displays a mixed breeding system. Plants are partially self-compatible but set more fruits when cross-pollinated than when self-pollinated. Fruit production is significantly increased by pollinators. However, in two years of study there was no indication that fruit set was being limited by inadequate pollinator visitation. Pollinator effectiveness was judged by correlating bee behavior at the flowers with analysis of the pollen carried on bee bodies. The most important pollinators were native megachilid bees, particularly in the genusOsmia. The bees that pollinate Penland's beardtongue are essential to its reproduction and must be preserved along with this rare plant.  相似文献   

Floral biology of Aristolochia argentina (Aristolochiaceae)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The floral biology of Aristolochia argentina (Aristolochiaceae) was studied in natural populations in Córdoba, Argentina. This native vine has flowers that attract mainly scuttle fly pollinators of the genus Megaselia (Phoridae). The trap-like perianth is formed by a limb, a tube, and a basal utricle. The limb produces an odor that recalls decaying plant tissues, which apparently mimics the natural oviposition substrate of the flies. The insects stay entrapped inside the utricle for approximately 24 h, making contact with the sexual organs of the flower. When released, they can become captured again in other flowers. The mechanisms of herkogamy and protogyny are efficient. Although self-compatibility exists, as demonstrated by the high percentage of fruits produced by geitonogamy, fruits were not produced under natural or artificial autogamous conditions. Natural pollination showed significantly lower fruit set than xenogamous and geitonogamous crosses.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the genusBaldellia was studied under cultivation and in nature.B. ranunculoides subsp.repens is self-incompatible whereasB. ranunculoides subsp.ranunculoides andB. alpestris are self-compatible. Bud-pollination occurs in theB. alpestris. Self-incompatibility correlates with the production of fewer, larger, more showy flowers, higher pollen production (but reduced pollen grain size), fewer carpels and smaller seeds. Resource allocation to sexual reproduction is inversely correlated with the degree of vegetative growth.B. ranunculoides subsp.repens produces more ramets than subsp.ranunculoides, which reproduces mainly by seeds.B. alpestris is intermediate between the two since it is self-compatible, produces fewer, larger seed than subsp.ranunculoides and is also able to propagate by vegetative means.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine floral trait variation between fourCyclamen species that show variation in their ability to reproduce in the absence of pollinators and in levels of inbreeding. Pollen and ovule production, pollen/ovule ratio, pollen volume, petal length and width, diameter of the corolla mouth, pistil and stamen length, and stigma-anther separation varied significantly between the four study species. Flower, pollen and ovule production, pollen volume and corolla size were generally highest inC. hederifolium, the species with the lowest level of inbreeding (mean Fis = 0.329), intermediate in both species with relatively high levels of pollinator-mediated inbreeding,C. repandum (mean Fis = 0.658) andC. creticum (mean Fis = 0.748), and lowest in the highly inbredC. balearicum (mean Fis = 0.930). The two species with the most different inbreeding coefficients,C. hederifolium andC. balearicum, had lower pollen-ovule ratios and shorter longevities of stigma receptivity and pollen viability thanC. creticum andC. repandum. These patterns of variation in floral traits are discussed in relation to the relatedness, pollination ecology and levels of inbreeding of the four species.  相似文献   

The Australian orchid tribeThelymitreae, composed ofCalochilus, Epiblema, andThelymitra, is unique in theOrchidaceae because of the presence of a mitra or staminodal complex. Evidence from floral structure suggests thatEpiblema andThelymitra are sister genera and thatCalochilus is derived from aThelymitra ancestor. A Gene Pool Vortex model and a hypothetical phylogeny illustrate that introgressive hybridization, allopatry, and long distance dispersal have played a major role in the evolution of the tribe. Pollination and hybridization in the tribe are discussed with major emphasis on floral mimicry.  相似文献   

Anthesis in individual flowers of Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC. occurs for four consecutive days. First-day flowers are protogynous and functionally female. Flowers can open completely on the first day of anthesis. This contrasts with all previous reports, which state that first-day flowers of Nuphar are characterized by partial expansion of the calyx, leaving a distal small triangular opening just above the stigmatic disc. Flowers close completely on the first night of anthesis and remain partially open on the subsequent three nights. During the entire anthesis period the stigmas emit a sweet, fruity odor and the petal nectaries produce visible nectar drops. The stigma of N. pumila is secretory and unicellular-papillate. Pollen grains are monosulcate with long spines. Our observations on the mating system of N. pumila indicate that neither asexual seed production nor spontaneous self-pollination occurs. Cross-pollination of second-, third- and fourth-day flowers produced few seeds. Flowers of N. pumila were mainly pollinated by sweat bees, with flies playing a minor pollination role. No beetle visits were observed. Our insect-pollination observations substantiate the view that the relative contribution of flies, bees, and beetles to pollination in a single Nuphar population depends on two factors: the relative abundance of the insects, and presence of alternative food sources.  相似文献   

A new species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae) from northeastern Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sinningia nordestina is described and illustrated. Morphological and molecular characters are discussed. It is a new species endemic to northeastern Brazil and is distinguished from other members of the genus by its vestigial tubers, ascending pedicels with pendent flowers, small corollas, and deviating flowering period.  相似文献   

Floral colour change in Pedicularis monbeigiana (Orobanchaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the effects of the retention of colour-changed flowers on long- and short-distance attractiveness of bumblebees and the likelihood of successive flower visits by bumblebees in Pedicularis monbeigiana. The lower lip changed colour with age from white to purple. Hand geitonogamous pollination significantly reduced seed production. No pollen limitation occurred in this species. Purple-phase flowers contributed minimally to pollinator attractiveness at long distance. The combination of less reproductive flowers with a lower amount of reward and floral colour change enabled plants to direct pollinators to reproductive, highly rewarding white flowers at close range. A high percentage of purple-phase flowers in an inflorescence was associated with a marked reduction in the frequency of successive flower visits to individual plants. We suggest floral colour change in P. monbeigiana may serve as a mechanism for enhancing inter-individual pollen transfer and reducing intra-individual pollen transfer.  相似文献   

Floral development and floral phyllotaxis in species of Adonis, Callianthemum, and Trollius (Ranunculaceae) were studied with scanning electron microscopy. The floral organs are initiated in spiral sequence and the flowers have spiral phyllotaxis. The sepal primordia are broad, crescent-shaped, and truncate, but those of petals, stamens, and carpels are rather hemispherical. A relatively long plastochron appears to be present between the last sepal and the first petal as compared with the short and equal plastochrones of all subsequent floral organs. Maturation of the stamens within the androecium appears to be centripetal. The carpels have a short ascidiate zone. Placentation is uniformly lateral, even in Adonis and Callianthemum, which have only one fertile ovule per carpel (versus median in other genera of Ranunculoideae with a single fertile ovule). In Adonis and Callianthemum at the tip of the carpel the ventral slit is gaping and the stigma is broadly exposed, whereas in Trollius the stigma is narrower and more pronouncedly decurrent along the ventral slit. The petals in Callianthemum and Trollius are more conspicuously delayed in development than those in Adonis as compared with sepals and stamens. A short carpel stipe is formed early in Callianthemum but later in Adonis and Trollius. In Trollius farreri (commonly having only five carpels in contrast to other species of Trollius) the carpels form a single (spiral) series. Thus floral development is similar in all three genera and, at a lower level, Adonis and Callianthemum are especially close but have different autapomorphies, which reflects the current classification of the genera.  相似文献   

Solanum jabrense is apparently rare, and is only known from few collections in the Pico do Jabre of the state of Paraíba, Brazil. It is illustrated and its affinities with the informalErythrotrichum group are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Individual plants in gynodioecious populations ofPhacelia linearis (Hydrophyllaceae) vary in flower gender, flower size, and flower number. This paper reports the effects of variation in floral display on the visitation behaviour of this species' pollinators (mainly pollen-collecting solitary bees) in several natural and three experimental plant populations, and discusses the results in terms of the consequences for plant fitness. The working hypotheses were: (1) that because female plants do not produce pollen, pollen-collecting insects would visit hermaphrodite plants at a higher rate than female plants and would visit more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female; and (2) that pollinator arrival rate would increase with flower size and flower number, the two main components of visual display. These hypotheses were generally supported, but the effects of floral display on pollinator visitation varied substantially among plant populations. Hermaphrodites received significantly higher rates of pollinator arrivals and significantly higher rates of visits to flowers than did females in all experimental populations. Flower size affected arrival rate and flower visit rate positively in natural populations and in two of the three experimental populations. The flower size effect was significant only among female plants in one experimental population, and only among hermaphrodites in another. The effect of flower number on arrival rate was positive and highly significant in natural populations and in all experimental populations. In two out of three experimental populations, insects visited significantly more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female and visited more flowers on many-flowered plants than on few-flowered plants, but neither effect was detected in the third experimental population. Because seed production is not pollen-limited in this species, variation in pollinator visitation behaviour should mainly affect the male reproductive success of hermaphrodite plants. These findings suggest that pollinator-mediated natural selection for floral display inP. linearis varies in space and time.  相似文献   

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