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The effect of feeding time (dawn or midnight) on nitrogen excretion and energy expenditure was studied in immature rainbow trout using measurements of respiratory gas exchange. Fish (mean individual weight 70 g) were maintained indoors under natural photoperiod and fed by hand (commercial food pellets) at a rate of 1% weight/day−1. Rates of ammonia and CO2 excretion and O2 uptake were measured every hour. Ammonia excretion increased immediately after feeding in fish fed at midnight, and 2h after feeding in fish fed at dawn. Ammonia excretion and energy supply from protein catabolism, were higher in trout fed at midnight than in those fed at dawn, while total energy expenditure was the same in both groups. The results suggested that trout fed in phase with their natural feeding rhythm use dietary protein more efficiently for growth than do trout fed out of phase with the natural rhythm.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is a small protein involved in intracellular proteolysis. It is highly conserved throughout eukaryotic phyla and has been detected in such diverse species as yeast, barley, Drosophila and man. A previous study showed that chromatin of rainbow trout testis contains free ubiquitin with a sequence similar to that of other phyla. In the present study, which focused on rainbow trout but included eleven other species, it is shown that fish ubiquitin genetic organisation and expression are similar to those of other phylogenetic groups through the following set of observations: (a) Multiple loci were detected, (b) These loci encode repeats of ubiquitin, (c) Although the DNA sequences are not conserved, the encoded amino acid sequences are fully conserved, (d) The expression of ubiquitin was influenced by cell culture conditions and viral infection.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate: (1) the effects of both deficiencies and excesses in essential amino acids (EAAs) from an estimated optimum dietary EAA pattern on nitrogen (N) utilization and excretion of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, (2) the effects of dietary digestible protein (PD): digestible energy (ED) ratio (PD:ED) on N utilization and excretion of O. mykiss and (3) the potential interaction of these two factors. A 3 × 3 factorial experiment was conducted, with the two factors EAA pattern and PD:ED ratio. The three levels of EAA pattern were: (1) optimum EAA pattern, (2) 60% deficiencies in the three amino acids arginine, histidine and lysine, and (3) 60% excesses in the three amino acids arginine, histidine and leucine. The three levels of PD:ED ratio were 18, 21 and 24 g MJ?1. Amino acid deficiencies from an optimum amino acid pattern caused reductions in mean N retention of 29 to 37%, with the greatest reduction associated with the lowest PD:ED ratio, and similar substantial increases in total N and ammonia‐N excretion at all of the dietary PD:ED ratios investigated. Amino acid excesses, however, did not negatively affect N retention or excretion. Increasing PD:ED ratio was associated with decreasing N retention and increasing N excretion over the range of dietary protein and lipid levels tested. Results of this study showed that a diet with optimum dietary amino acid pattern and lowest PD:ED ratio produced the highest N retention (47% of ingested N) and the lowest total N and ammonia‐N excretion of O. mykiss.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of various time lengths of restricted feeding at 0.5% of body weight on compensatory growth (CG) in rainbow trout under summer conditions. Seven treatments with triplicate tanks consisted of control (C) fed to satiation over 98 days and the remainder being one (R1) to six (R6) weeks of restriction and then refeeding for the remaining 8 weeks of the experiment. At the end of the experiment R1 and R2 were able to catch up with C. Repeated measures anova suggested a convergence in body mass but not in body length (structure), whereas there was an association between mass and structural CG responses. Hyperphagia and transiently better food utilisation were main mechanisms of the observed CG. Organosomatic indices of the restricted groups were significantly reduced at the end of the restriction periods, but were restored to the control fish levels by the end of the refeeding period. There was a linear increase in body moisture and a decrease in lipid and lipid/lean body mass ratio with the severity of the restriction periods, but these trends vanished by the end of refeeding. The findings of the present experiment suggest that restricted feeding and the following realimentation to elicit CG as a management tool can be used in rainbow trout, but for no more than 2 weeks under summer conditions.  相似文献   

Testis transplantation in male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of the present study was to establish a procedure for the transplantation of an intact testis from one male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to another individual and evaluate the reproductive function of the transplanted testis at sexual maturity. Isogenic (cloned) male rainbow trout were produced by crossing a completely homozygous male (YY) with a homozygous female (XX) to eliminate any problem of tissue rejection. Transplantation was performed on four pairs of sexually immature animals (n = 8); each served both as a donor and recipient. The left testis was removed by making a ventral midline incision to expose the body cavity and gonads. The left testis was disconnected at the anterior and posterior points of attachment and transferred to the recipient fish where it was placed in position adjacent to the pyloric cecae. The right testis was left intact. After 4 wk, the fish were injected (i.p.) twice weekly for 8 or 9 wk with salmon pituitary extract (1.5 mg/kg) to induce precocious sexual maturation. A similar number of untreated fish were maintained as controls. Following this treatment, all the fish were killed, and the right (intact) and left (transplanted) testes were removed, weighed, and sampled for sperm. Although the mean weights of the left, transplanted testes were significantly (P: < 0.05) smaller than the intact testes (transplants = 1.2 g; intact = 3.9 g), transplanted testes were present in all animals, had increased in mass, and were sexually mature containing sperm. The mean fertility, as measured by the proportion of eggs completing first cleavage, of sperm derived from transplanted testes (92%) was no different from the sperm obtained from intact testes (84%). Similarly, there was no difference in the number of embryos attaining the eyed stage of development, after 18 days of incubation, that were derived from transplanted (84%) or intact testes (85%).  相似文献   

Demand-feeding behaviour was studied in Oncorhynchus mykiss held at 7–10°C in groups of 30 individuals, under a 16:8, 12:12 or 8 : 16 light : dark regime, using self-feeders connected to a computer. The daily food demand was variable between tanks from 1.5 to 5% of the body weight, the specific growth rate ranged between 1.4 and 2.6% of body weight increase per day, and the feed: gain ratio ranged between 0.84 and 3.17, regardless of the photoperiod length. More than 98% of the feeding demand occurred during the photophase, regardless of the photoperiod, with a main peak at dawn and an occasional peak at dusk.  相似文献   

Patterns of transgene inheritance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been very few studies of the inheritance of introduced genes (transgenes) in fish. We have followed the inheritance of the mammalian fusion gene MTrGH from founder generation transgenics (originating from eggs microinjected with the MTrGH DNA) to offspring in crosses with control fish. Initial screening of the founder generation transgenics was by analysing DNA from blood samples. Only three out of six fish which carried the novel gene in blood DNA transmitted it to their offspring, despite the presence of the gene in DNA extracted from the sperm of all four male fish in this group. The frequency of transgenics in the progeny groups from the three fish which transmitted the gene varied widely: in one of these groups more than one type of MTrGH restriction pattern was found. These results suggest widespread mosaicism in founder generation transgenics.  相似文献   

Sex determination in salmonids is primarily governed by sex chromosomes; however, phenotypic expression and successful development of the gonads may be influenced by additional factors. Exposure to exogenous steroids during the critical period of gonadal differentiation will reverse the expected phenotypic sex of both female and male trout. Triploidy, a viable condition in rainbow trout (RBT), alters the degree of gonadal development in a gender-specific manner. Males produce testes with similar morphology and function as diploid fish, but females produce underdeveloped ovaries devoid of growing oocytes. One possible explanation for this observed gender difference is that the timing of meiotic initiation may influence ovarian/testicular development in triploid RBT. To determine whether the early entrance of germ cells into meiosis results in the lack of ovarian development in triploid females, the objective of this study was to sex-reverse genotypic triploid female RBT (XXX) into phenotypic males and genotypic triploid male RBT (XXY) into phenotypic females. Male fish were exposed to estradiol-17beta (E(2)) and females were exposed to the non-aromatizable androgen 17alpha-methyldihydrotestosterone (MDHT). Over 90% of the male fish treated with exogenous E(2) developed gonadal structures indistinguishable from the gonads of triploid females. Triploid female RBT treated with MDHT developed testes; however, not all fish treated with this androgen were completely sex reversed. The results of this investigation are consistent with the hypothesis that the failure of ovarian development in triploid RBT is due to the early onset of meiosis and does not appear to be due to genotypic sex. J. Exp. Zool. 284:466-472, 1999.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) occurs in a wide range of tissues throughout the body of the rainbow trout. Results reported here indicate that the main peripheral sources of serotonin are the intestinal tract and the gill epithelium (levels above 1500 ng/g). The high intestinal serotonin concentration is mostly due to serotoninergic nerve fibres, which are present at high density in the intestinal wall. Only about 2% of serotonin is associated with mucosal enterochromaffin cells. In the remaining tissues studied serotonin concentration was below 160 ng/g: the highest concentrations were seen in the anterior and posterior kidneys, followed by the liver, heart, and spleen. 5-Hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels, except in plasma, were generally lower than serotonin levels, and were below our detection limits in heart, spleen and posterior kidney. Acute d-fenfluramine treatment (5 or 15 mg/kg i.p.) significantly increased 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio in the anterior intestine, pyloric caeca and plasma. Serotonin released from intestinal serotoninergic fibres in response to d-fenfluramine treatment is metabolized locally, and only a small part reaches the blood, from where it can be taken up and metabolized by other peripheral tissues, such as the liver and gill epithelium. The non-metabolized serotonin pool in the blood appears to be located extracellularly, not intracellularly as in mammals. In view of these findings, we present an overview of peripheral serotonin dynamics in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

In the present study, the pattern of immuno-reactive ladderlectin and intelectin in healthy rainbow trout is compared to rainbow trout infected with a variety of infectious agents. In healthy rainbow trout, both proteins were localized to individual epithelial cells of the gill and intestine and both proteins were clearly demonstrated within cytoplasmic granules of polymorphonuclear leucocytes and macrophages/monocytes found in blood vessels, hepatic sinusoids, renal interstitium, mucosal epithelium and submucosa of normal intestine. In tissue from infected rainbow trout, there was an overall relative increase in both lectins compared to healthy fish and both proteins were detected in extra-cellular spaces surrounding bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Increased distribution and density of both RTLL and RTInt was demonstrated along mucosal surfaces and within inflammatory leucocytes in infected tissues and immune related organs. These findings represent one of the few examples of in vivo association of defence lectins and infectious agents.  相似文献   

The time course of plasma amino acid concentrations was studied in adult rainbow trout (300 g mean body weight). After a starvation period of 2 days fish were force-fed either with fish protein concentrate or a mixture of acidic casein and Na-caseinate at a rate of 0.32% CP (N' 6.25) of body weight. Peak levels occurred for feeding fish protein concentrate 6–12 h and for the casein mix 18 h post-feeding. The increase of the essential amino acids was closely correlated to the amino acid profile of the test proteins, whereas the concentration differences of the non-essential amino acids were at no time correlated to the amino acid pattern of fish protein concentrate or even negatively correlated in case of casein. The limiting amino acids in the test proteins were determined by ranking the average concentration increases (decreases) of the individual essential amino acids. Accordingly, arginine and histidine were most deficient in casein; in fish protein concentrate tryptophan seems to be the first limiting amino acid, followed by isoleucine.  相似文献   

Sexually immature rainbow trout were acclimated to small-volume (1 m3) holding tanks and then exposed to short-term stress to examine the relationship between feeding, stress, plasma ghrelin levels and other plasma stress parameters. Plasma ghrelin levels showed an increase 24 h after a single feed, plasma lactate and glucose levels decreased over the same period and plasma cortisol levels were low and constant. One hour of confinement stress resulted in elevations of plasma cortisol, glucose and lactate and depression of plasma ghrelin levels. In a separate experiment, 2 h of confinement stress also depressed feeding immediately after stress, concomitant with increases in plasma cortisol, lactate and glucose; however, in this case there was no change in plasma ghrelin concentrations. A repeat of the 2-h confinement experiment using fish that had not been acclimated to small-volume holding tanks produced a more marked elevation in plasma cortisol and a stronger suppression of feeding post-stress but in this case also, there was no change in plasma ghrelin levels. The results of this study confirm that feeding in rainbow trout is suppressed by confinement stress although the effect is transitory in this domesticated stock. Similar to that in other fishes, plasma ghrelin levels appear to be modulated by feeding status and may be influenced by stress, suggesting an orexigenic role for ghrelin in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to lymphocytes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to lymphocytes of rainbow trout have been developed by immunisation with synthetic peptides, prepared from selected parts of the alpha- and beta-gene sequences of the T-cell receptor (TCR). Mab 1C2 (TCR beta immunisation) identified lymphocytes in blood (11%), spleen (18%) and in thymus (9%) in flow cytometry analysis (FCM). Immune complexes of lymphocytes coupled to Mab 1C2 was used for further immunisations resulting in numerous supernatants reactive with lymphocytes in FCM, of which Mabs 7A5 and 8H4 were selected for further characterisation. Mab 7A5 identified 31% of lymphocytes in blood and 9% in the spleen. Mab 8H4 labelled 61% and 85% of lymphocytes in the same organs. Mab 8H4 reacted with the majority of the lymphocytes in the thymus (98%). Mabs 1C2, 7A5 and 8H4 recognised surface markers on both Ig(-) and Ig(+) lymphocytes in peripheral blood and in spleen in double staining experiments. An increased proportion of Ig(-) lymphocytes were identified when Ig(+) lymphocytes were eliminated by immunomagnetic separation. No cross-reactivity of Mabs 1C2, 7A5 or 8H4 to anti-thrombocyte Mabs was detected. Mab 1C2 captured molecules of about 40 and also of 55-60kDa, in an immunoprecipitation assay. Mab 7A5 recognised an antigen of approximately 75-80kDa and Mab 8H4 identified proteins of about 70, 100 and 150kDa. Immunohistochemical staining by Mab 8H4 of fixed thymus, revealed a strong labelling of lymphoid cells in the outer zones of thymus. The 8H4 positive lymphoid cells surrounds circular structures, which were not labelled by Mab 8H4. These distinctly appearing structures have a similar shape as nurse cells described in mammals.  相似文献   

The alpha-chain of IL-15 receptor complex serves as a high-affinity, specific subunit for IL-15 binding. It shares functional and structural features with IL-2 receptor alpha-chain. Here we report for the first time that the molecular cloning, characterization and sequence analysis of the teleostean IL-15R alpha from Oncorhynchus mykiss. The full-length cDNA comprises of a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 167 bp, an open reading frame of 732 bp and a large 3'UTR of 630 bp, constitutively expressed in all the tissues examined. Another two variants are found derived from alternative splicing. Two copies of rainbow trout IL-15R alpha (rtIL-15R alpha) were detected in the genome by Southern blot hybridization. Moreover, EST evidence is also traced from other fishes. The deduced rtIL-15R alpha of 243 amino acids contains a 17 aa signal peptide at N-terminus and a transmembrane region at C-terminus, as well as a typical sushi domain included in the extracellular region. Phylogenetic tree analysis groups rtIL-15R alpha with other IL-15R alphas but separates it from IL-2R alphas. In addition, a putative sequence was found in the sushi domain which is conserved and versatile among all species and this might relate to cytokine recognition.  相似文献   

Three groups of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , (initial weight 40 g) were fed one of three rations (low, medium or high) for 73 days. Consumption by individual fish within the three ration groups was measured on four occasions (days 27, 55, 64 and 72) using radiography. Food intake by individual fish varied between days and this variability was expressed using the coefficient of variation (CV). Dominant fish within each ration group were defined as individuals with the greater share of the group meal and these fish had low CVs for food intake indicating relatively little variation in daily consumption. By contrast, the fish which had consumed a low mean proportion of the group meal displayed high CVs for food intake, indicating considerable variability in the sizes of individual meals consumed by these fish. As group ration increased, the range of meal sizes and individual CVs in daily feeding decreased, suggesting that the strength of the feeding hierarchy and the variability in individual consumption decreased as food availability increased. It is suggested that radiography can be used to assess social relationships within groups of fish allowing the assessment of feeding hierarchies in larger groups of fish than would be possible by observational techniques.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the glycoconjugate residues in skin and gills of the adult rainbow trout, the binding pattern of five biotinylated lectins with different carbohydrate specificities was examined. In the skin, mucous cells revealed binding sites for PNA and SBA; filament-containing cells were additionally labelled with Con A. However, the basal cell layer showed no reaction. In the gill, subpopulations of mucous cells reacted with Con A, PNA, SBA and UEA-I. This broader spectrum of glycoconjugates in gill mucous cells compared with the epidermal mucous cells could point to the additional function of gill mucus in ion and osmoregulation. Lectin binding sites were less common in the respiratory epithelial cells of the secondary lamellae than in those of the primary lamellae. Chloride cells revealed mannose, galactose and fucose residues. Immature chloride cells, as indicated by a comparison with Na+/K+ ATPase immunolabelling, reacted with Con A; subpopulations of them reacted with PNA, SBA and UEA-I. The results form the basis for further investigations in which these cell populations can be analysed under different environmental conditions  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to quantify the impact of spontaneous and X-radiation-induced chromosome rearrangements on survival rate of androgenetic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Various doses of X irradiation (50, 150, 250, 350 Gy) were used for inactivation of nuclear DNA in oocytes. After the irradiation, eggs were inseminated with normal sperm from 4 males derived from a strain characterized by Robertsonian rearrangements and length polymorphism of the Y chromosome. The haploid zygotes were exposed to a high hydrostatic pressure (7000 psi) to duplicate the paternal DNA. Neither Robertsonian chromosome polymorphism nor the Y chromosome morphology impaired the viability of the androgenetic embryos and alevins. Moreover, survival of eyed embryos of the androgenetic rainbow trout increased significantly with increasing doses of oocyte X irradiation. After 6 months of rearing, only specimens from the 250 and 350 Gy variants survived. The number of fingerlings with remnants of the maternal genome in the forms of chromosome fragments was higher in the 250 Gy group. Intraindividual variation of chromosome fragment number was observed, and some individuals exhibited haploid/diploid mosaicism and body malformations. Individuals irradiated with less than 250 Gy died, presumably because of the conflict between intact paternally derived chromosomes and the residues of maternal genome in the form of chromosome fragments.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the glycoconjugate residues in skin and gills of the adult rainbow trout, the binding pattern of five biotinylated lectins with different carbohydrate specificities was examined. In the skin, mucous cells revealed binding sites for PNA and SBA; filament-containing cells were additionally labelled with Con A. However, the basal cell layer showed no reaction. In the gill, subpopulations of mucous cells reacted with Con A, PNA, SBA and UEA-I. This broader spectrum of glycoconjugates in gill mucous cells compared with the epidermal mucous cells could point to the additional function of gill mucus in ion and osmoregulation. Lectin binding sites were less common in the respiratory epithelial cells of the secondary lamellae than in those of the primary lamellae. Chloride cells revealed mannose, galactose and fucose residues. Immature chloride cells, as indicated by a comparison with Na+/K+ ATPase immunolabelling, reacted with Con A; subpopulations of them reacted with PNA, SBA and UEA-I. The results form the basis for further investigations in which these cell populations can be analysed under different environmental conditions This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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