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膨胀素(expansin,也称作扩张素或扩张蛋白)是一种引起植物细胞壁松弛的蛋白质,在植物细胞伸展以及一系列涉及细胞壁修饰的生命活动中起着关键作用。膨胀素由多基因家族编码,目前的研究表明膨胀素超家族由4个基因亚家族构成。膨胀素存在于不同的种属植物中,并克隆了大量的扩张蛋白基因。综述了近年来国内外有关膨胀素基因和蛋白的结构特征及作用机制等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

膨胀素——一个引人注目的细胞壁松弛酶候选者   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物的生长是植物生理学中一个最基本且重要的问题。细胞膨胀生长(扩大和伸长)的前提是使细胞壁松弛和不可逆伸展。生物物理和生物化学分析表明,细胞壁衬质是控制细胞壁生长的最重要的因素[4]。目前,人们普遍认为,衬质多糖作为“链”(tether),把纤维素微纤丝结合在一起[9];或作为“填补物”(filler),防止微纤丝聚集[15,22,30]。并进一步认为,细胞壁松弛的机理是衬质多糖被水解断裂[1,9,13,14]。据报道,多种修饰酶(如葡聚糖酶[1,9,19]、葡萄糖苷酶[19,27]、半乳糖苷酶[17,31]、果胶甲酯酶[11]、IAA氧化酶[2]、过氧…  相似文献   

油菜素内酯(BR)促进植物生长机理研究进展   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
介绍了油菜素内酯促进植物生长,提高作物产量的作用,并简述了促进生长的生理代谢基础,通过比较油菜素内酯与生长素,赤霉素促进生长作用方式的异同,提出油菜素内酯促进生长的信号传导路径不同于其它植物激素,另外从细胞的形态发生,细胞壁扩展的机制和细胞骨架在细胞伸长中的作用等几个方面对油菜素内酯促进植物生长的细胞及分子生物学机制进行了详尽的论述。  相似文献   

油菜素内酯(BR)促进植物生长机理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯雷平  李梅兰 《植物学报》2001,18(5):560-566
介绍了油菜素内酯促进植物生长、提高作物产量的作用,并简述了促进生长的生理代谢基础。通过比较油菜素内酯与生长素、赤霉素促进生长作用方式的异同,提出油菜素内酯促进生长的信号传导路径不同于其它植物激素。另外从细胞的形态发生、细胞壁扩展的机制和细胞骨架在细胞伸长中的作用等几个方面对油菜素内酯促进植物生长的细胞及分子生物学机制进行了详尽的论述。  相似文献   

胡杨是典型的抗旱树种。挖掘和鉴定胡杨的耐旱基因对于提高植物抗旱性具有重要意义。木葡聚糖内转糖苷酶/水解酶(XTH)是植物细胞壁重构过程中的关键酶,在植物逆境胁迫响应中发挥重要作用。我们前期已从胡杨叶片中克隆了PeXTH基因。本文利用Real-time PCR检测PeXTH基因在干旱胁迫下的表达水平。在此基础上,构建植物表达载体pMDC85-PeXTH,通过农杆菌介导法将PeXTH基因转入烟草,分析过表达PeXTH基因烟草的抗旱性。研究发现,胡杨叶片中PeXTH基因的表达受干旱胁迫诱导。干旱处理后,转PeXTH基因烟草的萌发率明显高于野生型烟草;与野生型植株相比,转基因植株的叶片失水速率明显降低。干旱胁迫下,转基因烟草的气孔开度仅为野生型烟草的51.2%~53.6%。结果表明,过表达PeXTH基因能够提高烟草的抗旱性。本研究丰富了对胡杨PeXTH基因功能的认识,为植物抗旱分子育种提供了重要的基因资源。  相似文献   

Expansin(细胞壁松弛蛋白)的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Expansin是一种体外诱导分离的植物细胞壁伸展的蛋白,在修饰细胞壁基础上使细胞膨胀。Expansin的功能众多,除了促进细胞生长,还包括影响营养生长、形态发生、授粉受精、果实软化等,并表现出高度的组织、器官和细胞特异性。目前已经在多种植物及其他一些生物范围内对expansin及类expansin序列和蛋白质进行了研究,并对它们的作用机制进行了探索。  相似文献   

本研究从陆地棉TM-1基因组中鉴定出72个XTH家族基因,编码木葡聚糖内转糖苷酶/水解酶(XTH,xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase),分别命名为Gh XTH01~Gh XTH72,分析了其基因结构、保守基序、系统进化、理化性质、亚细胞定位,并探究其在棉纤维发育不同时期的表达规律。结果表明,XTH家族基因分布在除At 07、Dt 07以外的24条棉花染色体上,根据系统发育树,将XTH家族基因分为3个亚组;XTH氨基酸序列有3个保守基序,保守性较强;多数XTH蛋白定位在细胞外。根据XTHs在纤维发育不同时期的表达量变化,将其分为4类。通过构建陆地棉与拟南芥XTH氨基酸序列进化树,推测Gh XTH15、Gh XTH28、Gh XTH36、Gh XTH49、Gh XTH59、Gh XTH62、Gh XTH63等基因在棉纤维发育过程中发挥重要作用。通过比较XTH家族基因在不同纤维品质陆地棉品种中的表达差异,推测在优质棉花品种中优势表达基因Gh XTH03、Gh XTH12、Gh XTH17、Gh XTH22、Gh XTH23、Gh XTH28、Gh XTH33、Gh XTH44、Gh XTH46、Gh XTH59等在纤维发育伸长过程中可能发挥着重要作用。上述结果为研究陆地棉XTH基因家族在棉纤维发育中的功能提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

一种植物细胞壁松驰蛋白:膨胀素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在植物细胞的生长过程中 ,多糖和蛋白质分泌到细胞壁里层 ,并形成具有一定机械强度的网络 ,这个网络是能伸展的 ,除非细胞停止生长。在细胞的生长过程中 ,一种细胞壁蛋白—膨胀素首次被鉴定出来具有使细胞壁的多糖网络疏松的能力 ,从而使膨压驱动的细胞扩大。膨胀素由两个多基因家族即α -膨胀素和 β -膨胀素多基因家族编码 ,每种基因的表达具有部位和细胞类型的特异性 ,但最新的研究也表明拟南芥中的膨胀素可以分为三个亚家族。越来越多的膨胀素基因从各种植物中鉴定出来 ,系统分析显示它们可能从一个共同的祖先基因进化而来。膨胀素的作用机理研究的还不是很清楚 ,但因为它们具有特别的功能 ,因此展现出良好的工业化应用前景。  相似文献   

植物激素在植物细胞壁扩展中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细胞壁不仅是植物细胞结构的重要组成部分,而且控制着细胞的大小、形状和生长。细胞经有丝分裂后,原生质体吸水膨胀,细胞壁重塑,新生壁物质合成,纤维素定向沉积等引发细胞壁生长。在这些过程中,乙烯(ethylene,ET)、生长素(auxin)、赤霉素(gibberellin,GA)、油菜素甾醇(brassinosteroids,BR)等植物激素调控细胞壁生长相关酶类如纤维素合酶复合体(cellulose synthase A,CESA)、扩展素(expansin,EXP)、木葡聚糖内糖基转移酶/水解酶(xyloglucan endotran glucosylase/hydrolase,XET/XTH)的表达活性,进而调控细胞壁扩展,促使细胞壁的生长。  相似文献   

木葡聚糖内转糖苷酶/水解酶(XTH)属于糖苷水解酶16家族(GH16),是一类介导木葡聚糖(XyG)-纤维素骨架构建和重组的酶。为探明XTH家族基因在金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)中的潜在生物学功能,通过生物信息学分析,结合转录组测序(RNA-seq)和实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(qRT-PCR)探究了XTH家族基因分别在金鱼草瓣化和非瓣化雄蕊以及抗感核盘菌材料中的表达水平。结果表明,鉴定出的33个AmXTH蛋白主要保守基序为ExDxE,分为3个亚组。AmXTH基因启动子的顺式作用元件多为生长发育、抗病及抗逆类。经RNA-seq和qRT-PCR验证,最终挖掘出4个正向介导抗病的关键候选基因(AmXTH3、14、18和33), 1个负向介导抗病的关键候选基因(AmXTH23), 12个正向介导雄蕊瓣化的关键候选基因(AmXTH1、7、9、11、21、22、23、24、26、28、29和33)以及2个负向介导雄蕊瓣化的关键候选基因(AmXTH15和31);其中AmXTH23和AmXTH33可能同时在金鱼草抗核盘菌和雄蕊瓣化中发挥作用。该研究初步挖掘出参与金鱼草抗核盘菌及雄蕊瓣...  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is the structural basis of cellular form and thus forms a foundation on which morphogenesis builds organs and tissues. Enzymes capable of modifying major wall components are prominent candidates for regulating wall form and function. Xyloglucan endotransglucosylases/hydrolases (XTHs) are predicted to participate in xyloglucan integration and/or restructuring. XTHs are encoded by large gene families in plants; the Arabidopsis genome encodes 33 XTHs. To gain insight into the potential physiological relevance of the distinct members of this family, GUS reporter fusion genes were constructed, and plants expressing these transgenes were characterized to reveal spatial and temporal patterns of expression. In addition, Genevestigator sources were mined for comprehensive and comparative XTH expression regulation analysis. These data reveal that the Arabidopsis XTHs are likely expressed in every developmental stage from seed germination through flowering. All organs show XTH::GUS expression and most, if not all, are found to express multiple XTH::GUS genes. These data suggest that XTHs may contribute to morphogenesis at every developmental stage and in every plant organ. Different XTHs have remarkably diverse and distinct expression patterns indicating that paralogous genes have evolved differential expression regulation perhaps contributing to the maintenance of the large gene family. Extensive overlap in XTH expression patterns is evident; thus, XTHs may act combinatorially in determining wall properties of specific tissues or organs. Knowledge of gene-specific expression among family members yields evidence of where and when gene products may function and provides insights to guide rational approaches to investigate function through reverse genetics. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

O'Looney N  Fry SC 《Annals of botany》2005,96(6):1097-1107
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Oxaziclomefone (OAC), a new herbicide, inhibits cell expansion, especially in roots and cell-cultures of gramineous monocots. OAC does not affect turgor in cultured maize cells, and must therefore inhibit wall-loosening or promote wall-tightening. METHODS: The effects of OAC in living cultured maize cells on various biochemical processes thought to influence wall extension were studied. KEY RESULTS: OAC did not affect 14C-incorporation from D-[U-14C]glucose into the major sugar residues of the cell wall (cellulosic glucose, non-cellulosic glucose, arabinose, xylose, galactose, mannose or uronic acids). OAC had no effect on 14C-incorporation from trans-[U-14C]cinnamate into wall-bound ferulate or its oxidative coupling-products. OAC did not influence the secretion or in-vivo action of peroxidase or xyloglucan endotransglucosylase activities-proposed wall-tightening and -loosening activities, respectively. The herbicide did not affect the consumption of extracellular L-ascorbate, an apoplastic solute proposed to act as an antioxidant and/or to generate wall-loosening hydroxyl radicals. CONCLUSIONS: OAC decreased wall extensibility without influencing the synthesis or post-synthetic modification of major architectural wall components, or the redox environment of the apoplast. The possible value of OAC as a probe to explore aspects of primary cell wall physiology is discussed.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTHs: EC and/or EC, a xyloglucan modifying enzyme, has been proposed to have a role during tomato and apple fruit ripening by loosening the cell wall. Since the ripening of climacteric fruits is controlled by endogenous ethylene biosynthesis, we wanted to study whether XET activity was ethylene-regulated, and if so, which specific genes encoding ripening-regulated XTH genes were indeed ethylene-regulated. XET specific activity in tomato and apple fruits was significantly increased by the ethylene treatment, as compared with the control fruits, suggesting an increase in the XTH gene expression induced by ethylene. The 25 SlXTH protein sequences of tomato and the 11 sequences MdXTH of apple were phylogenetically analyzed and grouped into three major clades. The SlXTHs genes with highest expression during ripening were SlXTH5 and SlXTH8 from Group III-B, and in apple MdXTH2, from Group II, and MdXTH10, and MdXTH11 from Group III-B. Ethylene was involved in the regulation of the expression of different SlXTH and MdXTH genes during ripening. In tomato fruit fifteen different SlXTH genes showed an increase in expression after ethylene treatment, and the SlXTHs that were ripening associated were also ethylene dependent, and belong to Group III-B (SlXTH5 and SlXTH8). In apple fruit, three MdXTH showed an increase in expression after the ethylene treatment and the only MdXTH that was ripening associated and ethylene dependent was MdXTH10 from Group III-B. The results indicate that XTH may play an important role in fruit ripening and a possible relationship between XTHs from Group III-B and fruit ripening, and ethylene regulation is suggested.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases (XTHs) are cell wall-modifying enzymes that align within three or four distinct phylogenetic subgroups. One explanation for this grouping is association with different enzymic modes of action, as XTHs can have xyloglucan endotransglucosylase (XET) or endohydrolase (XEH) activities. While Group 1 and 2 XTHs predominantly exhibit XET activity, to date the activity of only one member of Group 3 has been reported: nasturtium TmXH1, which has a highly specialized function and hydrolyses seed-storage xyloglucan rather than modifying cell wall structure. Tomato fruit ripening was selected as a model to test the hypothesis that preferential XEH activity might be a defining characteristic of Group 3 XTHs, which would be expressed during processes where net xyloglucan depolymerization occurs. Database searches identified 25 tomato XTHs, and one gene (SlXTH5) was of particular interest as it aligned within Group 3 and was expressed abundantly during ripening. Recombinant SlXTH5 protein acted primarily as a transglucosylase in vitro and depolymerized xyloglucan more rapidly in the presence than in the absence of xyloglucan oligosaccharides (XGOs), indicative of XET activity. Thus, there is no correlation between the XTH phylogenetic grouping and the preferential enzymic activities (XET or XEH) of the proteins in those groups. Similar analyses of SlXTH2, a Group 2 tomato XTH, and nasturtium seed TmXTH1 revealed a spectrum of modes of action, suggesting that all XTHs have the capacity to function in both modes. The biomechanical properties of plant walls were unaffected by incubation with SlXTH5, with or without XGOs, suggesting that XTHs do not represent primary cell wall-loosening agents. The possible roles of SlXTH5 in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

This comprehensive overview of the xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTH) family of genes and proteins in bryophytes, based on research using genomic resources that are newly available for the moss Physcomitrella patens, provides new insights into plant evolution. In angiosperms, the XTH genes are found in large multi‐gene families, probably reflecting the diverse roles of individual XTHs in various cell types. As there are fewer cell types in P. patens than in angiosperms such as Arabidopsis and rice, it is tempting to deduce that there are fewer XTH family genes in bryophytes. However, the present study unexpectedly identified as many as 32 genes that potentially encode XTH family proteins in the genome of P. patens, constituting a fairly large multi‐gene family that is comparable in size with those of Arabidopsis and rice. In situ localization of xyloglucan endotransglucosylase activity in this moss indicates that some P. patens XTH proteins exhibit biochemical functions similar to those found in angiosperms, and that their expression profiles are tissue‐dependent. However, comparison of structural features of families of XTH genes between P. patens and angiosperms demonstrated the existence of several bryophyte‐specific XTH genes with distinct structural and functional features that are not found in angiosperms. These bryophyte‐specific XTH genes might have evolved to meet morphological and functional needs specific to the bryophyte. These findings raise interesting questions about the biological implications of the XTH family of proteins in non‐seed plants.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of the tetradecasaccharide XXXGXXXG in complex with the hybrid aspen xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase PttXET16-34 have been performed and analysed with respect to structure, dynamics, flexibility and ligand interactions. Notably, the charge state of the so-called ‘helper residue’ aspartate 87 (Asp87), which lies between the catalytic nucleophile [glutamate 85 (Glu85)] and general acid/base (Glu89) residues on the same beta strand, had a significant effect on PttXET16-34 active site structure. When Asp87 was deprotonated, electrostatic repulsion forced the nucleophile away from C1 of the sugar ring in subsite ? 1 and the proton–donating ability of Glu89 was also weakened due to the formation of a hydrogen bond with Asp87, whereas the protonation of Asp87 resulted in the formation of a hydrogen bond with the catalytic nucleophile and correct positioning of the catalytic machinery. The results suggest that catalysis in glycoside hydrolase family 16, and by extension clan GH-B enzymes, is optimal when the catalytic nucleophile is deprotonated for nucleophilic attack on the substrate, whereas the ‘helper residue’ and general acid/base residue are both in their conjugate acid forms to align the nucleophile and deliver a proton to the departing sugar, respectively.  相似文献   

应用实验室常用仪器和电子部件,包括直流稳压电源、等臂双盘天平、记录仪、恒流泵、程控仪、线性可变差动变压器(LVDT)、电磁间等,改装和配置成的植物细胞壁伸展性能测定仪,具有操作简便、测量准确和灵敏度高等优点;对大豆幼苗下胚轴生长区细胞壁的内源伸展活性和重组伸展活性的实测结果与文献报告相符,表明该仪器是一种较为理想的准确测定植物细胞壁伸展性能的自动化仪器。  相似文献   

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