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木质部压力探针技术是目前直接测定植物木质部导管负压的唯一手段。在结构上,木质部压力探针测定系统由精密操作装置、压力探针系统和信号采集—传输一显示系统三大部分组成。其测定原理是将毛细管探针刺入木质部导管,通过传导介质将木质部导管负压传至压力传感器,压力传感器感应压力并将压力信号输出。本文从玻璃毛细管探针的制作、去气泡水的制备以及压力探针的校准、安装、测定等方面详细介绍了木质部压力探针的使用方法和注意事项。  相似文献   

为阐明栓皮栎根系随径级的变化规律,探究其细根的合理划分标准。以1年生栓皮栎幼苗为研究对象,将其根系分为1、1~2、2~3、3~4 mm四个径级,分别制作石蜡切片观察解剖结构,比较木质部水力特性,测定碳氮含量及其比值,并采用主成分法对根系进行分类。结果表明:(1)随着径级增加,栓皮栎根系周皮、韧皮部和形成层组织厚度增加而占径比降低,木质部直径及其占径比均增加。(2)直径2 mm以上的栓皮栎根系木质部平均最大和最小导管直径、根比导水率和栓塞脆弱性指数增加显著; 而导管密度显著下降,导管面积与木质部面积之比变化不显著。(3)直径2 mm以上栓皮栎根系碳含量表现出显著增加,随着径级增加,根系氮含量下降、碳氮比升高。(4)主成分分析表明,13项根系结构和元素含量指标降维后,前2个主分量方差贡献率达62%,PCA双序轴显示栓皮栎根系可划分为2 mm以下的吸收根群和2 mm以上的运输根群。综上认为,以2 mm作为栓皮栎细根划分的标准兼顾了形态和功能的特点,更具有准确性。  相似文献   

盐胁迫下大麦根系木质部压力的自调节现象   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用植物木质部压力探针测定的结果表明,水培大麦幼苗根的木质部压力在环境条件恒定不变时始终保持波动,并且在受到轻度的盐胁迫和当盐胁迫解除时表现出高度的自调节现象.这种波动和自调节现象将对植物水势的测定和根的径向反射系数的测定产生很大的影响,并可能与植物的抗盐性有关.小麦根在同样条件下未表现出上述现象.  相似文献   

植物体内水分长距离运输的生理生态学机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
植物体内长距离水分运输是植物生理生态学研究中的一个重要问题,长期为植物生理学家和生理生态学家所关注。木质部探针技术的问世,掀起了近年来植物生理学界最为激烈的一场争论。提出了已经有100多年,风行40年的内聚力-张力(Cohesion-Tension, C-T)学说受到质疑。随后维护派和质疑派围绕木质部探针技术、压力室技术(C-T理论的主要支撑实验技术)的可靠性展开辩论。进一步从物理学原理和各种实验上就C-T理论的3个支柱(木质部导管或管胞中巨大的张力、沿树高的压力梯度、连续水柱)进行争论。这场争论似暂告一段落,C-T理论没有被推翻,但仍留有问题期待以后的研究。  相似文献   

植物通过木质部管道系统进行水分运输, 木质部的水分运输效率和抗空穴化能力等水力结构特征对于植物物种的分布、抗逆能力等方面起关键性作用。目前, 国内外学者一般采用“冲洗法”进行木质部水力结构研究, 然而在该方法中使用的不同冲洗溶质可能对植物木质部水力结构等产生较大影响, 因此该文研究了3种溶质的冲洗溶液对毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)枝条的水力导度和抵抗空穴化能力的影响。实验结果表明: 相对于去离子水, 用0.01 mol·L-1的草酸和0.03 mol·L-1KCl溶液作为冲洗溶液, 均导致毛白杨木质部导管和油松管胞的水力导度测定值的增大。KCl导致毛白杨和油松木质部抵抗空穴化能力测定值的提高, 草酸导致杨树抵抗空穴化能力测定值增强, 但导致油松抗空穴化能力显著(p<0.01)减弱。小枝水平上, 毛白杨和油松的水分运输效率和抗空穴化能力之间没有显著相关性。另外, 在截枝实验中发现, 毛白杨小枝木质部水力导度随长度增加变化不大, 而油松枝条的木质部水力导度有逐渐增大的趋势。以上的实验结果表明不同溶质下毛白杨和油松枝条的木质部水力导度和抵抗空穴化能力不同, 草酸和KCl可能对木质部管道系统及纹孔处的果胶等产生作用, 从而使毛白杨和油松的水力结构发生变化。毛白杨与油松水力结构在去离子水、草酸和KCl的作用下的不同结果及两物种截枝试验下水力导度的不同变化趋势表明, 导管运输系统和管胞运输系统可能具有不同的水分运输影响因素。  相似文献   

极端干旱环境下的胡杨木质部水力特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡杨作为我国西北干旱区重要的乔木树种,研究其木质部水力特征对了解此树种适应极端干旱环境的生物学背景具有较重要的意义。本研究以塔里木河下游的胡杨成株和2年生胡杨幼苗为研究材料,对其木质部最大导水能力(ks(max))和自然栓塞程度(PLC)等木质部水力特征及其水力特征有关的木质部导管(或管饱)数量特征进行研究。结果表明,成株胡杨多年生枝条和侧根(2≤d<5 mm)木质部自然栓塞程度均较高,PLC均值高于50%,其中多年生枝条栓塞程度具有一定的日变化规律,清晨的PLC均值(58%)小于正午的(67%);河道边上成株胡杨侧根的均ks(max)和PLC均值都小于距河道200 m处的。随着土壤干旱程度的加剧,幼苗胡杨侧根的自然栓塞程度随之增加,而叶片气孔导度随之降低,土壤含水率与侧根自然栓塞程度,叶片气孔导度之间分别存在显著负相关关系(R =-0.9、R =-0.811)。在统一直径范围内(2≤d<5 mm),成株胡杨侧根均导管直径(dmean)和水力直径均大于(d95%、dh)胡杨幼苗,而导管密度胡杨幼苗高于成株胡杨;胡杨侧根木质部最大导水能力与均导管直径、水力直径之间具有显著正相关关系(R>0.9).  相似文献   

盐胁迫对大豆根系木质部压力和Na+吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取栽培大豆的水培幼苗为材料,用木质部压力探针和原子吸收分光光度计测定了盐胁迫条件下其根木质部压力和伤流液中Na~+含量的变化,以分析大豆抗盐吸水的机制.结果表明:在25~150 mmol/L NaCl的浓度范围内,随着盐胁迫强度的增加,大豆根木质部负压力的绝对值逐渐增大,但相对负压力和根的径向反射系数则逐渐减小;木质部伤流液中Na~+含量逐渐增加,但Na~+的相对含量则逐渐降低.同时,虽然根系吸水所需的木质部负压力(压力势)及根木质部伤流液的渗透势随着盐胁迫强度的增加都有所下降,但两者共同作用使木质部水势下降的幅度远远小于根外溶液水势(渗透势)下降的幅度,即随着根外溶液盐浓度的升高,根木质部溶液的总水势逐渐高出根外溶液的水势.上述结果说明,在盐胁迫下大豆可以利用相对小的木质部负压力逆水势梯度吸水,且通过避免对Na~+的过量吸收来适应盐胁迫环境.  相似文献   

花粉管生长测定实验是用悬滴培养法培养花粉粒 ,使其在潮湿的环境中萌发 ;花粉粒萌发的潮湿环境是培养小室或称潮湿小室。传统培养小室的制作 ,是在一干净载片上放置一玻璃环 (φ=15mm,h=5mm) ,环口用金刚砂磨平 ,并在边缘涂上凡士林 ,使玻璃环固定在玻片上 ,以防止水分蒸发。环内放两滴水 ,然后用一洁净盖玻片 ,中央滴一滴液体培养基 ,再将花粉粒撒于培养基上 ,将此盖片盖于玻璃环上 ,有花粉粒的一面朝下。经2 0~ 2 5℃培养一段时间后 ,将此装置直接放于低倍镜下观察 ,并测定花粉管的长度。这种传统培养小室有 4个缺点 :1)将长玻璃管切割…  相似文献   

木本植物木质部栓塞修复机制:研究进展与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
维持木本植物体内长距离的水分运输对于植物生存、生长和发育非常重要,但因水分在木质部张力状态下处于亚稳定状态而易发生空穴化和栓塞,导致水力导度降低、生产力下降、甚至植物死亡。面对水分胁迫诱导的空穴化,植物可通过形成抵抗空穴化的解剖结构降低栓塞发生频率,或(和)通过活跃的代谢修复栓塞,其中对木质部栓塞及其修复的发生频率、条件、机制等的认识仍有很大分歧。为此,该文首先综述了木质部栓塞修复过程及时间动态、木质部栓塞形成及修复的发生频率。然后,总结了木质部导管"新的再充水"栓塞修复过程中的4种主要假说:(1)渗透调节假说;(2)反渗透调节假说;(3)韧皮部驱动再充水假说;(4)韧皮部卸载假说。在此基础上,比较了针叶树种和木本被子植物木质部栓塞形成与修复的差异,并分析了木质部栓塞阻力与修复能力之间的权衡关系。最后,提出了木本植物木质部栓塞与修复研究的4个优先研究问题:(1)改进木质部栓塞测定技术;(2)验证"新的再充水"栓塞修复机制假说及引发木质部再充水的信号;(3)阐明木质部栓塞与修复特性的树种间差异及其可能的权衡关系;(4)加强碳代谢和水通道蛋白表达与木质部栓塞及其修复关系的生理生化研究。  相似文献   

伍中兴  李斯妮 《昆虫知识》1998,35(4):215-217
葡萄尼波羽蛾NippoptiliaVitisSasaki属鳞翅目,羽蛾科。我们于1994年在贵州施秉县城关发现该虫危害葡萄果实。据资料报道,此虫仅分布于我国的广西、台湾。有关此虫的发生危害、生物学以及防治方法在国内还未见报道。为此,我们于1994~1996年对该虫的生物学特性及防治方法进行研究,现将结果报道如下:1形态特征成虫体长99.0~12.0mm,6.0~9.0mm;翅展15.0~20.0mm,12.0~18.0mm,体色为灰色或褐色,头小,触角丝状,褐色。复眼圆形褐色,前翅灰色或褐色,其上着生褐色小鳞片。前翅分裂为3歧[1,2],第3歧退化似棍棒,棍棒上…  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown a transition from a primarily xylem to a primarily phloem flow of water as fleshy fruits develop, and the current hypothesis to explain this transition, particularly in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries, is that the vascular tissue (tracheids) become non-functional as a result of post-veraison berry growth. In most studies, pedicels have been dipped in a vial containing an apoplastic dye, which was taken up into the entire peripheral and axial xylem vasculature of pre-veraison, but not post-veraison berries. The pressure plate/pressure membrane apparatus that is commonly used to study soil moisture characteristics was adapted and the pre- to post-veraison change in xylem functionality in grape berries was re-evaluated by establishing a hydrostatic (tension) gradient between the pedicel and a cut surface at the stylar end of the berry. Under the influence of this applied hydrostatic gradient, movement of the apoplastic tracer dye, basic fuchsin, was found in the pedicel and throughout the axial and peripheral xylem of the berry mesocarp. A similar movement of dye could be obtained by simply adjoining the stylar cut surface to a dry, hydrophilic wicking material. Since both pre- and post-veraison berries hydrate when the pedicel is dipped in water, it is hypothesized that the absence of dye movement into the vasculature of post-veraison berries indicates not a loss of xylem function, but rather the loss of an appropriate driving force (hydrostatic gradient) in the berry apoplast. Based on this hypothesis, and the substantial decrease in xylem flows that occur in intact grape berries at veraison, it is suggested that there may be significant changes in the pattern of solute partitioning between the fruit symplast and apoplast at veraison. It is further suggested that diurnal patterns in symplast/apoplast solute partitioning in grapes and other fleshy fruit, may explain the observed minimal xylem contribution to the water budgets of these fruits.  相似文献   

Field evaluation of water transport in grape berries during water deficits   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The net flow in vascular and transpirational components of the grape berry water budget was evaluated during water deficits imposed at different stages of fruit development. Diurnal fluctuations in berry diameter were measured on field-grown grapevines ( Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) by using electronic displacement transducers. Water deficits were imposed by withholding irrigation, and water potentials of mid-shoot leaves, basal stem xylem and clusters were determined with a pressure chamber. The relative net flows through pedicel xylem and phloem and through berry transpiration were estimated pre-veraison and post-veraison. The xylem functioned nearly exclusively in providing net inflow pre-veraison, while the phloem was clearly dominant post-veraison. Accordingly, the amplitude of diurnal contraction was markedly smaller post-veraison than pre-veraison. The amplitude of diurnal contraction increased dramatically with decreasing plant water status pre-veraison, yet exhibited little sensitivity to low vine water status post-veraison. Measurements of the difference in water potential between clusters and source stems did not provide evidence of a gradient that would elicit significant water movement from the cluster to the stem at any time of the day. This was true for both irrigated and non-irrigated vines, although the non-irrigated vines exhibited a smaller gradient favoring inflow throughout much of the day. The gradient for xylem water transport to the cluster was considerably smaller post-veraison than pre-veraison. The results showed that berry transpiration functioned as the primary pathway for water loss both pre- and post-veraison.  相似文献   

The cohesion theory explains water transport in trees by the evaporation of water in the leaves (transpiration), which in turn generates the tension required for sap ascent, i.e. the flow of pure water from the soil through the root system and the non-living cells of the tree (xylem tracheids) up to the leaves. Only a small part of this water flow entering the leaves is used in photosynthesis to produce sugar solution, which is transported from the leaves through the living cells (phloem) to everywhere in the tree where it is needed and used. The phloem sieves are connected to the xylem tracheids by water transparent membranes, which means that the upflow of pure water and downflow of sugar solution interact with each other, causing the osmotic pressure in the sugar solution (Münch model). In this paper we analyse this interaction with a thermodynamic approach and we show that some open questions in the cohesion theory can then perhaps be better understood. For example, why under a quite high tension the water can flow in the xylem mostly without any notable cavitation, and how the suction force itself depends on the cavitation. Minimizing Gibbs energy of the system of xylem and phloem, we derive extended vapor pressure and osmotic pressure equations, which include gas bubbles in the xylem conduits as well as the cellulose-air-water interface term. With the aid of the vapor pressure equation derived here, we estimate the suction force that the cavitation controlled by the phloem sugar solution can generate at high moisture contents. We also estimate the suction force that the transpiration can generate by moisture gradient at low moisture contents. From the general osmotic pressure equation we derive an equation for calculating the degree of cavitation with different sugar solution concentrations and we show the conditions under which the cavitation in the xylem is totally avoided. Using recent field measurement results for a Scotch pine, the theory is demonstrated by showing its predictions for possible amounts of cavitation or embolism from morning hours to late afternoon.  相似文献   

Summary Mean radial diameter of tracheids in young branches of a 90 m Sequoiadendron giganteum decreases linearly with height along a gradient correlated linearly with decreasing xylem pressure potential. These smaller tracheid diameters provide strength to resist strong mechanical tensions in the xylem column and hypothetically allow greater efficiencies of water conduction. Tracheid length is not significantly correlated with either water stress or tracheid diameter.  相似文献   

We describe a method for perfusing the xylem in the stele of excised onion roots with solutions of known composition under a pressure gradient. Tracer studies using [14C] polyethylene glycol 4000 and the fluorescent dye, Tinopal CBSX, indicated that perfusing solutions passed exclusively through the xylem vessels. The conductance of the xylem was small over the apical 100 mm of the root axis but increased markedly between 100 and 200 mm. Unbuffered perfusion solutions supplied in the range pH 3.7–7.8 emerged after passage through the xylem adjusted to pH 5.2–6.0, indicating the presence of mechanisms for absorbing or releasing protons. This adjustment continued over many hours with net proton fluxes apparently determined by the disparity between the pH of the perfusion solution and the usual xylem sap pH of about 5.5. Mild acidification of the xylem sap by buffered perfusion solutions increased the release of 86Rb (K+) and 35SO4 2- from the stelar tissue into the xylem stream. The ion-transporting properties of onion roots seemed little changed by excision from the bulbs, or by removal of the apical zones of the root axis. The pH of sap produced by root pressure resembles that found in the outflow solutions of perfused root segments.  相似文献   

Intra- and inter-plant variation in xylem cavitation in Betula occidentalis   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
A modified version of a method that uses positive air pressures to determine the complete cavitation response of a single axis is presented. Application of the method to Betula occidentalis Hook, gave a cavitation response indistinguishable from that obtained by dehydration, thus verifying the technique and providing additional evidence that cavitation under tension occurs by air entry through interconduit pits. Incidentally, this also verified pressure-bomb estimates of xylem tension and confirmed the existence of large (i.e. >0·4 MPa) tensions in xylem, which have been questioned in recent pressure-probe studies. The air injection method was used to investigate variation within and amongst individuals of B. occidentalis. Within an individual, the average cavitation tension increased from 0·66±0·27 MPa in roots (3·9 to 10·7 mm diameter), to 1·17±0·10 MPa in trunks (12 to 16 mm diameter), to 1·36±0·04 MPa in twigs (3·9 to 5 mm diameter). Cavitation tension was negatively correlated with the hydraulically weighted mean of the vessel diameter, and was negatively correlated with the conductance of the xylem per xylem area. Native cavitation was within the range predicted from the measured cavitation response and in situ maximum xylem tensions: roots were significantly cavitated compared with minimal cavitation in trunks and twigs. Leaf turgor pressure declined to zero at the xylem tensions predicted to initiate cavitation in petiole xylem (1·5 MPa). Amongst individuals within B. occidentalis, average cavitation tension in the main axis varied from 0·90 to 1·90 MPa and showed no correlation with vessel diameter. The main axes of juveniles (2–3 years old) had significantly narrower vessel diameters than those of adults, but there was no difference in the average cavitation tension. However, juvenile xylem retained hydraulic conductance to a much higher xylem tension (3·25 MPa) than did adult xylem (2·25 MPa), which could facilitate drought survival during establishment.  相似文献   

The centrifuge method for measuring the resistance of xylem to cavitation by water stress was modified to also account for any additional cavitation that might occur from a freeze-thaw cycle. A strong correlation was found between cavitation by freezing and mean conduit diameter. On the one extreme, a tracheid-bearing conifer and diffuse-porous angiosperms with small-diameter vessels (mean diameter <30 μm) showed no freezing-induced cavitation under modest water stress (xylem pressure = −0.5 MPa), whereas species with larger diameter vessels (mean >40 μm) were nearly completely cavitated under the same conditions. Species with intermediate mean diameters (30–40 μm) showed partial cavitation by freezing. These results are consistent with a critical diameter of 44 μm at or above which cavitation would occur by a freeze–thaw cycle at −0.5 MPa. As expected, vulnerability to cavitation by freezing was correlated with the hydraulic conductivity per stem transverse area. The results confirm and extend previous reports that small-diameter conduits are relatively resistant to cavitation by freezing. It appears that the centrifuge method, modified to include freeze–thaw cycles, may be useful in separating the interactive effects of xylem pressure and freezing on cavitation.  相似文献   

Pressure probe measurements have been interpreted as showing that xylem pressures below c. –0.4 MPa do not exist and that pressure chamber measurements of lower negative pressures are invalid. We present new evidence supporting the pressure chamber technique and the existence of xylem pressures well below –0.4 MPa. We deduced xylem pressures in water-stressed stem xylem from the following experiment: (1) loss of hydraulic conductivity in hydrated stem xylem (xylem pressure = atmospheric pressure) was induced by forcing compressed air into intact xylem conduits; (2) loss of hydraulic conductivity from cavitation and embolism in dehydrating stems was measured, and (3) the xylem pressure in dehydrated stems was deduced as being equal and opposite to the air pressure causing the same loss of hydraulic conductivity in hydrated stems. Pressures determined in this way are only valid if cavitation was caused by air entering the xylem conduits (air-seeding). Deduced xylem pressure showed a one-to-one correspondence with pressure chamber measurements for 12 species (woody angiosperms and gymnosperms); data extended to c. –10 MPa. The same correspondence was obtained under field conditions in Betula occidentalis Hook., where pressure differences between air- and water-filled conduits were induced by a combination of in situ xylem water pressure and applied positive air pressure. It is difficult to explain these results if xylem pressures were above –0.4 MPa, if the pressure chamber was inaccurate, and if cavitation occurred by some mechanism other than air-seeding. A probable reason why the pressure probe does not register large negative pressures is that, just as cavitation within the probe limits its calibration to pressures above c. –0.5 MPa, cavitation limits its measurement range in situ.  相似文献   

Water and solute flows in the coupled system of xylem and phloem were modeled together with predictions for xylem and whole stem diameter changes. With the model we could produce water circulation between xylem and phloem as presented by the Münch hypothesis. Viscosity was modeled as an explicit function of solute concentration and this was found to vary the resistance of the phloem sap flow by many orders of magnitude in the possible physiological range of sap concentrations. Also, the sensitivity of the predicted phloem translocation to changes in the boundary conditions and parameters such as sugar loading, transpiration, and hydraulic conductivity were studied. The system was found to be quite sensitive to the sugar-loading rate, as too high sugar concentration, (approximately 7 MPa) would cause phloem translocation to be irreversibly hindered and soon totally blocked due to accumulation of sugar at the top of the phloem and the consequent rise in the viscosity of the phloem sap. Too low sugar loading rate, on the other hand, would not induce a sufficient axial water pressure gradient. The model also revealed the existence of Münch “counter flow”, i.e., xylem water flow in the absence of transpiration resulting from water circulation between the xylem and phloem. Modeled diameter changes of the stem were found to be compatible with actual stem diameter measurements from earlier studies. The diurnal diameter variation of the whole stem was approximately 0.1 mm of which the xylem constituted approximately one-third.  相似文献   

A new method of continuous measurement of vascular resistance has been proposed for studying the reactivity of single blood vessels. According to the method, blood flows through the artery, then through a rigid tube, serving as a reference resistance, and a flow control system and then returns back to the animal. The parameter of interest is pressure drop along the artery to reference resistance ratio. The method permits the study of practically intact vessels with diameters to 0.3 mm. Changes in blood viscosity have but a slight effect on the results of the measurement.  相似文献   

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