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Light from the fluorescent lamp on an ultramicrotome can be reflected from a mirror located beneath the knife face 50 that the knife and edge can he imaged on the block face. It is well known that this image can be used to accurately align the block face to the knife edge and cutting direction. A method is described of pre-aligning the lamp, stereomicroscope, knife, and the mirror, which is fixed with respect to the knife face, 80 that a bright reflection of the knife face on the block face is obtained only when the block face is brought close to alignment. This initial alignment is an extremely rapid procedure, and is followed by slower, more accurate manipulation of the block and knife for precise alignment.

The mirror, easily mounted to a Porter-Blum MT-2 ultramicrotome knife holder, is very simple in design and readily adaptable to any ultramicrotome. Methods to permit small movements of the block for the MT-1 and MT-P ultramicrotomes are also descrihed.  相似文献   

Two devices are described to aid in trimming block faces of embedded tissue for ultramicrotomy. The first, a reticle to fit the ocular of a stereomicroscope, can be manufactured by the ultramicrotomist and is designed to outline the edges of the block face so that it can be trimmed to a standard size and shape with the area of interest centered in it. The second, a rectangular “trim-align” block mounted in the knife holder of the uitramicrotome, is, with the block face, aligned to the plane of sectioning, and aids in retrimming the top and bottom edges of the block face. This is the simplest trimming device yet described and the first which will, from any sort of embedded material, produce a block face with parallel top and bottom edges even if the block face is not perpendicular to the axis of the specimen holder. If the edge of the diamond knife used for sectioning is parallel to the axis of rotation of the knife holder, the block face has also been automatically aligned to the knife as a consequence of this aligning and trimming procedure. As a result, sectioning can begin immediately without further adjustments.  相似文献   

A method for obtaining sections from two areas in the face plane of a tissue block is described. It facilitates ultrathin sectioning where virtually identical planes of section are essential but where areas of interest are too far apart to be included in a single section. Two horizontally separated mesas are prepared; sections are cut from the first with the knife rotated around its vertical axis by 2-3 degrees to provide clearance for the other. The second mesa is then sectioned with the knife rotated 4-6 degrees in the opposite direction. Similarly, by changing the vertical inclination of the block, two additional vertically separated mesas can be cut. This procedure is of great value for comparative morphometric studies of material from opposite sides of individual specimens.  相似文献   

A method for obtaining sections from two areas in the face plane of a tissue block is described. It facilitates ultrathin sectioning where virtually identical planes of section are essential but where areas of interest are too far apart to be included in a single section. Two horizontally separated mesas are prepared; sections are cut from the first with the knife rotated around its vertical axis by 2-3° to provide clearance for the other. The second mesa is then sectioned with the knife rotated 4-6° in the opposite direction. Similarly, by changing the vertical inclination of the block, two additional vertically separated mesas can be cut. This procedure is of great value for comparative morphometric studies of material from opposite sides of individual specimens.  相似文献   

A microscope substage mirror is mounted by means of a channeled lucite block on the base of a Porter-Blum knife holder. The plane face of the mirror, centered on, and about 2 inches below the edge of the knife, reflects light to the front edge of the knife so that the formation of an image of the knife edge on the face of the tissue block results. Alignment of the edge of the knife with the edge of the block to parallelism is accomplished by rotating the block. Alignment of the face of the block to the cutting plane is done by tilting the block until the image of the knife neither approaches the knife nor recedes from it with up and down movement of the block. Ultrathin sections of an area within a 1-2 μ section examined by light microscopy can thus be obtained from a previously established cutting face without loss of material.  相似文献   

Alignment of a diamond or glass knife with the face of an epoxy block, prior to sectioning, can be facilitated by the use of high intensity illumination. Such light produces a brilliant reflection of the knife edge on the block face in the form of a bright band which diminishes in height as the knife approaches the block face. Excellent visibility of block face and knife edge is afforded at magnifications up to 40. Allowing the block to cool for 1 min counteracts the thermal effects of the light before sectioning commences. This technique provides a convenient alternative to the use of reflecting devices for alignment of the knife during its approach to the block.  相似文献   

Improvements in glycol methacrylate embedding, block facing, trimming, and sectioning are described. The improvements are derived from a novel molding system, a multipurpose instrument for rapid block facing, trimming and examination, and a device for removing unwanted sections from the microtome knife while sectioning is in progress. Together, these methods facilitate specimen preparation and result in a significant reduction of the time required to prepare high resolution, very thin sections for light microscopy.  相似文献   

The construction and operation of a simple, inexpensive illuminator that produces high quality illumination of the ultramicrotome knife edge and the edge to block face gap resembling dark field is described. Use of the illuminator greatly speeds knife adjustment and reduces the likelihood of specimen or knife edge damage. The illuminator uses a grain-of-wheat light bulb and an adjustable bulb holder fashioned from bent paper clips. The holder permits both lateral and axial adjustment of the bulb position, which is necessary to achieve satisfactory illumination with different specimens and knives. The illuminator, with slight modification, can be adapted for use on any ultramicrotome.  相似文献   

A device for the controlled trimming of plastic specimen blocks for light and electron microscopy is described. Many advantages of previously reported instruments together with 1) a rack and pinion control of knife movement, and 2) a control of rotation of the specimen block at 90°, 180°, 270°, or 360° are incorporated. In conjunction with an ocular micrometer, the device allows accurate removal of thin slices during trimming.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method of handling ribboned serial sections of epoxy embedded specimens is described. Ribbons are cut from a block having the leading and trailing sides coated with contact cement. A scoop made from polyethylene tubing is used to remove a ribbon of sections from the boat of a glass or diamond knife and to transfer it to a pool of water on a microscope slide. Many ribbons (comprising hundreds of sections) can be mounted on a single slide. This method requires the construction of only one simple, inexpensive tool, the polyethylene scoop, and otherwise utilizes only items commonly available in the laboratory.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method of handling ribboned serial sections of epoxy embedded specimens is described. Ribbons are cut from a block having the leading and trailing sides coated with contact cement. A scoop made from polyethylene tubing is used to remove a ribbon of sections from the boat of a glass or diamond knife and to transfer it to a pool of water on a microscope slide. Many ribbons (comprising hundreds of sections) can be mounted on a single slide. This method requires the construction of only one simple, inexpensive tool, the polyethylene scoop, and otherwise utilizes only items commonly available in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Polyester waxes are fatty add esters of polyethylene glycol. Polyethylene glycol 400 distearate melts at 35°C, infiltrates tissues well, and sections readily at 2 μ to more than 30 μ. Sections 2 μ to 6 μ are more easily cut when a kitchen strainer full of solid CO2 (dry ice) is mounted above the microtome to cool the block and the knife, and when the knife crosses the block very slowly. Ribbons are flattened in water at room temperature and are mounted conventionally. Polyester ribbons are somewhat stickier than paraffin ribbons. Polyethylene glycol 400 distearate is slightly hydrophilic; immediately after microtomy and before the ribbon is affixed to the microscope slide, sections in the wax ribbon may conveniently be stained with 0.05% toluidine blue in aqueous benzoate buffer, pH 4.4. Tissue structure is better preserved in polyester than in paraffin wax, probably because structural lipids are better retained and localized. However, this difference between waxes is slight if tissues are well fixed and dehydrated. Other advantages of polyester wax are that sections fragment less, hard tissues rarely split away from the wax ribbon, no static electricity is generated, and the microtome knife seems to remain sharp for a longer time.  相似文献   

In paraffin sectioning static electricity is often induced by friction between the knife and the block. The sections can be discharged by ionizing the air in the vicinity of the paraffin. This can be achieved by mounting a strip containing radioactive polonium near the microtome knife. This approach implies a certain radiological risk. An alternative solution is to apply a high electric field close to the knife. The latter method may offer hazards related to the high tension and production of ozone. In comparing the risks and benefits of the two methods we have concluded that the application of a high electric field offers less risks to people in the working area than the installation of a radioactive source. The costs of the two methods are of the same order.  相似文献   

A technique is described which permits blocks of tissue to be flat-embedded in euhedral plastic castings and then to be transected along a plane so that sections may be cut which are optimally oriented to the internal ultrastructure of the block. In the transection procedure a hollow plastic cylinder is placed on the specimen trimming block. The cylinder's top prescribes a plane to which the tissue block is accurately oriented and clamped at a predetermined level. Two hand files and a burnisher are worked across the cylinder's top to 1) remove extraneous material above the plane of transection, 2) expose the tissue for sectioning and 3) smooth the block face. The clear plastic at the periphery of the exposed tissue is then easily trimmed away with a razor blade. The result is a block face with a flat, reflective surface which may be quickly aligned to the knife on the ultramicrotome. The effort needed to transect, align and face the block is minimal and 1-micron or semithin sections produced will be precisely parallel to, and at, the plane of transection. Dust produced by the transection procedure is easily eliminated from the work area by use of a small disposable vacuum cleaner. The technique of producing optimally oriented light microscope sections, using the transector, is enhanced by application of solvents to the block face which cause it to develop a temporary low relief, exactly matching the structural detail of sections cut from the block face.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In paraffin sectioning static electricity is often induced by friction between the knife and the block. The section can be discharged by ionizing the air in the vicinity of the paraffin. This can be achieved by mounting a strip containing radioactive polonium near the microtome knife. This approach implies a certain radiological risk. An alternative solution is to apply a high electric field close to the knife. The latter method may offer hazards related to the high tension and production of ozone. In comparing the risks and benefits of the two methods we have concluded that the application of a high electric field offers less risks to people in the working area than the installation of a radioactive source. The costs of the two methods are of the same order.  相似文献   

A technique is described which permits blocks of tissue to be flat-embedded in euhedral plastic castings and then to be transected along a plane so that sections may be cut which are optimally oriented to the internal ultrastructure of the block. In the transection procedure a hollow plastic cylinder is placed on the specimen trimming block. The cylinder's top prescribes a plane to which the tissue block is accurately oriented and clamped at a predetermined level. Two hand files and a burnisher are worked across the cylinder's top to 1) remove extraneous material above the plane of transection, 2) expose the tissue for sectioning and 3) smooth the block face. The clear plastic at the periphery of the exposed tissue is then easily trimmed away with a razor blade. The result is a block face with a flat, reflective surface which may be quickly aligned to the knife on the ultramicrotome. The effort needed to transect, align and face the block is minimal and 1-micron or semithin sections produced will be precisely parallel to, and at, the plane of transection. Dust produced by the transection procedure is easily eliminated from the work area by use of a small disposable vacuum cleaner. The technique of producing optimally oriented light microscope sections, using the transector, is enhanced by application of solvents to the block face which cause it to develop a temporary low relief, exactly matching the structural detail of sections cut from the block face. Areas of interest can be accurately located and isolated on the block face, using only a hand-held razor blade, so that oriented ultrathin sections of important regions can be routinely cut and examined in the electron microscope.  相似文献   

A method of tissue embedding using n-butyl methacrylate and paraffin is described. Following alcohol dehydration and infiltration with the methacrylate monomer, tissues are embedded in gelatin capsules in a mixture consisting of 3.5 g of paraffin for each 10 ml of methacrylate. Benzoyl peroxide (0.2 g for each 10 ml of monomer) is added as the catalyst and the methacrylate polymerized in a 50 C oven for 18-24 h. Following polymerization the block is trimmed and embedded in paraffin to provide a firm support during sectioning. A water trough attached to the microtome knife is essential to facilitate the handling of sections and ribbons. For serial sections a mixture of equal weights of beeswax and paraffin is used to make the sections adhere to each other. Usual staining procedures can be used since the embedding medium is readily soluble in xylene.  相似文献   

A method of tissue embedding using n-butyl methacrylate and paraffin is described. Following alcohol dehydration and infiltration with the methacrylate monomer, tissues are embedded in gelatin capsules in a mixture consisting of 3.5 g of paraffin for each 10 ml of methacrylate. Benzoyl peroxide (0.2 g for each 10 ml of monomer) is added as the catalyst and the methacrylate polymerized in a 50 C oven for 18--24 h. Following polymerization the block is trimmed and embedded in paraffin to provide a firm support during sectioning. A water trough attached to the microtome knife is essential to facilitate the handling of sections and ribbons. For serial sections a mixture of equal weights of beeswax and paraffin is used to make the sections adhere to each other. Usual staining procedures can be used since the embedding medium is readily soluble in xylene.  相似文献   

Thin sections of biological tissue embedded in plastic and cut with an ultramicrotome do not generally display useful details smaller than approximately 50 A in the electron microscope. However, there is evidence that before sectioning the embedded tissue can be substantially better preserved, which suggests that cutting is when major damage and loss of resolution occurs. We show here a striking example of such damage in embedded insect flight muscle fibres. X-ray diffraction of the embedded muscle gave patterns extending to 13A, whereas sections cut from the same block showed only approximately 50 A resolution. A possible source of this damage is the substantial compression that was imposed on sections during cutting. An oscillating knife ultramicrotome eliminates the compression and it seemed possible that sections cut with such a knife would show substantially improved preservation. We used the oscillating knife to cut sections from the embedded muscle and from embedded catalase crystals. Preservation with and without oscillation was assessed in Fourier transforms of micrographs. Sections cut with the knife oscillating did not show improved preservation over those cut without. Thus compression during cutting does not appear to be the major source of damage in plastic sections, and leaves unexplained the 50 A versus 13A discrepancy between block and section preservation. The results nevertheless suggest that improvements in ultramicrotomy will be important for bringing thin-sectioning and tomography of plastic-embedded cells and tissues to the point where macromolecule shapes can be resolved.  相似文献   

Static electricity interferes with the production of good ribbons of thin paraffin sections. Sections tend to stick to the knife leading to compression, shredding and paraffin sections. Sections ribbon disintegration. the static electricity that builds up is caused by friction between the knife and the tissue block and by the rubbing together of the operator's clothing and sectioning table (Mattheij and Dignum 1975, Bryan and Hughes 1976).  相似文献   

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