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Moffatt  S.F.  McLachlan  S.M.  Kenkel  N.C. 《Plant Ecology》2004,174(1):119-135
Extensive landscape modification by humans has led to the fragmentation of riparian forests across North America. We compared the vegetation of extant riparian forest along an urban-rural disturbance gradient. In 1999, twenty-five sites along Assiniboine River in Manitoba, Canada were categorized according to land use: urban, suburban, high intensity rural, low intensity rural, and relatively high quality reference forest. Differences in herbaceous, shrub, and tree species composition and diversity were related to the proportion of surrounding land use, forest patch size, connectivity, and area:perimeter ratio. Urban riparian forests were more disturbed and isolated. They were smaller and characterized by drier, more alkaline soils. Moreover, they had significantly lower native and overall understorey species diversity, and had a higher proportion of exotics including Solanum dulcamara and Hesperis matronalis. Suburban forests were less disturbed, faced greater development pressure, and had sandier soils. Although suburban understorey diversity was similar to that of rural forests, suburban sites had a higher proportion of exotic species, especially escaped horticultural and invasive species including Caragana arborescens and Rhamnus cathartica. Reference sites were relatively large and exhibited greater connectivity, but there was little difference in species composition and diversity among high intensity rural, low intensity rural, and reference sites. These site types were less disturbed than either urban or suburban forests, and reference sites were characterized by hydrophilic species including Scirpus fluviatilis and Carex aquatilis. Our results suggest that landscape measures of disturbance, and related changes in environment, may be confidently used to assess impacts of land use on vegetation along urban-rural gradients. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present an assessment approach for ecosystem services in an urban context covering the local and the regional scale. It was applied to different European cities. A set of indicators representing important urban ecosystem goods and services – local climate regulation, air cooling and recreation – was tested using spatial data along an urban–rural gradient. The results show that there is neither a typical rural–urban gradient in terms of urban ecosystem service provisioning nor a uniform urban spatial pattern of service provisioning that can serve as a generic model for cities. The results demonstrate that (1) core cities do not necessarily provide fewer ecosystem services compared to their regions and (2) there were no patches found within the four case study cities where all of the indicators report very high performance values. The analysis further shows that a high degree of imperviousness does not necessarily entail low ecosystem service provisioning if an urban structure contains a considerable amount of mature trees which support carbon storage and biodiversity. The results of the present paper provide insights into potentials and trade-offs between different urban ecosystem services that should be considered during urban planning when setting targets and establishing thresholds to protect environmental resources, ecosystem services and biodiversity for residents.  相似文献   

Ecological data obtained from field plots can provide detailed information about ecosystem structure and function. However, this information typically reflects processes that occur over small spatial areas. Accordingly, it is difficult to extrapolate these data to patterns and processes that take place at regional scales. Satellite imagery can provide a means to explore environmental variables over a larger area. Therefore, our main objective was to examine the utility of a regional ecological assessment tool using landscape indicators of ecosystem health in a rapidly developing area of West Georgia near the city of Columbus. Indicator variables included in the assessment were: population density and change, road density, percent forest land-cover, forest patch density, landscape Shannon's Diversity Index, proportion of all streams with roads within 30 m, proportion of area that has agriculture on slopes >3%, proportion of all streams with adjacent agriculture, and proportion of all streams with adjacent forest cover. Cluster analysis was used to combine these variables into different groups, and resulting cluster means were used to rank regional areas according to degree of environmental impact. To assess the spatial accuracy of this tool results were compared to those obtained from a separate plot-level field-based forest condition study. Results derived using the landscape ecological assessment tool suggest that rural areas were the least environmentally impacted (or most healthy) of all areas in West Georgia, and support the findings from the field study. Results for developing areas were mixed between the two different studies and may be attributed to differences in scale. Overall, it appears that this tool is useful for broad generalizations about a given landscape, but is not detailed enough for site-specific management goals due to its inherent coarse spatial resolution (30 m × 30 m). However, these site-specific goals may be achieved using higher resolution (1 m × 1 m) satellite imagery and warrants further research. In any case, this tool is a useful asset for anyone needing a rapid diagnosis of ecosystem health in an inexpensive and timely manner.  相似文献   

Pollination biology of 41 plants species of 21 families blooming in the forest understory was investigated in a lowland mixed diplerocarp forest in Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak. Among these species, 29 species (71%) were pollinated by bees, four (10%) by nectariniid birds, three by small dipterans, and others by moths, butterflies, syrphid flies, wasps, and beetles. The 29 bee-pollinated species consisted of five distinct pollination guilds: ten species pollinated by medium traplining bees (two Amegilla species), nine by small traplining bees (three halictid and a xylocopine species), two by stingless bees and beetles, seven by stingless bees, and one by megachilid bees. The bees constituting the first two guilds were shade-loving, swiftly flying, long-tongued trapliners. Proboscis lengths of these pollinators correlated with flower depth of the host plant. Pollination systems in the forest understory were distinguished from that in the canopy by the prevalence of specific interactions, the number of traplining solitary bees, and lack of pollination systems by mass-recruiting eusocial bees, large Xylocopa bees, thrips, bats, and wind. These characteristics are largely similar between the Palaeotropics and the Neotropics through convergence of nectarivorous birds (spiderhunters vs. hummingbirds) and traplining bees (Amegilla vs. euglossine bees).  相似文献   

The phytoplankton of the River Lujan (Buenos Aires, Argentina) was studied for a period of 18 months, together with physical and chemical variables, in relation to a pollution gradient. 167 taxa were recorded within a seasonal succession characterized by dominance of diatoms with a brief summer green algae facies. A combination of several biotic indices and multivariate analysis was employed to assess the impact of pollution on the phytoplankton community. The biotic indices used were species diversity and richness, algal quotients (green algae/diatom ratio, Centrales/Pennales ratio) and the SD succession rate index. Multivariate procedures included cluster analysis and ordination by PCA of both species and samples, stepwise discriminant analysis and multiple discriminant analysis of variance (MANOVA). Results indicate that community dynamism is attenuated at the more polluted sites, concomitant with an increased predominance of a broad-tolerance algal assemblage, co-dominated by Cyclotella meneghiniana and Nitzschia stagnorum. The changes in the community structure and dynamics described herein involved alterations in the distribution and relative proportions of the algae, rather than modifications in the basic species composition. These changes may not be readily detectable by methods which over-simplify the ecological information, such as systems of indicator species and biotic indices, designed to assess the degree of pollution. The suitability of multivariate analysis and biotic indices in river phytoplankton studies is further discussed.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Assessing the effects of landscape composition on invasive and native wildlife abundance patterns is necessary to reach effective biodiversity management planning, especially...  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in subtropical metropolitan regions has increased greatly because of rapid urbanization, and such increase could lead to N-related changes in soil properties and plant diversity in remnant forests of urban ecosystems. To investigate the pattern of atmospheric N deposition along an urban?Crural gradient in metropolitan Guangzhou, southern China, and to assess the potential influence of N deposition on soil properties and understory plant diversity in remnant forests, precipitation, and soil samples were collected and vegetation was surveyed from four forest sites between March 2010 and March 2011. The atmospheric inorganic nitrogen deposition (DIN) decreased with increasing distance from the urban center: DIN inputs were 43.3, 41.2, 35.2, and 30.1?kg?N?ha?1?year?1 in two urban sites, a suburban site and a rural site, respectively. However, forest soil N status (NH4 +-N, NO3 ?-N, and total nitrogen) showed the opposite pattern. Understory herb-layer diversity was negatively correlated to DIN input and positively correlated to soil calcium (Ca) and potassium (K) concentrations and pH; with highest herb-layer diversity found in the rural site receiving the lowest amount of DIN input. These results indicated that higher DIN along with soil acidification and leaching of base cations (Ca and K) might change the current N status and increase nutrients leaching and thereby cause reductions in understory plant diversity. A regional policy linking atmospheric pollution and land protection is needed to protect the most N-sensitive herb species (e.g., forbs and ferns) in these remnant forests.  相似文献   

IntroductionSignificant pulmonary vascular disease is a leading cause of death in patients with scleroderma, and early detection and early medical intervention are important, as they may delay disease progression and improve survival and quality of life. Although several biomarkers have been proposed, there remains a need to define a reliable biomarker of early pulmonary vascular disease and subsequent development of pulmonary hypertension (PH). The purpose of this study was to define potential biomarkers for clinically significant pulmonary vascular disease in patients with scleroderma.MethodsThe circulating growth factors basic fibroblast growth factor, placental growth factor (PlGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hepatocyte growth factor, and soluble VEGF receptor 1 (sFlt-1), as well as cytokines (interleukin [IL]-1β IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interferon-γ), were quantified in patients with scleroderma with PH (n = 37) or without PH (n = 40). In non-parametric unadjusted analyses, we examined associations of growth factor and cytokine levels with PH. In a subset of each group, a second set of earlier samples, drawn 3.0±1.6 years earlier, were assessed to determine the changes over time.ResultssFlt-1 (p = 0.02) and PlGF (p = 0.02) were higher in the PH than in the non-PH group. sFlt-1 (ρ = 0.3245; p = 0.01) positively correlated with right ventricular systolic pressure. Both PlGF (p = 0.03) and sFlt-1 (p = 0.04) positively correlated with the ratio of forced vital capacity to diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO), and both inversely correlated with DLCO (p = 0.01). Both PlGF and sFlt-1 levels were stable over time in the control population.ConclusionsOur study demonstrated clear associations between regulators of angiogenesis (sFlt-1 and PlGF) and measures of PH in scleroderma and that these growth factors are potential biomarkers for PH in patients with scleroderma. Larger longitudinal studies are required for validation of our results.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-015-0712-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes grouped in the complex Culex pipiens L. (Diptera: Culicidae) are important vectors of medical and veterinary diseases. In the South American sympatric region, Cx. pipiens and Culex quinquefasciatus Say coexist and potentially hybridize. To identify key drivers of their geographical distribution, mosquito immatures were collected from flower vases of eight urban/rural cemetery pairs within a 5° latitudinal transect along Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The specimens were identified by molecular methods and their relative proportion modelled as a function of environmental variables. At the beginning of the warm season, northern and southern cemeteries presented exclusively Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cx. pipiens, respectively, with different proportions of both at mid latitudes. By the end of the summer, Cx. quinquefasciatus was present throughout the study area, exclusively in 11 of the 16 cemeteries both rural and urban, whereas Cx. pipiens was predominant only in the southernmost pair. Mean annual temperature, photoperiod variability and time of the season were key drivers of their distributions. All specimens of Cx. pipiens were identified as form molestus and no hybrids were recognized. The reported distribution patterns and the potential absence of Cx. pipiens f. pipiens and hybrids are discussed, along with their implications in disease transmission.  相似文献   

Shanahan  Mike  Compton  Stephen G. 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):121-132
Fig trees (Ficus spp; Moraceae) are a common constituent of many tropical forests, where they produce figs that are eaten by a wide range of bird and mammal species. In our Bornean field site six Ficus seed dispersal guilds can be recognised, differentially attracting subsets of the frugivore community. Guild membership appears to be determined by figs' size, colour, crop size and height above ground, and frugivores' size, sensory and locomotory physiology and foraging height. Vertical stratification therefore appears to be an important determinant of fig and frugivore partitioning. The guild structure observed is discussed with respect to implications for seed dispersal and the differences between the canopy and understorey. Regarding figs eaten primarily by birds, larger fruit and crops can be found in the canopy where they are exposed to larger assemblages of potential frugivores than those presented in the understorey.  相似文献   

Aim We examined changes in the species diversity and faunal composition of arctiid moths along a successional gradient at a fine spatial scale in one of the world's hot spots for moths, the Andean montane rain forest zone. We specifically aimed to discover whether moth groups with divergent life histories respond differentially to forest recovery. Location Southern Ecuador (province Zamora‐Chinchipe) along a gradient from early successional stages to mature forest understorey at elevations of 1800–2005 m a.s.l. Methods Moths were sampled with weak light traps at 21 sites representing three habitat categories (early and late succession, mature forest understorey), and were analysed at species level. Relative proportions were calculated from species numbers as well as from specimen numbers. Fisher's α was used as a measure of local diversity, and for ordination analyses non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was carried out. Results Proportions of higher arctiid taxa changed distinctly along the successional gradient. Ctenuchini (wasp moths) contributed more strongly to ensembles in natural forest, whereas Lithosiinae (lichen moths) decreased numerically with forest recovery. Arctiid species diversity (measured as Fisher's α) was high in all habitats sampled. The three larger subordinated taxa contributed differentially to richness: Phaegopterini (tiger moths) were always the most diverse clade, followed by Ctenuchini and Lithosiinae. Local species diversity was higher in successional habitats than in forest understorey, and this was most pronounced for the Phaegopterini. Dominance of a few common species was higher, and the proportion of species represented as singletons was lower, than reported for many other tropical arthropod communities. NMDS revealed a significant segregation between ensembles from successional sites and from forest understorey for all larger subordinated taxa (Phaegopterini, Ctenuchini, Lithosiinae). Abandoned pastures held an impoverished, distinct fauna. Faunal segregation was more pronounced for rare species. Ordination axes reflected primarily the degree of habitat disturbance (openness of vegetation, distance of sites from mature forest) and, to a lesser extent, altitude, but not distance between sampling sites. Main conclusions Despite the geographical proximity of the 21 sites and the pronounced dispersal abilities of adult arctiid moths, local ecological processes were strong enough to allow differentiation between ensembles from mature forest and disturbed sites, even at the level of subfamilies and tribes. Differences in morphology and life‐history characteristics of higher arctiid taxa were reflected in their differential representation (proportions of species and individuals) at the sites, whereas patterns of alpha and beta diversity were concordant. However, concordance was too low to allow for reliable extrapolation, in terms of biodiversity indication, from one tribe or subfamily to the entire family Arctiidae. Phaegopterini (comprising more putative generalist feeders during the larval stages) benefited from habitat disturbance, whereas Ctenuchini (with host‐specialist larvae) were more strongly affiliated with forest habitats.  相似文献   

Human olfactory receptor, hOR17-210, is identified as a pseudogene in the human genome. Experimental data has shown however, that the gene product of frame-shifted, cloned hOR17-210 cDNA was able to bind an odorant-binding protein and is narrowly tuned for excitation by cyclic ketones. Supported by experimental results, we used the bioinformatics methods of sequence analysis (genome-wide and pair-wise), computational protein modeling and docking, to show that functionality in this receptor is retained due to sequence-structure features not previously observed in mammalian ORs. This receptor does not possess the first two transmembrane helical domains (of seven typically seen in GPCRs). It however, possesses an additional TM that has not been observed in other human olfactory receptors. By incorporating these novel structural features, we created two putative models for this receptor. We also docked odor ligands that were experimentally shown to bind hOR17-210. We show how and why structural modifications of OR17-210 do not hinder this receptor's functionality. Our studies reveal that novel gene rearrangements that result in sequence and structural diversity may have a bearing on OR and GPCR function and evolution.  相似文献   

Thick Neocomian–middle Albian successions include the most significant hydrocarbon source rocks in the Zagros Basin. These successions, named the Garau Formation, are composed of about 700 m of limestone, shaly (argillaceous) limestone, and bedded cherts with high organic matter (OM) content. Considering several lines of evidence, including the presence of partially dissolved planktonic foraminifer shells, thin-bedded radiolarian cherts, and the absence of index palynomorphs and shallow-marine fauna and facies, the depositional environment is interpreted as a deep basin (probably up to 1,000 m deep). Due to its bathymetry, facies changes are subtle, which in turn makes it challenging to reconstruct the sequence stratigraphic framework. Identification of five microfacies related to the deep basin along with palynological factors (AOM ratio, AOM%, phytoclast ratio, and phytoclast %) and their variations in the stratigraphic column led to identification of the relative sea-level changes during this time span. Consequently, various sequence surfaces and ten third-order sequences are recognized. These sequences are clearly correlatable with the shallow-water sequences of the Arabian Plate in their numbers and ages. Using Rock-Eval pyrolysis, organic content of the Garau facies is determined. TOC data show an elevated OM content (1.648 %) with a marked increase during the Early Aptian, which could be ascribed to the OAE1a.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that calpain-10 (CAPN10) gene polymorphisms play a role in the susceptibility to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possible association between three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CAPN10 gene: UCSNP-43 (rs3792267), UCSNP-19 (rs3842570), and UCSNP-63 (rs5030952) and PCOS in Tunisian cases and control women. Study subjects included 127 women with PCOS (mean age 29.8 ± 4.7 year) and 150 healthy women (mean age 33.5 ± 5.6 year). CAPN10 genotyping was carried-out by direct PCR and PCR–RFLP. Linkage disequilibrium pattern in the genomic region explored was determined by HAPLOVIEW 4.2 while reconstruction of haplotypes was done using PHASE 2.1. The phylogenetic distribution of haplotypes in the population was determined by ARLEQUIN 2.000. Six haplotypes were observed. None of SNPs associated with PCOS or its components while the haplotype H4 associated with the phenotype PCOS-obese (P < 0.025). Moreover the pair of haplotypes H1/H4 strongly associated with high blood-pressure (OR = 14.4, P < 0.012). This work confirms the association of CAPN10 gene with metabolic components in PCOS and highlights the role of haplotypes as strong and efficient genetic markers.  相似文献   

Peptidylarginine deiminase type 4 (PADI4) genotypes were shown to influence susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the Japanese population. Such an association could not previously be confirmed in different European populations. In the present study, we analysed exons 2–4 of PADI4 in 102 German RA patients and 102 healthy individuals to study the influence of PADI4 variability on RA susceptibility by means of haplotype-specific DNA sequencing. Analyses of the influence of PADI4 and HLA-DRB1 genotypes on disease activity and on levels of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies were performed.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes of water level and vegetation in a restored cut-over raised bog in response to a hydrological protection zone established around the bog. The restoration began 1997 and techniques involved ditch blocking within and around the bog to stimulate a return to conditions of intact bog ecosystems. In order to monitor the rehabilitation of the raised bog, water levels and vegetation have been recorded since before restoration measures began. The monitoring is ongoing, but an assessment of 15 year’s data (1994–2008) is presented. A hydrological protection zone with continuous high water levels could be established around the raised bog which minimizes the runoff of precipitation. Shortly after the first measures, the water levels increased significantly at all dipwells. Parallel to the increasing water levels a vascular plant species assemblage and a diverse Sphagnum community developed. In particular Sphagnum fimbriatum, S. palustre, S. recurvum and S. squarrosum spread efficiently. The cover of trees decreased significantly because of high water levels and ongoing acidification by Sphagnum spp. The high water levels have stimulated the re-vegetation and the hydrology self-regulation of the acrotelm. The successful regeneration of the acrotelm particularly became apparent in years with below-average precipitations (e.g. 2008), when the water levels in the central parts of the raised bog did not fall back to the low level reached in previous years, which had also remarkably water deficits (e.g. 2003).  相似文献   

Background: Little is known about the etiology of pancreatic cancer. Epidemiological studies on tea consumption and pancreatic cancer risk have been inconclusive. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the association between green tea drinking and the risk of pancreatic cancer in urban Shanghai, China. Methods: In this population-based case–control study conducted in urban Shanghai, 908 cases of pancreatic cancer and 1067 healthy controls were recruited. Information on tea drinking, including type of tea, amount of tea consumption, temperature of tea, and the duration of regular tea drinking, were collected via interview questionnaire. Results: We examined the association of multiple tea drinking habits with the risk of pancreatic cancer. In women, regular green tea drinking was associated with 32% reduction of pancreatic cancer risk (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.48–0.96), compared to those who did not drink tea regularly. Increased consumption and longer duration of tea drinking were both associated with reduced pancreatic cancer risk in women. Among regular tea drinkers, lower temperature of tea was associated with reduced risk of pancreatic cancer in both men and women, independent of amount or duration of tea drinking. Conclusions: Habits of green tea drinking, including regular drinking, amount of consumption, persistence of the habit, and tea temperature, may lower pancreatic cancer risk.  相似文献   

The molecular details of the protein complex formed by UreD, UreF, UreG, and UreE, accessory proteins for urease activation in the carcinogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori, have been elucidated using computational modeling. The calculated structure of the complex supports the hypothesis of UreF acting as a GTPase activation protein that facilitates GTP hydrolysis by UreG during urease maturation, and provides a rationale for the design of new drugs against infections by ureolytic bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

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